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import or export without paying customs duties  - 日本語WordNet


someone who imports or exports without paying duties  - 日本語WordNet


act of evaluating exports for tax rates  - EDR日英対訳辞書


tariffs that prevent import of unreasonably low priced goods  - EDR日英対訳辞書



a tariff used by an importing country to offset the effect of an export subsidy available in an exporting country  - EDR日英対訳辞書



There is also an export permit system and an export customs regime for coal and cokes. - 経済産業省


All tariffs to be eliminated by 2017; effective immediately for approximately half of all exported amounts per Quota system - 経済産業省

タイは、ASEAN 内では第1位の輸出相手国であるが、輸出品のほとんどが有税かつ高関税であり、本協定の発効による関税撤廃のメリットは大きい。例文帳に追加

Thailand ranks first among ASEAN countries as an export counterpart of Japan, but most exports are subject to high tariff rates. The EPA, therefore, once in force, will create the benefit of tariff elimination. - 経済産業省


India imposes high tariffs on most exports from Japan. Tariff elimination, therefore, would promote exports from Japan and further enable Japanese companies, mostly in the manufacturing industry, to establish entities in India to conduct duty-free procurement activities. - 経済産業省



India argued that the Regulation is discriminatory since only twelve beneficiary countries are granted duty free access to the EC market, while all other developing countries are entitled only to the full applicable duties or duty reductions. - 経済産業省


2009 年、韓国関税庁は、輸入通関、輸出通関、税金徴収、輸入貨物管理、輸出貨物管理、税金還付、通関ワンストップ窓口の7つをまとめた電子通関システム、通称UNI-PASS を導入し、輸出入時の通関時間を大幅に短縮させることに成功した。例文帳に追加

In 2009, the Korea Customs Service introduced so-called "UNI-PASS" electronic customs clearance system that combines seven operations, including import clearance, export clearance, tax collection, import cargo management, export cargo management, tax refunds, and a one-stop clearing service window, and succeeded in drastically shortening clearance hours for both exports and imports. - 経済産業省


The Chinese government applies higher export drawback rate and provides export tariff exemption to the companies that are engaged in outward direct investment; establishing a factory, processing and assembling Chinese raw materials and parts overseas and increasing Chinese exports. - 経済産業省

一般特恵(GSP=Generalized System of Preferences)とは、開発途上国の輸出所得の拡大、開発の促進を目的とし、開発途上国に対する関税上の特別措置として、先進国から開発途上国産品に対して最恵国待遇に基づく関税率より低い関税率が適用される仕組みである。例文帳に追加

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program is a system that grants certain products originating in eligible developing countries preferential tariff treatment over those normally granted under MFN status. GSP is a special measure designed to help developing countries increase their export earnings and promote development. - 経済産業省


The system has been not only used in South Korea but also exported to developing economies that highly depend on customs duties and import surtaxes. - 経済産業省

ゾーン1(1 都6県)1.機械輸入関税の50%減税 2.輸出用の原材料の輸入税免税(1年間)例文帳に追加

Zone 1(1 city and 6 provinces)1. Fifty percent reduction of import duties on machinery 2. Import tax exemption on raw materials for export (one year) - 経済産業省

ゾーン2(18 県)1.機械輸入関税の50%減税 2.法人所得税の3年間の免税 3.輸出用の原材料の輸入税免税(1年間)例文帳に追加

Zone 2(18 provinces) 1. Fifty percent reduction of the import duties in machinery 2. Exemption of corporate income tax for three years 3.Import tax exemption on raw materials for export (one year) - 経済産業省

ゾーン3(58 県)1.機械輸入関税の減税 2.法人所得税の8年間の免税 3.輸出用の原材料の輸入税免税(5年間)例文帳に追加

Zone 3(58 provinces) 1. Reduction of import duties on machinery 2. Exemption of corporate income tax for eight years 3. Import tax exemption on raw materials for export (five years) - 経済産業省

