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該当件数 : 388



As for my tenure as Minister, I was appointed as the Minister for Financial Services and Postal Reform in June last year.To put it simply, I believe that I have done my best to perform my duties with the support of Senior Vice Minister for Financial Services Azuma, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services Wada, and Parliamentary Secretary for Internal Affairs and Communications Morita.  - 金融庁


In this context, Mizuho Financial Group revised downward its earnings estimate for the fiscal year that ended in March 2008 for the third time and some other financial institutions also announced downward revisions of their earnings estimates.  - 金融庁


From that perspective, the securities tax break is a very important measure. As you know well, although the Nikkei Average was at 10,434 yen on March 10, the day before the earthquake, it fell to as low as 9,755 yen at the close yesterday, down 679 yen compared with the pre-earthquake level. Trading volume was heavy and prices showed wild swings. In addition, the yen strengthened.  - 金融庁


As I have just mentioned, however, there will be another meeting in September. I hear that following that and other meetings, the final form of regulations will be proposed for discussion at the Seoul Summit scheduled for November of this year, as you know.  - 金融庁



As I have repeatedly mentioned, on March 11, when the earthquake and tsunami as well as the nuclear power station accident occurred, I, together with the Bank of Japan’s Governor, made a request to all financial institutions, particularly the 72 financial institutions headquartered in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture with a total of 2,700 retail branches and other offices.  - 金融庁



While all of the 12 trillion yen could be used up by the end of March 2009, the quota is to be reviewed each fiscal year, so we are thinking of requesting 12 trillion yen again in the initial budget for fiscal 2009. You may understand that 12 trillion will be allocated each fiscal year.  - 金融庁


As you may be aware, the BOJ is extremely independent. Nevertheless, the government and the BOJ need to communicate closely with each other in implementing monetary policies. The BOJ’s primary mission is, basically, to curb inflation while exercising its independence. At present, Japan is experiencing deflation, and the international community is becoming increasingly aware that it would be extremely difficult to break away from deflation. The soundness of banks will constantly be under the surveillance of the FSA, as a matter of course. Banks are businesses licensed by the Prime Minister, not to mention that they form the core of the economy, so in that sense, it is good that banks are making contributions to stimulate the economy by using the BOJ’s system. I hope they do a good job.  - 金融庁


I have been informed that the evasion of inspection by the Incubator Bank of Japan was revealed in concrete terms as a result of financial inspection conducted by the FSA that spanned almost a year, which led not only to administrative guidance and administrative action but also to criminal charges on the grounds that the Bank had violated the Banking Law? I am no expert in criminal law, but such evasion deserves to be criminally charged. The administrative staff will provide you with more details later on.  - 金融庁


Mr. Sato has a long period of experience in the field of accounting, as you know.Having long worked for Mitsubishi Electric, a major Japanese electric machinery manufacturer, he has an experience as a manager as well as an accounting expert, as he served as Vice President of the company. Those are the reasons why I appointed these three people as Advisers.  - 金融庁



To be honest, I am afraid that I did not know about this reexamination of the JHF or about the committee on that subject created under - the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, is it?  - 金融庁



From my 26 years of experience as a lawmaker in Japan, where the ruling and opposition parties are engaging in divisive politics, it is necessary that the people of Greece and other European countries act from a broad perspective amid globalization.  - 金融庁


Regarding pension assets, for example, I hear that the Liberal Democratic Party is considering a plan to establish an SWF worth around 10 trillion yen. This report goes beyond that sort of idea.  - 金融庁


I am sure that the bank has taken every possible care in conducting tests to check its system operations. Although only a very tiny proportion of the bank's accounts were affected, it is inappropriate for this type of glitch to have occurred at all.  - 金融庁


As you know, Japan experienced a financial crisis a little more than ten years ago. Based on the painful experience, Japan has developed the world's most advanced legal framework concerning the failure of financial institutions. As some countries are lagging behind, the paper outlining the framework for resolving the failure of financial institutions has been presented.  - 金融庁


Regarding insider trading, at the plenary session of the Financial System Council that was held on March 7 this year, the treatment of pure holding companies in relation to the regulation on insider trading was referred to the council as a matter of debate.  - 金融庁


