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該当件数 : 102



To correct a mechanical error created in a main scanning direction of each light source by a function for delaying each light source by a unit of pixel and a function for changing one pixel by a quantity obtained by dividing one pixel into a plurality of pieces. - 特許庁


To provide a laminated type electrostatic motor in which a plurality of unit motor structures are electrically and mechanically connected in a stable state without increasing the gap between an adjacent stator and mover. - 特許庁


The parameter variation values are stored in a memory 110 and outputted in real time to the functional units by the address sweeping of the memory by a state machine 120. - 特許庁


The calculation control part 17 calculates a mechanical admittance which is an oscillation speed per unit outer force based on the outer force applied on the spiral pipe 20 and the oscillation speed generated in the spiral pipe 20. - 特許庁



To reinforce mechanical strength of a plastic pipe capable of being manufactured and transported in several hundred meter unit to use it as a gas pipe in middle and high pressure regions and to improve the workability of piping work. - 特許庁



To accurately inspect an inspection target at each region by an inspection method of a pixel, making it unnecessary to perform positional alignment in a pixel unit and causing no false report, even if there is optical or mechanical shift. - 特許庁


To optimize a grinding amount of a roll to enhance a roll unit consumption, and to enhance efficiency for grinding the roll, when grinding the roll with a surface damaged thermally and mechanically by rolling or the like. - 特許庁


To improve energy efficiency by installing a power unit divided into small units in a scattered state without requiring frequent switching of the mechanical coupling portion of the power unit. - 特許庁


To provide a dynamo-electric machine, capable of reducing the concentration of voltage to lead-side unit wiring to a steep inverter surge voltage, without causing changes in the mechanical output characteristics to be generated due to the reinforcement of insulation. - 特許庁



The insulating film has high heat conductivity, high cooling performance, high insulating properties, prevents short circuit between the unit cells, and enhances hardness, corrosion resistance, and mechanical strength such as abrasion resistance. - 特許庁



At this time, coating of the washing liquid per unit time and/or circulation speed of the string product is controlled dependently to data which is specific to fiber product and/or data which is specific to the mechanism and/or data which is specific to the method. - 特許庁


To provide a optical fiber ribbon which is capable of improving separability in the units of optical fibers or optical fiber ribbon units while maintaining required mechanical strength and a method of manufacturing the same. - 特許庁

対象品目としては、競合が激しいと考えられる機械関係に焦点を当て、HS コードで各国共通の最小単位である6 桁分類ごとに単価を比較した。例文帳に追加

It is essentially difficult to determine whether a product with higher unit price is better or otherwise. - 経済産業省


A sound data processing device includes: an operating state acquisition part 101 acquiring an operating state of the mechanical device; a sound data acquisition part 103 acquiring sound data corresponding to the acquired operating state; and a database 105 storing various kinds of operating states of the mechanical device in unit time and associated sound data as a template. - 特許庁


The transparent film has 0-0.005 absolute value (T1') of the maximum value of a change based on unit temperature of values of tanδ of dynamic viscoelasticity at 0 to 120°C in at least either one of the machine direction and the direction vertical to the machine direction. - 特許庁


This hydrogen ion conductive copolymer is excellent in chemical and mechanical characteristics, also excellent in film-forming property since it contains the dimethylsiloxane recurring units, and not only has a low methanol permeability but also is excellent in ion conductivity since it contains the styrene recurring units having the hydrogen ion conductive functional groups. - 特許庁


To provide a new polylactone using an aromatic amide unit as a hard segment and a polylactone unit as a soft segment and having excellent heat resistance, hydrolysis resistance and mechanical characteristics, especially a polylactone useful as a raw material for polyurethane-based, polyester-based, polyamide-based, and polyesteramide-based elastomers, and to provide a method for producing the same. - 特許庁


In this cellulose acylate film, when it is left for 120 hours at 60°C in relative humidity of 90%, either of a machine directional dimension percentage change S (MD) and a machine width directional dimension percentage change S (TD) is from -10% to -0.5%. - 特許庁


To provide a method for stably and efficiently producing a polyimide film having a high mechanical strength in the method for producing the polyimide film having a repeating unit consisting essentially of para-phenylene pyromellitimide, especially for producing the polyimide film from a corresponding polyamic acid. - 特許庁


The diaphragm for the electroacoustic converter is produced by employing lightweight carbon nanotube as fine as nm unit having good dispersibility and interfacial adhesion and exhibiting excellent mechanical strength, and the like, as the enhancer of synthetic resin. - 特許庁


To provide a curable composition excellent in glass weatherproofing adhesion, surface curability and weather resistance while keeping mechanical strength and adhesiveness of a polymer containing an alkylene oxide monomer unit in the main chain and having hydrolyzable silicon-containing group. - 特許庁


To provide an encoding method of generating a code of which image is formed in unit of cell for displaying specified information and information, and which is mechanically recognizable, and a decoding method for extracting the information from the code image. - 特許庁


