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We agreed to this document.  - Weblio Email例文集


We agree with that report. - Weblio Email例文集




To provide a document agreement system, agreement document issuing device, communication terminal, agreement document storage device, and agreement document storage method in which a document, that a plurality of persons agree with, can be stored safely at low costs. - 特許庁



With this email, we agree to this document.  - Weblio Email例文集



an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence  - 日本語WordNet


a legal document summarizing the agreement between parties  - 日本語WordNet


to initial the agreed documents of a treaty or a convention  - EDR日英対訳辞書


The Seoul Summit Document, which we have agreed, follows.  - 財務省



An agreement document issuing device 121 issues an agreement document 151 by means of an issuing section 424, encrypts the agreement document 151 by means of an encryption/decryption device section 421 while using a private key 221 to create an agreement document 152, and transmits the agreement document 152 and a public key 322 to a client terminal 111. - 特許庁



a document that describes an agreement among private organizations of more than one country  - EDR日英対訳辞書


of international law, a document which contains an international agreement  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter  - 日本語WordNet


a statement issued jointly by the heads of two or more countries, announcing their agreement to meet with each other  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Wayojo is an agreement signed by the parties in question who make compromises.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The rules referred to in Article 116 of the Law shall be settled by written agreement between the applicants. - 特許庁


The certificate authority 131 stores, in a data holding section 533, a set of the public key 323 of the agreement document issuing device 121, the public key 312 of the client terminal 111 and the agreement document 153. - 特許庁


The computer mounting method includes: a step for receiving at least two annotated document images to a computer memory; a step for selecting a representative image from the set of the annotated document images; a step for executing global alignment to the selected representative image in each annotated document image set; and a step for forming an agreed document image based on at least the aligned annotated document images. - 特許庁

※5 CERI の入力シート「根拠」で、評価文書名を引用する場合は、別途合意された略語を用いること。例文帳に追加

For substances classified in accordance with the following, it is considered that the GHS classification can be decided without an expert''s decision. - 経済産業省


The function of requesting a server registering a plurality of Web services to create an agreement document of the policy of any one of the Web services is called, and the agreement document is acquired in return for the function call, which reduces a Web service user's processing load of Web service policy agreement. - 特許庁


This agreement was not made public until Tyler DENNETT, a historian of American diplomacy, discovered it when searching the papers of Theodore Roosevelt and published the contents of the telegram about this agreement sent to Elihu ROOT, the Secretary of States at the time, by Taft in a magazine "Current History" in 1924.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was not a reciprocally signed document or secret treaty, but only a meeting memorandum indicating their agreement to facilitate the future relationship between Japan and the United States.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The agreement to promote Tropical Savanna Farm Development in Mozambique was signed by representatives from Japan, Brazil and Mozambique in capital city of Mozambique, Maputo in September 2009. - 経済産業省


(1) Cipher usage policy for procurement of information systems at ministries and offices A document on the use of e-Government recommended ciphers, which was agreed among ministries and offices, is included in the Guidebook.  - 経済産業省

第三百二十七条 裁判所は、検察官及び被告人又は弁護人が合意の上、文書の内容又は公判期日に出頭すれば供述することが予想されるその供述の内容を書面に記載して提出したときは、その文書又は供述すべき者を取り調べないでも、その書面を証拠とすることができる。この場合においても、その書面の証明力を争うことを妨げない。例文帳に追加

Article 327 The court may, when the public prosecutor and the accused or his/her counsel have agreed to write down the contents of a statement that contain the contents of a certain document or a certain statement that a witness would testify to at the trial and have submitted such written statement to the court, use it as evidence without examining the original or the witness. However, the probative value of the document may be challenged regardless.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It was decided between those who went abroad for inspection (Iwakura, Kido, Okubo, and Ito) and those who remained in Japan (Sanjo, Saigo, Shinpei ETO, Okuma, and Itagaki et al) that no major political and personnel change should be made without written consent of those abroad until they return to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding acceptance of new clients or retention of clients, each firm, pursuant to Legal Commission Research Report No.3 of the JICPA, documents the agreed upon provisions regarding audit engagements in a written contract, evaluates the audit risk of the respective contracts, and in accordance with the audit risks, establishes and implements pre-approval procedures.  - 金融庁