As for the first question, the general rule of the financial bankruptcy processing system is actually fixed-amount protection, as I explained last week. Exceptions to this rule are cases in which there is a possibility of systemic risk arising, as you know. The examples I brought up the other day were the Incubator Bank of Japan and Ashikaga Bank: the Incubator Bank of Japan had about 400 billion yen in loans, and Ashikaga Bank had 4 trillion yen in loans. In particular, Ashikaga Bank is a financial institution designated by the Tochigi Prefectural Government, and its share in the regional community was extremely high, so as an exception, we convened the Financial Crisis Response Council for Ashikaga Bank. The Council is chaired by the Prime Minister, and its members include the Minister for Financial Services, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, FSA Commissioner, the Minister of Finance, and the Governor of the Bank of Japan. Exceptions are cases in which a systemic risk exists. In the present case, we determined that there is no such systemic risk. As I explained last week, the Bank only dealt in fixed-term deposits, meaning that there was no settlement system in its business model in the first place. We determined that the impact in the event of bankruptcy would not be broad because of the lack of transfers and the products being limited to fixed-term deposits. In that sense, we abided by the general rule and applied fixed-amount protection.  - 金融庁


Considering such a situation and other matters, one can see that land, to a certain degree, has a public nature. From an economic policy viewpoint as well, some were even saying about 20 years ago, referring to how things were back then, that "The way it is now, the Japanese economy is nothing but a land-based economy" - it was just so extreme.  - 金融庁


In addition, it was reported that the consumer price index in August - I think that the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications will explain this matter in detail - rose 2.1% from a year before, a slowdown of 0.2 percentage points compared with a 2.3% rise in July.  - 金融庁


The interim report requires the decision to be made in 2012 at the earliest, so if we take a period of preparation into account, we have only around a year left. This has to do with corporate accounting, and companies have complained that one year is too short. Moreover, the economy is weak and the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear power plant accident occurred, greatly damaging the supply chains. In light of those circumstances, I believe that it is important to spend an appropriate amount of time on decision-making.  - 金融庁

そのことから人類は学びまして、ご存じのようにG8、あるいはG20を頻回に開きまして、世界でみんなで経済の問題、金融の問題を何とか人類の英知を集めて解決しようということがご存じのように合意されまして、バーゼル III 、先般も申し上げましたように、やはり世界の銀行の安定性、そのためにはもう皆さんご専門でございますが、この自己資本の質と量という問題があるわけでございますが、できるだけ質の向上を図ろうというようなことで、この色々な数字が出てきたわけでございます。ご存じのように、この数字が高ければ高いほど一見銀行が安定している、確かに安定するわけでございますけれども、同時に10年前、我が国が金融危機、私もまさに何度も申し上げますけれども、1997年から1998年、第二次橋本改造内閣のときに郵政大臣をしておりまして、そのときに北海道拓殖銀行が倒産する、山一証券が倒産する、そういった時代を経験した閣僚でございましたから、そういったことを踏まえて、あのとき自己資本比率、当時も8%でございましたが、このことは非常に信用収縮といいますか、急激な貸し渋り貸しはがしに遭いまして、私の選挙区は北九州市でございますが、100年前に東洋で初めて近代的製鉄所ができる、中小企業の町でございました。例文帳に追加

People have learned a lesson from this: as you are aware, G8 and G20 meetings were frequently held, and an agreement was reached to resolve economic and financial problems with everyone around the world by mustering the wisdom of mankind, in pursuit of the highest quality of capital possible under Basel III. As there are issues in the stability of banks worldwide, namely, the quality and quantity of their capital, various figures were presented. As you know, banks appear to be more stable when these figures are higher-banks are indeed stable when the figures are high. But on the other hand, when Japan faced a financial crisis ten years ago, I experienced the bankruptcies of Hokkaido Takushoku Bank and Yamaichi Securities while I served as the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998. At the time, we experienced credit contraction, rapid credit crunch and credit withdrawal. My constituency of Kitakyushu City is where Asia's first modern steel plant was built 100 years ago, and is home to many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  - 金融庁


As for your question concerning the common problems, the status of improvement and the timing of the completion of the inspection, it would be premature for me to give you any detailed reply, since the inspection is still ongoing  - 金融庁


I do not know for sure whether that is the case with the special account for compulsory automobile liability insurance.  - 金融庁


It was JBA Chairman Masayuki Oku who brought up moral hazard. Financial discipline is important, as I have repeatedly stated at press conferences here. Lending money and having it paid back with interest is fundamental to financial businesses, so in that sense, it is not surprising that moral hazard has been brought up.  - 金融庁


In regard to meeting with officials of the supervisory authority of insurance in China, financial regulation and supervision encompasses banking, securities, and insurance as in the case of the FSA, as you know, and insurance is a significant sector in the financial field, as I have talked about insurance on various occasions in the United States. In that sense, while I do not have an exceptionally strong awareness of problems, insurance is a new market in China at present. For example, efforts to transform health insuranceby this I mean public health insurance—into universal health insurance began about two years ago. In this context, I have heard that there is a great deal of interest in insurance among the people, so I look forward to discussing insurance with them.  - 金融庁


