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Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Partial Amendment to the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act, Etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act Enforcement Ordinance - 厚生労働省

労働原則の実現 米、カナダ、メキシコの3国は、各国の国内に 従って、1)結社の自由、2)団体交渉の権利、3) スト権、4)強制労働の禁止、5)年少労働の禁 止、6)雇用最低基準、7)労働差別の撤廃、8)男 女給与均等化、9)労働災害の防止、10)労働災害に 対する補償、11)移民労働の保護等の労働原則の 実現を促進する。例文帳に追加

Promotion of Labor Principles The United States, Canada and Mexico shall, in accordance with their respective domestic laws, promote: i) freedom of association; ii) right to organize; iii) right to strike; iv) prohibition of forced labor; v) labor protection for children and young persons; vi) minimum employment standards; vii)elimination of employment discrimination; viii) equal pay for women and men; ix) prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses; x) compensation for occupational injuries and illness; and xi)protection of migrant workers. - 経済産業省



(ii) the Seamen's Insurance Law (including the provisions on employment insurance and workers' accident compensation insurance)(Law No.73, 1939); - 厚生労働省



(ii) the Seamen's Insurance Law (including the provisions on employment insurance and workers' accident compensation insurance) (Law No. 73, 1939); - 厚生労働省

第五条 この律に基づく政令及び厚生労働省令並びに労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律(昭和四十四年律第八十四号。以下「徴収」という。)に基づく政令及び厚生労働省令(労働災害補償保険事業に係るものに限る。)は、その草案について、労働政策審議会の意見を聞いて、これを制定する。例文帳に追加

Article 5 Cabinet Orders and Ordinances of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare under this Act and Cabinet Orders and Ordinances of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (limited to those pertaining to industrial accident compensation insurance services) under the Act on the Collection of Premiums on Labor Insurance (Act No. 84 of 1969; hereinafter referred to as the "Premiums Collection Act") shall be established after hearing opinions from the Labour Policy Council as to drafts thereof.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十四条 この律に規定する災害補償の事由について、労働災害補償保険 (昭和二十二年律第五十号)又は厚生労働省令で指定する令に基づいてこの律の災害補償に相当する給付が行なわれるべきものである場合においては、使用は、補償の責を免れる。例文帳に追加

Article 84 (1) In the event that payments equivalent to accident compensation under this Act are to be made under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 50 of 1947) or under some other laws and regulations as designated by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, for matters that would give rise to accident compensation under the provisions of this Act, the employer shall be exempt from the responsibility of making compensation under this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の保険給付(傷病補償年金及び介護補償給付を除く。)は、労働基準第七十五条から第七十七条まで、第七十九条及び第八十条に規定する災害補償の事由が生じた場合に、補償を受けるべき労働若しくは遺族又は葬祭を行うに対し、その請求に基づいて行う。例文帳に追加

(2) The insurance benefits set forth in the preceding paragraph (excluding the injury and disease compensation pension and the nursing care compensation benefits) shall, where the grounds for accident compensation prescribed in Article 75 to Article 77, and Article 79 and Article 80 of the Labor Standards Act have arisen, be paid to a worker or surviving family members who are to receive compensation or to a person who conducts the funeral, based on their claims.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第四十五条 労働の業務災害に対する年金による補償に関しては、労働災害補償保険制度と厚生年金保険その他の社会保険の制度との関係を考慮して引き続き検討が加えられ、その結果に基づき、すみやかに、別に律をもつて処理されるべきものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 45 With regard to compensation in pension form for employment injuries of workers, continuous review shall be conducted in consideration of the relationships between the industrial accident compensation insurance system and the employee's pension insurance and other social insurance systems, and separate legislative measures shall be taken promptly based on the results of the review.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二条 この律において「労働保険」とは、労働災害補償保険(昭和二十二年律第五十号。以下「労災保険」という。)による労働災害補償保険(以下「労災保険」という。)及び雇用保険(昭和四十九年律第百十六号)による雇用保険(以下「雇用保険」という。)を総称する。例文帳に追加

Article 2 (1) The term "labor insurance" as used in this Act shall generally mean the industrial accident compensation insurance under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 50 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Industrial Accident Insurance Act") (hereinafter referred to as the "industrial accident insurance") and the employment insurance under the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974) (hereinafter referred to as the "employment insurance").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二条 平成七年八月一日前の期間に係る労働災害補償保険の規定による遺族補償年金及び遺族年金の額については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

