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Supporting Peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 92


Social security supporting people's lives例文帳に追加

暮らしの基盤を支える社会保障 - 厚生労働省


行動制約者の行動支援方法および行動制約者の行動支援システム - 特許庁

I'm good at supporting people. 例文帳に追加

私は人をサポートするのが得意です。 - Weblio Email例文集

I understand that the members of the parties are divided into people positively supporting that proposal and people who are somewhat negative about it. 例文帳に追加

党内においても積極的な方と、やや消極的な方と分かれていると聞いています。 - 金融庁


It helped many people in the island during those days, for example by giving poor people money to save them when they suffer a famine, and also by supporting poor people, establishing a the hospital, and supporting education. 例文帳に追加

この間、飢饉時の救恤(きゅうじゅつ)の外に、貧窮者の援助、病院の建設、学資の援助など、島内の多くの人々の役にたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By supporting employers that hire people aged 65 or older on a trial basis, the government will help older people find steady jobs.例文帳に追加

65歳以上の高齢者を試行的に雇用する事業主に対する支援を実施することにより、高齢者の安定した就職の実現を図る。 - 厚生労働省

At such times, I reminded myself of the people supporting me.例文帳に追加

そのようなときは,私を支えてくれている人たちのことを思い出そうとしました。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Research seminar on the "infrastructures for local community lives for supporting people with limited access to shopping facilities" 例文帳に追加

参考「買い物弱者を支える地域生活インフラ」研究セミナーについて - 経済産業省

Under the recent economic conditions, various people face difficult self-supporting situations more than ever before.例文帳に追加

昨今の経済情勢の下で、かつてないほどに様々な人々が自立困難な状況に置かれている。 - 厚生労働省


More than 100 people, including daimyos (Japanese feudal lords), Kugyo (high court nobles), patriots supporting Sonno Joi (slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and the Hitotsubashi group (group supporting Yoshinobu from the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa family), were implicated in Ansei no Taigoku. 例文帳に追加

弾圧されたのは尊皇攘夷や一橋派の大名・公卿・志士(活動家)らで、連座した者は100人以上にのぼった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, some people doubted the correctness in its preface and pointed out the possibility that the Kojiki was gisho in that no other supporting evidence was publicly available. 例文帳に追加

しかし、それを証する外部の有力な証拠がないことなどをもって序文の正当性に疑義を指摘し、偽書の可能性を指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Those engaged in the three roles of Nohgaku (waki kata (supporting actor), people of hayashi kata (musical accompaniment played on traditional Japanese instruments) and kyogen kata (comic actor)) supported the head family and made an agreement not to appear on the stage of Umewaka-ryu. 例文帳に追加

三役(ワキ方・囃子方・狂言方)は宗家側を支持して、梅若流の演能に出演しないことを申し合わせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Still, he couldn't help but supporting people in need, and on several occasions he nonsensically gave them items that belonged to his visitors. 例文帳に追加

しかし、困っている人を見ると助けずにはいられず、時には来客のものまで与えてしまうという非常識ぶりを発揮した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was written that, when the Ming army supporting Korea rushed forward and arrived, almost all heads which were scattered were those of Korean people. 例文帳に追加

また、明の朝鮮支援軍が駆けつけると、辺りに散らばる首の殆どが朝鮮の民であったと書かれてある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was later killed by people of the Sai si yat supporting him when they knew that they were deceived. 例文帳に追加

その後、蔡清琳に同調していたサイシャット族の者たちは騙されていたことを知り、蔡清琳は殺害されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan established the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) in June 2000 with a view to supporting poor people who were seriously affected by the Asian currency crisis. 例文帳に追加

我が国は、アジア通貨危機により打撃を受けた貧困層を支援するため、2000年6月に日本社会開発基金(JSDF:Japan Social Development Fund)を設立しました。 - 財務省

A gondola or a similar people moving device is moved along the supporting cables while being connected to a self-conclusion type tow cable.例文帳に追加

ゴンドラ又は類似の人移動装置が、それらが自己完結型牽引ケーブルに連結されながら支持ケーブルに沿って移動する。 - 特許庁

To provide a business operation supporting program capable of improving the productivity of a company or the like by improving business performance of each of sales people.例文帳に追加

