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該当件数 : 51



fragmental rock  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


rock called clastic rock  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Look out for rock slides. - Tatoeba例文


a group of shallow topsoils, called lithosol  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Look out for rock slides.  - Tanaka Corpus



I'll show you a rock slide! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The mountain is made of andesite and pyroclastic rock.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A rock crumblescrumbles to dust.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


a constituent fragment of a clastic rock  - 日本語WordNet



loose material (stone fragments and silt etc) that is worn away from rocks  - 日本語WordNet



a place on the slope of a mountain where rocks accumulate  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Rock crumbles to dust by the action of air.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


geographical features formed by an accumulation of rock debris, called talus  - EDR日英対訳辞書


of a mass of soil or rock on a mountain slope, to slide down  - EDR日英対訳辞書

彼女が崩れで死んだというのを 見たくないのさ例文帳に追加

I'd hate to find out she was killed in a rock slide. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Going down to bedrock if the glacier's grounded on bedrock - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


A huge amount of debris was jettisoned into the atmosphere. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Iwate Prefecture: 'Edel Wine' (Hanamaki City), 'Kuzumaki Wine' (Kuzumaki Town)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

どのも毎日崩れてるんだ 今日は崩れないことを祈ろうぜ!例文帳に追加

Everything is moving all the time. let's just hope not today! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Volcanic detritus had been accumulated by volcanic activities of Mt. Nijo (Nara Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture) and later tuff appeared on the ground due to earth uplifting; since then the tuff has undergone weathering and erosion for 15 million years to become a crag at 150 meters in height having oddly-shaped rock outcrops.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached  - 日本語WordNet


a deposit of clay and disintegrating rock that is found in its original place  - 日本語WordNet


the action of a large quantity of wet earth and sand tumbling down the mountain  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Mountains collapsed, the sea became rough, lands were split, and rocks fell down to the bottoms of ravines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The rocks heaved, the glaciers melted, and great masses of ice and snow came crashing down, shivering to fragments as they fall;  - Hans Christian Andersen『絵のない絵本』


Wolverines make their lair under torn-out roots, in rock crevices and in other secluded spots. - Tatoeba例文


To provide a walking scaffold which can be simply installed on a rocky tract making walking passage difficult due to an earth slide etc., and which enables safe walking on the rocky tract. - 特許庁


To provide a removing device causing little failure, and suitably used for removing rock chips scattered on base rock by blasting at a dam work site and a tunnel work site. - 特許庁


Yaotome-dokutsu cave (Yura, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture): its entrance was covered by rocks destroyed in Sakata earthquake that occurred in the Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This arrangement maximizes the ergonomic placement of the pedals, and minimizes corrosion due to exposure to moisture and chemicals and damage caused by contact with brush and debris. - 特許庁


To provide a soil investigation method capable of discriminating the natural ground, a colluvial deposit, a cavity or the like by utilizing drilling data obtained from a rock drill. - 特許庁


In the decomposing agent, the decomposing device and the decomposing method, the organic halogen compound in the object to be treated is decomposed by bringing the organic halogen compound decomposing agent comprising one or two or more of a metamorphic rock, a crushed product of the metamorphic rock and an aggregate fixer of the crushed product of the metamorphic rock into contact with the object to be treated containing the organic halogen compound. - 特許庁


When water is leaked, the rock salt 5 is collapsed and melted in one to three minutes in spite of a small amount of running water, a soldering plate 2 is adhered, electricity flows, and an alarm 6 makes an alarm to quickly find the water leakage. - 特許庁


To provide plaster which replaces good quality plaster (such as clay and Araki soil) difficult to acquire besides requiring a long period of time to dry while coping with waste from mining and machining Kimachi stones, and andesite crushed stone powder produced in large quantities. - 特許庁


The excavated muck 20 consisting of earth and sand, rock or the like resulted from excavatgion work or the like and water 22 are led to a freezing compartment 18, and after both of them are once put into a container which is not illustrated and is mixed, it is cooled and is solidified. - 特許庁


This antislip agent for the frozen road surface comprises crushed particles which are obtained by selecting a raw material from natural rock, construction-based wasted concrete scraps, tile and ceramic scraps, roof tile scraps, brick scraps, and a natural raw material and crushing the selected raw material to have a predetermined particle size. - 特許庁


