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Additionally, Shoko WATANABE pointed out that it could have been produced in a society that had less influence by Brahmanic culture, judging from the parable that someone who was a garbage man for 20 years was, after 50 years in exile, told that he was the successor of a wealthy man; because there was a strong caste system centered in Brahmin of Indian society since ancient times, so that this parable wasn't realistic. 例文帳に追加

また渡辺照宏も、50年間流浪した後に20年間掃除夫だった男が実は長者の後継者であると宣言される様子から、古来インド社会はバラモンを中心とした強固なカースト制度があり、たとえ譬喩であってもこうしたケースは現実味が乏しく、もし考え得るとすればバラモン文化の影響が少ない社会環境でなければならない、と指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Referring to records of Mandokoro, the Office of Administration, and Monchujo, the Office of Inquiry, in the Kamakura bakufu and even diaries of the Kamakura bakufu in Kyo, they thought seriously about the question raised by Katsuro HARA and the criticism of the historical materials, revealing that Azuma Kagami wasn't a chronological record as had been originally thought, and was instead compiled in later ages, which means that it contains many errors and misrepresentations in writing. 例文帳に追加

二人は、原勝郎の問題提起、史料批判をさらに押し進め、それが当初思われていたような逐次記録ではなく、鎌倉幕府の政所や問注所の残る記録のみならず、京の鎌倉幕府の日記類まで参照しながら後世に編纂されたものであり、またそのなかには多くの誤りや曲筆があることを明らかにする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the succession to the throne wasn't Emperor Junna's intention (according to "Nihon Koki," on May 22, 806, when his father died, Prince Otomo asked to be removed from the Imperial Family, but he was dissuaded from resigning by the crown prince (Emperor Heizei)) and was worried that his son Prince Tsunesada, who lacked the support of court nobles, would become the crown prince of Emperor Nimmyo. 例文帳に追加

だが、その即位は天皇個人が望んだ皇位継承ではなく(『日本後紀』によれば、大同元年5月1日(806年5月22日)に大伴親王(当時)が父帝の死を機会に臣籍降下を願い出て皇太子(平城天皇)に慰留されている)、更に有力貴族の後ろ盾のいない息子恒貞親王が仁明天皇の皇太子になったことに不安を抱いていたと言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kojuro NAKAGAWA, who took the lead in establishing the school, said, 'From the beginning avoid pretending to be gorgeous but intend to be stable ('introduction' "35th Anniversary Memorial Thesis Literature Book"); but for the time in which the school was established it wasn't enough to prepare for everything such as a satisfactory space for school-building, so instead they rented the second and third floors of 'Seikiro (the former Yoshida-ya)' located in Sanbongi-dori, Kamigyo-ku, in order to give lectures. 例文帳に追加

設立の中心を担った中川小十郎が「初めより浮華を斥け堅実を旨とした」(「序文」『立命館三十五周年記念論文集文学編)と述べているように、設立当時は満足な校地も学舎も用意する余裕はなく、上京区三本木通にあった料亭「清輝楼(旧・吉田屋)」の二階および三階部分を間借りして講義を行っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ieyasu felt that Nobushige, who was most active among warlords on the Osaka side, was dangerous and ordered Nobushige's older brother Nobuyuki SANADA to persuade Nobushige to switch sides for 400,000 koku of Shinano Province, but he wasn't interested in this preferential condition at all and persisted in his loyalty to the Toyotomi family (according to one theory, Ieyasu ordered Nobushige's uncle Nobutada SANADA and offered 100,000 koku of Ueda). 例文帳に追加

家康は大坂方の諸将の中で最も活躍した信繁に脅威を覚え、大坂冬の陣の後には信繁の兄真田信之に命じて信濃一国40万石で彼を調略しようとしているが、この破格の条件に興味を微塵も見せず豊臣家への忠誠を最期まで貫き通している(一説には叔父真田信尹に命じて上田10万石とも)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, a railway opened from Kyoto to Otsu, but at that time the route proceeded toward Otsu, through the site where the Meishin Expressway in fact runs, after going far down to the south near the present Inari Station on the Nara Line, because the drilling technology needed to cut a tunnel through Higashiyama (Kyoto Prefecture) wasn't available. 例文帳に追加

後に京都から大津までの鉄道も開業するが、この時のルートは東山(京都府)にトンネルを開削するだけの技術がまだなかった事から、現在のJR奈良線を稲荷駅周辺まで南下した後、現在の名神高速道路が走っている敷地を通って、大津へと向かうものとなった(大津駅の項目も参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kyoto Dento opened the Eizan-heitan Line (currently the Eizan Main Line of Eizan Electric Railway Co., Ltd.) in 1925; however, it took a lot of time to start the construction because it was impossible to lay the Oto Line on the ground, owing to the fact that the line would inevitably intersect with the Kyoto City Trams at grade and might also detract from the surroundings, and because of the financial conditions of Keifuku Electric Railroad the company wasn't capable of constructing a subway line. 例文帳に追加

