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Mitsuharu, Ujiharu's son, inherited the shugo family of Awaji province and the family continued for generations as one of powerful branch families of the Hosokawa clan, but was destroyed by the Miyoshi clan in the reign of Hisaharu HOSOKAWA at the beginning of the Sengoku period (the period of warring states) and the family line ended.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1508, his lord, Sumimoto and Takakuni HOSOKAWA disputed reigns of HOSOKAWA family, and Nagatsune fought, as the subject of Sumimoto, with Hisanobu HATAKEYAMA who was a vassal of TAKAKUNI clan in Kawachi Province, but he was put to rout.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among his real children were the provisional chief councilor Tsuneyoshi KAJUJI, Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state) Tsunenao HONAMI (founder of the HONAMI family) and Tsunetaka MATSUTARA (adopted child of Jingoemon MATSUDAIRA, a retainer of Takamatsu clan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the same day, Hisanao SENGOKU from the Bakufu Conference Chamber asked the head of the Kira family, Yoshimasa KIRA, to come out and sentenced him to dismissal and deprivation of the Kira family's positions, privileges, and properties and also exile to Takashima in Suwa Domain, Shinano Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He wrote, 'I read the article and believed that true Shintoists in our country must not be silent with this article, if they keep quiet over this issue, I shall assume that they must be overwhelmed.' and provoked the Shintoist.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Tadatsune NAGAOKA and Tadaharu NAGAOKA, who were born between Kyumu and his second wife Kiku, were invited to Kumamoto, Higo by Mitsunao HOSOKAWA after the death of Kyumu and became the Nagaoka-naizen family, a vassal of the Kumamoto clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The system for renting the apartment enables the apartment owner to obtain a secured rental income without fluctuations by using a method for allowing the tenant to own a rental contract registration claim in proportion to equities, and also by using a rental management agent for a renting service for the apartment. - 特許庁


After Motoakira, Kanze-ryu was succeeded in order by Sanjuro Akinori, the 16th (son of Motoakira), Kiyohisa ORIBE, the 17th (Motoakira's younger brother, the first of the branch family), Kiyomitsu ORIBE, the 18th (Kiyohisa's son), Kiyooki ORIBE, the 19th (Kiyomitsu's younger brother, the second of the branch family), Sakon Kiyonobu, the 20th (Kiyooki's son), Sakon Kiyonaga, the 21st (Kiyonobu's son), and Sanjuro Kiyotaka, the 22nd (Kiyonaga's son).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Hone wa kataru tokugawa shogun daimyo-ke no hitobito" (bones tell stories; the people of the Tokugawa clan and the daimyo family), written by Hisashi SUZUKI who attended the refurbishment of the Tokugawa Shogun family's graves at Zojo-ji Temple where Ietsugu was buried to examine the cremains of the buried, when Ietsugu's coffin was opened, the rain water for many years were in the coffin and his bones were not in it; there were just his hair, nails, and articles such as his swords.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Backed up by the clout of her guardian Sozen YAMANA and her parents' family of Hinos, Tomiko endorsed Yoshihisa as the next shogun, which inevitably caused a conflict with Yoshimi over the shogunate succession, and this, coupled with the problem between the Shibas and Hatakeyamas over the succession of the family headship, contributed to the Onin War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



When the Mori clan aligned itself with the Ukita clan that was a deadly enemy for the Mimura family, Nobunaga ODA took this opportunity to invite the family to turn against the Mori clan, but Chikashige insisted, together with the family's old retainer Takei clan, 'Oda is not trustworthy and it is too early to decide to turn against Mori and align ourselves with Oda.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Granted a fief with a yield 1,000 koku of rice by the Court, Michimoto MATSUDONO, the third son of Yukiie KUJO, restored the Matsudono family and was promoted to Junior Third Rank in 1642, but his family was discontinued in a single generation; Tadataka MATSUDONO, the second son of Naozane KUJO, restored the Matsudono family again in 1765 and reached Junior Third Rank two years later, but this family was also discontinued in a single generation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sekke regent families other than the KONOE family opposed the demands of Hiroko (who became the wife of Shogun), which made her niece, Hisako KONOE (Iehiro's daughter), become the Nyogo (consort) of Emperor Nakamikado, and went on the side of the Retired Emperor Reigen (from the adoption system of the time, the grandsons of Norihira TAKATSUKASA occupied the heads of the four Sekke regent families other than the Konoe family and had intimate relationships with each other).