Article 2 With regard to the amount of the compensation pension for surviving family and the pension for surviving family pertaining to any period prior to August 1, 1995 pursuant to the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 障害補償年金前払一時金が支給される場合には、当該労働の障害に係る障害補償年金は、各月に支給されるべき額の合計額が厚生労働省令で定める算定方に従い当該障害補償年金前払一時金の額に達するまでの間、その支給を停止する。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a disability compensation pension advance lump sum payment is paid, the payment of a disability compensation pension pertaining to the disability of said worker shall be suspended for the period until the total amount payable each month reaches the amount of said disability compensation pension advance lump sum payment in accordance with the calculation method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 遺族補償年金前払一時金が支給される場合には、当該労働の死亡に係る遺族補償年金は、各月に支給されるべき額の合計額が厚生労働省令で定める算定方に従い当該遺族補償年金前払一時金の額に達するまでの間、その支給を停止する。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a compensation pension advance lump sum payment for surviving family is paid, the payment of a compensation pension for surviving family pertaining to the death of said worker shall be suspended for the period until the total amount payable each month reaches the amount of said compensation pension advance lump sum payment for surviving family, in accordance with the calculation method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 労災保険第十六条の九第三項の規定は、特別遺族一時金を受けることができる遺族について準用する。この場合において、同項中「遺族補償年金」とあるのは「特別遺族年金」と、「労働」とあるのは「死亡労働等」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) The provision of Paragraph 3, Article 16-9 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the survivor entitled to receive the special survivor lump sum payment. In such case, the term "the survivor compensation pension" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the special survivor pension," and the term "a worker," with "a deceased worker, etc."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 健康保険(大正十一年律第七十号)による健康保険、厚生年金保険(昭和二十九年律第百十五号)による厚生年金、労働災害補償保険(昭和二十二年律第五十号)による労働災害補償保険及び雇用保険(昭和四十九年律第百十六号)による雇用保険の適用に関する事項例文帳に追加

(vi) The matters concerning the application of the health insurance under the National Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922), the employees' welfare pension under the Employees' Welfare Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954), the workers' accident compensation insurance under the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 50 of 1947) and the employment insurance under the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の給付金に該当する労働災害補償保険第二十九条又は雇用保険第六十二条の規定に基づく給付金の支給要件及び支給額は、厚生労働省令で定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The requirements for paying or provision of payments pursuant to the provision of Article 29 of the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act or Article 62 of the Employment Insurance Act which fall under the payments set forth in the preceding paragraph and the amounts thereof shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十九条 厚生労働大臣は、この節に定めるところにより、死亡労働等の遺族であって、労災保険の規定による遺族補償給付を受ける権利が時効によって消滅したものに対し、その請求に基づき、特別遺族給付金を支給する。例文帳に追加

Article 59 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall pay the special survivor benefits to the survivor of a deceased worker, etc., whose right of receiving the survivor compensation benefits pursuant to the provision of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act lapses due to prescription, based on his/her request.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十条 短時間労働援助センターは、短時間労働雇用管理改善等事業関係業務のうち第二十八条第一項に規定する給付金の支給に係る業務(次条及び第三十七条において「給付金業務」という。)を行う場合において、自ら第二十八条第二項に規定する労働災害補償保険第二十九条又は雇用保険第六十二条の規定に基づく給付金の支給を受けようとするときは、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、厚生労働大臣の認可を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 30 In the case of performing, among the Services the services pertaining to the provision of the payments provided in paragraph 1 of Article 28 (referred to as the "Payments Services" in the following Article and Article 37) and intending to receive payments provided in paragraph 2 of Article 28 pursuant to the provision of Article 29 of the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act or Article 62 of the Employment Insurance Act, the Part-Time Working Assistance Center shall obtain an approval from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第一項に規定する遺族に支給すべき遺族補償年金は、そのが六十歳に達する月までの間は、その支給を停止する。ただし、労働災害補償保険第六十条の規定の適用を妨げるものではない。例文帳に追加

(3) Payment of a compensation pension for surviving family payable to surviving family members prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be suspended until the month in which they reach the age of 60; provided, however, that this shall not preclude the application of the provision of Article 60 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十九条 業務上負傷し、又は疾病にかかつた労働が、当該負傷又は疾病に係る療養の開始後三年を経過した日において傷病補償年金を受けている場合又は同日後において傷病補償年金を受けることとなつた場合には、労働基準第十九条第一項の規定の適用については、当該使用は、それぞれ、当該三年を経過した日又は傷病補償年金を受けることとなつた日において、同第八十一条の規定により打切補償を支払つたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 19 Where a worker who has suffered an injury or disease resulting from an employment-related cause receives an injury and disease compensation pension on the day when three years have elapsed after the commencement of medical treatment pertaining to said injury or disease, or begins to receive an injury and disease compensation pension after said day, for the purpose of the application of the provision of Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Labor Standards Act, the relevant employer shall be deemed to have paid a compensation for discontinuance pursuant to the provision of Article 81 of the Labor Standards Act on the day when said three years have elapsed or on the day when the worker begins to receive the injury and disease compensation pension, respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 この律において「死亡労働等」とは、労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律(昭和四十四年律第八十四号。以下「徴収」という。)第三条に規定する労働災害補償保険(以下「労災保険」という。)に係る労働保険の保険関係が成立している事業(以下「労災保険の保険関係が成立している事業」という。)に使用される労働又は労働災害補償保険(昭和二十二年律第五十号。以下「労災保険」という。)第三十四条第一項第一号、第三十五条第一項第三号若しくは第三十六条第一項第一号の規定により労災保険の保険関係が成立している事業に使用される労働とみなされるであって、石綿にさらされる業務に従事することにより指定疾病その他厚生労働省令で定める疾病にかかり、これにより死亡したもの(昭和二十二年九月一日以降に当該指定疾病その他厚生労働省令で定める疾病にかかり、これにより、この律の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)の前日の五年前の日までに死亡したに限る。)をいう。例文帳に追加