1.機械輸入関税の50%減税 2.輸出用の原材料の輸入税免税(1 年間) 3.法人所得税の3 年間の免税例文帳に追加

1. Fifty percent reduction of import duties on machinery 2. Import tax exemption on raw materials for export (one year) 3. Exemption of corporate income tax for three years - 経済産業省


Using schemes provided for by the CEPA, enterprises can export certain categories of products made in Hong Kong to China without paying customs duty.  - 経済産業省


Japanese companies are exporting to the EU about ¥240 billion only for multi-functional machines, with the resultant annual excess tariff payment of about ¥14 billion.  - 経済産業省


Based on low-labor cost, foreign companies continued its investment mainly in the area of processing trade that provides preferential treatment such as export tariff exemption. - 経済産業省


- Tariff elimination in approximately 92% of two-way trade (approximately 93% of imports from Indonesia and approximately 90% exports to Indonesia will be tariff-free.) - 経済産業省


Especially for the liberalization of trade in goods, the EPA will eliminate tariffs on about 97% of the export to Thailand, in value terms, and on about 92% of the import from Thailand, in value terms. - 経済産業省

特に繊維・繊維製品分野については、途上国の輸出関心品目も多く含まれることから、全ての国が参加し、関税・非関税障壁削減を実質的に促進するための繊維ハーモを推進すべき。(Annex I)例文帳に追加

With regard to textiles and clothing sectors, "Harmonization" among all Members should be pursued to participate, because many items of export interest for developing countries are included in these product areas. This "Harmonization" should aim at substantial reductions not only of tariffs, but also of NTBs (Refer to Annex 1 for the details).  - 経済産業省


For example, where an FTA is concluded among third countries (Country A and Country B), eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers between them, Japanese companies which would have produced their goods in Japan, paid tariffs to export to the market of Country A may transfer their production bases to Country B in order to export to Country A without tariff duties. - 経済産業省


In accordance with these agreements, on January 1, 2006, the Chinese authorities adjusted the products subject to Provisional Administrative Measures on Textile Export, and cancelled the Export Tariffs on Textiles. - 経済産業省


When a trading partner uses tariffs to restrict imports, it remains possible to increase exports as long as foreign products become price-competitive enough to overcome the barriers created by the tariff. When a trading partner uses quantitative restrictions (i.e., quotas), however, it is impossible to export in excess of the quota no matter how price competitive the product may be. - 経済産業省

輸出輸出税に関しては、GATT 第11条第1項が関税その他の課徴金を明示的に除外していることから、WTO協定による規律は基本的に及んでいないと考えられるが、輸出税が貿易歪曲効果を有することから、日本のEPA では、WTOプラスの高い規律を目指している。例文帳に追加

(2) Export Duties Paragraph 1 of Article XI of GATT explicitly excludes duties, taxes and other charges. It is thus considered that export duties are not subject to the disciplines under the WTO Agreement. However, as export duties have a trade distortion effect, EPAs which have been entered into by Japan have introduced strict restraints, exceeding those of the WTO Agreement. - 経済産業省

このほか、対チリ輸出では一般機械と自動車がそれぞれ1.7 倍と1.6 倍、対タイ輸出では鉄鋼・鉄鋼製品と自動車がそれぞれ1.5 倍、1.2 倍になるなど(すべてEPA発効前年の2006 年から2008 年まで)、EPAで相手国の関税が削減・撤廃された品目では輸出額が増加している。例文帳に追加

In addition, exports to Chile of general machinery and automobiles increased 1.7 times and 1.6 times respectively. With exports to Thailand, steel and steel products and automobiles increased 1.5 times and 1.2 times respectively (all from 2006, the year previous in effect, to 2008). Goods on which EPA has reduced or has eliminated tariffs in other countries have been increased in exports. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, the Meiji government, who did not have tariff autonomy against exporting countries, marked down the liquor tax received from sake as the main source of revenue, because it did not need to worry about tariff problems since materials were merely imported from foreign countries and because sake was drunk broadly in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

例えば、オーストラリア―ニュージーランド経済協力協定(ANZCERTA:Australia-NewZealand Closer Economic Relations TradeAgreement)では、移行期間として関税、数量制限、関税割当、輸出インセンティブ、及び貿易機会の発展を妨げる物価安定措置や補助が存続する期間と定められていた。例文帳に追加