I come from Satsuma Peninsula in Kagoshima Prefecture. Born in 1939, I am 48 years. Forgive me for the joke, which I have been telling on the campaign trail for 20 years.  - 金融庁


Of course, corporate accounting standards are very closely related to the relevant country's tax system and corporate laws in various ways. Keidanren, to which Mr.Hirose, one of the newly appointed Advisers, belongs, supported the mandatory application of IFRS three years ago.However, following the change in the U.S. SEC's stance, the situation has become such that Keidanren has received a letter of opinion signed by the CFOs of 22 major Japanese manufacturers, including the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  - 金融庁


In the United Kingdom, I will meet with Mr. Davey, Minister at the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, who is in charge of postal affairs and employment relations.  - 金融庁


This means that we are struggling hard to make ends meet and, as everyone well realizes, international meetings have become extremely important in the world of finance since the Lehman crisis, because it is now indeed a very critical global issue to decide how to harmonize on an international scale a given country's domestic economic trends or the financial condition, or economic condition, that it has traditionally been situated in. Therefore, what has to be done on an international scale must be done properly in the form of policy coordination or as G20 initiatives, as otherwise no effect could be expected in an era of increasing globalization in finance or the economy that we live in now, and each country is equally struggling to achieve that end, which explains why there are so many international meetings. That is, as you see, the situation we have now, and I also happened to hear just yesterday in connection with this subject that our Office of International Affairs is in serious shortage of labor, a fact that stands in contrast to such critical importance of the FSA, to which a mere 22 billion yen is given as its budget, and the extremely significant role that financial policies play in an economy. As I have just said, though, now is a very important and delicate period of time both internationally and domestically and we are accordingly charged with a weighty responsibility. Seeing as the FSA is a public office with labor costs representing its main spending category, I did emphatically asked that attention should be paid to that point and, actually, similar comments were also made by the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice, both of them being ministries with a hefty payroll as well. In the case of the FSA, it is not really my particular intention to make a case to represent an interest of the FSA, but the fact still remains that it is in charge of a very important field.  - 金融庁


The once-in-a millennium earthquake and tsunami caused a nuclear power station accident and inflicted extensive damage, both directly and indirectly, on financial institutions and creditors.  - 金融庁


Therefore, we held discussions at cross-sectoral forums and with organizations representing individual business sectors on several occasions in December and thereafter, before formally adopting the principles on April 18.  - 金融庁


There were various events in the lead up to the over-the-counter sale of insurance products by banks. When the ban was completely lifted in December 2007, it had been decided that necessary review would be conducted in about three years time on measures to prevent any negative effects in view of laws concerning insurance policyholders as well as convenience, in consideration of monitoring results and other such factors. Now that we are in 2010, I presume the question is what happens after the three-year period.  - 金融庁


If there are further fund needs, we will work around the clock and be quick in taking action as the government should act decisively in times of crises like this. While always bearing in mind that this is a time of crisis and seeking your opinions, we will do things like that, as we have received numerous questions about this matter in the Diet.  - 金融庁


At my press conferences in the past, you asked me about the possibility of postal affairs being discussed in TPP negotiations, for example. However, the United States, at least, has not presented any proposal related to postal affairs in relation to TPP, although two years ago, the U.S. and EU officials expressed various opinions about postal affairs.  - 金融庁


For your information, we believe product number A-827 will meet your needs. A-827 is the improved version of A-817, and the price is the same as A-817. Please check it on our merchandise introduction page on our website (http://www.xxx.com) and consider it. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


As your question directly concerns the timing of the bill’s enactment and the bill is still under deliberations in the Diet, I would like to refrain from making comments. In any case, the FSA is hoping for an early enactment, as I have said over and over again.  - 金融庁


In any event, we are currently trying hard to finalize the fiscal 2011 tax revisions and, in view of the fact that what is of the greatest importance is to boost the Japanese economy and that our effort is not for the sake of the FSA or anything else, I would like to act from such a standpoint so that we can gain support from those who are concerned with the matter, including Minister Noda.  - 金融庁


In that sense, the involvement of former SIA employees in this case is very regrettable. We are working hard to identify the cause. The FSA and the SESC - although the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has jurisdiction over pensions, the FSA has jurisdiction over the management of pension funds entrusted (to investment advisory companies and other financial institutions) - will make every possible effort to prevent the recurrence without ruling out any option while maintaining close communications with relevant government ministries and agencies.  - 金融庁


As I have repeatedly said, the SESC is an independent organization, so it is not under the chain of command under me. All the same, the FSA and the SESC will work together to further clarify facts related to this very regrettable case. The FSA and the SESC face the grave task of making every possible effort to prevent a recurrence without ruling out any option while maintaining close communications with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as this case relates to the private portion of employee pension plans, which have numerous members.  - 金融庁


