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All I did wasの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 26


All I did was get flustered. 例文帳に追加

私はただおろおろするばかりだった。 - Weblio Email例文集

All I did today was play games.例文帳に追加

今日はゲームしかしなかった。 - Tatoeba例文

all I did was play around every day. 例文帳に追加

毎日宿題をせず遊んでばかりいました。 - Weblio Email例文集

All I did was eat without taking any photos.例文帳に追加

私は写真を撮らずにご飯ばかり食べていました。 - Weblio Email例文集


All I did was run a little and now my knees are wobbly.例文帳に追加

少し走っただけで膝がガクガクしてるよ。 - Tatoeba例文


All I did was run a little and now my knees are wobbly. 例文帳に追加

少し走っただけで膝がガクガクしてるよ。 - Tanaka Corpus

Today they were selling white strawberries when I went to the store, but they were so expensive all I did was take a picture.例文帳に追加

今日ね、お店に行ったら「白いちご」売ってたんだけど、すごく高かったから写真だけ撮ってきたよ。 - Tatoeba例文

and I think I can convince you once for all that it was John McFarlane who did this crime.'' 例文帳に追加

犯人はジョン・マクファーレンその人であることを、きっぱりとお見せいたしましょう」 - Arthur Conan Doyle『ノーウッドの建築家』

I did not understand the reason at all and repeatedly asked my mother about it, but she never told me what it was about. 例文帳に追加

私はその理由が分らず、屡々母にたづねたが、一向教えてはくれなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There was scrub and long grass all about us, and I did not feel safe from their insidious approach. 例文帳に追加

まわりはずっと茂みや背の高い草で、かれらの狡猾な接近から安全だとは思えませんでした。 - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』


Nakata said, “I was thrilled. I really wanted to jump up and down, but I behaved myself because this was a practice game. I don’t have the skill to hit breaking balls yet, so I tried to hit only fastballs. I should take a full swing all the time, the way I did today.” 例文帳に追加

中田選手は「うれしかった。本当は飛び跳ねたかったけれど,練習試合なのでがまんした。変化球を打つ技術がまだないので,直球だけを打とうと努めた。今日みたいに常にフルスイングすべきだと思う。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

"Well, even so my score is far above yours isn't it?" "What did you say!? If I was to go all out you'd be as nothing to me!"例文帳に追加

「まあ、それでも君よりは、はるかに僕の方が点数高いけどね。」「なんですって!私が本気を出せば、あなたなんて、目じゃないわ!」 - Tatoeba例文

I was getting close to the summit, but there were several boulders in my way, and trying to get over them almost did me in. Sometimes there were loose rocks all over the place, too.例文帳に追加

山の頂上に近づいたら大きな岩がゴロゴロあって、そこを乗り越えるのに一苦労だったよ。時々グラグラしている岩もあったしね。 - Tatoeba例文

"Well, even so my score is far above yours isn't it?" "What did you say!? If I was to go all out you'd be as nothing to me!" 例文帳に追加

「まあ、それでも君よりは、はるかに僕の方が点数高いけどね。」「なんですって!私が本気を出せば、あなたなんて、目じゃないわ!」 - Tanaka Corpus

I didn't know when I was to be called up for military service. Being called up inevitably led to my death. I concentrated on my study in such a tense atmosphere. So did all of my colleagues in the dormitory. For that reason alone, we had a strong sense of solidarity. 例文帳に追加

「いつ兵隊にとられるか分からない。戦場に行けば必ず死が待っている。そういった緊迫した状態で学問に打ち込んでいた。寄宿舎の連中は皆そうだった。それだけにお互いの連帯感は強かった」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"When I asked to go out drinking with some friends, did you not say that it was fine? So why are you so angry? You're contradicting yourself." "Not at all! You never said that you were going to be drinking with men!" "That's because Tom is just a friend, and I know that if I said I was going with him then you'd have said no."例文帳に追加

「私が『友達と飲みに行ってもいい?』って聞いたらあなたが『いいよ』って言ったんじゃない!どうしてそんなに怒ってるの?理不尽な」「理不尽じゃないだろう?男と飲みに行くなんて一言も言ってなかったじゃないか!」「だって、トムはただの友達だし、そんなの言ったら『ダメ』って言われるの分かってるもん」 - Tatoeba例文

I was on Oki no shima Island and I wanted to come over here, but since I had no way of doing so, I said to the wani in the sea, 'let's have a race to see whether there are more of you or more of us. Get as many of your friends as possible and make one line to Keta no Misaki. I'll run over you and count as I cross over.' The wani made a single line as they were told, and I stepped on them, and just when I was about to get off on land I said 'you were all tricked,' and the wani caught me and tore off my clothes. I did as I was told by Yasogami, who just passed by, and I have wounds everywhere.' 例文帳に追加