For example, ANZCERTA provides that the transition period shall be the period during which tariffs, quantitative restrictions, tariff quotas, export incentives and price stabilization measures, and subsidies which hinder the development of trade opportunities exist. - 経済産業省


The Uruguay Round was epochal in the sense that it succeeded in attaining a comprehensive agreement in agriculture, for which former rounds had attained only limited tariff reductions. The Uruguay Round agreement included agreements on tariffication (i.e. replacing on-tariff trade measures, such as import quotas, with tariffs) of almost all agricultural products, and the reduction of export subsidies and domestic agricultural subsidies. - 経済産業省

日メキシコEPAによる貿易の自由化については、我が国からメキシコへの輸出について平均16%課されていた関税の段階的な撤廃又は引下げが既に行われており、発効後10 年以内にほぼすべての品目について関税が撤廃されることとなっている。例文帳に追加

For the trade liberalization, tariffs imposed at an average of 16% on goods from Japan to Mexico have gradually been eliminated or reduced and will be eliminated almost completely within ten years after the enactment. - 経済産業省

(注)船積み前検査 輸入国(主に開発途上国)から指定を受けた船積み前検査会社が、輸入国の税関当局に代わって商品の船積み前に、輸出国の領域内で商品の品質、数量、価格、関税分類、関税評価等について検査を行い、証明書を発給する制度。例文帳に追加

Note: Pre-shipment Inspection is a system under which a pre-shipment inspection company designated by the importing country (mostly developing countries) conducts inspection of the quality, volume, price, tariff classification, customs valuation, etc. of merchandise in the territory of the exporting country on behalf of the importing country's custom office and issues certificates. - 経済産業省


How to address NTMs is important in terms of meaningful improvement in market access. Taking into account studies and discussions in various fora, one of the ideas is that each Member submits its interested area of NTMs as a request. It is necessary to take up not only border measures on the importing side but also trade distorting measures on the exporting side such as export duties and export restrictions. NTM negotiations in connection with tariff negotiations should be assessed in the context of overall balance of non-agricultural market access negotiations.  - 経済産業省

その後、EU は、2000年12月に新制度として先着順方式(first come, first served system, EU 市場に優先的にバナナを輸出する業者に対し、関税割当内でバナナ輸入のライセンスを与える制度)を発表、本関税割当制度を2001年4月より施行し、遅くとも2006年には関税のみの制度に移行することを提案し、2001年4月、米とEU 並びにEU とエクアドルは長年に渡るバナナ紛争の解決に向けて合意に達した。例文帳に追加

In December 2000, the EU announced a “first-come, firstserve” system that grants banana import licenses under the tariff quota to parties preferentially exporting bananas to the EU market. It was proposed that the quota system would take effect in April 2001, with a tariff-only system to take effect no later than 2006. - 経済産業省


It is understood that Germany has improved both the export competitiveness and locational competitiveness through the following three efforts, (A) Improvement of export environment (avoidance of exchange rate fluctuation and elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers by strengthening economic partnership), (B) Reduction of business operating costs (reduction of corporate tax and easing of employment restriction), and (C) Strengthening of the source of competitiveness (promotion of R&D and accumulation of mid-sized enterprises). - 経済産業省


Moreover, in the case of carrying out exports (consignment manufacturing trade) of manufactured products processed using imported raw materials and parts, the bond system, in which there is exemption from import tax and value added tax, was applied. From September 2006 onward, however, an import tax and value added tax at the time of import came to be levied centering on items for which the reimbursement of value added tax on exports had been eliminated, and the benefits of the bond system could no longer be received. - 経済産業省


As a consequence, it held that the imposition of export restrictions on certain regions in order to prevent the application of countervailing duties by the U.S. was a reasonable policy decision, and that the domestic investor in the region to which the export restriction did not apply and Pope & Talbot were not inlike circumstances,” and therefore there was no breach of national treatment. - 経済産業省