(2) In this Act, "a decease worker, etc." refers to a person who was a worker employed in a business with respect to which the insurance relation of labor insurance pertaining to the Worker's Accident Compensation Insurance (hereinafter referred to as "Worker's Accident Insurance") prescribed in Article 3 of the Act on the Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (Act No. 84 of 1969; hereinafter referred to as "the Collection Act") exists (hereinafter referred to as "a business with respect to which the insurance relation of Worker's Accident insurance exists") or a person who was a worker employed in a business with respect to which the insurance relation of Worker's Accident Insurance pursuant to the provision of Item 1, Paragraph 1, Article 34; Item 3, Paragraph 1, Article 35; or Item 1, Paragraph 1, Article 36 of the Worker's Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 50 of 1947: hereinafter referred to as "the Worker's Accident Insurance Act"), and which person afflicted with a designated disease or any other disease prescribed in an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a result of having been engaged in activities that exposed him/her to asbestos and died because of such disease (limited to a person who has become afflicted with said designated disease or any other disease prescribed in an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, after September 1, 1947 and who died on or before the day falling five years before the day preceding the effective date of this Act (hereinafter referred to as "the effective date").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項に規定する遺族の遺族補償年金を受けるべき順位は、労働災害補償保険第十六条の二第一項に規定する遺族の次の順位とし、前項に規定する遺族のうちにあつては、夫、父母、祖父母及び兄弟姉妹の順序とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The order of priority of the surviving family members prescribed in the preceding paragraph for the title to receive a compensation pension for surviving family shall be in accordance with the order prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, and among those surviving family members prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the order shall be the husband, parents, grandparents and siblings.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Similar measures were taken on the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief, and the Act on Mutual Relief System for the Prevention of Bankruptcies of Small and Medium Enterprises. - 厚生労働省

第三十条 労働災害補償保険事業に要する費用にあてるため政府が徴収する保険料については、徴収の定めるところによる。例文帳に追加

Article 30 The premiums to be collected by the government for the purpose of meeting the expenses necessary for industrial accident compensation insurance services shall be governed by the provisions of the Premiums Collection Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十一条 第七十五条の規定によつて補償を受ける労働が、療養開始後三年を経過しても負傷又は疾病がなおらない場合においては、使用は、平均賃金の千二百日分の打切補償を行い、その後はこの律の規定による補償を行わなくてもよい。例文帳に追加

Article 81 In the event that a worker receiving compensation pursuant to the provisions of Article 75 fails to recover from the injury or illness within 3 years from the date of commencement of medical treatment, the employer may pay compensation for discontinuation of the compensation, equivalent to the average wage that would be earned over 1,200 days; thereafter, the employer shall not be obligated to pay compensation under the provisions of this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

このような状況は,今日の厳しい雇用情勢にあって,不当に安い賃金で働く不就労が日本人 労働の雇用機会を奪う等公正な労働市場を侵害するとの指摘もなされているほか,不就労の あっせんブローカーが多額の不当な利益を得る一方で,これら外国人が本来得るべき賃金を搾取さ れたり,労働災害に遭っても十分な補償が受けられないなど,不就労本人の人権上の問題も発 生している。例文帳に追加

It has been pointed out that illegal foreign workers, working for substandard wages, take away employment opportunities from Japanese workers in the present severe employment climate, and prevent the realization of a fair labor market. Furthermore, there have been human rights violations against illegal foreign workers. For example brokers arrange for illegal workers to come to Japan and gain a huge unfair profit by exploiting the wages that should be earned by the foreign workers. Foreign workers in these conditions are also unable to receive sufficient compensation in the event of an industrial accident.  - 特許庁

第二十八条 厚生労働大臣は、短時間労働援助センターを指定したときは、短時間労働援助センターに労働災害補償保険(昭和二十二年律第五十号)第二十九条の社会復帰促進等事業又は雇用保険(昭和四十九年律第百十六号)第六十二条の雇用安定事業のうち、短時間労働を雇用する事業主又はその事業主の団体に対して支給する給付金であって厚生労働省令で定めるものを支給する事業及びこれに附帯する事業に係る業務の全部又は一部を行わせるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 28 (1) After designating the Part-Time Working Assistance Center, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall direct the Center to perform all or part of the services pertaining to the projects which are kinds of the social rehabilitation promotion projects set forth in Article 29 of the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 50 of 1947) or the employment security projects set forth in Article 62 of the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974), and which are such projects that are intended to provide payments specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to business operators employing Part-Time Workers or the business operator's organizations and other projects incidental to them.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十四条 第三条の規定による改正前の労働災害補償保険(以下この条から附則第十六条までにおいて「旧」という。)の規定による第一種障害補償費、傷病給付及び第一種障害給付のうち第三条の規定の施行の日の前日までの間に係る分並びに旧の規定による第二種障害補償費、遺族補償費、葬祭料、第二種障害給付、遺族給付及び葬祭給付であつて、同条の規定の施行の際まだ支給していないものについては、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

Article 14 With regard to a Type 1 disability compensation, injury and disease benefits and Type 1 disability benefits under the provisions of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act prior to the revision by the provision of Article 3 (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Act" in this Article to Article 16 of the Supplementary Provisions) pertaining to a period until the day preceding the date of the enforcement of the provision of Article 3, and a Type 2 disability compensation, compensation for surviving family, funeral expenses, type 2 disability benefits, benefits for surviving family and funeral rites benefits under the provisions of the Former Act, which have not yet been paid by the time of the enforcement of the provision of said Article, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二条 第一条の規定の施行の際現に保険関係が成立している事業に関しては、同条の規定による改正後の労働災害補償保険(以下この条から附則第八条までにおいて「新」という。)第三条の二の規定は、適用しない。例文帳に追加

