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They fought to the last man. - Tatoeba例文


They fought to the last man.  - Tanaka Corpus


We will fight to the last man.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


The thing I'm taking the most care about is listening till the end of people's speeches.  - Weblio Email例文集



and from first to last, not one of us must breathe a word of what we've found."  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』



During the Honnoji Incident in 1582, he fought to protect Nobunaga as his bodyguard but was killed in the battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sprung from a race of theologians, this celebrated man combated to the last the theory of natural selection.  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


On the other hand, Emperor Ichijo also kept Yukinari close, even on his deathbed, and it was also Yukinari that protected Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, who was excluded from succession to the throne, until the prince's sudden death at the age of 20, while serving as Betto (chief officer) for the Imperial Prince family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They, when they heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning from the oldest, even to the last. Jesus was left alone with the woman where she was, in the middle.  - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 8:9』


7 破産管財は、第項から前項までの規定により定めた配当額を、最後配当の手続に参加することができる破産債権者(第五項の規定により最後配当を受けることができない破産債権者を除く。)に通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(7) A bankruptcy trustee shall give a notice of the amount of distribution determined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) to the preceding paragraph to each bankruptcy creditor who may participate in the procedure for a final distribution (excluding a bankruptcy creditor who may not receive a final distribution pursuant to the provision of paragraph (5)).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



He was the only person who saw from start to end of the Gohojo clan among vassals whose records were left, serving all leaders from the first Soun HOJO to the fifth Ujinao HOJO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While the Taira clan was in flight westward, many of Sukemori's brothers withdrew from the train along the way; however, as one of the members of the family who continued onward to the final destination, Sukemori along with his only remaining younger brother, Arimori, and his cousin, TAIRA no Yukimori, committed suicide by throwing themselves into the rapids of Dannoura.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The smooth transition from the history data to the data last received is achieved so that the attenuation speed is kept consistent between the compensated signal and the original signal as much as possible for adapting to the characteristic of various human voices. - 特許庁


There is a comment that states that there is no difference between the single recitation and reciting ten times, but this comment is appropriate only for one's last moments ("Kurodani Sho'nin Gotoroku" - "Nenbutsu Ojo Yogisho").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He spoke very politely to people and was soft in manner, but he was actually resolute to carry through to the end once he decided to do something and sensible to pull back when he should do so.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


who spends a life in sophisticating with an intellect which he cannot silence, and exhausts the resources of ingenuity in attempting to reconcile the promptings of his conscience and reason with orthodoxy, which yet he does not, perhaps, to the end succeed in doing.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Even the age of Hikaru Genji, the main character, is never given clearly between the 'Kiritsubo' (The Paulownia Court) chapter, where the author writes that 'he celebrated his attainment of manhood at the age of twelve,' and the 'Fuji no Uraba' (Wisteria Leaves) chapter at the end of the first part, where it is written that 'the next year, he would become forty.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, he was one of the directors who maintained a contract with Toho to the end, even in face of Toho's drastic cut-down in production (Toho decided to reduce the number of its production to only several films a year, the level of an independent production company, and that was a complete volte-face deemed as a practical halt in production), and for a while, he was said to be the director with the highest guarantee fee in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Munemori was told secretly, on August 1, that MINAMOTO no Yoritomo had secretly suggested to In (Goshirakawa) that 'If we are not allowed to annihilate the Taira family, the Minamoto clan and the Taira clan should serve together as we did in the past'; however, Munemori refused by responding, 'All of our family members, including our children and grandchildren should fight and die for Yoritomo to the last one' in keeping with Kiyomori's dying will ("Gyokuyo").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the memorial record he created about and in memory of his mentor, Yuzo KAWASHIMA, entitled "Sayonara dake ga jinsei da: Eiga kantoku Kawashima Yuzo no shogai" (Life is only a chorus of goodbyes: the life of director Yuzo KAWASHIMA), he chronicled Kawashima's life using a documentary style; in it, he recounted how Kawashima kept working right on to the end, filming on location without breathing a single word to anyone that he was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第百条 優先的破産債権である給料の請求権又は退職手当の請求権について届出をした破産債権者が、これらの破産債権の弁済を受けなければその生活の維持を図るのに困難を生ずるおそれがあるときは、裁判所は、最初に第百九十五条第項に規定する最後配当、第二百四条第項に規定する簡易配当、第二百八条第項に規定する同意配当又は第二百九条第項に規定する中間配当の許可があるまでの間、破産管財の申立てにより又は職権で、その全部又は部の弁済をすることを許可することができる。ただし、その弁済により財団債権又は他の先順位若しくは同順位の優先的破産債権を有する者の利益を害するおそれがないときに限る。例文帳に追加

Article 101 (1) Where a bankruptcy creditor who filed a proof of claim for salary or claim for retirement allowance, both of which are preferred bankruptcy claims, is likely to have difficulties in maintaining his/her living standards unless he/she receives payment of these bankruptcy claims, the court, before permission is granted for the first time for the final distribution prescribed in Article 195(1), simplified distribution prescribed in Article 204(1), consensual distribution prescribed in Article 208(1) or interim distribution prescribed in Article 209(1), upon the petition of a bankruptcy trustee or by its own authority, may permit payment of the claim in whole or part; provided, however, that this shall apply only if such payment is not likely to harm the interest of a person who holds a claim on the estate or any other preferred bankruptcy claim with the senior or same priority.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム




This attack board choking box for capturing rats is provided by setting and fixing an adhesive board (2) which is prepared by pasting an adhesive (3) on a skeleton (4) at the central part of a box (1) without pasting the adhesive on the bottom as in conventional house- or box-type ones. - 特許庁

