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Grouping by original line based on the paternal line through a hidden ranking system, etc., was advanced, and ujigami as a guardian god of those who were from the same ancestors through their paternal lines and ujisha which worshipped this ujigami was established. 例文帳に追加

また、蔭位制度などを通じた父系による出自集団化が進み、父系を通じて同じ祖先を有する者たちの守護神としての氏神及びそれを祀る氏社が成立するようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Toyouke Daijin was an important deity for the Imperial family, but there was also a possibility that it was a dangerous deity who may endanger the uniquely sacred position of the Imperial family, for example due to the emergence of powerful clans who worshipped Toyouke Daijin. 例文帳に追加

皇室にとって大事な神であったが、例えば、奉祀する有力氏族の存在など、皇室の単独神聖性について、危険な神であった可能性もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Formerly mountains worshipped as kannabi include ordinary mountains and iwakura (dwelling place of a god, usually in reference to a large rock) or iwasaka (the area a deity sits) as well as volcanoes and bold mountains with no forests. 例文帳に追加

古くは神奈備は磐座(いわくら)・磐境(いわさか)とともに、普通の山だけでなく、火山や森を抱かないいわゆる裸山や禿山も信仰の対象とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today many 'shrines' in Jinja Shinto stand at those holy places worshipped in the idea of ancient Shintoism, and sainokami (guardian deities) were changed from nature or natural elements to humanized divinity called 'mikoto.' 例文帳に追加

これらの古神道の信仰された場所に、現在の多くの神社神道の「社(やしろ)」が建立され、賽神は自然そのものから「尊」(みこと)といわれる人格神に取って代わっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With sacred places, such as Togakushi-jinja Shrine, Kosuge-jinja Shrine and Iizuna being located as well as Zenko-ji Temple, a distinguished temple worshipped by many, this place formed a dominant economic area. 例文帳に追加

この地には信仰を集める名刹・善光寺があり、戸隠神社や小菅神社、飯綱など修験道の聖地もあって有力な経済圏を形成していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


God of the stars and God of the sea are also worshipped in Korean Peninsula to pray for happiness and wealth respectively, which shows syncretization in their beliefs. 例文帳に追加

星神と山神については朝鮮半島においても同様に信仰されており、それぞれ現世での幸福と金銭を祈祷する習合性を現している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Hata clan worshipped its gods at Matsuo-taisha and the Fushimiinari-taisha Shrines, which, along with Kamo-jinja Shrine founded by the Kamo clan, are the earliest-established shrines in Yamashiro Province. 例文帳に追加

秦氏は松尾大社、伏見稲荷大社などを氏神として祀り、それらは賀茂氏の創建した賀茂神社とならび、山背国でももっとも創建年代の古い神社となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takakamo-jinja Shrine in Katsuragi had a connection with KAMO no Asomi, who is thought to have worshipped the ancient Japanese gods of Kotoshiro nushi and Ajisukitakahikone (KAMO no omikami). 例文帳に追加

葛城の高鴨神社は賀茂朝臣に関係のある神社であり、事代主やアヂスキタカヒコネ(賀茂大御神)は賀茂朝臣が祀っていた神であると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He made his story rather amusing, describing the strange ways of the Egyptians; how they worshipped cats and bulls, and did everything in just the opposite of the Greek way of doing things. 例文帳に追加

乞食の物語はかなり面白く、エジプト人が猫や牡牛を拝み、一事が万事ギリシア人とは正反対のことをするといったエジプト人の奇妙な風習を語って聞かせた。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』


As he understood it, it meant the complete liberty to all, freedom of worship, among Christians, who worshipped upon the same foundation. 例文帳に追加

私の理解するところでは、それは、同じ基礎の上で礼拝するキリスト教徒のあいだの、すべての人にたいする完全な自由、礼拝の自由を意味するのだ。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


When seen by Buddhist image, hibutsu are more often found with Yakushi Nyorai (Buddha of Medicine and Healing) images, which are often worshipped as the principle image of Esoteric Buddhism temples, and with Kannon Bosatsu (Goddess of Mercy), which includes Juichimen Kannon (Eleven-faced Avalokiteshwara), Senju Kannon (Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara), and Nyoirin Kannon (the Bodhisattva of Compassion), and Fudo Myoo (Acala, one of the Five Wisdom Kings); thus, hibutsu are considered to have a bearing on Esoteric Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