「私は淤岐嶋にいて、こちらに渡ろうと思ったが渡る手段がないので、海の和邇(わに)に「お前と私とでどちらが仲間が多いか競争しよう。できるだけ仲間を集めて気多の岬まで一列に並びなさい。私がその上を走りながら数えて渡るから」と言った。和邇は言われた通りに一列に並び、私はその上を跳んで行って、地面に下りようとする時に「お前たちは騙されたんだよ」と言うと、和邇は私を捕えて着物を剥いでしまった。先程通りかかった八十神に言われた通りにしたら、すっかり傷だらけになってしまった」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He did not try to follow the styles of KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro or YAMABE no Akahito or imitate the styles of KI no Tsurayuki or FUJIWARA no Teika at all, his style was established as highly as mountains and as bright as the light of the sun and moon, and it was to be really respected and I felt brought to my knees unawares. 例文帳に追加

強ち柿本人麻呂・山部赤人の余唾を舐るでもなく、固より紀貫之・藤原定家の糟粕をしやぶるでもなく、自己の本領屹然として山岳と高きを争ひ日月と光を競ふ処、実に畏るべく尊むべく、覚えず膝を屈するの思ひ有之候。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"When I was little, I once broke my mom's favorite necklace, and all the little pieces spilled onto the road." "Was she mad at you?" "I don't really remember." "Then how do you know you did that?" "She told me about it several times." "She's probably holding it against you." "You think?" "Maybe. Once you start making money, you should buy her another one to make up for it." "Alright, I will."例文帳に追加

「小さい頃に、お母さんのお気に入りのネックレスをちぎちゃってさぁ、路上にバラ蒔いたことがあるんだ」「お母さんに、怒られたでしょ?」「それがね、僕、覚えてないんだ」「じゃぁ、なんで知ってるの?」「お母さんに何度も言われたから」「それって、絶対お母さんは根に持ってるよね」「えっ。そうなのかな?」「多分ね。初任給もらったら、お母さんにネックレスプレゼントしといた方がいいよ」「わかった。そうする」 - Tatoeba例文

He was criticized by those who did not know of all his previous deeds, who said, 'It's surprising... even a living national treasure is but a performer... I was really surprised...'; however, even in such a situation his wife, Ogi, made an introductory remark, saying, 'It's because he is just a performer...' and commented by saying, 'He always needs ladies (including those not young) in order to live,' and, 'If he isn't popular among ladies, I won't be interested in him'; thus she showed her generosity with such a statement befitting a goddess among wives of performers. 例文帳に追加

これまでの彼の行動を知らない人たちから「驚いた。人間国宝でも所詮芸人か。ほんとうに驚いた」と批判をくらったが、そのときも夫人・扇は「彼は芸人ですから」と前置きした後で、「彼は常に女の人(若い子でなくともよい)がいないとダメですから」「女性にモテない夫なんてつまらない」とコメント、役者女房の神様のような発言を行い、度量の大きさを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I have been constantly bringing up this point since the days of former Minister Yosano when the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power and, considering that Minister Jimi did point out distortions caused by the Koizumi reform after the recent change of administration and I am sure that Senior Vice Minister Otsuka, being a financial expert, must naturally be so versed in this matter that I should not have to give any detailed account, why has there been no inspection that covers people involved all the way from the day the license of the Incubator Bank was issued? I just cannot stop wondering about this question and would like to have it answered by the Senior Vice Minister as well. 例文帳に追加

これは、自民党政権時代の与謝野大臣からそう言っているのですけれども、実際、今回政権交代して、自見大臣も小泉改革のゆがみについて指摘されていましたし、大塚副大臣も金融のエキスパートで、もちろんここで細かく言う必要はないほどご存じだと思うのです。この間も言いましたけれども、なぜこの振興銀行の免許をおろしたところからのずっと関係者を含めた検証をしないのかというのは不思議でしようがないのですが、その点について副大臣も含めてお答えいただきたいのですけれども。 - 金融庁

As Mr.Sam said all those years ago - "we are going to approach philanthoropy with the same lack of reverence we gave to the traditional methods of retail business when we started out there. ... Everybody who knew I was going ahead with the discounting idea on my own really did think I'd completely lost my mind." 例文帳に追加

創業者サム・ウォルトンはかつてこう言った…「当社事業は社会奉仕に近づいていくだろう。我々は小売業に参入したとき、従来の業界手法に対する敬意を持ち合わせていなかったのと同じである;当時、私が独自の低価格路線を掲げていたことを知った人はみな、狂気の沙汰と思っていた。」 - 経済産業省

That is a very good question. He is overseas at the moment, is he? I did read in the newspaper that he has not responded to any interviews. I believe that after all, he cannot evade moral responsibility as a person who held a public position, was a member of the Diet and served as Minister for Financial Services in charge of financial regulation and supervision for nearly two years in Japan, given that (former Prime Minister) Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Takenaka were extremely high-profile political figures at the time. 例文帳に追加

