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該当件数 : 43



He is somewhat cool in contrast to Yotaro who is a born idiot.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Instead, people had to present 90 cm of silk or 113 cm of cloth for one day of labor service.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス




To provide an exposure device which employs an overfield optical system, and which keeps the distribution of the quantity of light on a scanning surface constant in accordance with a plurality of quantities of scanning light. - 特許庁



A motor housing 6 is erected on a base bracket 2, a motor rotor 8 is stored in the housing, and a brush holder 9 is inserted in the axial direction to cover it. - 特許庁



In a Tokyo stadium packed with 21,000 fans, Japan's national rugby team achieved a major victory over Wales on June 15. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The mini pagodas where the Dharanis are placed are made up of small triple pagodas that are of a wooden make by using the traditional Chinese potter's wheel painted white.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This X-ray inspection device is equipped with the ring-shaped electron emitter 6 housed in a vacuum container 5, and a ring-shaped X-ray target 7. - 特許庁


With the locking released, a pushing operation surface 26A is placed so as to have a higher position than the upper surface 28A of the beam 28. - 特許庁



A pre-stressed coil spring housed in a cylindrical casing and hydraulic cylinder-like device constituted with a rod that passes through the cylindrical casing are arranged. - 特許庁



This light is made incident to a spectrum measuring instrument 1, and then incident to a sensor surface of a CCD sensor 1d through the etalon 1b, etc. - 特許庁


A filter 6a which is put in a filter wheel 6 is irradiated with light from a light source 2 via a lens 4. - 特許庁


The aged mother opened the letter from her daughter to find a waka (poem) which fully explained her daughter's true situation as follows: "Omoigawa fukaki fuchi se ha hayakeredo/ sasou mizu ni ha na wo nagasameya" (which read: like the deep pool in the river of tears, I sank into an abyss of sorrow and despair; even if the things are changing too fast as the shallow water flows rapidly, how can I surrender myself to a man and gain a bad reputation? - I dare not do that.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His son, MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and yoriyoshi's son MINAMOTO no Yoshiie gained control of Bando samurai in Zen Kunen no Eki and Go Sannen no Eki, and HACHIMANTARO Yoshiie became the head of the samurai families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tarokaja gets astride on a wooden stick and picks up a sake cask while turning around once, imitating a horseman of yabusame, and runs for his life.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Wine and the attached commodity thereof are inserted in catalogues 11, etc., as a set commodity by photographs and the catalogues 11, etc., and an order sheet 12 are housed in a document case 13. - 特許庁


A data conversion part 113 converts the inputted catalog into XML form data formed by storing the respective retracted attributes into tags and a data registration part 114 registers them into catalog database 3. - 特許庁


The subject stands in front of the body temperature examination device 1, confirms the own face imaged by the visual camera 2 on the monitor 6, and puts the own face within a face frame on the monitor 6. - 特許庁


The circuit components of the oscillator circuit and the buffer circuit consist of a compound transistor 6, a plurality of chip resistors 7 and chip capacitors 8, and the chip resistors 7 and the chip capacitors 8 are composed of small chip components whose outside dimensions are 0.6×0.3 mm. - 特許庁


To attain high-accuracy exposure, by stably matching the focusing position of a light beam for exposure emitted from a light source side on a face to be scanned, by making the light beam reflect on the reflecting face of a deflecting member of a light beam deflector which is rotated at a high speed. - 特許庁


As for Todai-ji Temple, since the Meiji Period, temples have been required to clarify their religious sects and Todai-ji Temple is in the Kegon sect; but in the Nara Period, Todai-ji was a 'Rokushu Kengaku no tera' (Temple of syncretic study of the six sects of Buddhist learning) and inside the Great Buddha Hall, there was a 'Rokushu-zushi' (a cupboard-like case with double doors) in which textbooks of all the sects were kept.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, the number of seats of government-affiliated candidates increased by ten seats in the areas where Kuki conducted election campaigns, including four seats in Nara, and Kuki also succeeded in making a big-shot politician from the Liberal Party (Japan), Kentaro OI, lose the election.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to a knurled groove section and a projection section, arranged at a surface of the semicircular column and at an internal surface of the concave groove respectively, it is constituted so that the operation surface of the telephone is set to any desired tilting angle. - 特許庁


To provide a road surface cleaning vehicle capable of being housed in an entire width of a body in housing and provided with a brush cover capable of sufficiently preventing scattering of matters to be cleaned swept out by a brush in cleaning. - 特許庁


A peripheral wall of the notch 60 has an unlock-side slide surface 63 formed obliquely away from the operational surface as a distance from the upper surface of the plug body 31 increases. - 特許庁


To provide a recording device capable of easily setting the rolled paper, and a rolled paper-included packing member accommodating the rolled paper and set in the recording device. - 特許庁