各外交員の営業成績を伸ばして、会社等の生産性を向上させることができる営業活動支援プログラムを提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a supporting structure for the attachment of a bed or the like, for use by old people or patients, etc., in hospitals and houses.例文帳に追加

病院や在宅において老人や患者等が使用するベッドにおける付属品の支持構造を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a conference management supporting method for grasping substantial participating status for participants to support remote communication performed by a lot of people.例文帳に追加

参加者の実質的な参加状況を把握することにより、多人数で行われる遠隔コミュニケーションを支援する。 - 特許庁

To provide a service system capable of contributing to improving the health of sick people by supporting proper and effective dietary instructions as measures against lifestyle diseases.例文帳に追加

生活習慣病対策として、適正かつ有効な食事指導を支援し有病者への健康改善に寄与するサービスシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁

One of the elements that has been supporting Vietnam’s robust domestic demand is its population of 86 million people, which is the third largest in ASEAN member countries after Indonesia and the Philippines.例文帳に追加

旺盛な内需を支えているのは、ベトナムの8600 万人の人口(ASEANではインドネシア、フィリピンに続く3 番目に多い人口)である。 - 経済産業省

Japan learned a number of meaningful lessons supporting the socially vulnerable people in the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 last year, which was a quake of unprecedented magnitude.例文帳に追加

昨年3月11日に発生した東日本大震災の規模は予想外の大きさで、社会的弱者への対応に関しても教訓が多くありました。 - 厚生労働省

There were conflicts between the "Minto" (People's Party) representing the Jiyuto (Liberal Party) in Meiji period and the Rikken Kaishinto supporting the Freedom and People's Rights Movement, and the "Rito" (Bureaucrats' Party) representing the Kokumin Kyokai after the constitution of the Imperial Diet opposed it. 例文帳に追加

帝国議会設置以来、衆議院では、自由党_(明治)・立憲改進党に代表される自由民権運動を継承する民党とこれに反対する国民協会に代表される温和派(吏党)が対立を続けてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were many robots on display such as medical robots, industrial robots, robots that can communicate with people and life-supporting robots that help people recover from illness or injury. 例文帳に追加

医療用ロボット,産業用ロボット,人とコミュニケーションできるロボット,人が病気やけがから回復するのを助ける生活支援用ロボットなど,多くのロボットが展示された。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

To provide a supporting system for checking and verification which helps people who live alone, especially older people, to check security continuously and pleasantly before sleep.例文帳に追加

単身生活者、特に独り暮らしのお年寄りが就寝前の安全点検を継続的に且つ楽しく行えるように支援する点検確認支援装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide an apparatus, a method and a program for supporting returning home, precisely supplying support supplies to people having trouble returning home, by allocating support supplies and support bases to the people according to the situation in the event of a disaster.例文帳に追加

災害発生時、状況に応じて支援品と支援拠点を帰宅困難者に割り当てることで、帰宅困難者に支援品を的確に支給する帰宅支援装置、帰宅支援方法および帰宅支援プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To improve work efficiency of image analyzing workers, reduce personnel expenses for the image analyzing workers, and reduce service utilizing cost charged to people requiring control as users of a system, and diet supporting people.例文帳に追加

画像解析作業員の作業効率を向上させ、画像解析作業員の人権費を削減し、システム利用者である要管理者及び食事支援者に対するサービス利用価格を低減する。 - 特許庁

I introduced in the general policy speech last year, supporting people and being helpful for people would not require anything else to bring us joy and to find us the reason for living. 例文帳に追加

昨年の所信表明演説でご紹介したチョーク工場の事例が多くの方々の共感を呼んだように、人を支えること、人の役に立つことは、それ自体が歓びとなり、生きがいともなります。 - 経済産業省

Looking at the trends of the increase of employees by section, the number of employees of the private service sector had increased by 143 thousand people per month in 2011 and by 165 thousand people per month by April 2012, supporting overall increases.例文帳に追加

雇用者数の増加分の推移を部門別でみると(第1-3-1-20 図)、民間サービス部門が全体の増加を支えており、2011年は月平均で 14.3 万人増加し、2012 年は 4 月までに同 16.5 万人増加している。 - 経済産業省

To provide a display panel supporting device that prevents a coupling member from moving easily at a pivotally supporting section, prevents a display panel from tilting against the intention of the user, or prevents the display panel from quickly moving to collide with a wall surface, furniture, or people.例文帳に追加

