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However, similar names such as "Iwarehikono Mikoto, Mausu Kan Yamato Iwarehiko hohodemi-no-mikoto"in first book of second section, "Kan Yamato Iwarehiko hohodemi-no-mikoto"in first book of third section, and "Iwarehiko hohodemi-no mikoro"in first book of fourth section are mentioned, respectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Incidentally, according to one section of Nihonshoki the name 'Hikohohodemi' is considered to be Emperor Jinmu's name.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Eichi was from 'Nakanoke,' a branch family of the Shibusawa family, Tatsuhiko SHIBUSAWA, a scholar of French literature was from the head family, 'Higashinoke.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One year later, Sakugoro HIRASE was transferred out to Hikone-higashi Prefectural High School of Shiga and had to abandon his research once, having a hard time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, a genealogy indicating the existence of Obiko no Mikoto, the first Prince of the Emperor Kogen, was engraved on kinsakumei tekken (an iron sword with gold-inlaid inscriptions) unearthed from Inariyama-kofun Tumulus; then more people now believe that the Emperor Kogen actually existed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



"Nihon Shoki" Volume 6 Number 1 includes the description of '主神八尋 五十鈴 日本天皇,' which means that Kotoshironushinokami had transformed himself into Yahirowani (eight-fathom shark) and paid frequent visits to Mishimanomizokuhihime, also known as Tamakushihime, and that Himetataraisuzuhime was born to the couple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, it is also said that the tradition that ehomaki 'must be eaten with one bite' was a story made up by Masahiko YAMAJI, the president of 'Takomasa,' who began selling ehomaki to promote the sale of nori (dried sheets of a type of red algae).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In March 1927, he was elected for the first rank in the 'Director popularity poll' in the magazine called "Eiga Jidai" (literally meaning movie era) March issue (Kiyohiko USHIHARA for the second rank) and established himself as a movie director.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In July, she applied for the Tokyo governor's approval to establish a Women's Institute for English Studies (present Tsuda College) with help from her father Sen, Alice BACON, Sutematsu OYAMA, Shigeko URYU, and Hikoichiro SAKURAI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, according to the sixth addendum to the "Nihonshoki," 'Kotoshironushi no kami transformed into Yahiro no Kumawani to marry Mishima no Mizokuihime, also called Tamakushihime, and the child was born named Himetataraisuzuhimenomikoto, who became the wife of Kamuyamatoiwarehiko Hohodemino sumeramikoto.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Although one theory has it that the spirit having possessed Nao DEGUCHI was not only Ushitora no Konjin, but also a number of other possessing spirits including Kunitakehiko no mikoto, it is now acknowledged that this is wrong and it was nothing but a rumor at the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Maita Kazuhiko, the director of the Institute for Asian Black Bear Research and Preservation, says, "The intense summer heat and frequent typhoons may have disturbed black bears' senses and made them come out to the human areas."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


However, a genealogy indicating the existence of Obiko no Mikoto, the first Prince of the Emperor Kogen, was engraved on kinsakumei tekken (an iron sword with gold-inlaid inscriptions) unearthed from Inariyama-kofun Tumulus; then more people now believe that the Emperor Kogen and his father, Emperor Korei actually existed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Konoe sought a path to a negotiation by withdrawing from China, but Minister of the Army Hideki TOJO, who opposed this, demanded either the resignation of all cabinet members or the start of war based on the national policy outline, so the two of them agreed on recommending Prince Higashikuninomiya Naruhiko as the next prime minister, and on October 16, the cabinet was dismantled, with the cabinet members resigning en masse on October 18.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Recently, however, a theory suggesting that the expression, 'the greatest Tengu in Japan' was a phrase describing Yasutsune and not the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa emerged (as offered by various people including Fumihiko GOMI) which was contradicted by an argument going back to the initial theory that the said phrase was after all describing the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


That is, the public burden was eased by the expenditure of the shoen which was the domestic governing institution of the great and powerful, and now the theory by Yoshihiko AMINO is a common view that this governing form should be called shoen koryo sei (The System of Public Lands and Private Estates).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The opinion was put forth by folklorist Tsuneichi MIYAMOTO and historian Yoshihiko AMINO that the races of eastern Japan and of western Japan are different, emphasizing cultural contrasts; however, this is not the conventional opinion because the people of the two regions are rarely thought to be different races in the modern age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