After the shrink-fitted assembly 14 is cooled, the next assembly 14 is shrink-fitted by fitting the joining protrusion 9 and the joining recession 12 of first and second end collars 7, 10 to each other. - 特許庁


A mount body 32 has an insertion portion 325 formed therein, for insertion of a leg portion 314b of the slider lock 314, and the insertion portion 325 consists of an upper chamber 325a, a lower chamber 325b, and a downward facing locking step surface 325c defined between the chambers. - 特許庁


An inspection instruction is successively transmitted to the inspection module 4 while inspecting or controlling it via an inspection process stored in the control main computer 6. - 特許庁


The stepping motor 10 is provided with a stator 20, a rotor 40 stored rotatably inside the stator, and a motor shaft 43 mounted on the shaft center of rotor. - 特許庁


This operation system includes the operation guide of a printer, the exchange part catalog of the printer, the exchange part number, and the exchange part drawing selectively displayed on an operation screen 2 according to the action of an operator connected to the operation screen 2 through a context and an electronic documentation including the maintenance guide of the printer. - 特許庁


For the ultrasonic probe having two ultrasonic transducer arrays (222 and 224) for respectively scanning two scanning surfaces (212 and 214) by ultrasonic waves, one of the two ultrasonic transducer arrays is made posture-variable relatively to the other (600 and 700). - 特許庁


Competent and skilled workers employed in companies committed to innovation and social responsibility in a society that is not indifferent to its weaker members, has proved to be a remarkably successful formula which many want to emulate. - 厚生労働省


As stated above, although the six-volume Nirvana Sutra translated by Hokken states that 'The Lotus Sutra enabled 8000 disciples of Buddha to achieve religious salvation,' neither the northern edition (translated by Dharmaraksana) nor the southern edition (compiled by making corrections to the six-volume edition and the northern edition) contains the statement that the Lotus Sutra taught 'Buddhist truths to the unenlightened masses, who will have nothing more to learn, just as farmers who have harvested crops in fall for winter storage have nothing more to do.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A home subscriber server (HSS) 104 uses a mobile application part (MAP) operation ATI (Any Time Interrogation) messaging technique to query a legacy home location register (HLR) 106 and obtain the requested location/state information. - 特許庁


A planetary gear having an idle gear between the wind direction blade shaft and the canvas blade shaft is provided in the lower part of the rotor and stored in a gear case, a timing belt is stretched between the planetary gear shaft and the canvas blade shaft, oil feeding to the gear is facilitated, the tension of the timing belt is adjusted, and the belt is easily replaced. - 特許庁


The first movie in which Bando appeared after he returned to Kyoto and joined Shinko Kinema, hiding his production name, "Bando Tsumasaburo Productions," was "Niiro Tsuruchiyo" (Tsuruchiyo NIIRO), created by the executive producer Shintaro SHIRAI, directed by Daisuke ITO, and recorded by Masahiro MAKINO (the founder of the Kyoto branch office of Onei).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By enhancing the systems for consultation and processing of administrative work at the labour bureaus and the labour standards inspection offices, ① Speedy and appropriate payments of workers compensation insurance benefits and scholarships, etc. are made for affected workers and bereaved familiesSpeedy and careful responses are made for inquiries, etc. regarding the extension of due dates of labour insurance premiums for affected employers. - 厚生労働省


The core molten material holding device holding core molten material generated when a core contained in a reactor pressure vessel melted to fall down includes a water supply container prepared under the reactor pressure vessel to supply cooling water and a cooling flow channel organizer forming a cooling flow channel extending from the water supply container. - 特許庁


In the double spindle multilayer motor structure where an inner rotor and an outer rotor incorporating permanent magnets are arranged concentrically while holding a cylindrical stator between, axial length of the stator teeth 101 in the stator is longer than the axial length of both the outer rotor 108 and the inner rotor 103 which are contained between the forward end and the rearward end of the stator teeth in te axial direction under assembled state. - 特許庁


To control the variation of water level in a drum within a given range to stably implement two-furnace blowing operation without trip stop of a boiler forced circulation pump and generation of carry-over to a steam line, in a converter boiler having heat transfer surfaces on a plurality of furnace and sharing the drum. - 特許庁


When the worker comes close to the robot 2, communication through the human body starts between the portable device 8 and the robot 2, and the robot control device 1 having detected the communication operates the robot to stop or decelerate according to a preset operation command, and transmits alarm information to the portable device 8 to notify the worker of the alarm. - 特許庁



Since a rotation of the seat and/or the lid can thus be suppressed on a side of the rotating base end of the seat 610, a cushioning medium which has been used to protect tips of the seat/lid can be dispensed with. - 特許庁


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