Since the number of moles of ions per unit weight is large, the granular anti-icing agent has an anti-icing capability equivalent to that of sodium chloride. - 特許庁


In the Java virtual machine 36 of a digital television receiver 10, an interpreter processing part 26 executes a Java program in thread units to conform each thread to a task in 1:1, which is an object of scheduling by a kernel 20. - 特許庁


To provide a desktop cutter capable of easily setting the existence of a correction from an external part for adjusting a predetermined display unit, a specific turning angle, the existence of a display of a specific tilt angle and also a digital display to mechanical accuracy. - 特許庁


In this embodiment, the textile machine managing system to be used for the fine spinning winder 1 records the length of the unwound yarn with its fluffs detected by the clearer 15, and the amount of fluffs thereof, and performs the quality inspection of the yarn spun by the fine spinning unit 32 on the unit basis of the bobbin 23. - 特許庁


In the manufacturing method of the micromachine part or the like, a photosetting resin liquid is selectively irradiated with light by repeating collective exposure based on a projection region as a unit to form a cured resin layer and this cured resin layer is successively laminated to form the three-dimensional shape. - 特許庁


To provide a composite foam manufacturing method capable of developing stable mechanical strength in composite foam comprising aggregate of cell structural units consisting foam domains having a polyhedral shape and the thin film cell walls surrounding the foam domains. - 特許庁


Also, this controller of the machine tool is provided with a selection information input means 6 for selecting the working program to be executed by a working process unit based on the working process information and a selected working execution means 13 for executing only the selected part. - 特許庁


The polyester of the invention is the one which has ethylene terephthalate as the main repeating unit, contains 0.1-500 ppm of fines, and has a rate in dimensional change of 4.0% or less measured by thermomechanical analysis (TMA) for a molding obtained by melt forming the polyester. - 特許庁


To provide a phase change type optical disk medium and the initializing method having more satisfactory over-write characteristics than that of a disk initialized by a conventional method, by performing initializing while the energy per a unit area is increased as compared with that of the recording time without giving the mechanical damage of the disk. - 特許庁


The control microcomputer 5 has a memory for storing a plurality of pieces of inputted data in the unit of a mechanical noise occurrence period, calculates the average of data of the same phase in that period to produce data practically composed of a noise component and stores a result in memories 13, 14. - 特許庁


A plurality of combined nets of a large size obtained by combining a plurality of compact resin dust-proof nets of definite shape as unit elements in the same plane shape, are disposed in the front face side of the heat exchanger for a construction machine in a state of the nets being overlapped to each other in the longitudinal direction. - 特許庁


To provide a non-aqueous electrolytic solution battery and its manufacturing method provided with a constitution in which improvement of a battery capacity per unit volume can be aimed at without inviting deterioration of bond strength and a mechanical strength to a current collecting lead or a sealing plate or the like. - 特許庁


A storage device 40 provided on a general-purpose unit of a numerical control device of a machine tool stores attribute data, associated with three-dimensional shape model of a plurality of the components and the assemblies created by CAD in unit of the assembly when they are designed. - 特許庁

3 車両その他の機械器具に装置して使用される特定計量器であって政令で定めるもの(以下「車両等装置用計量器」という。)は、経済産業大臣、都道府県知事又は指定検定機関が行う機械器具に装置した状態における検査(以下「装置検査」という。)を受け、これに合格したものとして第七十五条第二項の装置検査証印(有効期間を経過していないものに限る。)が付されているものでなければ、取引又は証明における法定計量単位による計量に使用し、又は使用に供するために所持してはならない。例文帳に追加

(3) A specified measuring instrument fitted to vehicles or other machinery and specified by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as a "measuring instrument for fitting to vehicles, etc.") shall not be used or possessed for use for the purpose of measurements in statutory measurement units with regard to transactions or certifications, unless that specified measuring instrument bears a fitting inspection mark (limited to those valid period of which has not expired) set forth in Article 75, paragraph 2 certifying the passage of an inspection by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the prefectural governor, or the designated verification body by which specified measuring instruments are inspected after being fitted to the machinery (hereinafter referred to as a "fitting inspection").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


An array antenna 10 having a plurality of radiation elements 20 arrayed in a vertical plane at predetermined intervals is characterized in that the radiation elements 20 are grouped by predetermined numbers of adjacent radiation elements to perform control for electrically varying tilt angles of main beams by phase shifters 11 provided by the groups and control for mechanically tilting the radiation elements of the respective groups in group units by a mechanical tilt BOX 30. - 特許庁


To provide an aqueous emulsion containing a polyvinyl alcohol resin as a dispersant, and a polymer containing a structural unit derived from an ethylenic unsaturated monomer as a dispersoid, capable of obtaining a coating film of excellent transparency, and excellent in mechanical stability, chemical stability, freezing stability and storage stability. - 特許庁


The multiplex pixel pattern is related to a multiplex diffraction grating medium with which different motifs are observed in different wavelength regions by defining micro pixels by further dividing a pixel composing one closed region and defining a unit micro pixel arrangement in which the micro pixels are arranged in m-lines×n-columns, and related to the mechanical reading device using the multiplex diffraction grating medium. - 特許庁


