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該当件数 : 42



A baseboard has a baseboard locking member 1 fixed to a wall W, a baseboard member 10 locked to the baseboard locking member 1, and a takeout port installation member 20 connected to the side of the baseboard member 10. - 特許庁


To provide a connection structure of a wooden building superior in workability with a structure capable of efficiently providing yield strength in a connection part, by making metal fitting cooperate to be installed in a plurality of mutually connecting woods, without impairing strength of the wood itself in a fixing position of a connection metal fitting in the wood. - 特許庁


The truss structural material 1 includes the log 2 forming an end grain 2A of both ends in an approximately circle, a connecting member 4 holding the circumference of the end grain 2A for supporting a shaft section of a joint bolt 6 in a slidable manner and large-sized wood screws 5 for fixing the connecting member 4 to the end grain 2A. - 特許庁


A vent 7 with which both ends along the longitudinal direction of the rafter communicate is provided on a proper place on the rafter 5. - 特許庁



A cross side end 1bS of the top plate 1b of a sub storage unit B and a longitudinal side end 1aL of the top plate 1a of a main storage unit A are connected and fixed abutting on each other using a connecting member 10. - 特許庁



The outlet end 18 of the guide duct is connectable to a taking-in port of an unloading device for unloading the wood chips from the first container to a second container. - 特許庁


To provide a roof truss capable of surely installing a corner rafter 4 and a valley rafter 30 by using a metallic material, and capable of assembling the corner rafter, the valley rafter and a material associated to these in a direct contact state such as the roof truss by regular connection processing by minimum simple connection processing, in the roof truss of a combination roof. - 特許庁


To provide a butt end boring processing machine capable of automatically and precisely setting a position for boring a hole for inserting a connection metal on a butt end by a simple structure. - 特許庁


The decorative plate 1 is obtained by cutting a timber piece to form many woody pieces 5, dyeing the pieces 5 with transparent paint such as a plurality of colors of oil stain or the like, continuously arranging the many pieces in a state in which its butt end face 6a is disposed at a front surface side, and adhering the pieces to a base plate 3. - 特許庁



The connection member 32 is provided with: a first abutting part 41 abutting on the inner butt end surface 34 of the first plate member 30; a second abutting part 43 connected to the first abutting part 41 and abutting on the inner butt end surface 34 of the second plate member 31; a first connection part 45 connected with the first abutting part 41; and a second connection part 46 connected to the second abutting part 43. - 特許庁



Fro reference, there is a story that a private second class solder of the 21st regiment, Kohei KIGUCHI, never let his signal bugle fall from his lips when killed during battle on the outside of Anseong.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To easily obtain a decorative sheet with a surface 3, an end 2 and a back side 4 being overlaid by one piece of melamine resin-impregnated sheet 5. - 特許庁


The door open-close system has a door 1 and an auxiliary plate 2 rotatably connected on one butt-end face side of the door 1 through hinges 3. - 特許庁


Additionally, vent holes for making the hollow part communicate with the outside are formed at both the longitudinal ends of the woody molded article body, respectively. - 特許庁


The injector 1 is stuck into a foundation or a pillar and the head 2 is connected to a opening 9 of a chemicals container 8 to permeate chemicals into wood. - 特許庁


A wood chip inlet 21 movably situated in a first container 10 and a wood chip collector 40 situated separately from the wood chip inlet 21 are caused to intercommunicate through a transport pipe 25, and a flow of air from the vicinity of the wood chip inlet 21 toward the wood chip collector 40 is generated in the transport pipe 25. - 特許庁


In this wooden joint structure, a joint member 30 having a connecting hole 33 bored in a position rather closer to one end and one or more fitting plates 31 erected facing to the connecting hole 33 in a position rather closer to the other end is fitted in a butt end of the built-up timber 20 with the connecting hole 33 facing on the outside. - 特許庁