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1527, in order to promote friendship between the Hongan-ji religious group and the central government and to achieve peace and security, he approached the Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents) and became an adopted child of Hisatsune KUJO, a chief adviser to the Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was the twenty-ninth monshu Imperial Prince Yoshinao (Imperial male who received Imperial proclamation for shinno after becoming a priest) who moved Manshuin Temple to the foot of Mt. Higashi mountain, the present day location, and fixed the view of the temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After 1261, Sengaku obtained many books such as Matsudono-gohon, Shosho-zenmon-shinkan-bon, Motonaga-Chunagon-bon, Rokujoke-bon, Tadasada-gohon, Sakeicho-bon and further devoted himself to the examination of Manyoshu and producing textbooks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kukai was respected as Gohitsu Osho (the priest who writes with five brushes) in China and as the originator of Jubokudo (calligraphy) in Japan; his writing style was called "Daishi-ryu" (Daishi school), and Kukai, Emperor Saga and TACHIBANA no Hayanari, were called the best three calligraphers in the early Heian period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Besides, according to "Azuma Kagami," the forces Hirokazu KAZUSANOSUKE led then consisted of 20,000 warriors on horseback, but "Enkeibon Heike Monogatari" says 10,000 warriors, and "Genpei Tojo-roku" (A Record of Genpei Battles) says 1,000, meaning "Azuma Kagami" exaggerated the number most.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, it seems that there was a description about 'A story that MINAMOTO no Yoshie punished KIYOHARA no Takehira and so on' in the 14th section of volume 25 in "Konjaku Monogatari Shu," but its contents other than title are not left.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, Nagamasa became the 10,000-koku daimyo of the Shibamura clan of Yamato Province and Naonaga became the 10,000-koku daimyo of the Yanagimoto clan of Yamato Province, and both lasted as Goryu schools until the end of the Edo period, and after the Restoration, too, they remained as viscount families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naonaga NAGAI from the Miyazu Domain contributed the four-koku (unit), six-to (unit of volume, approx. 18 liters), four-sho (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 liters) and two-go (a unit of volume, approx. 0.18 liters) land to the shrine in 1677, since then the shrine has been visited and donated by the past lords of the domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the writing ''Soban-ki'' by the monk Gyokusyu of Daitoku-ji Temple, a Shomen-kongo statue was found under ashes when Sadamasa's father Sadataka KATAGIRI burned the household furniture, and this statue went on to become the principal object of worship of the temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the death of Emperor Showa in 1988, most of the 'gyobutsu' was paid in kind from the Imperial Family to the National Treasury in the following year (1989) and was subsequently kept in San-no-Maru Museum of the Imperial Collections, which is supervised by the Board of Chamberlains of the Imperial Household Agency.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the Takatsukasa family was succeeded to the following members; Sukehira TAKATSUKASA, Masahiro TAKATSUKASA, Masamichi TAKATSUKASA, and Sukehiro TAKATSUKASA, the male linage became extinct when Terumichi TAKATSUKASA (the son of Hisatada KUJO of the Kujo family) succeeded the Takatsukasa family from Sukehiro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the death of Imperial Prince Hachijo-no-miya Naohito who had no heir in September 1689, Saku-no-miya became the heir of Imperial Prince to succeed to the Miyake (house of an imperial prince) as designated by his father (the Emperor) in November of the same year, and was granted the Miyago (reigning name) of Tokiwai-no-miya.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had several children including Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Kuninari, Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Kunimichi, Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Sadayuki, Prince 重慶, Princess Akiko (Ietsuna TOKUGAWA's wife), Princess Teruko (Mitsusada TOKUGAWA's wife) and Princess Umeko (Hiromichi KOGA's wife).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He learned Yomeigaku neo-Confucianism from Moemon ITO and Zen from Musan-osho Priest of Fukusho-ji Temple (Kagoshima City) (a family temple of the Satsuma Family's was located at the place where the Kagoshima Municipal Gyokuryu High School is located now).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The conflict between Masamoto and Arikazu lasted long afterwards, because the economy of the Kujo family was in a state of collapse, and eventually at New Year in 1496 Masamoto and his son Hisatsune killed Arikazu at their own house.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In January 1499 this dismissal of Masamoto and Hisatsune by the Emperor led Masatomo to become a monk, during March in 1501 and December in 1504 he went to his territory Iriyamada-mura, Hineno-sho and controled shoen (manor in medieval Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In particular, the heads of three Sekkan-ke families, Uchisaki KONOE (Sadaijin, twenty-two years old), Munemoto NIJO (Udaijin, twenty-four years old), Naozane KUJO (Naidaijin and Sakone no daisho, thirty-four years old) were extremely furious.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tadakuni who firstly hesitated to attack Gisho fell under both pressures of the repeated orders of Yoshinori and subordinates who were discontent with Tadakuni's disobedience to the shogunate, Tadakuni finally ordered his senior vassals, including Tadahisa YAMADA and Tadaomi NIIRO to put Gisho down.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was protected by the Hosokawa family of Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and had activities that showed a strong link with powerful people, for example, he demonstrated Utai (the chanting of a Noh text) with his younger brother, and so on, in the blossom-viewing at Hisamichi KONOE's residence in April 1528.