連結部材が枢支部分で容易に動いて、表示パネルの傾きが意に反して変わったり、表示パネルが勢いよく動いて壁面や家具や人に衝突したりする惧れのない表示パネル支持装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

The action limited people are registered as members, and as the member searches the data base 12, and selects a desired support content of a desired one of the supporting organizations, schedules of the action are accepted from the member to be transmitted to the supporting organization for inquiry.例文帳に追加

行動制約者を会員として登録し、データベース12の検索により会員が任意の支援機関の任意の支援内容を選択したとき、その会員から行動日程を受け付けてその支援機関に照会のため送信する。 - 特許庁

We have been supporting these people so that they can stand on their own feet while planning to stabilize their living, by supporting both their living and their opportunities for employment例文帳に追加

こうした人々に対しては、生活支援と就労支援とを両面から行うことにより、生活の安定を図りつつ自立を図ることができるよう支援している。 - 厚生労働省

For people who need social supports, a self-supporting in life or employment is important, however, the situations surrounding a self-supporting is getting hard.例文帳に追加

社会的支援を必要とする人々にとって、生活の自立及び就労による自立は重要であるが、自立をめぐる状況は一層厳しいものとなっている。 - 厚生労働省

To provide an independent walking supporting machine which is compact so that elderly people, people who have disorders on their legs or lose their walking ability and so on can walk, stand up, and have a seat without carrying out a special operation, and very few constraints of user behavior are imposed.例文帳に追加

高齢者、脚に障害を持つ人又は脚力の弱った人などが、特別な操作をせずに歩行、起立、着座をおこなえ、しかも使用者の行動に制約が非常に少ないコンパクトな自立歩行支援機を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

Social security is designed to guarantee a life with peace of mind by coping with risks that cannot be managed only by personal responsibility, or self supporting efforts through mutual cooperation and mutual support of people (mutual assistance), and to provide a necessary guarantee of livelihood for people in a situation that cannot be solved by self-help or mutual assistance (public assistance).例文帳に追加

社会保障は、個人の責任や自助努力のみでは対応できないリスクに対して、国民が相互に連帯して支え合うことによって安心した生活を保障し(共助)、自助や共助によっても対応できない状況に対し、必要な生活保障を行うもの(公助)。 - 厚生労働省

Although social security's primary role is a safety net for people's living, it is also effective in supporting personal consumption and creating effective demand and employment opportunities. In addition, since social security also plays the role of redistributing income among different regions, it actually supports people's livelihood in areas with a high elderly population.例文帳に追加

社会保障には、暮らしを支えるセーフティネットという本来目的のほか、個人消費を支え、有効需要や雇用機会を創出するという効果があり、また、実態として、地域間の所得再分配の効果を持ち、高齢者の多い地域の生活を支えている。 - 厚生労働省

It is the common challenge for all the participating countries to realize people’s self-sustenance and self-fulfillment, as well as to improve their quality of life and reduce poverty by supporting the entire community including socially vulnerable people, through collaboration between social welfare and health services.例文帳に追加

社会的に弱い立場にいる人々を含めた地域社会全体を保健と福祉の連携により支えることで、人々の自立と自己実現を図り、生活の質を向上させ、貧困削減に繋げていくことは、参加各国の共通の課題です。 - 厚生労働省

As for young people who have no job, which is called NEET, there are many cases that they have problem in professional sense and the principle social adjustment, supporting by net work of local supporting agencies are implemented to develop a professional sense or social adjustment.例文帳に追加

また、いわゆるニートと呼ばれる若年無業者については、職業意識や基本的な社会適応面等に問題を抱えている場合も多く、地域の支援機関のネットワークにより職業意識の醸成や社会適応支援などを行っている。 - 厚生労働省

The techniques of the members of the Nohgaku Performers' Association, i.e., expert Noh performers, and their amateur pupils are divided into the following four categories: 'Shitekata' (main role), 'Wakikata' (supporting actor), 'Hayashikata' (people who play hayashi, or the musical accompaniment), and 'Kyogenkata' (farce actor). 例文帳に追加