This movable partition wall construction structure 1 is formed by winding the decorative cloth 4 into the cross section 3 of a movable partition wall 2, retaining the wound part 14 of the decorative cloth 4 by a cloth retainer 5 stored in the cross section 3, and continuously disposing the movable partition walls 2. - 特許庁


When the edge P is deformed plastically, the part B cuts a discontinuous part GN of a belt-like edge fixing groove G so that the edge P can be separated easily from the part M since the continuous fixing groove G is formed on the part M. - 特許庁


This artificial fishing reef is provided with: a fishing reef body formed with an opening so that an internal space configured to store woods can communicate with the outside; and an outflow prevention means mounted on the fishing reef body such that the opening is covered, and configured to prevent the wood stored in the internal space in such a state that the internal space communicates with the outside from flowing out of the opening. - 特許庁


To provide an opening section reinforcing structure for a steel ceiling capable of simply conducting the connecting work of wooden reinforcing ceiling joists reinforcing an opening section and a steel ceiling joist and efficiently conducting the reinforcing execution work. - 特許庁


The apparatus for manufacturing a wood/plastic composite material which consists of a uniaxial or biaxial extrusion molding machine and in which the first raw material feed opening 3 is a feed opening for the polyolefin, the polymerizable carboxylic acid compound and the graft polymerization initiator and the second feed opening 4 is a feed opening for the polyolefin and the powdery granulated wooden material and heating and mixing and extrusion molding are made to continue is provided. - 特許庁


The guide mechanism is connected to the sliding door by turnably connecting a base end of a guide link 50 to a wall body in a lower portion on the side of a butt end 15, and engaging a leading end with a guide groove 16. - 特許庁


To provide a reinforcing wooden material which can suppress an increase in cost while using prism-shaped wood as a principal material and securing necessary strength and which enables members to be connected together by simple field work using joint connection, nails and screws, a frame body for a sill, and a base-isolation sill structure. - 特許庁


An end face 13a of the cutout 13 and an end face 14a of the vertical piece 14 abut on the longitudinal side end 1aL of the top plate 1a, whereby the connecting member 10 and the top plate 1a can be easily positioned to be fixed to each other with a wood screw 7a while holding such a positioned relationship. - 特許庁


For these movements, no systematic resistance remained in the Takeda's forces, from which public mind had been alienated due to financial difficulties caused by wars continued for long years, and Oda forces, which invaded Takeda's territories through the route called Kisochiiki-guchi, made Ina-jo Castle and Matsuo-jo Castle surrendered quickly.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was involved with the construction of Mikomotoshima Lighthouse (Shizuoka Prefecture), Kashinozaki Lighthouse (Wakayama Prefecture), Iojima Lighthouse (Nagasaki Prefecture), Mutsureshima Lighthouse (Yamaguchi Prefecture), Satamisaki Lighthouse (Kagoshima Prefecture), and others together with Richard Henry BRUNTON, a British civil engineer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a carbonization oven which enables even a worker having little experience in the charcoal production to continuously produce good-quality charcoal by directly looking at the carbonization state or organic chips such as wood chips, plastic chips or, leftover food, at the discharge port of the oven to adjust the discharge speed. - 特許庁


This stile/rail material (A) for the reform, which is composed of a vertical part (1) and the horizontal part (2), is characterized in that a recessed groove (4) continuing in a longitudinal direction of the horizontal part (2) is formed in an approximately central part of a butt end (3) of a top surface of the horizontal part (2). - 特許庁


The lure is made of wood and a sound chamber functioning as a space for shifting the center of gravity, eyes, a connection unit, a housing unit for joint members, a housing unit for a large weight and a lip joint port are formed on a vertical plate. - 特許庁


A long through hollow part 31 and an opening part 32 communicating over an entire length of the hollow part 31 are provided on a coping 1 supported on a bracket 40 fixed on an anchor bolt 7 projected on the wall face. - 特許庁


