
「再開」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(15ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 5631


上羽やは 負債を抱えたまま再開し いまだ 赤字が続いております。例文帳に追加

Uebaya was reopened with an existing debt and is still in the red. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

この件と他の問題について 明日話そう 君の治療を再開する時に例文帳に追加

We can discuss that and other issues tomorrow... when we resume your treatment. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

町の再開発を阻止するため 高村社長を殺したんか?例文帳に追加

You killed pres takamura in order to cancel the development project? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

「工場が再開したんじゃよ」 「おじいちゃんは仕事に戻れたの?例文帳に追加

The factory was back in business. did you get your job back? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


お二人が より幸せになって 再開することを願ってます例文帳に追加

I hope you two will meet again after you've become happier. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Huh, I hear a lot going on in redevelopment. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Mr. Fogg resumed the interrupted game with perfect calmness.  - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』

イ 営業を開始、休止又は再開した旨、休止の期間又は開始若しくは再開の年月日及び休止又は再開した理由を記載した書面例文帳に追加

(a) a document stating the facts of the commencement, suspension, or recommencement of operations, period of suspension, date of commencement or recommencement, and the reasons for the suspension or recommencement;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The external device resumes transmission of the print data from the transmission address after the network reconnection, and the image forming apparatus resumes drawing processing of the print data from the resumption address. - 特許庁



To provide a numerical controller with a machining resumption function, wherein a set program does not store machining resumption block data when a program executed after suspending machining does not store the machining resumption block data. - 特許庁



This game machine such as a pachinko machine is provided with a game information preservation means 2 for preserving game information required for restarting the game and a game restarting means 5 for restarting the game based on the preserved game information when the power is restored. - 特許庁


To provide a network system capable of transmitting service resumption trigger information to easily resume a service to a terminal on which a suspended service can be resumed. - 特許庁


Thereafter, when the temperature of the driver IC52 reaches a re-starting temperature, a re-starting part 67 starts again driving of the driver IC52, and the conveying motor controlling part 68 ordinarily drives the conveyor belt. - 特許庁


The restart processing is started independently by employing the first restart file and the second restart file in different generations each other, which are read from a self-system memory and other system memory, respectively (step S1, S2). - 特許庁


To provide a printer ensuring restart of printing from an accurate restart page without overlapping or missing a page at the time of restarting print after occurrence of sheet jam, and a printer capable of confirming the print restart page readily without requiring any print out for confirming the print restart page. - 特許庁


An adjustment tool is configured to actuate the adjustable member 20 and provide for adjustment before, during and after the anatomical structure or lumen resumes near normal to normal physiologic function. - 特許庁


As a result of the comparison, services are restarted, based on the system of which restart processing has been completed, by employing the restart file of a newer generation (Step S6 to S8). - 特許庁


Also, when the free capacity of a buffer becomes small, reading is temporarily interrupted, and when prescribed conditions are satisfied, reading is resumed, and the reading resumption position is set prior to resumption as follows. - 特許庁


Furthermore, for attaching the attachment unit, lock setting (S7), sleep state releasing (S8), original reading restarting (S9), original printing restarting (S10) and error information printing restarting (S11) are carried out and attachment of the attachment unit is safely carried out. - 特許庁


When the external information processing apparatus issues a connection restart request, if information included in the connection restart request matches the information saved in the connection management table, the related internal information processing apparatus is reconnected. - 特許庁


Because the password of the resumption is required even if another user tries to operate the automatic transaction device 1 and depresses a confirmation screen of the transaction resumption screen, the resumption of the transaction cannot be performed unless a user is the user performing the suspension. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the reader temporarily stops read when the free capacity of a buffer becomes small and restarts the read, when prescribed conditions are met; however it sets the read restart position as follows prior to the restart. - 特許庁


To overcome a problem such that, in conventional DK-IPL restart, it takes a long time to complete restart processing because of employing a system for each single system alternately to perform the DK-IPL processing by means of the DK-IPL processing by using a restart file. - 特許庁

しかし、2008 年以降、交渉再開に向けた実務協議を開催し、2011 年 10 月に行われた日韓首脳会談では、交渉再開に必要な実務的作業の本格的実施で合意するなど、交渉再開に向けた動きが見られている。例文帳に追加

However, there is some movement toward resumption of negotiation: after 2008, working-level consultations have been held toward resumption of negotiation, and formal implementation of the practical processes necessary for resumption of negotiation was agreed at the Japan-South Korea top-level meeting in October 2011. - 経済産業省


The examination of an application may be resumed if the applicant within two months after the expiry of the prescribed time limit requests resumption and files his observations or corrects the application and within the same time limit pays the prescribed resumption fee.  - 特許庁