Article 2 With regard to a business for which an insurance relationship has been established prior to the enforcement of the provision of Article 1, the provision of Article 3-2 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act revised by the provision of Article 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "New Act" in this Article to Article 8 of the Supplementary Provisions) shall not apply.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十一条 第五条の規定による改正前の労働災害補償保険第二十九条第一項第四号に掲げる事業として行われる給付金の支給であってその支給事由が施行日前に生じたものについては、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

Article 51 With regard to the benefits paid through the services listed in Article 29, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act prior to the revision by the provision of Article 5, for which the grounds for payment arose prior to the date of enforcement, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The ordinance provides that when one masters in the construction industry, covered by the special enrollment insurance, incur accidents while restoring workpieces to the original state, as part of recovery and reconstruction work (such as washing the workpieces by high-pressure water for the purpose of decontamination and removing deposited materials piled up in gutters) they are covered by the workers' accident compensation insurance. - 厚生労働省

第四十三条 附則第四十五条の規定に基づき遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族の範囲が改定されるまでの間、労働の夫(婚姻の届出をしていないが、事実上婚姻関係と同様の事情にあつたを含む。以下次項において同じ。)、父母、祖父母及び兄弟姉妹であつて、労働の死亡の当時、その収入によつて生計を維持し、かつ、五十五歳以上六十歳未満であつたもの(労働災害補償保険第十六条の二第一項第四号に規定するであつて、同第十六条の四第一項第六号に該当しないものを除く。)は、同第十六条の二第一項の規定にかかわらず、同の規定による遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族とする。この場合において、同第十六条の四第二項中「各号の一」とあるのは「各号の一(第六号を除く。)」と、同別表第一の遺族補償年金の項中「遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族」とあるのは「遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族(労働災害補償保険の一部を改正する律(昭和四十年律第百三十号)附則第四十三条第一項に規定する遺族であつて六十歳未満であるものを除く。)」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 43 (1) Until the scope of surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family has been revised under the provision of Article 45 of the Supplementary Provisions, a worker's husband (including a person who has not made a notification of marriage but has been in a de facto marital relationship with the worker; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph), parents, grandparents and siblings who were dependent on the worker's income at the time of his/her death and were 55 or over or under 60 years of age (excluding those prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act who do not fall under Article 16-4, paragraph (1), item (vi) of said Act) shall, notwithstanding the provision of Article 16-2, paragraph (1) of said Act, be regarded as surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family under the provisions of said Act. In this case, the term "any of the items of the preceding paragraph" in Article 16-4, paragraph (2) of said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "any of the items of the preceding paragraph (excluding item (vi))," and the term "surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family" in the row concerning a compensation pension for surviving family in Appended Table 1 of said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family (excluding surviving family members prescribed in Article 43, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision to the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 130 of 1965) who are under 60 years of age)."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十八条 政府は、当分の間、障害補償年金を受ける権利を有するが死亡した場合において、そのに支給された当該障害補償年金の額(当該障害補償年金のうち当該死亡した日の属する年度(当該死亡した日の属する月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、その前年度。以下この項において同じ。)の七月以前の分として支給された障害補償年金にあつては、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより第十六条の六第二項の規定の例により算定して得た額)及び当該障害補償年金に係る障害補償年金前払一時金の額(当該障害補償年金前払一時金を支給すべき事由が当該死亡した日の属する年度の七月以前に生じたものである場合にあつては、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより同項の規定による遺族補償年金の額の算定の方に準じ算定して得た額)の合計額が次の表の上欄に掲げる当該障害補償年金に係る障害等級に応じ、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる額(当該死亡した日が算定事由発生日の属する年度の翌々年度の八月一日以後の日である場合にあつては、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより第八条の四において準用する第八条の三第一項の規定の例により算定して得た額を同表の給付基礎日額とした場合に得られる額)に満たないときは、そのの遺族に対し、その請求に基づき、保険給付として、その差額に相当する額の障害補償年金差額一時金を支給する。例文帳に追加