尊像別では、密教寺院の本尊とされることが多い薬師如来や、観音菩薩(十一面観音、千手観音、如意輪観音などを含む)、不動明王などが秘仏とされることが多いことから、密教との関連も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some images of Nyorai (Tathagata), Bosatsu (Bodhisattva), Myoo (Vidyaraja), and Tenbu (Celestial beings) are treated as hibutsu, and statues that typically do not fall in the category of 'Buddhist image,' including those of Suijaku (literally, trace manifestation) as Zao Gongen (the highest-ranking deity worshipped in Japanese mountain asceticism), and the Soshizo (sect founder images), as the image of Jianzhen are also treated as hibutsu. 例文帳に追加

如来像、菩薩像、明王像、天部像のいずれにも秘仏となっているものがあり、厳密には「仏像」の範疇に入らないが、蔵王権現のような垂迹像、鑑真像のような祖師像にも秘仏となっているものがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The deity Shinno, considered an alias of tekiya, was the god of farming and medicine, and in the Edo Period, yashi, who are considered to be the origin of tekiya, worshipped Shinno and acted as dentists by selling medicine, inserting, maintaining, and selling false teeth and providing treatment for cavities. 例文帳に追加

的屋の別称とされる神農の神は、農業と薬や医学の神であり、的屋の源流とされる香具師は江戸時代において、薬売りと、入れ歯の装丁・調整や販売、虫歯などの民間治療の歯科医でもあり、このことから神農の神を信仰していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although people worshipped Shotoku Taishi as 'he is a bodhisattva' from a long time ago, particularly from the end of the Muromachi period, the day of 'Taishiko' was set on February 22nd, which was said to be the anniversary of Shotoku Taishi's death, and religious associations began to be held on that day among carpenters and woodworkers. 例文帳に追加

「聖徳太子は観音菩薩の生まれ変わりである」として、太子自身を信仰対象にした例は古くからあるが、特に室町時代の終わり頃から、太子の忌日と言われる2月22日を「太子講」の日と定め、大工や木工職人の間で講が行なわれるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was worshipped by the literary youth of the time and was called a "god of novels" after his representative work, "The Shopboy's God"; however, he was offended by Osamu DAZAI's criticism of him in DAZAI's full-length novel "Tsugaru," and attacked him viciously at a round-table discussion. 例文帳に追加

当時の文学青年から崇拝され、代表作「小僧の神様」にかけて「比喩としての「神様」「神」一覧」に擬せられていたが、太宰治から長篇小説『津軽』の中で批判を受けて立腹し、座談会の席上で太宰を激しく攻撃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The type of torii to be built is a matter of choice by the donor and has little bearing on the god worshipped in the shrine, as shown in Kashima Jingu Shrine, where a Kasuga-style torii is built; however, some torii (like Sanno-style torii) are associated with Hie Jinja Shrine (Sanno Jinja Shrine and Hiyoshi Jinja Shrine). 例文帳に追加

建てられる鳥居の形式は寄進者の好みによる事が多く、鹿島神社に春日鳥居が建てられるような事もあるように祭神と関連を持つことは少ないが、山王鳥居は日枝神社(山王神社、日吉神社)になどと結びつくものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is true that local shrines are well revered, worshipped, and better-known by local people than Fushimi-inari-taisha Shrines, from which the god Inari has been moved; this should be regarded as evidence that Inari belief has taken deep root and become the people's pride. 例文帳に追加

しかし、これらの神社は実際、地元に深く信仰が根付いているのも事実であり、地元では決して伏見に負けない知名度である(むしろ、伏見から勧請した稲荷信仰がしっかりと根付いている)という郷土の誇りの表れと見做すこともできる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Transforming into a crocodile suggests that the people of the sea worshipped crocodiles as their totem, feathers of cormorant was used in the ubuya, a hut for a delivery of baby, as magic (a spell) for safe delivery ('Shaku Nihongi' (annotated text of the Nihon Shoki) 'Nihonki-sanso'), and Amenooshihito no Mikoto swept away a crab when the ubuya was built as a similar magic to celebrate the long life and good health of the newborn. 例文帳に追加