As we agreed in Cannes, we have established the Los Cabos Accountability Assessment Framework (Annex A) to assess progress in meeting commitments toward our shared goal of strong, sustainable and balanced growth.  - 財務省


Prior to entering into a series of transactions (e.g., document exchanges), the connection parameters of two or more of the participants are compared to identify a common subset that are then exchanged between the participants until both participants agree on the connection parameters to use. - 特許庁

声明と同時に公表した附属文書では、第2 段階では、2 月の同会議で合意した「参考となるガイドライン」に基づき、評価対象国を特定するための参照値を4 つのアプローチを用いて設定し、各国の発展段階を加味しつつ、第2 段階に進む国を判定することを盛り込んだ。例文帳に追加

An annex published together with the communiqu? announced to select the countries where large imbalances are present to be subject for the second step based on the "referential guideline" agreed at the Meeting in February using 4 approaches to decide reference value to specify the nations subject to evaluate, taking the countries development stages into consideration. - 経済産業省

この成果を活用すべく、2009 年4月に日伯間で対アフリカ熱帯サバンナ開発協力の合意文書が結ばれ、その協力対象国として公用語がブラジルと同じポルトガル語のモザンビークが選ばれ、三角協力の実施が決定した。例文帳に追加

Taking this success to Mozambique, the cooperation agreement was signed between Japan and Brazil in April 2009 to develop African Tropical Savanna jointly, and the initial targeted country, Mozambique was chosen as the official language being Portuguese same as Brazil, the triangle cooperation was formed. - 経済産業省

これは、後にそれらの文書や発 言が、競争当局の調査対象となった場合に、競合他社との間で、競争法上問題になる Ⅲ 企業のカルテルに関する競争法コンプライアンスに係る取組≪予防の観点≫ 20 ような合意が存在しなくとも、何らかの合意があったとの誤った印象を与えてしまう 可能性があるためである。例文帳に追加

This is because there is a possibility that in cases where such documents or verbal statements become the subject of investigations by competition authorities, a mistaken impression could be given that some form of agreement was reached even an agreement with competitors which would be a problem under competition laws do not exist. - 経済産業省


The Japanese contribution paper dated August 5th illustrated the above consideration as well as the points of discussion necessary toward the modality agreement. Taking into account the major elements of the paper and the discussions during the Negotiation Group, the Government of Japan would like to make a proposal on modality. Japan reserves the right to submit additional proposals, along with any evolvement in the negotiations and is actively prepared to make further contributions to the negotiations..  - 経済産業省

平成16年3月1日に施行された仲裁法においては、仲裁合意は書面によってなされなければならないが(仲裁法第13条第2項 1)、電磁的記録によって仲裁合意がなされた場合も、書面によってなされたものとするという規定が置かれている(同条第4項2)。よって、オンライン上で、電子メール交換など電磁的記録の残る方式によってなされた合意も有効となる。なお、消費者契約法で定める消費者契約においてなされる仲裁合意については、消費者に解除権が付与されている(同法附則 3)。仲裁法第13条第2項仲裁合意は、当事者の全部が署名した文書、当事者が交換した書簡又は電報(ファクシミリ装置その他の隔地者間の通信手段で文字による通信内容の記録が受信者に提供されるものを用いて送信されたものを含む。)その他の書面によってしなければならない。2同法第13条第4項仲裁合意がその内容を記録した電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう)によってされたときは、その仲裁合意は、書面によってされたものとする。例文帳に追加

