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該当件数 : 40


巣山(すやま)古墳 (広陵町三吉、前期、前方後円墳、204メートル)-特別史跡。例文帳に追加

The Suyama-kofun Tumulus: Mitsuyoshi, Koryo Town; the early Kofun period; a keyhole-shaped mound; 204 meters; and a special historic site.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before use, the extrusion member 4 is held in a position anterior to the puncture needle 2 by a body anchor 51 set in the body, and after use, the extrusion member 4 is held in a protruding way in a position anterior to the needle tip 21 of the puncture needle 2. - 特許庁


The front locking part 3 is locked to the vicinity of the front ground of a sitting person in the wheelchair 2, and the rear locking part 5 is locked to the bottom part of the seat of the wheelchair 2. - 特許庁


A battery cover 101 blocking the front opening 63 by locking the coating bracket 84 in a closed state is fitted at the front opening 63 with a hinge body 102 in free opening and closing. - 特許庁



A vehicle front side bracket 20 supporting a vehicle front side column of the steering column 12 is provided with a tilt fulcrum pin 44 imparting pressing force from the outside of the vehicle width direction, and a tilt adjusting pin 45 imparting pressing force from the vehicle vertical direction, to the periphery of the vehicle front side column to support it. - 特許庁



When an area of a region including feature points uninvolved in the regulation of the optical flow is less than the threshold, this start notification device notifies of the start of the forward vehicle. - 特許庁


When the front part of the traveling wheel 23 projected more to the front than the front part of the case body collides with an obstacle O, the traveling wheel 23 is moved to the rear and absorbs a shock while the coil spring 54 imparts the repulsion to the front to the traveling wheel 23. - 特許庁


The practicing cornea installed at the simulated iris can be inserted into the opening of the simulated sclera and the smooth surface similar to that found in the anterior segment of the human eye is formed simultaneously therewith. - 特許庁


An operator pulls the apparatus 2 in a direction Y by applying a forward working force (measured from displacement at a working force scale 14) to the tissue 24 at the hook portion 6b of the means 6. - 特許庁



To reliably recognize whether or not a swing is correct by preventing a ball from being shot forward at the time of such a swing (duff) as striking a mat behind the ball. - 特許庁



Holders 7a and 7b for locking the upper end of a scoop 6 or the like and holding the handle portion of the scoop are provided on the outside of the rear frame. - 特許庁


The dampers 18, 24 of the operation levers 11, 12 of the working vehicle equipped with a vehicle body and a working machine 2 in front of the vehicle body applies frictional resistance to tilting action of the operation levers 11, 12. - 特許庁


The needle body 7a is lifted to a tuck position at the front needle bed 3 while keeping the old loop 23 engaged with a tongue 7d of a slider 7b. - 特許庁


Consequently, it is possible to provide the sufficient braking force by giving larger braking force to the rear wheel positioned in the front as the forwarding direction and to restrain locking of the front wheel in backward braking. - 特許庁


Further, a method for actuating the loom afterwards by manually engaging part of the discharged weft yarn extending from the tip end of the weft insertion nozzle on a woven fabric, and hitching-over the discharged weft yarn in front of a feeding yarn cutter is also included. - 特許庁


One hook 171 of the wire 170 is hooked to a bracket 115 and the wire 170 is allowed to hang down from the front side of the supporting rod 113. - 特許庁


Magnetic flux axially expanding from the detection coil 6 is collected by the thin film 42 of the induction member 4, and guided to the front direction of the detection direction. - 特許庁


A moving space 20S is formed by forming a partition 11 surrounding the outer circumference of a display electrode 1 on a rear substrate 3, and a dispersion liquid 7 dispersed with electrostatic charge particles 6 is filled therein and is sealed by a front substrate 4. - 特許庁


Thereafter, the metal ring 20, while locking at the rear end part of the outer column 2, rub-slidingly moves against the outer periphery surface of the inner column 1 moving to the front of the vehicle, thereby generates a collapse load to absorb the impact strength. - 特許庁


A modesty panel-mounting member 1 where a locking section 14 is formed toward the front is struck to an outer wall surface 2, and a section 35 to be locked formed at the modesty panel 3 is locked to the locking section 14 for mounting the modesty panel 3 slidably. - 特許庁


In the sliding member 70, an engaging member 90 is provided which engages with the engaging body 100 when sliding backward and does not engage with the engaging body 100 when sliding forward. - 特許庁


Each base part is continued on the edge of the holding plate part 12a and each head part is locked to the steering column 5b so as to displace forward along with the steering column 5b. - 特許庁


In addition, the area of the external surface 50a of each ferromagnetic plate 15 is made narrower then that of the internal surface 50b and, in addition, the external surface 50a is biased forward in the rotating direction of the brake drum 7 from the internal surface 50b. - 特許庁