The grave mound is constructed by the hanchiku technique with which to stamp down the soil and gravel dug out from the surrounding area, as well as flaky chips of siltstone used to construct the stone chambers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The weed control block 1 is produced by blending a waste bark 2, zeolite tuff 3 and a non-cement solidifying agent 4 and then forming the obtained blend into a plate or brick to make a block. - 特許庁


Thus, the boot sole 10 can be bent at the foot arch part T, the subtle balance is maintained at the foot even in the case of losing a balance in a rugged easy-to-slip place like a craggy place, and falling is prevented. - 特許庁


To secure a space for circulating cooling water for the purpose of cooling a bore hole and removing scraps by taking a large clearance between a matrix surface for holding the diamond of a surface planted type bit and a rock to be drilled. - 特許庁

重量選別された石やコンクリート屑などの重量物を破砕手段(30,40) をもって破砕するとともに、重量選別されたプラスチックや紙などの軽量物を剪断手段(50)をもって細断する。例文帳に追加

Heavy material such as rocks and concrete fragments which are graded by weight is crushed by crushing means 30, 40 and, at the same time, light material such as plastic and paper which are graded by weight is minutely cut by a shearing means 50. - 特許庁


To obtain a drill for rock-like matter high in twist rigidity having the fixing surface of a large cutting blade regardless of configurational restriction for directly fixing a tubular element and capable of sufficiently discharging hole cutting refuse. - 特許庁


The number of persons whose job offers were withdrawn: 469 people nationwide (285 high school students, and 184 college students) (89 persons in Iwate Prefecture, 89 in Miyagi Prefecture, 102 in Fukushima Prefecture, and 88 in Tokyo) Of those whose "job offers were withdrawn," 307 people's employment has been decided.The number of persons whose starting date of work was postponed: 2,556 people nationwide (2 junior high school students, 1,547 high school students, 1,007 college students) (248 persons in Iwate Prefecture, 326 in Miyagi Prefecture, 462 in Fukushima Prefecture, and 666 in Tokyo) Of those whose "starting date of work was postponed," 2,330 people have joined companies. - 厚生労働省

四 掘削の高さ又は深さが十メートル以上である地山の掘削(ずい道等の掘削及び石の採取のための掘削を除く。以下同じ。)の作業(掘削機械を用いる作業で、掘削面の下方に労働者が立ち入らないものを除く。)を行う仕事例文帳に追加

(iv) The work related to excavation of natural ground with excavation height or depth of 10 m or more (excluding excavation of tunnels and for mining; the same shall apply hereinafter) and excluding work utilizing excavating machines but not requiring workers to enter under the excavation surface;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The lithium ferrite compound oxide has the layered rock salt type structure, contains the oxygen 4 coordinated tetravalent iron ions and is expressed by composition formula Li_1+X-Z(Fe_yM_1-y)_1-xO_2 (M=Co and/or Ni; 0≤x≤1/3, 0<y<1, 0<z≤1+x). - 特許庁


In a product sand manufacture plant 1, the surplus soil containing bulky objects such as rocks, concrete wastes and asphalt wastes, natural sand and soil produced in a building construction site, or the like, is conveyed to a material sorting device 2, and foreign matters such as iron scraps and wood in the surplus soil are removed. - 特許庁


To provide an iron oxide-containing ceramic charcoal that is excellent in thermal shock resistance, heat resistance, durability and far-infrared radiation properties and that is capable of recycling mills ends or crushed wastes produced in the manufacturing process while enjoying a visual stage effect similar to lava charcoal derived from nature. - 特許庁


This rock chip removing device has a machine frame installable on an arm of heavy machinery such as a power shovel, a plurality of fingers having a downward bending tip part, and having a base part vertically rotatably journaled in parallel to the machine frame, and an energizing device for individually downwardly pressing and energizing the plurality of fingers. - 特許庁


The scrap made by machining of castings, mostly in a state of coarse particles, is formed into a metal powder of moldable size by using, e.g. a stone mill made of natural rock in order to obtain finer metal powder. - 特許庁



To pull out a drilling bit, keeping the wall surface of a drilled hole as much as possible from crumbling when the drilling bit is in a jamming state in a drilling device for drilling a rock-bed or the like with the drilling bit mounted through a rod to the tip of a shank rod accommodated in a drifter, by striking the shank rod forward while rotating it. - 特許庁


JESC: Japanese-English Subtitle Corpus映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書のコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います:
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原題:”What the Moon Saw”

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