それは大変的確な質問ですけれども、今海外に行っておられるのですか。何か私は新聞では、取材に一切応じないというようなことだけは読みましたけれどもね。私はやっぱり公職にあった人間として、国会議員であったこともあるわけですから、2年近く日本の金融行政をあずけてきた金融(担当)大臣、ましてや小泉さんと竹中さんという、当時まさに大変大きな政治的存在であったわけですから、やっぱり道義的責任というのは免れないと思っていますよ。 - 金融庁

(b) where the patent was granted on the basis of any prescribed information relating to a corresponding application or corresponding international application referred to in section 29, that -- (i) at the time the prescribed documents for the grant of the patent were filed and the prescribed fee for the grant of the patent was paid, at least one claim in the application for the patent did not relate to any claim -- (A) which is set out in the prescribed information relating to the corresponding application or corresponding international application, as the case may be; and (B) which has been examined to determine whether the claim appears to satisfy the criteria of novelty, inventive step (or non-obviousness) and industrial applicability (or utility); or (ii) the Examiner of the corresponding application or corresponding international application, as the case may be, did not consider all the relevant prior art before preparing his report on the examination of the corresponding application or corresponding international application, as the case may be.例文帳に追加

(b) 第29条にいう対応する出願又は関係出願又は対応する国際出願に関する所定の情報を根拠として特許が付与された場合に, (i) 特許付与を求める所定の書類が提出され,特許付与に係る所定の手数料が納付された時の当該特許出願の少なくとも1のクレームが, (A) 対応する出願又は場合により対応する国際出願に関する所定の情報中に含まれているクレームであって, (B) 新規性,進歩性(若しくは非自明性)及び産業上の利用性(若しくは有用性)の基準を満たすと認められるか否かを決定するために審査されたもの, に関係していなかったこと,又は (ii) 対応する出願又は場合により対応する国際出願の審査官が,当該対応する出願又は場合により対応する国際出願の審査についての報告を作成する前に,関係先行技術のすべては考慮しなかったこと - 特許庁

(a) where the patent was granted on the basis of any examination report or search and examination report referred to in section 29, any international preliminary report on patentability referred to in section 30(2)(b)(vi) or any international preliminary examination report, that -- (i) at least one claim in the application for the patent at the time the prescribed documents for the grant of the patent were filed and the prescribed fee for the grant of the patent was paid was not related to any claim in the application at the time the report was issued -- (A) which has been examined; and (B) which is referred to in the report; or (ii) the Examiner of the application did not consider all the relevant prior art before preparing the report;例文帳に追加

(a) 第29条にいう審査報告又は調査及び審査報告,第30条(2)(b)(vi)にいう特許性に関する国際予備報告又は何れかの国際予備審査報告を根拠として特許が付与された場合に, (i) 特許付与を求める所定の書類が提出され,特許付与についての所定の手数料が納付された時の当該特許出願の少なくとも1のクレームが,当該報告が交付された時の状態での出願の, (A) 審査され,かつ (B) 当該報告中で引用されている, 何れのクレームにも関係していなかったこと,又は (ii) 当該出願の審査官が,当該報告を作成する前に,関係先行技術のすべては考慮しなかったこと - 特許庁


Cursed be my tribe if I forgive him!" Anthonio finding he was musingwithin himself and did not answer, and being impatient for the money, said, "Shylock, do you hear? will you lend the money?" To thisquestion the Jew replied, "Signior Anthonio, on the Rialto many a time and often you have railed at me about my monies, and my usuries, and have borne it with a patient shrug, for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe; and then you have called me unbeliever, cut-throat dog, andspit upon my Jewish garments, and spurned at me with your foot, as if I was a cur. 例文帳に追加

わしがあいつを赦すくらいなら、わしの種族が呪われてしまうがいい!」アントニオはシャイロックが自分の考えに沈み込み、何も答えないのを見て、お金を早く貸してもらいたくてこう言った。「シャイロック、聞いてるのかい? お金を貸してくれないだろうか?」この質問にユダヤ人はこう答えた。「アントニオさん、あんたは取引所でそれこそさんざんわしをののしりなさったな、わしの金と高利貸しのことで。わしは辛抱強く肩をすくめてあんたの悪態を堪え忍んできました。忍従こそがわしら種族すべての徽章《きしょう》ですからな。それから、あんたはわしを無信心者とか極悪な犬とかいって、わしのユダヤ服につばを吐きかけ、野良犬を追い払うようにわしを足蹴にいたしましたな。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


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原題:”The Adventure of the Norwood Builder”

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原文:「The Return of Sherlock Holmes」所収「The Adventure of the Norwood Builder」
プロジェクト杉田玄白正式参加テキスト。最新版はhttp://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kareha/にあります。 Copyright &copy; Arthur Conan Doyle 1903, expired. Copyright &copy; Kareha 2000-2001, waived.
原題:”The Time Machine”

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