
「過制振」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 過制振の意味・解説 > 過制振に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 562


...一方, 電圧御増幅器(VCA)へのモノリシックまたはハイブリッド集積回路のアプローチは,高価ぎるか,あるいは不満足な効率のために不に陥った.例文帳に追加

... while monoliths or hybrid integrated circuit approaches to VCAs (voltage-controlled amplifiers) have been expensive, or they have suffered from poor performance.  - コンピューター用語辞典


To inhibit low frequency vibration caused by output difference between combustion chambers when rise of temperature of a catalyst through which exhaust gas is discharged from an internal combustion engine passes is required. - 特許庁


The voltage inputted to the charge pump and LPF 6 is charged/discharged and outputted to a voltage controlled oscillator(VCO) 8 while passing only the low frequency. - 特許庁


To drive a drive motor, surely compensate an excess and a deficiency of an output torque to a torque required for a vehicle and prevent a vehicle drive apparatus from vibrating. - 特許庁



To provide a lower leg supporter which can support the gastrocnemius muscle from front to back and from side to side, without disturbing the movements of the Achilles' tendon, and prevent excessive vibration of the gastrocnemius muscle to thereby reduce the wearer's fatigue. - 特許庁



To reduce resonance in a closed circuit, including a capacitance between an intermediate electrode and a grounded metallic tank and a voltage detection capacitor, and to prevent the occurrence of overvoltage at various parts of a closed circuit. - 特許庁


To provide an exhaust gas purifying catalyst suppressing the peeling of a catalyst layer caused by heat or vibration to a minimum, suppressing heat deterioration of a catalyst material, and exhibiting an excellent purifying property under severe conditions. - 特許庁


Thereby, the inclination of the whole damper 51 enables the ramps 16i, 20i of the front side vertical parts 16g, 20g to pass the peripheries of panels. - 特許庁


The laser beam having passed the crystal etalon 13 is received with an optical detector 14, an error signal is generated by comparing the receiving signal with the dither signal, and the oscillation wavelength of a semiconductor laser 11 is controlled on the basis of this error signal. - 特許庁



The control circuit feeds a trigger signal to the DC-DC converter and then applies the output voltage to the oscillation circuit with a lapse of a predetermined time. - 特許庁



To provide an electrostatic board of a transformer, having excellent transition response characteristics against a shock voltage, having sufficient potential followability and sufficiently improved in potential vibration suppressing effect of a line end coil. - 特許庁


The damper sheet 8 is formed by blending polyester resin and a cast iron powder which was filtered through a 30 mesh filter at a weight ratio of 1:10 in weight. - 特許庁


To provide a yarn winding machine which reliably prevents any vibration in a final stage immediately before the stop, and is reliably stopped in a predetermined time after starting the deceleration when controlling the deceleration and stop of a winding drum. - 特許庁


To provide a clutchless compressor capable of quickly cutting off a motive power transmission route reaching a driving shaft from a pulley and capable of restraining vibration and noise when compressor side load torque becomes excessive by abnormality of the compressor inside. - 特許庁


Further, while the second crystal oscillator does not work, a control circuit calculates a correction amount per time from the past data to perform frequency adjustment. - 特許庁


In this way, the amplitude of an audio signal Sa to be inputted into a power amplifier circuit 16 is limited, and the power consumption amount of the power amplifier circuit 16 reduces and the circuit 16 goes into an overcurrent protecting state. - 特許庁


To prevent the break of a free wheel diode parallel connected, in a reverse polarity, to a semiconductor switching element which is one of components of a power converter, by suppressing excessive vibrating voltage generated at the reverse recovery of the diode. - 特許庁


To reduce vibration of a fan filter unit by uniforming distribution of wind velocity after passing through a filter and controlling distortion of a motor support. - 特許庁


To provide a drainage block structure continuously draining rainwater on the road surface or rainwater infiltrating into pavement, to a sewer, and changing over to underground infiltration when the amount of drainage exceeds a fixed level to restrain the amount of outflow. - 特許庁


A phase comparator 1 multiplies an external reference signal vi with an output signal vo of a voltage controlled oscillator 3 and outputs the resultant, and a low pass filter 2 passes only a low frequency component of this output. - 特許庁


To prevent the transient unstable state of auto-iris control caused by the rapid change of an object or vibrations of respective motors when presetting a turning position concerning an image pickup device having the turning device of a camera. - 特許庁


To suppress vibrations of a filter membrane element generated by receiving aeration when using a membrane separation apparatus for the purpose of solid/liquid separation of a suspended-solid-containing liquid such as active sludge. - 特許庁


A charge current generation circuit 14 adds auxiliary current Imin to current obtained by performing voltage-current conversion of an audio signal to make limitation so as to prevent the amplitude of the audio signal from being excessive to a negative side. - 特許庁


If a switch S is switched on, a command signal ds from the voltage comparator CP to the control circuit CT becomes a signal to command continuous oscillation during until a designated time set by the CR time constant circuit elapses. - 特許庁


