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political meetingの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 54


a political meeting 例文帳に追加

政治集会. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

a political meeting例文帳に追加

政治集会 - Eゲイト英和辞典

a political meeting 例文帳に追加

政談演説会 - 斎藤和英大辞典

a closed political meeting 例文帳に追加

非公開の政治的会議 - 日本語WordNet


a meeting of representatives of political parties 例文帳に追加

政党員の集会 - EDR日英対訳辞書


It was a political meeting; 例文帳に追加

これは政治的集会だ。 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』

a sectional meeting of a political party {in charge of the deliberations of a matter} 例文帳に追加

政党の部会組織 - EDR日英対訳辞書

"It was a political meeting, sir," 例文帳に追加

「政治集会がありました。」 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』

The meeting has no political implications. 例文帳に追加

その会合は政治的意味を含んだものではない. - 研究社 新和英中辞典


They held a meeting at which they made public their respective political views. 例文帳に追加

彼らは政見発表の演説会を開いた. - 研究社 新和英中辞典


a meeting of the delegates of a US political party, called a convention 例文帳に追加

党大会という,米国の政党の決議機関 - EDR日英対訳辞書

The majority of students were indifferent to the political meeting.例文帳に追加

大多数の学生はその政治集会には無関心だった - Eゲイト英和辞典

Instead of going himself, he sent his son to the political meeting.例文帳に追加

自分で行く代わりに、彼は息子をその政治集会に参加させた。 - Tatoeba例文

Holding a political meeting outdoors is punishable by up to five years in prison.例文帳に追加

屋外で政治会合を開くと、最高5年の懲役に罰せられる。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

Instead of going himself, he sent his son to the political meeting. 例文帳に追加

自分で行く代わりに、彼は息子をその政治集会に参加させた。 - Tanaka Corpus

calling a meeting is a political act in itself- Daniel Goleman 例文帳に追加

会議を招集することは、それ自体、政治的な行為である−ダニエル・ゴールマン - 日本語WordNet

Especially, the latter meeting is noteworthy in the history as the meeting in which formation of 'Goken sanpa' (cooperative framework of three political parties advocating the party system) was agreed. 例文帳に追加

特に後者の会談は後に「護憲三派」結成の合意がなされた会談として歴史に名を残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting is a political process led by ASEAN, and the chair nation and ASEAN had strong rights regardingchoosing the items on the agenda at each meeting and the formulation of joint statements.例文帳に追加

ASEAN+3首脳会議は、ASEANが主導する政治プロセスであり、毎次の議題や共同声明の策定に関しても議長国とASEANの権限が強かった。 - 経済産業省

On December 13, Kensei Shinsakukai Party a political party organized by journalists and lawyers in Tokyo, adopted a resolution against the increase of two army divisions, and the next day, some supporters of Kojun-sha (the first social club of businessmen in Japan) called for a meeting to discuss the state of affairs and named the meeting 'Kensei Yogokai' (Meeting for Defending Constitutionalism). 例文帳に追加

12月13日、東京の新聞記者・弁護士らが憲政振作会を組織して二個師団増設反対を決議し、翌14日には交詢社有志が発起人となって時局懇談会をひらいて、会の名を憲政擁護会とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Restoration of Imperial Rule, he was assigned to the post of Political Consultant and insisted on an imperial palace meeting with Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA surrendering both the post of Shogunate and parts of his territories. 例文帳に追加

王政復古の後、参与に任命され、小御所会議にで慶喜の辞官納地を主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Suu Kyi quickly restarted her political activities such as meeting with foreign diplomats and members of her National League for Democracy. 例文帳に追加

スー・チーさんはすぐに,海外からの外交官や自身の国民民主連盟のメンバーたちとの面会といった,政治活動を再開した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

We will also grant political support to the Growth Strategy deliberating process toward the APEC Economic LeadersMeeting in Yokohama. 例文帳に追加