ワニに化したのは海人族がワニをトーテムとして崇拝したことを示唆し、産屋にウの羽根を用いるのは安産呪術であり(「釈日本紀」「日本紀纂疏」)、産屋が設けられたとき天忍人命がカニを掃ったのは生児の長寿息災をことほぐ類似呪術である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shinmei (name of god) is believed to have derived from Ukano-mitama appearing in Japanese Mythology (some say it derived from 'Ugaya,' which is a Buddhist word meaning 'zaise' (the giving of wealth), but they are a minority), and it was originally a god worshipped among the people as god of spirit of grains and god of good fortune, similar to Ukanomitama-no-kami. 例文帳に追加

神名は日本神話に登場するウカノミタマ(うかのみたま)に由来するものと考えられ(仏教語で「財施」を意味する「宇迦耶(うがや)」に由来するという説もあるが、少数派である)、元々は宇迦之御魂神と同様の穀霊神・福神として民間で信仰されていた神であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, a hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, which is a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) who lived in Koishikawa of Edo, always poor, worshipped the Binbo-gami, offering sake and rice, thinking although he was poor all this time, it was the divine protection by the Binbo-gami that prevented especially bad things from happening, and asked for some relief from poverty and a share of good fortune. 例文帳に追加

また、かつて江戸の小石川で、年中貧乏暮しをしていた旗本が年越しの日、これまでずっと貧乏だったが特に悪いことも無かったのは貧乏神の加護によるものだとし、酒や米などを供えて貧乏神を祀り、多少は貧窮を免れて福を分けてもらうよう言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It turned to Jizo Bosatsu and Shogun Jizo etc. and after an academic practitioner visited Mt. Izuna and saw Izuna-myojin in April 848, in 1233, castellan of Ogino-jo Castle ITO Buzennokami Tadatsuna, the originator of Sennichi-dayu, worshipped Izuna-myojin after a 400 year blank and raised the 'Thirteen Oaths.' 例文帳に追加

地蔵菩薩、将軍地蔵等と変じ、嘉祥元(848)年三月、学問行者が飯縄山を訪れ飯縄明神の尊容を拝して後、天福元(1233)年、千日太夫の開祖、荻野城主伊藤豊前守忠縄が約四百年ぶりに飯縄明神を拝し、衆生済度の為の「十三の誓願」を掲げられたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are also various theories about how Yasaburo-baba turned into the god: she had turned over a new leaf by the efforts of sojo (the official Buddhist priest in the highest position), or she felt ashamed of herself for having done evil deeds and became a believer in Buddhism personally, or local people enshrined and worshipped the hag as a god to suppress her misdeeds; and so on. 例文帳に追加

また弥三郎婆がこの神になった経緯についても、僧正の尽力により改心したという説、悪行を恥じて自ら仏門に帰依したという説、土地の者たちが鬼婆を神として祀り上げて崇めることで悪行を収めさせたという説などが唱えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In another theory, Shimane is put forward as home city of the Kamo family based on the fact that there is a description of Kamo-no-kamube, Toneri-no-sato, O County in "Izumo-fudoki," and that there is a Kamo-jinja Shrine in Yasugi City in Tobu Izumo (Eastern Izumo and present-day Shimane Prefecture), where Kotoshiro nushi, the ancestral god Hitokoto nushi under a different name, is worshipped. 例文帳に追加

また、出雲風土記では意宇郡舎人郷賀茂神戸とあり、また現在の島根県安来市には賀茂神社があり、祖神である一言主の同一神、言代主の活躍地である東部出雲に属することから、ここを本貫とする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This work and Gidayu Kyogen (Kabuki adaptations of puppet plays) received great popularity by showing the greatly worshipped academic god Tenjin in the form of SUGAWARA no Michizane, and having the story told from the point of view of a servant of a nobles with triplets to show the influence of political turmoil to the public, and having the theatrical like turn of events. 例文帳に追加

学問の神として広く崇敬を受けていた天神様の菅原道真としての姿を見せたこと、また三つ子を貴族に仕える舎人として配置し庶民にも政治の混乱が及ぶ様を描いたこと、そして劇的な展開を備えた本作は大きな評判を呼び、義太夫狂言の人気を大いに高めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Mahayana Buddhism, Yakushi Nyorai is believed to be the Buddha who is efficacious for divine favors in the actual world, such as healing and medicine, and in Japan there are a great many temples with the deity as their principal image and Buddha halls that enshrine his image as he is widely worshipped in Buddhist countries throughout Asia, particularly Japan. 例文帳に追加