京都電燈は1925年に叡山平坦線(現在の叡山電鉄叡山本線)を開業させたが、鴨東線については京都市電と平面交差することになることや景観の問題から地上に作ることができず、また、京福電鉄の経済的な事情から地下鉄として建設することもできず、なかなか着工されなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Series 5300 wasn't equipped with an electric rollsign, the train of this series was carrying a plate composed of three illuminable spaces on both side of the body, where a rollsign is currently placed, and when the train (Sakaisuji-Kyuko) was operated, the words "Sakaisuji" and "Express" were illuminated on the two of the three spaces, leaving a space unlit in between, such as ' 急行' (the remaining space in between was used for the semi-express, which had been operated until the timetable revision made in March 2001, but when this series was used as a limited express no description was illuminated). 例文帳に追加

5300系の電動式表示幕が非装備だった時代は、車体側面の現在表示幕となっている部分には「堺筋 急行」と、表示可能な3か所のうち両端の2か所を点灯させて表示していた(残る1か所は2001年3月ダイヤ改正前まで設定のあった準急で、特急運用時には無表示)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the electrification, the operation of the Limited Express 'Kitakinki' started and the number of local trains available every hour during the day increased to three, mainly with two cars of the JNR/JR Suburban Train Series 113 (one for operation between Osaka and Fukuchiyama and two for operation between Osaka and Shin-Sanda); however, it wasn't sufficient to have two cars so many of the local trains were packed with too many passengers and experienced successive delays, thereby resulting in many complaints about, for example, bumped passengers, especially for the trains after 22:00 to the last train. 例文帳に追加

全線電化以降、電車特急「北近畿」の運転開始に加え、普通電車は国鉄113系電車2両編成を主体として日中毎時3本(1本が大阪~福知山、2本が大阪~新三田)に増発されたが、2両編成は短過ぎて多くの列車で満員となり遅延が続発、特に22時台以降から最終電車にかけては時に積み残しが出るなど苦情が相次いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the counsel, Kyoto City suggested an idea of passing the area to the north of the existing route with a mountain tunnel from Yamashina and connecting the line directly to downtown Kyoto; however, Keihan Electric Railway disagreed with the idea, insisting that the passenger transportation volume wasn't sufficient for the two lines to compete with each other, so eventually both sides agreed to discontinue the section between Keihan-yamashina and Sanjo on the Keishin Line of Keihan Electric Railway and allow Keihan Electric Railway to use the Tozai Line, Kyoto Municipal Subway. 例文帳に追加

その協議の場において京都市側は、山科から現ルートよりも北側を山岳トンネルで貫いて京都市都心部へ直行する案を提示したが、京阪電気鉄道側が両線が競合するほどの輸送量は無いとこれに反対し、京阪電気鉄道が京津線の京阪山科~三条間を廃止し、京都市営地下鉄東西線へ乗り入れることで決着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Two years later, when Tenmei moved near Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine, he looked for her house to see the old woman, but she wasn't there (according to Tenmei, there was even no trace of the house) and nobody knew about her there and he felt unsatisfied like Urashima Taro (a Japanese legend) (in Tenmei's word, he felt like Ima Urashima [someone who is surprised by the change when he/she comes back to home after a long time just like Urashima Taro]). 例文帳に追加

この2年後に天之日津久神社近くに天明は住むことになるが、この老婆にまず、挨拶しようと老婆の家を探したが家もなく老婆もおらず(天明の後の述懐によれば、そこに家があったと思われる痕跡すら無かったという)、近所の人に聞いても分からず、浦島太郎になったような釈然としない不思議な気持ち(天明の言葉によれば、今浦島のような気持ち)だったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because, the issue of diplomatic relations itself with Korea was unsolved, and there's a remains existence who was a Seikan-ha (supporters for subjugation of the Korea) like Masaharu IJICHI, and, in the imperial decision made by the emperor, it wasn't mentioned to "cancel" dispatching an envoy to Korea, but simply said to "postpone" it, and the reason they stated was only the problem with Russia that has been the most tangled at that time. 例文帳に追加

なぜなら、朝鮮との国交問題そのものは未解決であること、伊地知正治のように征韓派でも政府に残留した者も存在すること、そして天皇の勅裁には朝鮮遣使を「中止」するとは書かれず、単に「延期」するとなっており、その理由も当時もっとも紛糾していたロシアとの問題のみを理由として掲げていたからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan initially wasn't putting a high estimation in Isshinkai, but after it was founded, Song Byung-joon sent a letter to Yasuharu MATSUISHI, a Japanese Colonel of the times, to explain that current regime led by Gao Zong and the bureaucracy couldn't bring independence and maintenance to Korean Empire, and he also offered a cooperation for the construction of Keigi Railroad. 例文帳に追加

一進会の設立当初、日本は一進会をそれほど評価してはいなかったが、一進会の設立後、宋秉畯は当時の日本の大佐、松石安治に対し書簡を送り、現状の高宗およびその官僚主導では大韓帝国の独立・維持は困難であると説明し、また京義線敷設の協力をも申し出ている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During Kyoho period and afterward, in order to take a drastic measure against floods, people had petitioned Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by shoguns) for implementation of a plan of controlling floods by excavating diversion aqueducts from around present-day Bunsui District, Tsubame City (former Bunsui-machi), which is located at the upper stream of a fork of the two rivers and the closest to the Japan Sea, but the plan wasn't executed due to the enormous amount of the construction cost and conflicts of interests among the watershed domains. 例文帳に追加

