該当件数 : 129件
In general, the meat is simmered with a lot of sugar and salt. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Because of this, fugu sashimi is sliced into thin slices. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
皮肉にも その絵が あなたと 犯行を結び付ける ヒントになった。例文帳に追加
Ironically, that picture gave us the hint to tie you to the crime. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To provide an apparatus for dishing up chopped meat for automatically dishing up, on a tray, chopped meat obtained by simultaneously slicing a number of meat masses. - 特許庁
To provide a hatch mounting structure for a thin-wall pressure-resistant container, capable of reducing, when mounting a hatch on the thin-wall pressure-reststant container by use of an insert plate, ovalization of an opening for attaching the insert plate. - 特許庁
Moreover, a meat chip scattering range can be narrowed at slicing work; meat chip cleaning work can be easily performed; and work for grasping and dishing up the slice meat piece 22 on a tray by a worker can be easily performed. - 特許庁
A lower case 12 is formed of synthetic resin, a mounting part 14 which enables the lower case 12 for mounting on a vehicle is formed on the periphery of the lower case 12 in one piece, and the mounting part 14 is formed larger in thickness than that of the lower case 14. - 特許庁
To provide a tooth and gum washer which prevents the adhesion of carious bacillus or periodontal bacillus without damaging enamelum in tooth. - 特許庁
A thread 31 is put into a flesh in the lacrimal punctum plug 20 and both the sides of the thread 31 are attached with thick members 38. - 特許庁
To remove a bent spine from a frozen fish body cut off its head and tail parts without damaging fish flesh so as to make following separating works easier. - 特許庁
To provide a structure allowing compact attachment of a part even to a place having a thin wall without increasing the thickness. - 特許庁
The reinforcing fibers 10 are pressed to the mold surface of the mold by the expansion of the non-foamed sheet 7 to prevent molding failure such as the occurrence of wrinkles, uneven wall thickness and the like. - 特許庁
To provide an apparatus fixing structure of a panel, which allows an apparatus to be neatly mounted in an opening without a reduction in thickness of an opening-side end of the panel. - 特許庁
Metal weights 400 are attached to thinned shapes 111 formed by the ring shaped ribs 113 and the diameter direction ribs 112. - 特許庁
To straighten a deformation generated in forming without damaging a product for a thin thickness die cast part. - 特許庁
Ribs 13 consisting of a material having inferior abrasion resistance to the hardened clad metal are attached in the crushing direction with prescribed spaces. - 特許庁
On the tip of five fingers of the flat side of the glove and on the palm section of the glove, a heat insulating and cold insulating material is attached in a ball like shape. - 特許庁
To provide a method for uniformly and efficiently applying a pressure-sensitive adhesive to a thin-walled component in a proper thickness, and a tool suitably used therein. - 特許庁
To provide a reclining device in which a bracket for attaching a spiral spring in place can be made small in size and thickness. - 特許庁
This member is constituted by having the thin magnifying device 2, a holding member 1 for mounting the magnifying device 2 in a desired member and a cord 3 for tying the holding member 1 and the magnifying device 2 and therefore the magnifying device 2 may be easily mounted at the desired member by the holding member 1. - 特許庁
A prescribed quantity of hot air is blown to an object of bacteria elimination processing such as meat in this bacteria elimination method to easily obtain bacteria elimination effect without denaturation of meat. - 特許庁
To provide a meat slicer capable of delivering a cut-out sliced meat piece outside the slicer in a state of being received either on a tray by a fixed quantity or on a conveyer. - 特許庁
This grill pan is provided with a wire grill on top to place meats on that can be removed for washing, a receiver plate under the wire grill to transmit heat to the meats and catch dripping, and a handle. - 特許庁
To integrate a wall thickness detecting means with an anti-rolling means, and to accurately measure a wall thickness of a film, without flawing the film, in a film molding device for molding the tube-like film. - 特許庁
At least one or more kinds food materials (1) selected from fruits, tubers and vegetables are covered with at least one of food materials (2) selected from fishes, shells, chicken meat or animal meat and the product is fried to form the coated layer. - 特許庁
To provide a transfer device capable of transferring a sheet type material over a wide range from a thin sheet or film to a thick sheet at high speed, with high accuracy, without causing flaw. - 特許庁
A thin-walled part 4 which is made thin along an overhanging direction L of a hook part 2 is provided at a position at an intermediate part of the axial direction of a probing rod having the hook part 2 capable of hooking the artificial ligament S provided at its leading end and a strain gauge 5 is bonded to the thin-walled part 4. - 特許庁
