
「そうでございますね」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 388


そうですね「それはそうですね」という表現【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

That's true.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

そうですね「そうだ」と軽く返す【カジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

Ya.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

そうですね考えながらゆっくり賛成している様子。「ま、そうですかね」というニュアンス【ややカジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

I guess.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

そうですね「そうですね」と一言述べる【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

Right.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典


そうですね「そうですよね?」と強く同意しているのを伝える場合【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

Right?  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典


そうですね相手の話を中途半端に聞いている場合など【カジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

Yeah.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

そうですね質問をして解答が正しかった場合などに「そのとおり」と言う場合などの表現【ややカジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

That's correct.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

そうですね友人に「そうだね」「絶対そうだよ」と言うような場合【スラング】 例文帳に追加

You betcha.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

そうですね相手の言うことは当たり前だと思う場合【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

Of course.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典


そうですね相手が言ったことが自分がずっと思ってきたことと同じで驚いた、という場合【スラング】 例文帳に追加

I know, right!  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典


面白そうですね「私もそれしてみたいな」という表現【スラング】 例文帳に追加

I think I'll be down for that.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね「私もしてみたい」という言い回しで、面白そうだと思う事を伝える場合【カジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

I want to try.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね「ホントに!」という表現で面白そうだ、と伝える【スラング】 例文帳に追加

No kidding!  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね「それは楽しそうですね」と軽く述べる場合【ややカジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

That sounds like fun.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね相手の立場に関係なく使える【やや丁寧な表現】 例文帳に追加

That sounds pretty interesting.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね自分が興味のあることに対して言う場合【丁寧な表現】 例文帳に追加

This is relevant to my interests.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね興味を持っていて、勉強になりそうなイベントについて話す場合【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

This looks interesting.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですねテレビゲームなどについて面白そうだと言う場合【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

This looks like fun.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

面白そうですね新しいお笑い番組や映画について言う場合【カジュアルな表現】 例文帳に追加

This will be good for a laugh.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典


`She's in that state of mind,' said the White Queen,  - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』

創立記念日、大変おめでとうございます。貴社創立記念のご案内に、歴史の重みを感じておりますメールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Congratulations on your company's anniversary. I am very honored to be invited to the anniversary event.  - Weblio Email例文集


The appointment reflects Prime Minister Aso’s thinking. I am aware of the background to the separation of the administrative authorities over fiscal and financial affairs, which was carried out more than 10 years ago.  - 金融庁


This year is important as the first year of recovery.  - 金融庁


With those considerations in mind, a specific action plan is now in the process of being developed, to be launched in 2010.  - 金融庁


Pension funds are basically under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, so we are already communicating closely with that ministry. The government will properly deal with this case.  - 金融庁


Even so, the financial source of private financial institutions is deposits entrusted by individuals, which must be repaid with interest, as I always point out.  - 金融庁


Quickly'' means ''quickly.'' I mean we must do it as soon as possible. That this was discussed at the G20 meeting is a new factor. As we have said that political leadership will eventually be exercised, we must do it.  - 金融庁


Mr. Kamei, as well as I, believes that we should tap civil servants' capabilities and that the public and private sectors should work together toward the development of Japan. That is the consistent philosophy of our conservative party. I believe that I have done my part to the best of my limited ability.  - 金融庁


We established the Follow-Up Team because this is a very long-term issue, so we must find a solution with that in mind.  - 金融庁


Fortunately, the bill was passed by both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors with the support of nearly 90% of all Diet members. Japan Post Group is an organization with a workforce of 400,000 employees and a history dating back to 1871, so we face the task of entrenching the spirit of this act in it.  - 金融庁

契約にもございますように、発送中の賞品の破損につきましては、弊社では責任を負いかねますメールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

As mentioned in the agreement, we will not take any responsibility for any damage caused to the product during delivery.  - Weblio Email例文集


As you know, the bill is a comprehensive package of measures aimed at making the institutional improvements necessary for strengthening the competitiveness of Japan's financial and capital markets, so I sincerely hope for its early enactment. The bill is under deliberation at the House of Councilors.  - 金融庁


Thank you for asking me about the progress. As scheduled, I will finish making ten prototypes by tomorrow at 3 p.m. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Regarding the Revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, the Chairman of the National Association of Shinkin Banks came to me yesterday, and he extended to me an invitation to the Shinkin Bank Act Enactment 60th Anniversary Commemoration National Conference.  - 金融庁

開催期間中は、あいにく出張期間と重なっており、残念ではございますが、今回のフェアの参加はできそうにありません。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Unfortunately I have to go on a business trip during the period. So, I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the fair this time.  - Weblio Email例文集


Our talks did not go into such details. In any case, I strongly requested him to appoint someone from the private sector.  - 金融庁


