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They deepened their exchange through cultural activities.  - Weblio Email例文集


a group in which one becomes involved in socially beneficial activities  - EDR日英対訳辞書


To contribute to the advancement of social life and culture through business operations.  - Weblio Email例文集


And through those activities I made a lot of friends.  - Weblio Email例文集



Our company gives back to society through the actions and activities of our corporate culture. - Weblio英語基本例文集



I want to deepen relationships through the university's club activities. - 時事英語例文集


I have come to know that through gathering small abilities through these activities, a large ability is born.  - Weblio Email例文集


In order to return to painting activities as well, he made efforts to overcome the serious aftereffects of the illness through rehabilitation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Family Appsは,さまざまなゲームや活動を通して言葉や数字を学ぶ機会を子どもたちに与えている。例文帳に追加

Family Apps gives children the chance to learn words and numbers through various games and activities.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



Production takes place only in society-only through the co-operation of an industrial community.  - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』



Based on his various panting activities, Foreign Ministry bought "Yamazato" (a village in a mountain valley), his painting displayed in Nisshunten in 1991.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Through his political activities, lectures, books and movies, he has increased global awareness that urgent countermeasures against global warming are needed.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Through these activities, companies can reduce emissions and costs to meet strategic business objectives.  - 経済産業省


When regarded through the lens of startups and subsequent business activities, how and at what stage does a single enterprise exhibit its job creation capacity? - 経済産業省


We called on all relevant APEC fora to contribute to capacity-building activities based on these priorities through 2015.  - 経済産業省


The active call may be maintained between the terminal and the second base station using a first service configuration preestablished via the first base station for the active call. - 特許庁


Students not only acquire basic manufacturing skills through metal processing, but also feel a sense of fulfillment that they are contributing to the daily lives of local people through their sales activities oriented to local people and the community. - 経済産業省


Chiba City Museum of Science (Chiba Prefecture) is engaged in experiential activities to prompt people to notice what is hidden from the eyes by having museum employees and volunteers interact with visitors under various programs with the conceptHumans are the Heroes.” - 経済産業省


The activity of the wireless communication device 320 of a client making communication through a communication medium, such as the Internet 322, are supplied to an activity monitor server utility 332 equipped in a system in the Internet 322 through a switch in the system or a probe 326 and a transmission line 333, and the activity monitor server utility 332 monitors and records the activity of the client 320. - 特許庁


Employees are provided with opportunities to grow through activities in which "individuals plan, execute, report, and evaluate on their own," with the aim of developing into information independent persons. This is facilitated through the establishment of "committee activities" (activities in which teams are formed to consider environmental issues and work improvement, etc.) and "Japan's longest morning assembly" (held for about an hour each day, it is a opportunity for people to report the results of committee activities, perform skits, dance, and make other announcements from teams with no specific agenda). - 経済産業省


To support activities of a nonprofit organization including a small group through opening a homepage of the nonprofit organization, distributing it, and giving evaluation points to the activities of the nonprofit organization by the administrator side of a local government on a computer network. - 特許庁


In Haguro-yama (Yamagata Prefecture), an applicant can wear a white costume and enter the mountain to experience Yamabushi's ascetic practices such as fasting, Takiuchi (standing under a waterfall), walking over fire, (Zen sitting meditation), Ninku no Gyo (Nanban Ibushi, or being smoked), and so on, in September of every year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A collective body may, by means of registration in accordance with the Trademarks Act (7/64) or use, obtain the exclusive right to a trademark intended to be used by the members of the body in their professional activities (association mark).  - 特許庁


The exhibiting force of the joint 3 having the rotating shaft provides such a drag as to pull up a trunk part through the upper support body 1, and such a force as to press the lumbar does not work. - 特許庁


To provide teaching tools for having scholastic ability by making children who feel difficulty in a stage of carry-up and carry-down learning continuously grapple with the learning like playing through operation activities of hands. - 特許庁