To provide an simple and safe method of bacteria elimination effective for beef, pork, and other meat, meat processing devices and relating devices, and cloth worn by a worker during meat processing, which especially enables bacteria elimination without denaturation of meat and produces low load for waste treatment. - 特許庁
The lid 2 can be fitted to the opening part 1 without any backlash because even if a wall thickness of each of the opening edges 4 shows a certain variation, the resilient members 3 are deformed in correspondence with the wall thickness and the rear surface of the lid 2 and the resilient members 3 are forcedly contacted with both front and rear surfaces of the opening edges 4 by their recovering force to hold the opening edges 4. - 特許庁
To provide an inexpensive sheet for a label capable of being stuck to the surface of a substance such as a raw meat of an animal (including fish meat) on which a liquid such as water oozes so as to be freely peelable without having an adhesive layer or a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer; and to provide the label. - 特許庁
Both side parts of the tape are abutted so as to be not larger than a specified clearance by helically winding the thin metallic tape 11 around the surface of a support member 13 having the columnar surface and the cylindrical body is made by continuously welding the butt part of this thin metallic tape. - 特許庁
Thus, the lower side (the lower side of an outlet of the meat box 16) of the wear plate 20 and a vacant space in the periphery of the round cutter 14 are increased to easily perform cleaning work and work (work for gripping sliced meat pieces and work for dishing up the same on a tray or the like) in slicing operation. - 特許庁
When a radius of curvature of a mounting face 13 of a base tire 12 is smaller than a radius of curvature of a belt layer 21 of a new tire, a precure tread 11 of which a thickness t is gradually increased from a center in the width direction toward both sides in the width direction, is attached to the base tire 12. - 特許庁
To provide a friction welding method for a hollow poppet valve bringing solutions to such a conventional problem that it is difficult to combine a hollow, thin-walled stem with a terminal member closing a cotter side end of the stem because pressing the terminal member against the stem causes deformation of the thinner stem side having lower rigidity never to obtain a desired frictional force. - 特許庁
common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries - 日本語WordNet
An auxiliary tool used in measuring voltage generating in the muscle by an electromyograph comprises a long-sleeved T-shirt 1 and is provided with windows 2 corresponding to parts to paste measuring electrodes. - 特許庁
Since the wall thickness of the product becomes constant and the outer surface of the backup layer is made smooth, piping or the like is easily attached in a watertight state and the danger of a water leak can be reduced markedly. - 特許庁
A color spray is sprayed on a plurality of the reinforcements through a jig having slits at the same pitches as the pitches of the reinforcements installed when the marking is conducted and being made of a thin steel plate. - 特許庁
To provide an external wall panel capable of thinning a thickness of a precast concrete slab as a face material, lessening weight of a panel and easily and firmly attaching a panel frame. - 特許庁
The electrodes are attached to the body surface exposed from the windows 2, so that a measuring person easily specifies a muscle at an appropriate position in a state that a subject is dressed and attaches the electrodes without the subject getting undressed. - 特許庁
The support body part 2 has such a size that it can be pressed to the peripheral tooth or gum with a fingertip or has such a size that it can be held by the fingertip. - 特許庁
The thick plate-like head plate with a vertical resin channel communicated with the inside of the injection cylinder is attached to the injection cylinder tip with its one end elongated downward. - 特許庁
To prevent ruggedness and shining on the surface of a sheet-like thin shutter guide plate liable to be generated when a then shutter guide plate is mounted by ultrasonic welding to the shell of a disk cartridge. - 特許庁
To finish the side face of a lens highly accurately after polishing the lens by controlling the height of the machined side of the lens in relation to the datum face of an adhesion plate when the lens is adhered through thermoplastic adhesive. - 特許庁
The bee-protecting cover 7 having a thick polyurethane protector 14 is attached to the vicinity of a U-shaped grip part 5 for the left hand in the bush cutter 1 at the tip side. - 特許庁
To change the expression around the mouth of a person by gluing an artificial tooth to an irregular tooth without cutting the tooth, simply changing the tooth row in a short time and pushing the surrounding muscles of the oral cavity by the artificial tooth. - 特許庁
The light guide plate forms a slanted surface 6 which become thinner as it become more distant from the LED 11, and a reflection dispersing film 8 is adhered to the slanted surface 6. - 特許庁
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