Article 58 (1) Where a person entitled to the right to receive a disability compensation pension has died, if the total of the amount of the disability compensation pension paid to said person (for the part of said disability compensation pension paid for the period until July of the fiscal year containing the day on which the person died (in cases where the month containing said day on which the person died falls on any of the months from April to July, the previous fiscal year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the amount obtained by making a calculation in accordance with the provisions of Article 16-6, paragraph (2) as provided for by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) and the amount of the disability compensation pension advance lump sum payment pertaining to said disability compensation pension paid to said person (in cases where the grounds for the payment of said disability compensation pension advance lump sum payment arose in or before July of the fiscal year containing said day on which the person died, the amount obtained by making a calculation in accordance with the method of calculating the amount of the compensation pension for surviving family under the provision of said paragraph as provided for by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) is less than the amount among those listed in the right-hand column of the following table corresponding to the grade of disability pertaining to the relevant disability compensation pension listed in the left-hand column of said table (in cases where said day on which the person died is August 1 of the fiscal year two years after the fiscal year the day of the occurrence of the grounds for calculation or any subsequent day, the amount to be obtained where the amount obtained by making a calculation in accordance with the provision of Article 8-3, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 8-4 as provided for by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is regarded as the basic daily benefit amount in said table), the government shall, for the time being, pay a disability compensation pension balance lump sum payment equivalent to the amount of such balance as insurance benefits to the surviving family members of said person based on their claims.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十四条 労働又はその遺族が障害補償年金若しくは遺族補償年金又は障害年金若しくは遺族年金(以下この条において「年金給付」という。)を受けるべき場合(当該年金給付を受ける権利を有することとなつた時に、当該年金給付に係る障害補償年金前払一時金若しくは遺族補償年金前払一時金又は障害年金前払一時金若しくは遺族年金前払一時金(以下この条において「前払一時金給付」という。)を請求することができる場合に限る。)であつて、同一の事由について、当該労働を使用している事業主又は使用していた事業主から民その他の律による損害賠償(以下単に「損害賠償」といい、当該年金給付によつててん補される損害をてん補する部分に限る。)を受けることができるときは、当該損害賠償については、当分の間、次に定めるところによるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 64 (1) Where a worker or his/her surviving family members are to receive a disability compensation pension or a compensation pension for surviving family or a disability pension or a pension for surviving family (hereinafter referred to as "pension benefits" in this Article) (limited to cases where such person or persons are, at the time when he/she or they have acquired the right to receive said pension benefits, eligible to claim a disability compensation pension advance lump sum payment, compensation pension advance lump sum payment for surviving family, disability pension advance lump sum payment or pension advance for surviving family (hereinafter referred to as an "advance lump sum benefit payment" in this Article) pertaining to said pension benefits), and said person or persons are eligible to receive damages, on the same grounds, under the Civil Code or other Acts (hereinafter simply referred to as "damages"; limited to that part of the damages which compensates for the loss compensated for by said pension benefits) from an employer who employs or employed said worker, said damages shall, for the time being, be provided as follows:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 第一条中労働災害補償保険目次及び第一条の改正規定、同第二条の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに同第三章の二の改正規定、第二条中労働災害補償保険の一部を改正する律附則第十五条第二項の改正規定並びに第三条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律第十二条第二項の改正規定、同第十四条第一項の改正規定(労働福祉事業に係る部分に限る。)及び同条第二項の改正規定並びに附則第九条及び附則第十五条の規定、附則第二十一条中炭鉱災害による一酸化炭素中毒症に関する特別措置第十条第一項の改正規定、附則第二十四条中労働保険特別会計第四条の改正規定並びに附則第二十九条及び附則第三十条の規定 公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日例文帳に追加

(iii) The table of contents and the revised provision of Article 1 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the revised provision adding an Article following Article 2 of the same Act and the revised provision of Chapter III-II of the same Act in Article 1; the revised provision of Article 15, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act in Article 2; the revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (2) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance, the revised provision of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the same Act (limited to the portion pertaining to the labor welfare services) and the revised provision of the same Article, paragraph (2) in Article 3; and the provisions of Article 9 and Article 15 of the Supplementary Provisions, the revised provision of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Caused by Coal-Mine Accident in Article 21 of the Supplementary Provisions, the revised provision of Article 4 of the Labor Insurance Special Account Act in Article 24 of the Supplementary Provisions, and the provisions of Article 29 and Article 30 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the day of promulgation  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十七条 二次健康診断を受けた労働から当該二次健康診断の実施の日から三箇月を超えない期間で厚生労働省令で定める期間内に当該二次健康診断の結果を証明する書面の提出を受けた事業労働安全衛生第二条第三号に規定する事業をいう。)に対する同第六十六条の四の規定の適用については、同条中「健康診断の結果(当該健康診断」とあるのは、「健康診断及び労働災害補償保険第二十六条第二項第一号に規定する二次健康診断の結果(これらの健康診断」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 27 For the purpose of the application of the provision of Article 66-4 of the Industrial Health and Safety Act to an employer (meaning an employer prescribed in Article 2, item (iii) of said Act) who has received, from a worker who has undergone a follow-up medical examination, a document certifying the results of said follow-up medical examination within a period specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare not exceeding three months from the day of said follow-up medical examination, the term "the results of the medical examinations... (limited to the results of the medical examinations" in said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the results of the medical examination and the follow-up medical examination prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act... (limited to the results of these medical examinations".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十五条 第三条の規定の施行の際現に旧の規定による第一種障害補償費若しくは第一種障害給付又は傷病給付を受けることができるには、それぞれ、同条の規定による改正後の労働災害補償保険(以下「新」という。)の規定による障害補償年金を支給し、又は長期傷病補償給付を行なう。この場合において、第一種傷病給付を受けることができるに対して行なう長期傷病補償給付は、そのが同条の規定の施行後三十日以内に政府に申出をしたときは、新第十八条第一項の規定にかかわらず、当該負傷若しくは疾病がなおるまで又は当該負傷若しくは疾病について病院若しくは診療所への収容による療養を必要とするに至るまでの間、従前の例による額の年金のみとする。例文帳に追加

