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該当件数 : 36


2010 年を通じて、/ドル相場は、ドル安傾向で推移した。例文帳に追加

The yen/ dollar exchange has experienced appreciation of the yen against US dollar through the year of 2010. - 経済産業省


As for Forex rate, the Japanese yen is getting stronger at a quicker pace than previously anticipated by exporting firms (Chart 1-2).  - 経済産業省


The yen is getting much stronger than is assumed by exporting firms. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, a stronger yen these days will have positive impacts on "Japanese manufacturers' M&A toward overseas firms." - 経済産業省



As for the exchange rate, the yen continues to be strong, falling below the breakeven rate for exporting companies (Chart 1-3).  - 経済産業省



Amid the yen’s continuing strength, the market is apparently hoping for yen-selling intervention. What do you think in this regard?  - 金融庁


Overseas production ratios are found to be prone to rise particularly during the appreciation of the yen but on the other hand, overseas production ratios also tend to be raised for the purpose of tapping into local markets. - 経済産業省


The tendency is prominent as the width of the rotary vane is wider, the rotary rate is higher (rate is faster) and the mesh of the cylindrical screen is finer. - 特許庁

東日本大震災の以前、ユーロ圏全体におけるインフレ加速とECB の利上げ観測等もあり、安ユーロ傾向で推移していた。例文帳に追加

Before the East Japan Great Earthquake Disaster, the Yen has been depreciating against the Euro due to acceleration of inflation in the Euro zone and the prospect for another raise in interest-rate by ECB. - 経済産業省


為替指標において各品目を比較した際に、1995 年以降の変動で常に円高傾向にある品目は、精密機器と一般機器であった。例文帳に追加

When comparing the index of exchange rates by item, it is found that the index for precision equipment and general equipment always tends to move towards the appreciation of the yen in and after 1995. - 経済産業省



The total amount of surcharge orders in the last fiscal year came out to be 27 billion yen, the highest amount ever recorded. There is a trend of increasing surcharges. - 経済産業省


Japan's overseas production ratios are in an upward trend on the back of the yen's appreciation, etc., and its outward foreign direct investments have been increasing in recent years. - 経済産業省


As for effective forex rates for recent years, the yen has been rapidly appreciating in comparison with the US dollar, Euro, or Korean won. - 経済産業省

4 月中旬以降、レートは対ドル、対ユーロで上昇傾向を示したが、震災前の水準よりは安であり、急激なの進行は抑制された。例文帳に追加

After middle of April the Yen exchange rate both against US dollar and Euro showed upward trends, but it was lower than the level existing before the earthquake disaster and thus, the sudden rise in Yen value was controlled. - 経済産業省

ここで扱う物価)は、2011 年3 月11 日の東日本大震災以降の、80 を切ることがあるまで進んだ円高傾向のことではなく、「購買力平価」を比較すると浮かび上がる、20 年に及ぶ長期的な物価のことである。例文帳に追加

The price hike (high yen) mentioned here is not about the market tendency of higher yen that topped\\80/$ after the East Japan Great Earthquake on Mar. 11, 2011 but about the long term price hike over the past 2 decades that is emphasized by comparing it with "Purchasing Power Parity". - 経済産業省


Meantime, Cabinet Office (2009), which analyzes pass-through exchange rates, indicates that pass-through rates tend to be lower during the appreciation of the yen and higher during the depreciation of the yen. - 経済産業省


On the exchange rate of yen and euro, the yen became stronger against the euro starting from the end of 2009. It was due to financial risk in Europe especially in Greece. The appreciation of yen against the euro rapidly progressed to the level of ¥112 commencing from the last 10 days of April through May in 2010. Again, it was due to increase in debt concerns in Greece. - 経済産業省

しかしながら、その後、再び上昇に転じ、2011 年10 月には過去最値を付けた。その後は、2012 年2 月まで多少の変動を繰り返しながらも、1 ドル70 台後半の水準で横ばい傾向が続いた。例文帳に追加

It then began to strengthen again, however, reaching a new high in October 2011.  - 経済産業省

第2-2-30 図によると、対応策としては、「取引の建て化」を挙げる割合がく、従業者規模の小さな企業ほど、その傾向がより顕著に現れている。例文帳に追加

As Fig. 2-2-30 shows, a high proportion of enterprises report that they “do more business in yen,” and this tendency is more pronounced among enterprises with fewer workers.  - 経済産業省

日本国内のコンテンツ産業の市場規模は、上で述べたように、少子・齢化や不況に直面しているため横ばい傾向にあり、2010 年の市場規模は12 兆641 億で前年比マイナス0.8%と若干減少した。例文帳に追加

The scale of the contents industry market in Japan, as described above, has remained flat as it is facing a plunging birthrate, aging society, and business depression, and the market scale slightly contracted to 12.641 trillion yen in 2010, a 0.8% plunge from the year before. - 経済産業省

またごく足元では、局面にあって原材料等の価格上昇が幾分緩和されているために、わずかながら交易条件が改善傾向を示している業種があることも読み取れる(第2-4-3-14 図参照)。例文帳に追加

In addition, an increase in prices of raw materials and others is offset somewhat by the recent appreciation of the yen and this led to slight improvements in the terms of trade in some industries (see Figure 2-4-3-14). - 経済産業省


Backed by the mounting current account surplus, Japan's net foreign asset balance has grown steadily since the 1980s, reaching 179 trillion yen at the end of200111 (Fig.2.1.8). - 経済産業省

■ 総需要に占める輸出割合・主要3業種の総需要に占める輸出の割合は米国 と比較してく、新興国・資源国の需要拡大や安を背景に、輸出割合は上昇傾向にある。例文帳に追加