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When he lost his father at the age of 12, he entered priesthood in Daitoku-ji Temple in Kyoto by his father's will around that time, then became a disciple of Tenyu Joka and a priest, changed his name to Gisen, and called himself "Retsudo Osho (High Priest Retsudo)."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These were extraordinary treatments for the daimyo who received Toyotomi's kind favors as a tozama daimyo (nonhereditary feudal lord), showing that he was a man who was greatly trusted by TOKUGAWA Ieyasu and Hidetada.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Katsutoki's son 'Gorozaemon' and Genemon 'Morinobu' served for Tadashige MIZUNO, and Iuemon 'Katsumasa' and the third son 'Katsuhisa' were given 500 koku (1 koku is about 180 liter) in 1590 by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA in Boda County, Kazusa Province after having served for Nobukatsu ODA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, in 1506, he invaded Yamato Province as a vassal of Masamoto and defeated Yoshihide HATAKEYAMA and Hisanobu HATAKEYAMA, and he also conquered the military forces owned by temples and shrines, resulting in the establishment of peach in Yamato Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had the Mito-Tokugawa family, including Nariaki TOKUGAWA and Yoshinaga MATSUDAIRA, who supported Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI, put under house arrest and relegated talented riryo (government officials), such as Toshiakira KAWAJI, Tadanori MIZUNO, Tadanari IWASE and Naoyuki NAGAI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the excavation and research of graveyards of the Tokugawa family in Zojo-ji Temple, which was led by Hisashi SUZUKI, was conducted after the war, Sugen-in's grave was also excavated and her remains were researched.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Yoshida clan and the Maeda clan origined from a lineage of Nobumochi's grandson Tametoki, the Yoshiwara-Saito clan, the Kawai-Saito clan and the Mino-Saito clan originated from a lineage of Naotada, and the Kato clan and the Toyama clan originated from a lineage of Shigemitsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naoyoshi/Masuka YAMAGUCHI (June 21, 1839 - June 12, 1894) was a government official, a statesman, and a former feudal retainer of Saga Domain (from Takeo-ryo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When his legitimate son Akizumi IWAMATSU opposed it and rose in revolt against him, Iezumi disinherited his son and appointed his grandson Hisazumi IWAMATSU (Akizumi's son) to his successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Choshu clan forced Hanzo YAMAGATA to change his name to Bingonosuke SHISHIDO and become an adopted child of the SHISHIDO family (who provided the chief retainer of the domain) and made him meet Naoyuki NAGAI, the interrogator from the bakufu, in Kokutai-ji Temple in Hiroshima (Hiroshima City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The word "teikin" originates from a historical event taken from the Ji Shi (Chief of the Ji Clan) section of "Rongo" (the Analects of Confucius) in which Confucius called to his son to stop running in a garden and encouraged him to learn poetry and etiquette, signifying teachings from father to son and home education.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The notable daimyo (feudal lords) who received a character from the shogunal names were as follows: The Hatakeyama clan including Hisanobu HATAKEYAMA, the heads of the Hosokawa clan including Harumoto HOSOKAWA, Harukage NAGAO who succeeded Tamekage NAGAO, the Governor of Echigo Province raising from the shugodai linage, and Harunaga's younger brother Kenshin UESUGI, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to 'Matsu no ochiba' (a book on Shinto) written by Takanao FUJII, in the section of investiture of the Empress in 'Gokeshidai' (the Ritual Protocol of the Oe House), it is described that 'Two Shishi-shaped guardian dogs shall be placed on the left and right sides in front of the south face of the chodai.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even after they killed two of Kira's retainers who came out of the hut trying to attack them, they still saw something moving, and thus Jujiro HAZAMA plunged a spear.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On July 21, 1680, Tadakatsu NAITO, who was a maternal uncle of Naganori, attacked Naonaga NAGAI during the funeral of the 4th Shogun Ietsuna TOKUGAWA at Zojo-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even with the efforts, the rumor that a war might occur again any time, for example, the saying that "A war may occur any day," was circulated in Kamakura, with a tense situation remaining and with regular council meetings not being held virtually, and kuge (court nobles) in Kyoto wrote that "Kanto was not quiet."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the Sugawara clan protested so strongly that Masamoto KUJO and Hisatsune KUJO were censured by the Emperor Gotsuchimikado, and the Karahashi family was able to overcome the crisis.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Fusazane DATE, a member of the branch Date clan, served the Gohojo clan as an acting lord of the Iwatsuki Castle during the Invasion of Odawara by Hideyoshi, and his descendants were later known as the Date clan of hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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