Article 15 A person who is eligible, at the time of the enforcement of the provision of Article 3, to receive a Type 1 disability compensation or Type 1 disability benefits or receive injury and disability benefits under the provisions of the Former Act shall be paid a disability compensation pension or long-term injury and disease compensation benefits under the provisions of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act after the revision by the provision of said Article (hereinafter referred to as the "New Act"), respectively. In this case, with regard to long-term injury and disease compensation benefits to be paid to a person eligible to receive Type 1 injury and disease benefits, if such person reports to the government within 30 days after the enforcement of the provision of said Article, he/she shall be paid a pension only at the amount set under the provisions then in force, notwithstanding the provision of Article 18, paragraph (1) of the New Act, for the period until he/she recovers from the injury or disease or needs to receive medical treatment for the injury or disease while staying in a hospital or clinic.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 休業補償給付を受ける労働が同一の事由について厚生年金保険(昭和二十九年律第百十五号)の規定による障害厚生年金又は国民年金(昭和三十四年律第百四十一号)の規定による障害基礎年金を受けることができるときは、当該労働に支給する休業補償給付の額は、前項の規定にかかわらず、同項の額に別表第一第一号から第三号までに規定する場合に応じ、それぞれ同表第一号から第三号までの政令で定める率のうち傷病補償年金について定める率を乗じて得た額(その額が政令で定める額を下回る場合には、当該政令で定める額)とする。例文帳に追加

(2) When a worker who receives temporary absence from work compensation benefits is, on the same grounds, eligible to receive either a disability employee's pension under the provisions of the Employee's Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954) or a disability basic pension under the provisions of the National Pension Act (Act No. 141 of 1959), the amount of the temporary absence from work compensation benefits payable to said worker shall, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, be the amount obtained by multiplying the amount set forth in said paragraph, in accordance with the provisions of items (i) to (iii) of Table 1, by the rate for injury and disease compensation pension amongst the rates specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in items (i) to (iii) of said table (in cases where such amount is less than the amount specified by a Cabinet Order, said amount specified by a Cabinet Order).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十四条 労災保険第十一条(第二項を除く。)、第十二条の七及び第十六条の九第一項の規定は、特別遺族給付金について準用する。この場合において、労災保険第十一条第一項中「(遺族補償年金については当該遺族補償年金を受けることができる他の遺族、遺族年金については当該遺族年金を受けることができる他の遺族)」とあるのは「(特別遺族年金については当該特別遺族年金を受けることができる他の遺族)」と、同条第三項中「第一項に規定する順序(遺族補償年金については第十六条の二第三項に、遺族年金については第二十二条の四第三項において準用する第十六条の二第三項に規定する順序)」とあるのは「第一項に規定する順序」と、労災保険第十二条の七中「政府」とあるのは「厚生労働大臣」と、労災保険第十六条の九第一項中「労働」とあるのは「死亡労働等」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 64 (1) The provisions of Article 11 (excluding Paragraph 2), Article 12-7, and Paragraph 1, Article 16-9 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the special survivor benefit. In such case, the term "another survivor entitled to receive the survivor compensation pension in the case of the survivor compensation pension, or another survivor entitled to receive the survivor pension in the case of the survivor pension)" in Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "another survivor entitled to receive the special survivor pension in the case of the special survivor pension);" the term "the order prescribed in Paragraph 1 (the order prescribed in Paragraph 3, Article 16-2 for the survivor compensation pension, or the order prescribed in Paragraph 3, Article 16-2 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3, Article 22-4 for the survivor pension)" in Paragraph 3 of the same article, with "the order prescribed in Paragraph 1;" the term "the government" in Article 12-7 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act, with "the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare;" and the term "a worker" in Paragraph 1, Article 16-9 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act, with "a deceased worker, etc."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十一条 附則第一条第一項第四号に定める日において、第三条の規定による改正前の労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律(以下「徴収」という。)第三条に規定する労災保険に係る労働保険の保険関係が成立している事業に関する第三条の規定による改正後の徴収第十二条第三項の規定の適用については、同項中「労災保険第二十九条第一項第二号に掲げる事業として支給が行われた給付金のうち業務災害に係るもので厚生労働省令で定めるもの」とあるのは、「労災保険第二十三条第一項第二号の事業として支給が行われた給付金のうち業務災害に係るもので厚生労働省令で定めるもの(労働災害補償保険等の一部を改正する律(昭和五十一年律第三十二号)附則第一条第一項第四号に定める日後に発生した業務災害の原因である事故に関して行われたものに限る。)」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 11 With regard to the application of the provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (hereinafter referred to as the "Collection Act") as revised by the provision of Article 3 to the businesses in respect of which the insurance relation of labor insurance pertaining to the industrial accident insurance prescribed by Article 3 of the Collection Act prior to revision by the provision of Article 3 has been established as of the date prescribed by Article 1, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Supplementary Provisions, the term "the payments made as the services listed in Article 29, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act which pertain to employment injury and which are specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the payments made as the services set forth in Article 23, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act which pertain to employment injury and which are specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (limited to the payments made in relation to the accidents being the cause of the employment injury occurring after the date prescribed by Article 1, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 32 of 1976))".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四条 平成九年四月一日前に保険関係が成立した事業(労働災害補償保険第二十八条第一項又は第三十条第一項の承認があった事業を含む。)に係る第二条の規定による改正前の労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律(次項において「旧徴収」という。)第十五条第一項の規定により納付すべき労働保険料であって、同日の前日までに同項の規定による納付の期限が到来していないものの納付の期限については、新徴収第十五条第一項の規定を適用する。例文帳に追加