ここでは、我が国の海外事業活動の国際的な立ち位置を確認するために、対内及び対外直接投資を、投資残高(GDP 比)、投資収益率、投資収益額(GDP 比)の面から他の主要国との比較を通して概観する。例文帳に追加

Here, to confirm the international position of Japan's overseas business activities, we will overview inward and outward FDIs in terms of investment balance (ratio to GDP), investment return rate, and investment return amount (ratio to GDP) through the comparison with those of other major advanced countries. - 経済産業省


This insight allows businesses to focus on achieving the most meaningful reductions, not only from within their operations, but across global value chains.  - 経済産業省


This means that the domestic inter-industry structure was disrupted, that “spillovers” were less likely to spread through the inter-industry relations of production activities, and that, at the same time, the domestic production ratio of final goods increased due to an increase in exports. - 経済産業省


Wazuka Junior High School in Wazuka Town has provided students with experience in producing tea (Wazuka tea) in the Period for Integrated Studies subject so as to encourage them to love and take pride in their home town. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, as an international contribution in nuclear emergency and preparedness and response field, NEAT endeavor to share knowledge with Asian nations through the activities of the IAEA Asian Nuclear Safety Network. - 経済産業省


Through entrepreneurial activity of Jutaro MATSUMOTO, however, the companies established by MATSUMOTO such as Osaka Spinning (now, Toyobo Co., Ltd.), Nankai Railway (now, Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd.), Sanyo Railway (now, West Japan Railway Company), Japan Fire Insurance (now, Japan Fire and Marine Insurance), Osaka Beer (now, Asahi Breweries, Ltd.) and others have still been successful.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Third, regarding the challenges for climate change adaptation, Japan has made active contributions as a bilateral donor to help prevent disasters, such as floods and droughts.Japan would like to share the expertise that has been accumulated through these activities with the Bank and other donors.Japan would also like to continue to proactively contribute in this field.  - 財務省


Persons who have their enterprise, permanent residency or seat in the Czech Republic or who are Czech nationals may file an application for international registration of a trade mark pursuant to an international treaty or file an application for registration of changes concerning the international registration by way of the Office.  - 特許庁


It also makes a contract with a local information presenter 202 who wants to perform advertising activity with a local information content 4 where a profit is earned from the local information presenter 202 by making the local information content 4 kept on an ISP network open through the customer-owned LAN system 2. - 特許庁


To deliver a fully effective greenhouse gas reduction plan, all emissions need to be taken into account use, improving overall efficiency of companies' supply chains, reducing regulatory risks, and strengthening supplier and customer relationships. Enhance stakeholder information and corporate reputation through public reporting As concerns over climate change grow, NGOs, investors, governments and other stakeholders are increasingly calling for greater disclosure of corporate activities and GHG information.  - 経済産業省


Encourage cooperation in the design industry towards the promotion of Design excellence through a "Good Design Award" in both countries; strengthen relations and further understanding of culture and business through the exchange of designers, knowledge and activities in the creative industries.  - 経済産業省


One outcome of the agglomerations is that, as it exercises its effect through mutually connected economic activities, it divides the world into two spheres – one that is rich and industrialized, the other that is poor and unindustrializedeven if there was originally no difference in institutions or economic policy between the two. - 経済産業省


Based on the opportunity to achieve a certificated campus by ISO 14001, it has fostered an 'independent student' program through the study of new educational systems and support for the activities of constructing an environmental management system, and has provided a practical educational program with the local and traditional industries in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


State of the art”: it is all that knowledge made available to the public in any part of the world, even if it is completely unknown in Chile, by being published in tangible form, by sale or commercialization, by use or by any other means, before the filing date of an application or of a claim of priority for an industrial privilege in Chile.  - 特許庁


This method for preventing the pine tree from withering is provided by charging an electric voltage pulse to all branches sticking out from the middle part to the top part of trunk of the pine tree or selected several branches for passing the electric voltage pulse from the branches through the trunk to earth for inhibiting the propagation activity of pine wood nematode which is parasitic on the pine branch. - 特許庁