我々はまた、横浜のAPEC首脳会合に向け、成長戦略の検討プロセスに対して政治的支持を与える。 - 経済産業省

Okuma, who was expelled from the government due to a political upheaval that happened in 1881, got an idea to form a new political party, and he held a ceremony of inauguration at the Meiji Kokaido meeting hall in Tokyo on April 16, after announcing the intent to launch a new party on March 14. 例文帳に追加

明治14年の政変によって政府を追放された大隈が新党結成を構想し、1882年3月14日に新党の趣意書を発表して4月16日に東京の明治会堂で結党式を開催した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 10, 1900, he strengthened the suppression of political activities and labor campaigns by establishing the Security Police Law, which stipulated the political organization and meeting reporting system; the right to break up political organizations or meetings; the prohibition of political activities by military, police, religionists, educators, females, those who were under age and those who were deprived of public rights; the limitation on soliciting for labor unions; and the prohibition of strikes. 例文帳に追加

明治33年(1900年)3月10日、政治結社・政治集会の届出制および解散権の所持、軍人・警察官・宗教者・教員・女性・未成年者・公権剥奪者の政治運動の禁止、労働組合加盟勧誘の制限・同盟罷業(ストライキ)の禁止などを定めた治安警察法を制定し、政治・労働運動などの弾圧を進めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While this bill is intended to ensure the stable supply of electricity, political parties have various positions on this in the Diet. As I said at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers some time ago, it is not easy to enact this bill given the various opinions of political parties and parliamentary groups. 例文帳に追加

そういった供給を図るためのものであり、国会において、色々な党派、色々な立場があると思います。私は、いつか閣僚懇でも言いましたけれども、各党、各会派の色々なご意見があって、これは決してそう簡単な法律案ではないです。 - 金融庁

He also tried to restore the relationship with Russia, as Russia had still maintained its influence in Northern Manchuria, by importing the rails of the South Manchuria Railways from Russia, and by setting up a meeting between Hirobumi ITO and Russian political executives, (but this meeting was not realized because Ito was assassinated in Harbin). 例文帳に追加

また北満州に勢力を未だ確保していたロシアとの関係修復にも尽力し、満鉄のレールをロシアから輸入したり伊藤博文とロシア側要路者との会談も企図している(ただしこの会談は伊藤がハルビンで暗殺されたために実現しなかった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been decided that the Financial System Council will hold a meeting on March 7. This will be the first meeting since 2009. I presume that the key issue will be the council's relationship with political leadership. Could you explain the role of this council and what the major themes of discussion will be for the moment? 例文帳に追加

金融審議会が7日に開催することが決まりました。2009年以来の再開となるのですが、政治主導との兼ね合いというのがポイントになると思うのですが、改めてその役割と、当面の主要テーマはどのようなものになるかというのをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

While he left hardly any political achievements, it is widely known that he was rebuked by Kadono no Okimi for trying to say a word at a meeting to decide a successor to the deceased Takechi no Miko (Prince Takechi) ("Kaifuso" [Fond Recollections of Poetry]). 例文帳に追加

政治的な事績はほとんどないが、高市皇子没後の後継者選定会議で発言しようとして、葛野王に叱責された(『懐風藻』)ことは有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Higashiyama-dono villa included large-scale buildings such as meeting houses or noble family residences and, although it was not as large as Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA's Kitayama-dono villa (that later became Rokuon-ji Temple), it also had a certain political function. 例文帳に追加

東山殿には会所、常御所(つねのごしょ)などの大規模な建物が建ち、足利義満の北山殿(後の鹿苑寺)ほどではないが、ある程度政治的機能ももっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Sonno Joi party (the anti-foreigner Royalists) centered around the Choshu-han Clan lost their case upon the political change on August 18, Yoshinobu went to Kyoto again in order to participate in a meeting jointly held by the party trying to unite the nobles and samurai (Kobu Gattai) and the party assisting the Shogunate (Sabaku). 例文帳に追加