In this sense, I am hoping that this will not have a considerably negative impact on financing for SMEs.  - 金融庁

ご存じのように、日本国は口座を作った場合、基本的に口座の開設費を取っておりません。 これは主にヨーロッパの国は、最低でも、多分私の知っている限りでは1,000円ぐらいのお金を取っておりまして、そういったこともございまして、日本は1億2,000万人の人口でございますが、12億口座ですね、1人平均10口座ぐらい、実は口座数が非常にほかの国に比べてたくさんございまして、ちなみにイギリスは6,000万人の人口がございますが、これは1.5億口座、韓国が5,000万人人口がありますが、約1.7億口座ということでございます例文帳に追加

As you know, in Japan, when we open an account, we do not have to pay an account opening fee in principle.  In Europe, a fee equivalent to at least around 1,000 yen has to be paid, as far as I know.  Japan has a population of 120 million people and the number of accounts in the country is 1.2 billion, meaning that each person has around 10 accounts on average, and this is a very large number compared with other countries.  The United Kingdom, for example, has a population of 60 million people and 150 million accounts, and South Korea has a population of 50 million and around 170 million accounts.  - 金融庁


The FSA's Counseling Office for Financial Services Users did not receive any information (including complaints and requests for consultation) concerning AIJ Investment Advisors between April 2008 and the start of the inspection.  - 金融庁


The Kan cabinet is a coalition of the Peoples New Party (PNP) and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), so I, Shozaburo Jimi, the PNP’s deputy leader, was appointed as the Minister for Financial Services and Postal Reform for the third time, as a result of discussion today between DPJ leader and Prime Minister Naoto Kan and PNP leader Shizuka Kamei. I would appreciate your continued support.  - 金融庁

もう少し、4頁で具体的な就職状況をみて参りますと、高校あるいは大学を卒業して、どんな就職状況かということでございますが、これは 10 年前と比べますと卒業してからの就職者の比率が相当程度、低下してきているわけでございます例文帳に追加

At page 4, we can observe the employment situation in details, of young people after graduating high school or college. Compared to 10 years ago, the employment rate among high school graduates considerably decreased. - 厚生労働省


The IOSCO used to comprise three committees - the Executive Committee, the Technical Committee, the Emerging Markets Committee and the Consultative Committee.  - 金融庁


If there is such a tendency, it is very regrettable. However, this is basically a matter concerning an individual company. As I mentioned earlier, it is essential that the Japanese market be fair, transparent and vigorous, so the FSA's role is, if I may use a sports analogy, to build the sumo wrestling ring.  - 金融庁


However, if there is an accident and anyone goes missing in the mountains, rescue operations will be extremely costly. Such costs are not easy to absorb for general mutual aid enterprises, and there are a number of examples of this kind.  - 金融庁


That is what the strong yen does, and that is the kind of recession we are in. As I just mentioned, 99.7 percent of companies in Japan are SMEs, and more than 40 million people in fact work at SMEs. In that sense, I believe the SME Financing Facilitation Act is timely legislation. It is temporary legislation that is due to expire at the end of March, after covering the calendar year end and the fiscal year end-the end of the accounting term-twice. I have been told that it was made temporary legislation with a two-year timeframe based on the expectation that the economy would recover by then. Regrettably, however, the economy is currently in such a state. The deadline is fast approaching for us to take these circumstances into consideration, take a positive approach, and make the decision to postpone its expiration.  - 金融庁


For example, in relation to the Great Hanshin and Awaji Earthquake, life insurance companies paid insurance claims for 8,396 cases, totaling 48.3 billion yen. The 46 life insurance companies in Japan earned combined net profits of 942.3 billion yen in fiscal 2009. In that sense, I do not expect that there will be any immediate serious impact on their management.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, while maintaining the effectiveness of the measure, we are giving consideration to accusations of preferential treatment for the wealthy and working on final details in pursuit of a framework that reflects the voices of critics.  - 金融庁


In addition, it also is in a difficult situation such as a high unemployment rate, particularly among younger people.  - 財務省


However, while how to cover losses will depend on the cause, that is a matter that should be discussed between the parties concerned, in principle. Even so, as this case could affect the financial conditions of pension fund operators and companies, as you pointed out, it is necessary for the FSA to maintain close communications with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, since some corporate pension funds were entrusted to AIJ Investment Advisors, which manages customers' assets based on discretionary investment contracts and which is under the FSA's jurisdiction.  - 金融庁



I hope that you will write articles about this matter to raise awareness. If debtors declare voluntary bankruptcy, they will be blacklisted and lose many rights, as you know. This guideline aims to provide relief in that respect. In that sense, this is a relief measure that serves public interests, so I will appreciate your advice and support.  - 金融庁


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原題:”Through the Looking Glass: And What Alice Found There”

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