The active buffer device 10 comprises a variable displacement casing and a means for expanding the volume of the casing, and the casing is in fluid connection with a first tube array 31 between the control mechanism 5 and the sewer pipe 3 through a flow port 105 to induce the first tube array 31 to a sucking action. - 特許庁

以上に加えて、日シンガポールEPA や、日フィリピンEPA においてはペーパーレス貿易章において、ペーパーレス貿易を実現・促進するために意見交換・情報交換を通して協力し、また、ペーパーレス貿易に関する活動に従事する民間団体間での協力を奨励し、進捗状況について再検討することも規定されている。例文帳に追加

In addition to the above, the Japan-Singapore EPA and Japan-Philippines EPA provide in the chapter on paperless trading that the party countries shall cooperate through the exchange of views and information on realizing and promoting paperless trading, shall encourage cooperation between their relevant private entities engaging in activities related to paperless trading and shall review the progress made in realizing paperless trading. - 経済産業省


Junior high schools have students acquire basic knowledge and skills related to monodzukuri through practical and experience-based lessons in the subject of Industrial Arts and Home Making. - 経済産業省


For example, students with intellectual disabilities are trained so as to develop a readiness to participate in society on their own by improving knowledge and skills necessary for workers and fostering the concept of work and occupation through monodzukuri-related experienced-based programs and practical lessons in the workplace that are provided in collaboration with local communities and local industries, mainly in the "occupation/home economics" subject at the junior high school level and the "occupation" subject at the senior high school level. - 経済産業省


Iwai (2003) explains the expanding role of human capital as follows, from the viewpoint of the transformation of capitalism. After the comparison between "industrial capitalism" (capitalism that generated profits through industrial activities) that functioned in developed countries since the Industrial Revolution until the 1970s and "post-industrial capitalism" (capitalism that can generate profits by intentionally creating differentiation) that emerged in place of "industrial capitalism," which became unable to function in developed countries after the 1970s, Iwai (2003) explains the difference between them as follows. - 経済産業省


From Kimura and Ando’s work, it is clear that (1) often the objective of Japanese corporations foraying into East Asia is vertical direct investment aimed mainly at manufacturing activities, rather than horizontal direct investment targeting sales activities, (2) over 40.0% of enterprises entering the East Asian market are small and medium enterprises, and quite a few of them have three or more subsidiaries in East Asia, and (3) as a result of fragmentation within and among corporations, the number of East Asia’s local transactions and transactions with East Asian countries other than Japan is relatively increasing and a wide-ranging intraregional production network is developing further. - 経済産業省


第八十六条 一般消費者に対するエネルギーの供給の事業を行う者、建築物の販売又は賃貸の事業を行う者、エネルギーを消費する機械器具の小売の事業を行う者その他その事業活動を通じて一般消費者が行うエネルギーの使用の合理化につき協力を行うことができる事業者は、消費者のエネルギーの使用状況に関する通知、建築物の外壁、窓等を通しての熱の損失の防止及び建築物に設ける空気調和設備等に係るエネルギーの効率的利用のために建築物に必要とされる性能の表示、エネルギーの消費量との対比における機械器具の性能の表示等一般消費者が行うエネルギーの使用の合理化に資する情報を提供するよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 86 Business operators engaged in supplying energy to general consumers, business operators engaged in selling or renting buildings, business operators engaged in retailing energy-consuming machinery and equipment, and other business operators capable of cooperating, through their business activities, in general consumers' efforts towards the rational use of energy shall endeavor to provide information that contributes to general consumers' efforts towards the rational use of energy, such as by making notifications on the status of energy use by consumers, by giving indications of the performance required for buildings to prevent heat loss through exterior walls, windows, etc. of the buildings and to realize the efficient utilization of energy for air conditioning systems, etc. installed in the buildings, and by giving indications of the performance of machinery and equipment in light of energy consumption.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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