Here, a hook part 27 of the tension arm 26 is locked to a hooked part 52 and the rear slider 44 is pulled forward compressing the coil spring. - 特許庁


Then, at the time of non-use operation, the oscillating cover plate 13 is positioned in front of the trigger to prevent the trigger from being retracted and in turn at the time of its use, the trigger can be drawn under a state in which the oscillating cover plate 13 is turned to the side part and engaged therewith. - 特許庁


This locking mechanism is so structured that the locked part 4d latched in the latching hole 10a is released from the latching hole 10a when the optical module housed in the cage 10 is pulled forward in the direction of taking the optical module out of the the cage 10. - 特許庁


When the bending force is applied to the work W, the slidable movement of a contact portion with an inside bending surface Wb of the work W in the gyro die is suppressed, a contact portion with an outside bending surface Wa of the work W is displaced forward to give the tensile force T to the work W. - 特許庁


A handled brush 9, as one of kitchen utensils 5, is hung and supported by being hooked to a hooking portion 2 of the draining hook 1 fixed to the stationary side, and in addition to the hooking portion 2, the draining hook 1 is provided with a restriction portion 3 for tilting the brush 9 forward. - 特許庁


The retainer 30 is installed on the housing 10 from the fore side, while the support plate parts 35 are fitted into the fit spaces 18, and the lock pieces 36 are bendingly displaced by the guide slopes 26 and locked on the metallic terminal parts 20 in a circuitous manner, whereby the metallic terminal parts 20 are prevented from slipping off. - 特許庁


A reflection type liquid crystal panel 20 has a ferroelectric liquid crystal aligned along a specified rubbing axis 21 and having a specified cone angle θr, shows 1/4 phase difference and is disposed in the back side of the transmission type liquid crystal panel 10 to reflect light forward. - 特許庁


The seat can be thinly constituted by tensioning a spring body 50 in the longitudinal direction by locking the rear end part of the spring body 50 for holding a cushion pad on a tip hook 42a of a projection part 42A formed in a lower plate part 42 extending forward by passing through the lower side of the rear side pipe 23 of this bracket 40. - 特許庁


In this backlight device composed by arranging a diffusion plate 4 in front of a light source and by arranging one or more optical sheets 5 on the front surface of the diffusion plate 4 by stacking them, the upper ends of all or part of the optical sheets 5 are folded rearward and held by locking them to the upper end of the diffusion plate 4. - 特許庁


The device includes a long member of which a vibration part is changed the traveling direction of a vertical elastic wave delivering from rear to front within a range to generate lateral vibration provided on a tip end, and a vibrating means which performs application of the vertical elastic wave on a rare end of the long member. - 特許庁


The spring 5 having elasticity is assembled to be inclinable backward to the fixing table 2, tilted by the placing operation of the breaker 1, the vertical locking piece 8 locks the front side projection body 3a by the slide operation to the front, and the spring 5 stands up and locks the back side projection 3b. - 特許庁


This lock mechanism is so structured that, when the lever 3 is pulled to the front side of the case 1 being a direction for removing the light module stored in the cage 10 from the inside of the cage 10, the lock part 4d locked to the lock hole 10 is removed from the lock hole 10a. - 特許庁


The axial movements of these components are controlled by a stepped part formed on the inner periphery of the tool holder 8 in front of the flat washer 20 as well as by a ring locked to the inner periphery of the tool holder 8 behind the O-ring case 22 and the O-ring 21 is sandwiched between the flat washer 20 and the O-ring case 22. - 特許庁


The basic substance locked with the water supply button can be energized to the direction thrusting the water supply button, and since the fitting section can be fitted in the gap of the base of the water supply lever, the water supply maintainable tool can correspond to both faucets thrusting the water supply button forward and pushing the water supply lever downward, and a required amount of the water supply can be only maintained. - 特許庁


To smoothly give vibration into soil during propelling of a vibration generating device by preventing a piston from being retreated to stroke end of the rear or being protruded to the stroke end of the front by a magnitude of static propelling reaction force received from the underground soil when the vibration generating device is propelled while giving vibrational thrust into the ground by the head at a tip. - 特許庁


Then, an infrared absorption property is given to a reflecting surface of a reflector 23 of the lamp 20 and a translucent filter for covering the front of the reflector 23 in order to remove infrared rays, the light where the infrared rays are removed is irradiated to the lid 40, and conduction of heat of the reflector 23 and the translucent filter 24 to the lid 40 can be prevented by air layers 31, 32. - 特許庁



When imparting the fluid pressure to the spool, a position is switched to the second position, and the power piston is pressed forward without transmitting force by the fluid pressure to the brake pedal 2, and when imparting no fluid pressure to the spool against reaction to the power piston by output fluid pressure of a master cylinder MC, the position is maintained in the first position. - 特許庁


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