I will take responsibility in that respect. The important thing to do is to raise awareness with clear explanations and encourage people to seek consultation.  - 金融庁


The last holdout was Slovakia, which is a former communist country located in East Europe and is where per-capital national income is lower than in Greece - I am speaking from second-hand knowledge, to tell the truth, as I have not visited Slovakia - and people in that country are wondering why they have to bail out Greece, where income is higher. Therefore, the ruling coalition was divided, but a compromise has been reached following the cabinet's pledge to resign en masse and move up the date of a general election. That, I think, is a big step forward.  - 金融庁


As for responsibility, protection of deposits (fixed-amount protection) and assignment of responsibility are basically unrelated. Nevertheless, as I stated last week, Mr. Kimura became a consultant to FSA when Mr. Takenaka served as Minister for Financial Services and filed an application form for the Incubator Bank of Japan after he resigned from the post and established the Bank while Mr. Takenaka was in office. Given that banking businesses are licensed businesses, and financial businesses are highly public in nature, this is an extremely serious matter as a nation. Sound and robust financial businesses are necessary for sound companies as well as for sound management and economy. As financial businesses are licensed businesses that are not to be taken lightly, it is extremely regrettable that it failed in about six and a half years. As I stated before, now that the DICJ has full control of the Bank, we intend to pursue its criminal and/or civil liability in an appropriate manner according to law.  - 金融庁

それからもう一点は、もうよくこの会見でも議題になりましたバーゼル III をめぐる問題でございますが、2年前、ご存じのようにリーマン・ブラザーズ・ショックがございまして、世界がご存じのように金融危機になったわけでございまして、それが大変、実体経済にも影響を及ぼすということでございまして、世界的に非常に各国各国、財政出動をする、あるいはそういったことが今の状態でございまして、金融がまさに激動した世界の状況に今あるわけでございますが、私は1929年の世界大恐慌の後は、各国の経済がブロック化しまして、これが後からよく言われるように第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つになったと、こういうことを言われるわけでございます例文帳に追加

The other issue relates to Basel III, which has often been brought up in press conferences here. Two years ago, the Lehman Brothers shockwave triggered the Global Financial Crisis. It even affected the real economy, and countries across the world increased public spending-this is the situation we are in today. We are currently in a state of global financial turbulence. After the Great Depression in 1929, nations transformed their economies into economic blocks, which have often been claimed in later years to be one of the remote causes of the Second World War.  - 金融庁


In addition, I have obtained approval at today’s cabinet meeting to go on a business trip to China and Hong Kong starting today. During this trip, in Beijing, I will take part in the third high-level economic talks between Japan and China as one of the economic ministers.  - 金融庁


Question-and-answer sessions held in the Diet have clarified the key points of debate regarding matters such as the concentration within the cabinet of authority over personnel affairs regarding senior civil servants, contacts between politicians and civil servants, and the philosophy concerning the labor-management relationship.  - 金融庁


While I suppose there will be questions about that later, enacting the postal reform bills was one of the six election campaign pledges agreed upon between the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the People's New Party and the Social Democratic Party before the House of Representatives election in August 2009. Therefore, successive leaders of the DPJ and the People's New Party have concluded agreements on enacting the bills. However, unfortunately, the bills have not been enacted.  - 金融庁


The second point is about short-term vocational training. This leads young workers to skill up their communication abilities or basic business manners by the use of private sector companies, to make them find a work at an earlier stage. - 厚生労働省


The meeting of the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervisors held in July clearly stated in its announcement that the requirement standards and phased-in arrangements will be examined again at a meeting to be held this month.  - 金融庁


In Thailand, we exchanged opinions about a natural disaster insurance fund established by the Thai government in relation to the massive flooding in Thailand.  - 金融庁


For me, or for Japan, this is the second crisis in a decade, rather than a once in a century crisis. As you know, Japan experienced a serious financial crisis in the late 1990s, and in my opinion, the previous crisis was more serious than the current one. The previous crisis resulted from the economic bubble created by Japan itself. Banks were deeply involved in the creation of the bubble. Complicated webs of credit-debt relationship, including an arrangement called “tobashi,” were formed. From the viewpoint of borrowers, the bad-loan problem was a problem of excessive debts. In this sense, that crisis was an internally-generated one.  - 金融庁



Until 2007, there were concerns over banks abusing their dominant position as money lenders. At the time, there were debates as to whether banks would persuade borrowers to buy insurance products in return for providing loans. That was the major issue at the time, when I was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the ban was completely removed in 2007, and the outcome was to review the ban in three years time.  - 金融庁


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