薬師如来は大乗仏教において病気平癒等の現世利益に効験のある仏として信仰されており、アジアの仏教圏の中でも特に日本で広く信仰を集めている仏であることから、日本では薬師如来を本尊とする寺院や薬師如来を祀る仏堂が各地に数多く存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend passed down at the Mikubi-jinja Shrine (literally, "Shrine of the Honored Head), Masakado's was felled by an arrow loosed by the god Hayato-shin, who is enshrined at the Nangu-taisha Shrine in Mino; Masakado was enshrined and worshipped as a god at the place where he fell, and the Mikubi-jinja Shrine was built in order to appease Masakado's anger and console his spirit so that his head would not return to the eastern provinces. 例文帳に追加

御首神社に伝わる話では将門の首は、美濃の地で南宮大社に祭られていた隼人神が放った矢によって射落されてしまう、落ちた場所に将門を神として崇め祀り、その首が再び東国に戻らないようにその怒りを鎮め霊を慰めるために御首神社が建てられたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to "Enko-in Jiden" (history of Enko-in Temple), which is historical material kept by Enko-in Temple at that time, just before Shingen's death at Komaba in Shinano Province, he called Nobuharu BABA to his bedside and left his will to send to Sessan-osho (a priest), for dedication to Enko-in Temple, his Jinchu Mamorihonzon (guardian deity at the front), Tohachi-bishamon (a statue of Bishamoten) and Shogun-jizo (Jizo that brings victory), carved at Shingen's order by Kunaikyo hoin Yasukiyo ([宮内法印 定訳不明])(famous busshi (sculptor of Buddhist Statues) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period and worshipped very much). 例文帳に追加

さらに、円光院に伝わる当時の史料・『円光院寺伝』によると、信玄が信濃国駒場で臨終間近の時、病の床に馬場信春を呼び寄せ、(安土桃山時代の高名な仏師)宮内卿法印康清に彫らせた、自分が日頃から信仰していた陣中守り本尊、刀八毘沙門・勝軍地蔵を託し、説三和尚に送り、円光院に納めてくれるように遺言したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kotai jingu gishikisho (Book of Rituals and Ceremonies of Kotai Jinja Shrine)," Tsukuyomi no mikoto was worshipped at 'Tsukiyominomiya ichiin' (the main temple of Tsukiyominomiya Shrine) and described as 'Tsukuyomi. He was a figure of a man riding a horse and was clothed in purple, wearing a golden sword. He was clothed in purple, wearing a golden sword,' and Tsukuyomi, whose gender is never mentioned in "Kojiki" nor "Nihon Shoki," is depicted here as a man riding a horse and carrying a sword. 例文帳に追加

『皇太神宮儀式帳』では、「月讀宮一院」の祭神に、月讀命。御形ハ馬ニ乘ル男ノ形。紫ノ御衣ヲ着、金作ノ太刀ヲ佩キタマフ。紫ノ御衣ヲ着、金作ノ太刀ヲ佩キタマフ。と記しており、記紀神話では性別に関する記述の一切無い月読命が、太刀を佩いた騎馬の男の姿とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The above anecdote concerning Amenouzume, in which she is said to have addressed Sarutahiko during tensonkorin and named herself Sarumenokimi after him, and this can be pointed out as evidence that Amenouzume The anecdote concerning Amenouzume recounted above, in which she is said to have addressed Sarutahiko during tensonkorin and named herself Sarumenokimi after him, can also be marshalled as evidence that Amenouzume was a deified figure of a Miko who served the sun god, because Sarutahiko was originally the sun god worshipped in Ise Province.was the deified figure of miko who served the sun god because Sarutahiko was originally the sun god admired in Ise Province. 例文帳に追加

また天孫降臨の際にサルタヒコと応対し、その後、その名を負って猿女君を名乗ったという逸話も、サルタヒコが元々伊勢国地方で崇められていた太陽神であったとされることから、アメノウズメが太陽神に使える巫女たちを神格化したものであることの証拠とも言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, thunder was thought to be a sign of the Ina no kami, the god of rice, and was believed to bring a good harvest, which is why lightning came to be called "Inazuma" (Ina's wife); and to an archipelago like Japan, whales that drifted ashore or were beached became an important source of food, so out of gratitude the people began to call such whales "Ebisu" (today worshipped as the god of fishing), and people in many different provinces began to believe in Yorikami ("the god who visits," also known as hyochakujin, the god who drifts ashore, or as kyakujin, the guest-god). 例文帳に追加