To provide a linear guide device which achieves enhancement of motion braking by reducing rolling element passing vibration while materializing the improvement in noise characteristics through reduction of traveling sound and the smooth workability of a slider body. - 特許庁


A quadrature baseband signal outputted from a second low-pass filter 7 is amplitude-limited by a second limiter circuit 11, and a phase difference in output signal between both the limiter circuits 10, 11 is detected by a phase detector 12. - 特許庁


A supply oil valve supplying operating oil from an oil reservoir side and a low pressure valve preventing over supply of oil to the oil reservoir side are provided in a valve mechanism of a hydraulic vibration control device. - 特許庁


To provide a drainage block structure for continuously draining rainwater on the road surface and rainwater infiltrating into pavement, to a sewer or the like and restraining outflow by turning to underground storage and infiltration when the amount of drain exceeds a specified level. - 特許庁


The vibration of the interior panel due to the noise inputted from the fuselage shell 110 side through the heat and sound insulating member 120 is suppressed by this action. - 特許庁


To provide a control device of a hybrid car avoiding the decrease in the number of rotation of a motor generator while quickly passing a low rotation resonant band when an engine starts. - 特許庁


An inverse passing characteristic of the isolator 4 can prevent the local oscillation signal from being leaked to an output side of the LNA 3, so as to suppress deterioration in the sensitivity of a received signal and distortion in the LNA. - 特許庁


To provide a linear guide apparatus capable of restraining reduction in load capacity and rigidity, without deteriorating rolling element passing vibration, while improving durability in high speed travel, without reducing productivity. - 特許庁


In the constitution, light reflection and transmission in the point defects 14 is suppressed by selecting the proper distance L, and light resonated by the the point defects 14 can be efficiently extracted. - 特許庁


Upon elapsing a preset time in a standby state of a laser oscillator 7 where base discharge has been carried out, an NC apparatus 11 performs control for making a transition to energy saving mode B. - 特許庁


To provide a vibration control device for the rolling stock that can effectively cope with a big excessive centrifugal acceleration without causing upsizing or cost increase of the device. - 特許庁


To provide a device for manufacturing a semiconductor having strength and a damping effect appropriate for a whole system comprising an apparatus, an installation stand, and a installation floor different from a conventional excess design. - 特許庁


To provide an electric power steering device achieving good steering feeling by inhibiting generation of reverse input vibration during straight travel while more surly avoiding generation of excessive assist in normal steering. - 特許庁


An oil pressure control circuit 25 including the hydraulic cylinder 9 includes a solenoid valve 26 for conducting opening and closing between two oil chambers 9c, 9d of the hydraulic cylinder 9, and liberates the excessive load from the power cylinder 6 to the vibration controller. - 特許庁


To suppress vibration transmission from an axle to a vehicle body without causing an increase in weight of the vehicle body or excessive relative displacement between the vehicle body and an axle frame, and reduce noise in the vehicle, in a track vehicle. - 特許庁


To make a control operation for soft switching appropriate to apply soft switching without making a current ripple excessive in a DC-DC converter including an auxiliary resonant circuit for applying soft switching. - 特許庁


To suppress the vibration of a target throttle opening while setting the target throttle opening compensating response delay of an intake system even during transient operation of an internal combustion engine. - 特許庁


To reduce the time for detecting overcurrent of an output current and a resonance current while minimizing stop of an output, and to control a current more properly. - 特許庁


The low-frequency oscillation suppression circuit has a desired frequency band as a transmission band, and is connected to a gate terminal of transistors on both sides among the plurality of transistors arranged and formed in parallel. - 特許庁


Accordingly, it is possible to eliminate a modulation signal source, a band pass filter, etc. which are included in the former transmission and reception system since the voltage controlled oscillators 21, 33 perform modulation and demodulation of the digital signal D1. - 特許庁


To provide a thermal overload relay stabilizing the characteristics of a reversing mechanism in automatic resetting by regulating the axial deflection of a reset bar in an automatic reset position. - 特許庁


Thus, the adhesion between the piezoelectric film 20 and the crystal resonator 10 is improved to suppress the generation of peeling and a crack, etc. of the piezoelectric film 20 in a course of a manufacturing process. - 特許庁


To provide a controller for a main shaft including an encoder which can avoid the occurrence of vibration or excessive current in the main shaft, including the encoder for detecting the position of the main shaft. - 特許庁


To provide a highly reliable laser oscillation device by suppressing the occurrence of an abnormal voltage in a high-voltage power supply owing to a defect of a gas mixture ratio or the like, and preventing an overvoltage from damaging a semiconductor rectification element. - 特許庁


To provide a floor damping system which normally exerts an effect of reducing a response in walking, and which can avoid situations such as damage caused by the generation of overstress in a damper and a collision with a main system, during earthquakes. - 特許庁



To restrict outbreaks of noise and vibration due to rolling bodies passing through between abutment surfaces of two split pieces, and to prevent creep of a double-split outer ring. - 特許庁


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Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
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