この抜本的治水策として、2つの川の分岐点より上流に当たり、且つ日本海に最も近い現在の燕市分水地区(旧分水町)付近から分水路を掘削する計画が享保年間より江戸幕府に嘆願されてきたが、莫大な工事費と、流域各藩の利害対立により実現しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(After considering the above situation, the use of the ICOCA card was allowed; however, there were some complaints saying the service wasn't as good as JR trains, that the passengers weren't informed they could go on privately run trains with this card, or that there weren't enough automatic ticketing machines to recharge the card or balance the train fare); incidentally, the Surutto KANSAI cards can be sold cheaper than the actual sales price, (1,000 yen ticket is sold for 990 yen) at ticket sales offices, so passengers can buy them at cheaper prices than those of PiTaPa and ICOCA tickets. 例文帳に追加

(相互利用によりICOCAも使用可能になったが、告知不足によりICOCAで私鉄に乗れることを知っている人が少なかったり、ICOCAへチャージできる自動券売機やICOCAで乗り越し精算ができる自動精算機が少なかったりと、JR線内より使い勝手が悪いとの声もある)ちなみに、金券ショップでは、実発売額より安価(1000円のカードが990円など)で売られていることがあるので、金券ショップで購入すればPiTaPaやICOCAよりわずかな差ではあるが安く乗車できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the reason it wasn't extended up to Nijo Station was because the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau would need to pay an extra fee for use of railway cars (the fee is required because only Keihan trains use the Tozai Line instead of providing mutual usage between the two organizations, so the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau must pay the fee to Keihan Electric Railway one-sidedly, depending on the total travel distance), the enhancement of the electric power system on the ground would be needed, and the carrying capacity would be too much (there was little need to increase the number of trains for the section between Nijo and Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae). 例文帳に追加

一方、二条駅まで乗り入れなかったのは、京都市交通局にとって車両使用料がかさむこと(相互乗り入れではなく、京阪車両の東西線への片乗り入れのため、乗り入れ車両の延べ走行距離に応じた車両使用料を、京都市交通局が一方的に京阪電気鉄道に支払わなければならない)、地上側の電力設備の増強が必要なこと、輸送力が過剰になること(二条~京都市役所前間を増発する必要性に乏しい)などが理由である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, while it led to the increase in property value of merchant princes who owned a lot of copper coins and carried out trading, it was a very unfavorable system for ordinary people whose trading was mostly with a small amount of money in daily life because if tanhaku wasn't adopted, the value returned to the primary official value of the copper coin (if it was calculated based on the official value in the age of Sung, the total value of coppers without tanhaku would be just the value of 77 coins, thus it resulted in a loss of 23 coins). 例文帳に追加

だが、銅銭を多く保有して多額の取引を行う大商人には実質上の資産価値の増大に繋がる一方、短陌を外してしまうと銅銭本来の公定価値に戻ってしまう(宋代の公定価値を元にすると、短陌を外した銅銭を全て合わせても77枚分の価値しか有しないために、23枚分の損となる)ために、日常生活において小額の取引がほとんどである庶民にとっては大変不利な制度でもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are many theories about in what year the Kamakura period truly began, of which the 1192 theory, the year MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was made Shogun (Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians")), is the orthodox view, but in addition, theories include: the 1180 theory, focusing on Yoritomo raising his army and leading his gokenin (lower-ranking warrior vassals) into battle to destroy the Taira clan, and also establishing the Samurai Dokoro (Board of Retainers, which oversaw rewards for service); the 1183 theory, in which the key moment is the official recognition of the shogunate's right to control Eastern Japan (everything along the Tokaido and Tosando highways) proclaimed by the imperial court in the tenth month; the 1185 theory, which focuses on Yoritomo's use of his struggle to destroy his younger brother MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune as a pretext to usurp the right to appoint and control the offices of shugo (provincial governor) and jito (estate steward); the 1190 theory, in which it was Yoritomo's visit to the capital and subsequent court appointments to Gon Dainagon (Deputy Major Counselor) and Ukone Taisho (Commander of the Guardsmen of the Right) that is considered the decisive moment; and a handful even believe it wasn't until 1196 that the Kamakura period truly began. 例文帳に追加

始期については、従来源頼朝が将軍(征夷大将軍)に任じられた1192年とするのが一般的であるが、頼朝が平家打倒のために挙兵し御家人を統率する侍所を設置した1180年説、寿永二年十月宣旨で東国(東海道および東山道)の支配権を朝廷に公認された1183年説、対立する弟・源義経追討の名目で惣追捕使(後の守護)・地頭の設置権を獲得した1185年説、頼朝が上洛し権大納言・右近衛大将に任命された1190年説、また一部では1196年説など様々な考え方がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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