Article 4 (1) The provision of Article 15, paragraph (1) of the New Collection Act shall apply to the payment due date of the labor insurance premiums pertaining to the businesses in respect of which the insurance relation has been established prior to April 1, 1997 (including the businesses which have obtained the approval set forth in Article 28, paragraph (1) or Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act) payable pursuant to the provision of Article 15, paragraph (1) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance prior to revision by the provision of Article 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Old Collection Act" in the following paragraph) the payment due date of which pursuant to the same paragraph has not come as of the day preceding the same date.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 第一条の規定の施行の際現に同条の規定による改正前の労働災害補償保険(以下この条から附則第八条までにおいて「旧」という。)第六条の規定による保険関係が成立している事業(当該事業に関し保険加入が旧第二十八条第一項若しくは第二項の報告をし、又は政府が同条第三項の通知を発したものを除く。)の事業主は、昭和四十年八月五日までに、新第六条第二項に規定する事項を政府に届け出なければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) The employer in a business for which an insurance relationship has been established, prior to the enforcement of the provision of Article 1, under the provision of Article 6 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act prior to the revision by the provision of Article 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Act" in this Article to Article 8 of the Supplementary Provisions) (excluding those businesses for which the insurance subscriber has made a report set forth in Article 28, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the Former Act or the government has given a notice set forth in paragraph (3) of said Article) shall notify the government of the matters prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (2) of the New Act no later than August 5, 1965.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 有料職業紹介事業は、第三十二条の三第一項第二号に規定する手数料表に基づき手数料を徴収する場合であつて、その紹介により就職したのうち労働災害補償保険施行規則(昭和三十年労働省令第二十二号)第四十六条の十八第五号の作業に従事するに係る労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律(昭和四十四年律第八十四号)第十条第二項第三号の第二種特別加入保険料(以下この項及び別表において「第二種特別加入保険料」という。)に充てるべきものを徴収しようとするときは、当該手数料表において、第二種特別加入保険料に充てるべき手数料を徴収する旨及び当該手数料の額を定めるものとし、この場合において、当該手数料の額は、当該従事するに支払われた賃金額の千分の七・五に相当する額以下としなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) The charged employment placement business provider shall, when it collects the fees based on the schedule of fees as provided by Article 32-3, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Act, and such fees are to be appropriated to the second class insurance premiums for special enrollment provided by Article 10, paragraph 2, item 3 of the Act concerning Collection, etc. of Labour Insurance Premiums (Act No. 84 of 1969) for those who have obtained a job through the employment placement conducted by such business provider and engage in the services provided by Article 46-18, item 5 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour No. 22 of 1955), provide in such schedule of fees that the fees for the appropriation to the second class insurance premiums for special enrollment are to be collected and the amount of such fees. In this case, the amount of the fees shall be the amount equivalent to or less than seven-point-five thousandths (7.5/1000) of the wages paid to the person engaged in such businesses.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 前条第一号又は第二号に掲げるが業務上負傷し、若しくは疾病にかかつたとき、その負傷若しくは疾病についての療養のため当該事業に従事することができないとき、その負傷若しくは疾病が治つた場合において身体に障害が存するとき、又は業務上死亡したときは、労働基準第七十五条から第七十七条まで、第七十九条及び第八十条に規定する災害補償の事由が生じたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(ii) When a person listed in item (i) or (ii) of the preceding Article has suffered an injury or disease resulting from an employment-related cause, when the person is unable to engage in said business due to medical treatment for said injury or disease or when the person remains physically disabled after he/she has recovered from said injury or said disease, or when the person has died as a result of employment, it shall be deemed that the grounds for accident compensation prescribed in Article 75 to Article 77 and Article 79 and Article 80 of the Labor Standards Act have arisen;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 特別遺族給付金の支給に要する費用については、労災保険による労働災害補償保険事業の保険給付費とみなして、労働保険特別会計(昭和四十七年律第十八号)の規定を適用する。この場合において、同第四条第二項第一号中「労災保険事業の保険給付費」とあるのは、「労災保険事業の保険給付費(石綿による健康被害の救済に関する律第六十九条第三項の規定により労災保険事業の保険給付費とみなされた同第五十九条第一項の特別遺族給付金の支給に要する費用を含む。)」とするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(3) The expense required for the payment of the special survivor benefit shall be deemed to be the insurance benefit expense of worker's accident compensation insurance business under the Worker's Accident Insurance Act, and the provisions of the Labor Insurance Special Account Act (Act No. 18 of 1972) shall apply to the said expense. In such case, the term "the insurance benefit expense of accident insurance business" in Item 1, Paragraph 2, Article 4 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the insurance benefit expense of accident insurance business (including the expense required for the payment of the special survivor benefit set forth in Paragraph 1, Article 59 of the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief deemed as the insurance benefit expense of accident insurance business pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 3, Article 69 of the same Act)," and the other necessary replacement of technical terms shall be prescribed in the Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 第一条中労働災害補償保険第七条第三項ただし書及び第十四条の改正規定、同条の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに同第二十二条の二第二項及び第二十五条第一項の改正規定、第二条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律第四条の次に一条を加える改正規定、同第十二条第三項の改正規定(「(第二十条第一項」を「(第二十条第一項第一号」に、「「調整率」」を「「第一種調整率」」に改める部分に限る。)及び同第二十条第一項の改正規定並びに次条、附則第五条から第八条まで及び第十条の規定 昭和六十二年四月一日例文帳に追加