To provide a hydrogen purification apparatus which takes out more amount of purified hydrogen per unit time than before without requiring an increase in the scale of the apparatus, in the hydrogen purification using a thin membrane of palladium alloy and to provide a hydrogen purification apparatus in which even if a hydrogen separation membrane is made thin, the mechanical strength of the hydrogen separation membrane little deteriorates. - 特許庁

上記製法により得られるダイカッター1であって、刃先幅5μmに機械加工された刃を有するダイカッター1の刃先部11が刃先角度90〜120度、刃先幅0.1μm、初期切り込み荷重1.15N/mm刃長以下となされたものである(ただし、初期切り込み荷重は、0.3mm厚のJIS K 6732相当の軟質塩化ビニルシートを切断した際の単位刃長当たりの荷重とする。例文帳に追加

The die cutter 1, obtained by the method, has a blade machined into the cutting edge width of 5 μm. - 特許庁


To provide a mechanical strength evaluation method and an apparatus of a material which measures the minimum load per unit area for inducing a damage in the material, hardly restricts a shape of a specimen, and evaluates a strength of a surface layer and a protective layer independent of a substrate even if the surface layer and the protective layer are formed on the substrate in the material. - 特許庁

受信した音声信号について、従来の音響モデルの尤度を、罰金付ロジスティック回帰機械(Penalized Logistic Regression Machine;PLRM)の回帰関数に取り込み、PLRMの係数パラメータWとハイパーパラメータΛを学習して最適化し、これらのパラメータを用いて、音声信号の発声内容を表す認識単位の予測確率を計算する。例文帳に追加

As for a received speech signal, a likelihood of a conventional sound model is taken in the regression function of a penalized logistic regression machine (PLRM); the coefficient parameter W and the hyperparameter Λ of the PLRM are learnt and optimized; and those parameters are used to compute predicted probability of a recognition unit representing utterance contents of a speech signal. - 特許庁


Concerning the pattern, with which the fine cell composed of the diffraction grating is provided as a constitutive unit, configured by locating these cells on the surface of the substrate, the cells are in plural arbitrary different forms and the specified information is added to an array in the case of combining and locating the plural cells for the machine readable hologram. - 特許庁


In this numerical controller for receiving movement orbit data 201 and velocity data 202 as instructions and outputting servo data 203 expressed as the position or velocity of each shaft of a machine in each control cycle, both or one of feeding speed 204 being the moving speed of a control point and attitude speed 205 expressing the amount of change per unit time of control point rotational components are inputted as speed instructions. - 特許庁


To provide an asymmetrical hollow fiber membrane for gas separation made of polyimide having a specific repetition unit that has its mechanical strength improved without affecting its separation performance badly, and a gas separation method for separating oxygen gas from a mixed gas containing oxygen gas and nitrogen gas by making the oxygen gas selectively permeate the asymmetrical hollow fiber membrane for gas separation. - 特許庁


The predetermined display unit is set by using a turning angle reset means and a tilt angle reset means by a control means, and the existence of a correction is set for adjusting the specific turning angle, the existence of the display of the specific tilt angle and the digital display to the mechanical accuracy, and a preset value set by a storage means is stored. - 特許庁


The polishing liquid used for chemical mechanical polishing in a planarization process of a semiconductor integrated circuit contains a quaternary ammonium cation, an organic acid, an inorganic particle, and at least one of a compound expressed by general formula (I) and a polymer including a structure unit shown by the general formula (I), and has a pH of 1 to 7. - 特許庁


To provide a method for stably producing a polyester resin excellent in moldability and mechanical characteristics by an industrially advantageous method without decomposing cyclic acetal skeletons caused by water and carboxy groups in dicarboxylic acids, gelation of the polyester resin and remarkable increase of molecular weight distribution caused by the decomposition in producing the polyester resin comprising a dicarboxylic acid constituent and a diol constituent having at least the cyclic acetal skeleton. - 特許庁


第百五十三条 経済産業大臣又は都道府県知事若しくは特定市町村の長は、第百四十八条第一項の規定により、その職員に、機械器具に装置されて取引又は証明における法定計量単位による計量に使用されている車両等装置用計量器を検査させた場合において、その車両等装置用計量器が次の各号の一に該当するときは、その車両等装置用計量器に付されている第七十五条第二項の装置検査証印を除去することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 153 (1) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the prefectural governor or the head of a specified municipality may, when he/she has caused its officials to make an inspection, pursuant to the provisions of Article 148, paragraph 1, of a measuring instrument for fitting to vehicles, etc. fitted to machinery and used for measurements in statutory measurement units for transactions or certifications and find that the measuring instrument for fitting to vehicles, etc. falls under any of the following items, remove a fitting inspection mark set forth in Article 75, paragraph 2 affixed to the measuring instrument for fitting to vehicles, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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