また雷を「稲の神」としは五穀豊穣をもたらすものとして、「稲妻」と呼び、クジラは島嶼部性の高い日本においては、座礁や漂着した貴重な食料として、その感謝から「えびす」と呼び、各地に寄り神信仰(寄り神は、漂着神や客神ともいう)が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Kiki-shinwa (the mythology of the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki), Susano was described as being a soshin (an ancestor worshipped as a deity) of a god from the Izumo region, but he received little mention in the "Izumo no kuni fudoki" (the topography of Izumo Province), which provided descriptions of place name systems such as those of Yasugi-go in O County and Susa-go in Iishi County and setsuwa (anecdotes) concerning the mikogami (the child gods in a shrine where parent-child gods are enshrined) so anecdotes concerning the slaying of Yamata no Orochi were not included. 例文帳に追加

記紀神話においては出雲の神の祖神として書かれているスサノオであるが、『出雲国風土記』ではスサノオはあまり登場せず、意宇郡安来郷や飯石郡(いいしのこおり)須佐郷などの地名制定や御子神たちの説話が書かれており、ヤマタノオロチ退治の説話は記載されていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Worshipped as a god of power or sports, Ameno Tajikarao is enshrined, for example, in Togakushi-jinja Shrine (Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture), Sana-jinja Shrine (Taki-gun, Mie Prefecture), Shirai-jinja Shrine (Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture), Oyama-jinja Shrine (Tateyama-machi, Nakaniigawa-gun, Toyama Prefecture), Tejikarao-jinja Shrine (Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture), Tejikarao-jinja Shrine (Kagamihara City, Gifu Prefecture), Toake-jinja Shrine (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture), Amanotanagao-jinja Shrine (Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture), and Nasubekku Shrine of Shinmeiaishin-kai (Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

力の神、スポーツの神として信仰されており、戸隠神社(長野県長野市)、佐那神社(三重県多気郡)、白井神社(兵庫県尼崎市)、雄山神社(富山県中新川郡立山町)、手力雄神社(岐阜市)(岐阜県岐阜市)、手力雄神社(各務原市)(岐阜県各務原市)、戸明神社(福岡県北九州市)、天手長男神社(長崎県壱岐市)、神命愛心会那須別宮(栃木県那須郡)などに祀られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is said to have occurred because the government was afraid that the social influence of Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine, which was said to be a shrine that originally worshipped a local god of Kyushu region, grew so much that it would become a threat to the religious order centered on the Imperial family, Imperial household religious rites formed by the Ritsuryo system and the nation protection thought, and Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

これは本来は九州地方固有の神を祀った神社であったとも言われている宇佐八幡宮の社会的影響力の増大が、皇室と律令制・鎮護国家が形成する皇室祭祀と仏教を基軸とする宗教的秩序に対する脅威になる事を危惧したからだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an integrated memorial tablet or a tower which can express a light image of the human body by a simple and minimum combination of the surfaces to adjust to a Buddhist altar and its fittings or an architecture such as a temple of a simple and new shape and is worshipped by writing a name or a posthumous Buddhist name of the deceased on it.例文帳に追加

シンプルで簡単な新しい形の仏壇仏具あるいは寺院等の建築物に適応せしめ得るために、簡単且最小限の表面の組み合わせによって明るいイメージの人体を表現可能ならしめ得る、故人の名称や法名戒名等を記しておまつりする1体型位牌又は塔を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁


In small or medium scaled powerful families in the Kinai area and among local powerful families, ujigami was believed to be an extension of the conventional belief, however, in the late Heian period when the shoen-koryo system (a manor and public territory system) was established and the handing down of territories and properties between fathers and children became common, the conventional manner of ujigami worship in each clan collapsed and, when territory management by 'family' as a unit gradually became common, chien-gami god (the locally connected god) of each territory or ubutsuchi-gami god (soil producing god) of one's home town was worshipped as ujigami and, as this confusion advanced, new ujigami were established in various places. 例文帳に追加

畿内の中小豪族や地方豪族では、旧来の延長上の氏神信仰が行われてきたが、平安時代後期に荘園公領制が成立して、父子間の所領・財産継承が行われるようになると、各氏族の氏神崇拝の従来のあり方が崩れていき、次第に「家」単位での所領経営が行われるようになるとそれぞれの所領の地縁神もしくは出身地の産土神を氏神とするようになり、その混同が進行するとともに各地に新たな氏社が成立するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2001 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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