そのため、日本の生産や雇用を維持するためには、世界の生産を支える「輸出」をより積極的にすすめることが、以前にも増して重要になっているのであって、その中でEPA をはじめとした経済連携による関税逓減に留まらない広い範囲にわたる輸出環境整備の意義が高まっているのである。例文帳に追加

Therefore it becomes increasingly important to promote "exports" that support global production more positively to maintain domestic production and employment, and under such conditions, the importance of preparation for an export environment that covers a wide range beyond duty reduction by economic cooperation including EPAs is rising. - 経済産業省

ブ ラジルに対する完成車の主要輸出国はアルゼンチン、 メキシコ(これらの国からの完成車の輸入には35% の関税が免除される)や韓国等であり、中でも、アル ゼンチンからの完成車輸出の9 割以上がブラジル向け であり、打撃は大きい。例文帳に追加

Major countries exporting finished cars to Brazil include Argentina and Mexico (finished cars imported from these countries are subject to a 35% tariff exemption) and South Korea. In particular, Argentina exports more than 90% of its finished cars to Brazil and experiences significant effects of the import licensing. - 経済産業省

メキシコは、ビッグ4 や日系企業を含む多くの自動 車メーカーの対米州輸出拠点であり、対ブラジルゼロ 関税輸出に上限枠が設定されると、これらの企業のブ ラジル市場での事業に影響が生じる可能性がある。例文帳に追加

Mexico is an export base to the Americas for many automobile manufacturers including the Big Four and Japanese automobile manufacturers. An upper limit of duty-free exports to Brazil may have a serious impact on their business in the Brazilian market. - 経済産業省


He also said it was necessary to expand food aid, to stimulate small farm production and to minimize export restrictions and import tariffs.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


For interception against the intellectual property infringement, the tariff officer and other competent officers at the border shall have rights and duty in inspecting the imported-exported goods, seizing and confiscating the intellectual property infringed goods, in compliance with the laws and regulations. - 特許庁

韓国貿易協会の調査によれば、韓国全体のFTA の活用率(韓国からの輸出時において特恵関税を活用していると回答した企業の割合)は大企業で26.4%、中小企業に限っていえば16.3%となっている。例文帳に追加

According to the survey by the Korea International Trade Association, the rate of using the FTA in South Korea (the percentage of enterprises that answered they use a preferential tariff at the time of exports from South Korea) was 26.4% for large enterprises, and 16.3% for SMEs. - 経済産業省

また、輸出通関も通常は1 日かかるところ2 分以内に短縮され、関税の払戻しも通常は4 日かかっていたのが1 時間以内で終えることができるようになった。例文帳に追加

In addition, export clearance procedures usually take one day to complete but the time required is shortened to less than two minutes, and also refund procedures for custom duties usually take four days to complete but are completed within one hour. - 経済産業省


The bill was to impose an additional custom duty to imported products from China based on interpretation of lower exchange rates of Chinese Yuan maintained by the government as a type of export subsidy. - 経済産業省

この結果、2010 年2 月27 日、インド財務省は通達で、我が国から要望した主要品目についての特別追加関税の撤廃を公表、日本からの輸出品の大半について問題が解決した。例文帳に追加

As a result, on February 27th, 2010, the Indian ministry of Finance sent out a notice advising the public about the abolition of a special additional duty for the majority of exported goods and the problem was resolved. - 経済産業省

GATT 第1条1項は、関税輸出入規則、輸入品に対する内国税及び内国規則について、WTO加盟国が他の加盟国の同種の産品に最恵国待遇を供与することを定めている。例文帳に追加

GATT Article I:1 requires WTO Members to extend MFN treatment to like products of other WTO Members with respect to tariffs, regulations on exports and imports, internal taxes and charges, and internal regulations. - 経済産業省


具体的には、ダンピング輸入された産品に対して、国内向け販売価格と輸出向け販売価格との差(ダンピング・マージン)を上限とする関税(AD 税)を賦課する。例文帳に追加

The amount of AD duty is determined by the dumping margin—the difference between the export price of the product and the domestic selling price of the like product in the exporting country. - 経済産業省


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