Under the Arbitration Law enacted on March 1, 2004, an arbitration agreement must be made in writing (Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Arbitration Law4). However, it also provides that an arbitration agreement completed by electromagnetic record shall be deemed to have been completed in writing (Paragraph 4 of said Article5). 4 Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Arbitration Law: The arbitration agreement shall be in the form of a document signed by all the parties, (e.g.) letters, telegrams, or other types of document exchanged between the parties (including those sent by facsimile devices or other communication devices for communication between remote parties, which provide the recipient with a written record of the transmitted content). 5 Paragraph 4, Article 13 of the Arbitration Law: When an arbitration agreement is made by way of electromagnetic record (records produced by electronic, magnetic or any other means unrecognizable by natural sensory functions and used for data-processing by a computer) 6 Paragraph 2, Article 3 of Supplementary Provision of the Arbitration Law: Consumer may rescind an arbitration agreement based on his or her legal status as a consumer (translation omitted) Therefore, an arbitration agreement completed in an online electromagnetic record (e.g. exchanging e-mails), where no written form exists, is considered a valid online transaction.  - 経済産業省


" At the annual meeting last year, the Government of Japan announced to contribute "a maximum of 5 million U.S. dollar over three years" to support the efforts in natural disaster prevention by the IDB group. I am pleased to announce that, as part of this contribution, the Government of Japan has decided to contribute 3 million U.S. dollars to the Multi-donor Disaster Prevention Trust Fund and will sign the agreement today here in Guatemala. We will also provide our accumulated know-how to the project.  - 財務省

長官が(2)に定める申請の却下をしない場合において,(a) 利害関係当事者が合意するとき,又は (b) 手続が書類の長期間の検討を要するか,若しくは長官の面前では適切に行うことができないと長官が認める科学的な又は現地での調査を要するときは, 長官は大臣の文書による許可を得て,その全手続又はこれらの手続に基づいて発生する事実に関する争点を,前記事項についての管轄権を有する連邦裁判所に付託するよう命令することができる。例文帳に追加

In any case where the Commissioner does not dismiss an application as provided in subsection (2), and (a) if the parties interested consent, or (b) if the proceedings require any prolonged examination of documents or any scientific or local investigation that cannot in the opinion of the Commissioner conveniently be made before him, the Commissioner, with the approval in writing of the Minister, may order the whole proceedings or any issue of fact arising thereunder to be referred to the Federal Court, which has jurisdiction in the premises.  - 特許庁


The heads of state of Japan, China, and Korea jointly acknowledged the importance of direct investment at a summit meeting held between the three countries in October 2003 (in Indonesia). The Joint Declaration issued after the summit meeting included a statement of consensus which said, "[Japan, China, and Korea] confirm their intention to take further steps to promote IFDI including addressing specific issues raised by their investors in a fair and transparent manner. In this light, they will launch an informal joint study on the possible modality of trilateral investment arrangements." - 経済産業省


As you know, Tokyo Electric Power issues a very large amount of corporate bonds. In the European market, the company has issued corporate bonds totaling around 180 billion yen and it also borrows a large amount of loans from private financial institutions. The written agreement adopted on May 13 refers to three important points. We must, first, take measures to ensure appropriate damage compensation, second, prevent adverse effects on business operators involved in the stabilization of the situation of Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Nuclear Power Station and the handling of the accident and, third, ensure the stable supply of electricity, which is essential to the people's lives. The agreement also refers to the need to check, after a certain period of time, whether adequate support is provided to disaster victims, whether the stable supply of electricity is maintained, and whether the stability of the financial market is maintained, as I strongly insisted on the inclusion of this in the agreement.  - 金融庁



It is a document that lodged a very outright criticism against the fact that excessive competition policies implemented by Mr. Koizumi, or Mr. Takenaka, led to a considerable loss of Japan's social stability, including the so-called safety nets. As Policy Research Committee Chair (of the PNP), I wrote that point at the very beginning of the six items in the common policy platform, which was put together in the run-up to the election, and I also articulated in writing that even after the change of government, Mr. Koizumi's excessive competition policies had substantially damaged various social safety nets or regional economies. Further still, the three-party agreement spelled out that the per-household income level dropped by one million yen in the course of ten years during which the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power. While I may not use expressions as sharp as those of (PNP) Chief Kamei, I am still intending to take a firm stance, keeping in mind the original intention behind the change of government, in addition to the points I've just made.  - 金融庁


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