品運動は、もともとは、1979 年に当時の平松守大分県知事が提唱したもので、各市町村における地域産品に付加価値をつけて競争力を強化し、国内外市場に通用する産品に育て、都市と農村との格差是正、貧困からの脱をはかり、地域の自立と振興を目的として始まったものである。例文帳に追加

One Village One Product movement began in ?ita Prefecture in 1979 when the then-governor Morihiko Hiramatsu advocated the program, which began by adding an extra value to the chosen product of each city, township and village, increasing competitiveness and raising the products which are acceptable to the international market, the disparity of urban and rural areas and escaping from the poverty scale in order to promote region's self-reliance and development. - 経済産業省


Higashikuni Imperial Prince Naruhiko was known for often saying since he was young that he wished to leave his position in the Imperial Family, he also asked Emperor Showa to approve him ceasing to be a member of the Imperial Family, he made his intention clear just after he resigned as Prime Minister in 1945, he also mentioned to it to the media and asked other Imperial members to follow him, and once the Department of the Imperial Household had to make sudden announcement to deny it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As only a few exceptions, together with the 14th Tayu, Kiyochika KANZE, the 15th Tayu, Motoakira KANZE, who endeavored to collect Zeami Densho, published "Shudosho" (Learning the Way) in 1772 adding annotation and distributed to a part of Za-shu; and Munetake TAYASU, Motoaki's sponsor, transcribed a part of books owned by Kanze Tayu; and in 1818, Tanehiko RYUTEI obtained "Sarugaku Dangi" (Talks about Sarugaku), which was included in Ieyasu's collection and several men of letters around his transcribed it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

3 月11 日に発生した東日本大震災の影響により、さいたま市、金沢市及び仙台市以外のフォーラムは中止となったが、3 回のフォーラムには、政府側から、玄葉光郎・国家戦略担当大臣、海江田万里・経済産業大臣、平野達男・内閣府副大臣、五十嵐文・財務副大臣が席したほか、農林水産業界、経済界、労働界、消費者等の各分野の有識者がパネリストとして席し、国民から広く募った参加者も含めて議論が行われた。例文帳に追加

Although the forums except for those in Saitama, Kanazawa and Sendai cities were cancelled as a result of the effects of the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake, the three forums were attended by the Minister for National Policy Koichiro Genba, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Banri Kaieda, Senior Vice Minister of Cabinet Office Tatsuo Hirano, and Senior Vice Minister of Finance Fumihiko Igarashi, as well as by expert panelists from fields such as the agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the business, labor and consumer sectors. They, together with participants recruited from the general public, were engaged in the discussions. - 経済産業省


『播磨国風土記』(713年-717年頃の成立とされる)印南郡大國里条にある生石神社(おうしこじんじゃ)の「石の宝殿(石宝殿)」についての記述に、「原の南に作石あり。形、屋の如し。長さ二丈(つえ)、廣さ丈五尺(さか、尺または咫)、高さもかくの如し。名號を大石といふ。傳へていへらく、聖徳の王の御世、弓削の大連の造れる石なり」とあり、「弓削の大連」は物部守屋、「聖徳の王(聖徳王)」は厩戸皇子『日本古典文学大系 風土記』(岩波書店 1977年)、間壁忠間壁葭子『石宝殿―古代史の謎を解く』(神戸新聞総合版センター 1996年)と考えられることから、『日本書紀』(養老4年、720年)が成立する以前に厩戸皇子が「聖徳王」と呼称されていたとする論がある。例文帳に追加

"Harima no Kuni Fudoki" (considered to have been completed between 713 and 717) has the description of 'Holy stone shrine' (Ishi hoden) in the Oushiko-jinja Shrine in Innami County, Okuni no sato no jo '南にあり。如し長さ二丈(つえ)、廣さ五尺(さか、または)、高さもかくの如し名號大石といふ。へていへらく、聖徳王の弓削大連れるなり,' in which '弓削大連' is considered to indicate MONONOBE no Moriya and '聖徳' (聖徳)is considered to indicate Umayado no Miko "Nihonkotenbungaku Taikei Fudoki" (Iwanami shoten 1977), "Ishi Hoden - Kodaishi no Nazo wo Toku" by Tadahiko MAKABE and Yoshiko MAKABE (Kobeshinbunsogoshuppan center 1996); accordingly, someone insisted that Umayado no Miko was called '聖徳 (Shotokuo)' before "Nihonshoki" was completed (720).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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