Further the dredger can remove obstacles like driftwood, etc. mixed in the dredged earth and sand with the screens 27, 27, eliminate the possibility of catching the obstacles in the suction inlet and enable their smoother lifting to the water surface. - 特許庁


Since the charcoal powder 13 can suppress generation of fungi or odor in the duct 12 and remove odor from the air, a comfortable housing environment is attained. - 特許庁


Grooves 32, 34, 36 to fit the connecting tools only on the surface are formed to the assembling plates such as an upper plate 26, a lower plate 28, and two side plates 30 or the like which constitute the outer frame of the indoor installed product, and the groove to fit the connecting tool is not formed to a butt end. - 特許庁


A concentration machine for concentrating a wood pulp slurry, comprising: a bat for concentration (30) with a slurry inlet (22); a filter cylinder (20) as described in Claim 1, which is retained so it can rotate freely in the bat (30); an exhaust of white water (32) which connects with the apertures of one end member so as to release white water within the filter cylinder (20); a couch roll (34) for releasing concentration pulp slurry formed on the surface of a filter cylinder (20), etc. (See Figure 2)  - 特許庁


To provide a dust collector in which a rib configuration of a suction opening comprises a space without penetrating a foreign matter of a wood tip or the like and entering a finger of a user, and plugging does not occur even when a band-shaped cutting tip of a wood shaving and a gypsum board is continuously sucked in. - 特許庁


This device for supporting the tree is a plate body having a diameter larger than that of the tree, and is constituted of a stabilizing board having an opening part penetrating the board face, plural holding frames attached to the surface of the stabilizing board through pedestals, and for holding the outer periphery of the root ball, and connecting members for fastening each of the holding frames. - 特許庁


To provide a polyester fiber woven fabric, in which dispersion of the elongation is reduced as much as possible, suitably useable for application such as materials of construction and industrial materials by constituting the knitted fabric of a polyester fiber in an extremely slight generation amount of materials attached to a spinneret even when spinning is continuously carried out through the spinneret for a long time. - 特許庁


To provide a polyester fiber knitted fabric, in which dispersion of the elongation is reduced as much as possible, suitably useable for applications such as materials of construction and industrial materials by constituting the knitted fabric of a polyester fiber in an extremely slight generation amount of materials attached to a spinneret even when spinning is continuously carried out through the spinneret for a long time. - 特許庁

維管束植物の部より抽出されるリグニン、フェルラ酸、クマル酸及び/又はシナピン酸により化学合成されるリグニン、コニフェリルアルコール、 クマルアルコール、シナピルアルコール、フェルラ酸、クマル酸及び/又はシナピンは、消化管内では食物繊維的に働き、分解吸収されず、腔内疾患や鎖球菌感染症を予防する抗菌性を有する。例文帳に追加

Lignin, coniferyl alcohol, coumaryl alcohol, sinapyryl alcohol, ferulic acid, coumaric acid and sinapine are chemically synthesized from lignin, ferulic acid, coumaric acid and/or sinapylic acid that are extract from the xylem in the Tracheophyta plants, work as dietary fiber without being digested and absorbed in the digestive tracts, and shows antibacterial properties that can prevent the diseases in the oral cavity or Streptococcus pyogenes infection. - 特許庁


To provide a device which is a bean jam machine which includes a projection part of a nozzle for continuously performing automatic shaping of flexible food materials such as candy, ice cream, and cheese into patterns such as animals, trees, leaves and stars, and has a nozzle and a cutter which makes a pattern in which first and second food materials lie adjacent to, each other, with a mold and a cutter. - 特許庁



Spots 19 plastically deformed in the direction of thickness continuously extending in the fiber direction excepting spots inward distant as specified from both cross section edges of a green veneer T, and splits 21 spreading in an orthogonal direction with the fiber direction, are numerously formed alternately in the fiber direction and at a specified interval in the orthogonal direction with the fiber direction. - 特許庁


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