Ratio of exports to total demand ・The ratio of exports to total demand in the three major industries is higher in Japan than in the United States. The ratio of exports in Japan is on an uptrend against the background of growing demand from emerging countries and resource-rich countries as well as the yen's depreciation. - 経済産業省

一方、対ユーロの為替レートもドルと同様、2011 年4 月以降円高傾向が続いており、2012 年1 月には、米格付け大手スタンダード・アンド・プアーズがフランス等ユーロ圏9か国の国債を一斉に格下げしたことを受け、約11年ぶりの・ユーロ安となった。例文帳に追加

While it wavered somewhat up to February 2012, the exchange rate has since settled down at between 75 to 80 yen against the US dollar. The yen similarly continued to strengthen against the euro from April 2011, and in January 2012, the mass downgrading by U.S. credit rating agency Standard & Poors of the government debt of nine eurozone members, including France, propelled the yen to its highest against the euro in some 11 years.  - 経済産業省


At the meeting, the Director Generals reported that business conditions for regional small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) are still difficult despite generally showing signs of improvement, and concerns were expressed over the impact of the yen's prolonged strength and the European fiscal and financial problems.  - 金融庁


And also, side-face side portions 10b of the prism protrusions 12 are formed so as to have a height gradually tending to decrease as a distance from the incident surface 4 decreases, as well as, a top part shape and a groove shape of the prism protrusions 12 or its top part shape are formed in a cross-section nearly arc shape. - 特許庁


To provide a production system determination system and production system determining method capable of determining a production system in which productivity is high and efficient and smooth production is available by utilizing work skill and work proficiency trend in each worker. - 特許庁

次いで、事業環境面の課題・リスクについて見ていくが、始めに、輸出における取引通貨について従業者規模別に見ると、を利用する割合が最もく、従業者規模の小さな企業で、その傾向が顕著となっている(第2-2-27 図)。例文帳に追加

Next, this paragraph examines the issues and risks associated with the business environment, starting with the currency in which export transactions are conducted. Broken down by number of workers, high proportions of enterprises of all sizes use yen, but this tendency is particularly conspicuous among smaller enterprises (Fig. 2-2-27).  - 経済産業省


While profitability/estimated exchange rates of export companies usually tend to lag slightly behind actual exchange rates, it is assumed that a serious divergence between the two gives a reason for the strong sense of crisis on the side of corporate management in the backdrop of the current higher yen. - 経済産業省

また、同アンケートでは、企業の予想レートは現在のレートの水準が1 年後もほぼ維持されると想定している傾向があることもわかり、事業計画に反映しきれない急激なに対して、企業は特に脆弱になっている。例文帳に追加

In addition, there is a tendency for companies to expect that their estimated exchange rates remain unchanged for one year, according to the survey results. Therefore, the companies are particularly vulnerable to a sharp rise of the yen which they cannot reflect in their business plan. - 経済産業省

また足元では、状況下で製品価格をより低く抑える必要があるために、今まで比較的交易条件を悪化させずに推移してきた一般機械や輸送機械、精密機械までもが悪化する傾向を示していることも読み取れる(第2-4-3-15 図参照)。例文帳に追加

More recently, the terms of trade have just begun to deteriorate even in other industries of the manufacturing sector such as general machinery, transport machinery, and precision machinery. Although these industries maintained a certain level of the terms of trade without deteriorating them until now, they needed to keep product prices lower amid the current appreciation of the yen, affecting their terms of trade negatively (see Figure 2-4-3-15). - 経済産業省


In the process of economic recovery after the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008, the Japanese economysuffered stagnation of production and declining of corporate profits, due to the Great East Japan Earthquake andthe continued strengthening of Japanese yen; after that, however, it has began to show a tendency of recovery onceagain, thanks to the reconstruction demand and various policy effects . - 厚生労働省


This is because the share of assets in yen in the balance of banksexternal assets in the major developed nations and Japan is on the decline. Moreover, the ratio of Japan’s imports and exports in yen shows slow growth , and the share of the yen in securities issued is lower than Japan’s share of the securities issued. - 経済産業省


In the method, the presence of mixing with expansive material or shrinkage-reducing admixture can be determined, by checking that a circumferential strain amount obtained from a strain gauge attached to the central position height-wise on the lateral surface of a disposable form, such as a thin/thick steel plate mold, namely, a thin cylindrical form used for concrete strength testing, indicates a transition in values for a certain trend. - 特許庁

過去の景気後退局面における製造工業の生産及び輸出金額の推移と今回の景気後退局面(07年10月以降)の推移を比較すると、生産・輸出ともに当初は過去の景気後退局面と同じような低下傾向を示していたが、08年10月以降、海外需要の急激な 減?と影響により落ち込み幅が急速に拡大している状況にある。例文帳に追加

In the current recession (which began in October 2007), both the level of production and the value of exports in the manufacturing industry initially showed a similar downtrend to those seen in the prior recessions. However, since October 2008, the decline in production and exports has accelerated rapidly due to a steep drop in overseas demand and the yen's appreciation. - 経済産業省



As market movements depend on the investment activities of market players based on their own judgment, I would like to refrain from making any definitive comments with regard to the level of stock prices and the causes of and the backgrounds to the price movements from the standpoint of an administrative authority. I understand that market players have cited a variety of factors, including a drop in U.S. stock prices late last week, profit-taking triggered by the yen's uptrend and lower-than-expected GDP growth, and stock price movements in Asian markets. While we would like to refrain from making any definitive comments, we will keep a close watch on future stock market movements.  - 金融庁


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