5 第百六十条第号の二に規定する配分を受ける同号に掲げる国内源泉所得については、同号に規定する組合契約を締結している組合員(これに類する者で政令で定めるものを含む。)である非居住者又は外国法が当該組合契約に定める計算期間その他これに類する期間(これらの期間が年を超える場合は、これらの期間をその開始の日以後年ごとに区分した各期間(最後年未満の期間を生じたときは、その年未満の期間)。以下この項において「計算期間」という。)において生じた当該国内源泉所得につき金銭その他の資産(以下この項において「金銭等」という。)の交付を受ける場合には、当該配分をする者を当該国内源泉所得の支払をする者とみなし、当該金銭等の交付をした日(当該計算期間の末日の翌日から二月を経過する日までに当該国内源泉所得に係る金銭等の交付がされない場合には、同日)においてその支払があつたものとみなして、この法律の規定を適用する。例文帳に追加

(5) With respect to domestic source income listed in Article 161(i)-2 to be distributed as prescribed in the said paragraph, in the case where a nonresident or foreign corporation that is a partner engaged in a partnership contract prescribed in the said item (including a person similar thereto who is specified by a Cabinet Order) receives money or any other assets (hereinafter referred to as "money, etc." in this paragraph) as the domestic source income arising during the accounting period specified in the said partnership contract or any other period similar thereto (in the case where such period is longer than one year: each term set by dividing the period by one year each since the first day of the period (including the last term that is shorter than one year, if any); hereinafter referred to as the "accounting period" in this paragraph), the provisions of this Act shall be applied by deeming that the person who makes the said distribution makes payment of the domestic source income, and deeming that payment has been made as of the day on which the said money, etc. has been paid (in the case where the money, etc. pertaining to the domestic source income has not yet been paid within two months from the day following the end of the accounting period: as of the last day of the two-month period).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


O, Erin, mourn with grief and woeFor he lies dead whom the fell gangOf modern hypocrites laid low.He lies slain by the coward houndsHe raised to glory from the mire;And Erin's hopes and Erin's dreamsPerish upon her monarch's pyre.In palace, cabin or in cotThe Irish heart where'er it beIs bowed with woe--for he is goneWho would have wrought her destiny.He would have had his Erin famed,The green flag gloriously unfurled,Her statesmen, bards and warriors raisedBefore the nations of the World.He dreamed (alas, 'twas but a dream!)Of Liberty: but as he stroveTo clutch that idol, treacherySundered him from the thing he loved.Shame on the coward, caitiff handsThat smote their Lord or with a kissBetrayed him to the rabble-routOf fawning priests--no friends of his.May everlasting shame consumeThe memory of those who triedTo befoul and smear the exalted nameOf one who spurned them in his pride.He fell as fall the mighty ones,Nobly undaunted to the last,And death has now united himWith Erin's heroes of the past.No sound of strife disturb his sleep!Calmly he rests: no human painOr high ambition spurs him nowThe peaks of glory to attain.They had their way: they laid him low.But Erin, list, his spirit mayRise, like the Phoenix from the flames,When breaks the dawning of the day,The day that brings us Freedom's reign.And on that day may Erin wellPledge in the cup she lifts to JoyOne grief--the memory of Parnell.  - James Joyce『アイビーデイの委員会室』


四 再資源化預託金等が預託されている自動車が最後に自動車検査証の交付又は自動車検査証の返付(道路運送車両法第六十二条第二項(同法第六十七条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による自動車検査証の返付をいう。以下同じ。)を受けた日から起算して二十年を経過する日(以下この号において「期限日」という。)までの間に当該自動車に係る特定再資源化等物品に係る再資源化等預託金又は情報管理預託金について第七十六条第項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。次号において同じ。)、第四項及び第六項の規定による払渡しの請求がない場合における当該再資源化預託金等(前三号に掲げるもの及び当該自動車の所有者が主務省令で定めるところにより期限日以後においても当該自動車を継続して使用する旨を資金管理法に通知した場合における当該再資源化預託金等を除く。)例文帳に追加

(iv) A Recycling Deposit, etc. in cases where there are no requests for payment within the time period of twenty years (hereinafter referred to in this item as the "Time Limit") from the date on which a Vehicle for which the Recycling Deposit, etc. was deposited last received the issuance of a vehicle inspection certificate or the return of a vehicle inspection certificate (referring to the return of vehicle inspection certificate pursuant to the provisions of the Road Transport Vehicle Act, Article 62, Paragraph 2 (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 67, Paragraph 4 of the same Act); the same shall apply hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of Article 76, Paragraph 1 (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article), Paragraph 4, or Paragraph 6 for Recycling, etc. deposit or information management deposit pertaining to Parts Specified for Recycling, etc. (excluding the Recycling Deposit, etc. listed in the preceding three items and in cases where the owner of the Vehicle notifies the Deposit Management Entity of the fact that the Vehicle will continue to be used even after the Time Limit as specified by ordinance of the competent minister).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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原題:”Treasure Island ”

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(C) 2000katokt プロジェクト杉田玄白(http://www.genpaku.org/)正式参加作品
原題:”The Belfast Address”

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(C) 2005 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
この翻訳は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス(帰属 - 同一条件許諾)の下でライセンスされています。
原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”Ivy Day in the Committee Room”

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Copyright(C)2005 coderati
電網聖書はパブリック・ドメインに置かれます。電網聖書は,The World English Bible (WEB)を土台とした新しい日本語訳です。この草稿は2002年3月3日版です。
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