(ii) The proviso to Article 7, paragraph (3) and the revised provision of Article 14 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the revised provision adding an Article following the same Article, and the revised provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) and Article 25, paragraph (1) of the same Act in Article 1; the revised provision adding an Article following Article 4 of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance, the revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) (limited to the portions replacing the term "(in Article 20, paragraph (1)" with "(in Article 20, paragraph (1), item (i)" and the term " "the adjustment rate" " with " "the Class I adjustment rate" ") and the revised provision of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the same Act in Article 2; and the provisions of the following Article, Articles 5 to 8 inclusive and 10 of the Supplementary Provisions: April 1, 1987  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 昭和六十二年三月三十一日において徴収第三条に規定する労災保険に係る労働保険の保険関係が成立している事業に関する昭和六十三年四月一日から始まる保険年度から昭和六十五年四月一日から始まる保険年度までの各保険年度に係る労災保険率に関する新徴収第十二条第三項の規定の適用については、同項中「各保険年度」とあるのは、「昭和六十一年四月一日から始まる保険年度以前の各保険年度において労働災害補償保険及び労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律の一部を改正する律(昭和六十一年律第五十九号)第二条の規定による改正前のこの項の各号のいずれかに該当し、かつ、当該連続する三保険年度中に昭和六十二年四月一日から始まる保険年度以後の保険年度が含まれるときは、当該連続する三保険年度中の同日から始まる保険年度以後の各保険年度」とする。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to the application of the provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) of the New Collection Act to the industrial accident insurance rate pertaining to each insurance year from the insurance year starting on April 1, 1988 until the insurance year starting on April 1, 1990 for the businesses in respect of which the insurance relation of labor insurance pertaining to the industrial accident insurance prescribed by Article 3 of the Collection Act has been established as of March 31, 1987, the term "during each insurance year of three consecutive insurance years" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "during, if the business falls under any of the items of this paragraph prior to revision by the provision of Article 2 of the Act Revising a Portion of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act and the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (Act No. 59 of 1986) during each insurance year, including or before the insurance year starting on April 1, 1986, of three consecutive insurance years, and any insurance year including and after the insurance year starting on April 1, 1987 is included in such consecutive three insurance years, each insurance year, including and after the insurance year starting on April 1, 1987, of such consecutive three insurance years".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 平成九年四月一日前に保険関係が消滅した事業(労働災害補償保険第二十八条第一項又は第三十条第一項の承認が取り消された事業を含む。)に係る旧徴収第十九条第一項又は第二項の規定により提出すべき申告書であって、同日の前日までに同条第一項又は第二項の規定による提出の期限が到来していないものの提出の期限及び同条第三項の規定により納付すべき労働保険料であって、同月一日の前日までに同項の規定による納付の期限が到来していないものの納付の期限については、新徴収第十九条第一項から第三項までの規定を適用する。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of Article 19, paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive of the New Collection Act shall apply to the submission due date of the notification pertaining to the businesses in respect of which the insurance relation has been extinct prior to April 1, 1997 (including the businesses for which the approval set forth in Article 28, paragraph (1) or Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act has been revoked) to be submitted pursuant to the provision of Article 19, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Old Collection Act the submission due date of which pursuant to the same Article, paragraph (1) or (2) has not come as of the day preceding the same date, and to the payment due date of the labor insurance premiums payable pursuant to the provision of the same Article, paragraph (3) the payment due date of which pursuant to the same paragraph has not come as of the day preceding the first of the same month.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 徴収第三十四条、第三十五条(第四項を除く。)及び第三十六条の規定並びに失業保険及び労働災害補償保険の一部を改正する律及び労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する律の施行に伴う関係律の整備等に関する律(昭和四十四年律第八十五号)第二十三条の規定は、第一項一般拠出金事務及び第一項一般拠出金について準用する。この場合において、徴収第三十四条中「労働保険関係令」とあるのは「石綿による健康被害の救済に関する律(以下「石綿健康被害救済」という。)及び石綿健康被害救済第三十八条第一項において準用するこの律並びにこれらの律に基づく命令」と、徴収第三十五条第一項及び第二項中「労働保険関係令」とあるのは「石綿健康被害救済及び石綿健康被害救済第三十八条第一項において準用するこの律並びにこれらの律に基づく命令」と、同条第三項中「第二十六条第三項(労災保険第十二条の三第三項及び第三十一条第四項並びに雇用保険第十条の四第三項において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「石綿健康被害救済第三十八条第一項において準用する第二十六条第三項」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) The provisions of Article 34, Article 35 (excluding Paragraph 4) and Article 36 of the Collection Act, and the provisions of Article 23 of the Act on the Re-arrangement of Relevant Acts Necessitated by the Enforcement of the Unemployment Insurance Act, the Act for Partially Revising the Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance Act and the Act on the Collection, etc. of the Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (Act No. 85 of 1969) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Paragraph 1 general contribution affairs and to the Paragraph 1 general contributions. In such case, the term "laws and regulations relevant to labor insurance" in Article 34 of the Collection Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief (hereinafter referred to as "the Asbestos Relief Act"), this Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 38 of the Asbestos Relief Act, and the orders based on these acts;" the term "laws and ordinances relevant to labor insurance" in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 35 of the Collection Act with "the Asbestos Relief Act, this Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 38 of the Asbestos Relief Act, and the orders based on these acts;" and the term "Paragraph 3, Article 26 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3, Article 12-3 and Paragraph 4, Article 31 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act, and Paragraph 3, Article 10-4 of Employment Insurance Act)" in Paragraph 3 of the same article with "Paragraph 3, Article 26 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 38 of the Asbestos Relief Act."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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