Furthermore, when the temperature inside the image forming apparatus 1 becomes equal to or under operation permission temperature even before it becomes equal to or under the operation restart temperature, the operation of the printing processing part 12 is restarted according as a user inputs an instruction to restart operation. - 特許庁


The content playback apparatus comprises a restart processing unit 107 which, when the playback of the content file is restarted, sequentially buffers in the buffer 102 content data that indicates the start metadata, data that instructs to skip an analysis up to the playback-restart position, and the content data that has not been played yet. - 特許庁


To provide a printing apparatus and a printing system which can switch a resumption operation for giving priority to a post-treatment and a resumption operation for giving priority to save printing resources corresponding to a request of a user when a printing job performing the post-treatment of a copy unit is interrupted and resumed. - 特許庁


When a reopening lottery (step S23 or step S28) to decide whether the special mode is restarted or not is drawn during a period from completing the finishing condition to reaching a first upper limit or second upper limit, the special mode is started (reopened) again. - 特許庁


To resume laser beam machining, after a midway stoppage during the machining program execution, freely and selectively either on the half- finished product or on an unprocessed product to be machined next. - 特許庁


When the stored data quantity of the buffer memory decreases up to a predetermined lower limit value, the movement of the scanning position is resumed, by using a scanning resuming position backward by a predetermined movement quantity from the scanning stoppage position, where the movement is stopped as a lead-off scanning position, and generation of the image data is resumed. - 特許庁


In the case of winning the re-start lottery (S23 or S28) on whether the special mode is restarted or not until reaching a first upper limit value or a second upper limit value after the establishment of the end condition, the special mode is again started (restarted). - 特許庁


When a request of the user to restart the game is received, a restart control part 44, referring to the history storage part 43, reproduces the display screen and the sound of the period from the time a prescribed period before the suspension of the game till the time when the game is suspended, and restarts the game after that. - 特許庁


Then, after an end condition is established and before a first upper limit value or a second upper limit value is reached, in the case of winning in restart drawing (S23 or S28) for determining whether or not to restart the special mode, the special mode is started again (restarted). - 特許庁


When train control information is switched, content of the control table and the variable memory immediately before switching is stored in a file for storing data for restart 16, and the file for storing data for restart 16 is also used at the time of operation restart when train control information before switching is used. - 特許庁


In each task, one (or a part) of tasks to be started after restarting the task is recorded, and packaging is such that when a task A is restarted, the processing for restarting the task recorded as the task to be started is conducted by the task A itself. - 特許庁


To always restart communication with optimal transmitting power, when communication with an original vase station is restarted after measurement of reception quality of the adjacent base station is completed, thus to prevent generation of interference and line disconnection as a result and to hold communication quality after the communication is restarted as well. - 特許庁


Since a time at reproduction restart is predicted, calculated, and displayed after fast forward/rewind (steps S20, S30, S40), the calculation processing of a time of a reproduction restart position can be executed in a short period of time, and the response at the reproduction restart can be improved. - 特許庁


When the sound is outputted, the division judging means restarts the sound output from a division part which is judged by the division judging means with respect to a restart indication from an interruption/restart indication input means 110 and, then, the present broadcasting is followed and caught by fast-feeding. - 特許庁


The downloading interruption restart timer value is variable and then controlled with the mean throughput under execution of a downloading operation used as a parameter in a downloading method that can restart the interruption of transfer of files in a data distribution system (network) where no band is assured. - 特許庁


A recording restart control section 201 compares pattern data denoting a pit pattern of recorded data (data going to be recorded) with reproduced pattern data within the range (window) of prescribed clocks and outputs a recording reproducing signal to restart the recording when they are coincident with each other. - 特許庁


Company A got orders for the redevelopment project in front of Tokyo Station.  - Weblioビジネス英語例文

しばらくは休養する予定ですが、落ち着きましたらまた活動を再開するつもりです。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

I am planning to take a rest for a while, but I intend to start working again when the time is right.  - Weblio Email例文集


Once you resume the lessons you will become busy, so please get plenty of rest now while you can.  - Weblio Email例文集

空港が霧にとざされたため, 空の便が再開するまで 2 時間も待たされた例文帳に追加

The airport was fog‐bound, so we had to wait two hours for flights to restart.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


a kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score  - 日本語WordNet


resume a relationship with someone after an interruption, as in a wife taking back her husband  - 日本語WordNet


the United States federal department that administers federal programs dealing with better housing and urban renewal  - 日本語WordNet


a rugby play done in order to resume play, by the action of the defense dropkicking the ball, called dropout  - EDR日英対訳辞書


第百五十三条 裁判所は、終結した口頭弁論の再開を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 153 The court may order resumption of the oral argument that is concluded.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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