能楽協会会員すなわち玄人の能楽師および彼らの素人弟子たちの技術は、「シテ方」「ワキ方」「囃子方」「狂言方」の4種類に分けられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before the war, Kyoto University was typically symbolized by Bankara (students' rough appearances) of Sanko (Third High School, the predecessor of Kyoto University) or self-supporting students, but from the generation of the fierce "examination war", people from rich families have noticeably increased among its students and professors. 例文帳に追加

戦前、三高のバンカラや苦学生の京大のイメージが強かったが、熾烈な受験戦争の世代のあと、最近は裕福な家庭の人々が教授、学生ともに目立つようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Naomasa is regarded as one of the Tokugawa's sanketsu (three outstanding people supporting Tokugawa Ieyasu), one of the Tokugawa-shitenno (four generals serving Tokugawa Ieyasu), one of the Tokugawa-Juroku Shinsho (sixteen protective deity generals serving Tokugawa Ieyasu), and is honored even today as a meritorious vassal who fully supported Ieyasu in taking the reins of government. 例文帳に追加

直政は、三傑・徳川四天王・徳川十六神将の一人とされており、家康の天下取りを全力で支えた功臣として、現在も顕彰されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1863, he went up to Kyoto under the order of the domain, and after that, he associated with Kinno no shishi (patriots with reverence for the Emperor) of the domains such as Choshu Domain which was the stronghold of Sonjo-ha party (people supporting the principle of 'Sonno Joi' advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners). 例文帳に追加

文久3年(1863年)以後は藩命により京都へ上り、尊攘派の牙城であった長州藩はじめ諸藩の勤王の志士と交流する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On August 21, a retainer of the Kubota Domain supporting the new government murdered an emissary from the alliance's Sendai Domain and managed to control the opinions of people within the Kubota Domain, and the Kubota Domain defected from the alliance to the new government. 例文帳に追加

7月4日、新政府を支持する久保田藩士が、同盟側仙台藩の使者を殺害し藩論を掌握、同盟を離脱して新政府側へと変節した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If a samurai family prepared an attack against monk-soldiers and goso-supporting people, they made goso on the samurai family and demanded that the family members should be punished with the death sentence, banishment, or other severe penalty. 例文帳に追加

また、武家も衆徒・大衆に武器を向ければ、今度はその武家を死罪(律令法)・流罪などの重罪に処する様に求める強訴を引き起こすことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its operation, entrusted to the Kyoto City association for art and culture, includes activities such as supporting art-related artivities, collecting and sending out information, executing 'Artist In Rsidence Programs' and promoting interactions between artists and other local people are carried out. 例文帳に追加

財団法人京都市芸術文化協会が運営を委託され、芸術活動支援、芸術に関する情報の収集・発信、「アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム」実施、芸術家と市民の交流促進などを行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A staff member at Young Hellowork says, "Probably parents are financially supporting their children. Many young people don't realize they have to earn money by themselves." 例文帳に追加

ヤングハローワークのスタッフの1人は,「おそらく親が子どもを経済的に援助しているのだろう。多くの若者が,自分でお金を稼(かせ)がなくてはいけないということを自覚していない。」と話す。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The proportion of elderly people aged 65, or over, in the total Japanese population jumped from 6.2percent, in 1964, to 24.2 percent in 2012, and accordingly, the number of persons in the working population supporting one elderly person decreased significantly from 9.2 persons to 2.4 persons. 例文帳に追加

1964年の全人口に占める65歳以上の高齢者の割合は6.2パーセントだったところ、2012年には24.2パーセントにまで上昇し、高齢者1人を支える現役世代の数も9.2人から2.4人と大きく減少しています。 - 財務省

Innovation in science and technology will enhance our efforts in addressing important challenges such as striking a good balance between economic activity and environmental protection, improving the living standard by enhancing productivity, and supporting poor people in developing countries. 例文帳に追加

科学技術による技術革新は、開発途上国における、経済活動と環境保護の両立、生産性を高めることによる生活水準の向上、貧困削減、といった問題の解決に大きな推進力を与えるものです。 - 財務省


To actively maintain business soil by effectively supporting so that not only partial people but also more clients can utilize a data mining tool and information obtained by this tool.例文帳に追加

データマイニングツールの利用やこれで得られる知見を一部の人々のみではなく、より多くのクライアントが活用できるように効果的に支援し、そのビジネス土壌を積極的に整備する。 - 特許庁


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