八月十八日の政変で長州藩を中心とする尊皇攘夷派が排斥されると、公武合体・佐幕両派による参与会議に参加すべく再び上洛。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he played an active role as a so called fixer in the political world, and he mediated the meeting between opposing party heads twice in 1916 and 1924 during the period of party government (and its pre-period). 例文帳に追加

その後は政界のいわゆるフィクサーとしても活動し、政党政治期(及びその直前期)の1916年と1924年と2度に亘り、対立する政党間の党首会談の仲介などを行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response, the Imperial Court announced the Restoration of Imperial Rule (Osei fukko) and the return of the TOKUGAWA family's territory was decided in the Kogosho conference (the meeting held in the presence of the Emperor in the Kogosho Conference Room of Kyoto Imperial Palace) and generally the political situation remained uncertain. 例文帳に追加

それに対し朝廷からは王政復古が下され、小御所会議で徳川家領土の返還が決定されるなど、流動的な政局が続く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result of winning this battle to avenge Nobunaga's death, Hideyoshi claimed his position as the leading candidate for the succession of Nobunaga's position through the meeting at Kiyosu-jo Castle and on other occasions, and began to proceed his way toward assuming political leadership of the whole nation. 例文帳に追加

秀吉は、この信長の弔い合戦に勝利した結果、清洲会議などを経て信長の後継者筆頭としての名乗りを挙げ、天下人への道を歩み始める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan's numerical goal of -6% was brought in through a political agreement at a non-official meeting between Japan, America and Europe, and the agreement between America and Japan was intended for encouraging developing countries to join the conference. 例文帳に追加

日本の数値目標が-6%になった経緯は日米欧の非公式会合での政治的合意によるものであり、アメリカ合衆国と日本が足並みをそろえたのは、途上国の参加を促すためであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As I said at the meeting of the National Vision Project Headquarters, the enactment of the basic act (for the civil servant system reform) was quite symbolic, in that it was achieved through political initiative. 例文帳に追加

これは国家戦略本部の会議の席上でも私が申し上げたことでございますが、今回の基本法は政治主導という極めてシンボリックな形で成立を見たわけです。 - 金融庁

At the time that the first ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting was held there was no plan to hold further summits, but the strong political will of the leaders resulted in another summit being held the following year, 1998, in order to respond to the serious crisis which was spreading throughout the region in a chain reaction.例文帳に追加

初回開催時点では次回以降の予定のなかったASEAN+3首脳会議が、地域に連鎖的に広がる深刻な危機に対応するという強い政治的意志の下、続けて翌1998年にも開催されたのである。 - 経済産業省

Amid uncertain economic conditions, some countries, especially developed nations, advocated in advance for the 8th WTO Periodical Ministerial Meeting in December 2011 that these high-level political agreements, which had been continuously declared at APEC and G20, should be also affirmed at the WTO.例文帳に追加

不確実な経済情勢が続く中、2011 年 12 月第 8 回WTO 定期閣僚会議に向け、先進国を中心に、APECや G20 で継続されてきたこれらの高いレベルの政治合意を、WTO の場でも確認するべきとの動きが起こった。 - 経済産業省

The “Declaration of ASEAN Concordwas adopted at the ASEAN summit meeting in February 1976 as a principle for establishing a cooperative system in political, security, and economic fields at the ASEAN level. Since the adoption of the declaration, ASEAN nations have been making various efforts for the enhancement of cooperative relations among its member states.例文帳に追加

1976年2月のASEAN首脳会議で、政治、安全保障、経済分野等に関するASEANレベルでの協力体制の構築に向けた原則として「ASEAN共和宣言」が採択されてから、ASEAN各国は域内の協力関係の強化に努めてきた。 - 経済産業省

Looked at from the outside, it may appear as if the FSA has made a policy shift concerning international accounting standards under my political leadership.In that respect, the debate considerably settled down at the second meeting of the Business Accounting Council (joint meeting of the General Meeting and the Planning Coordination Subcommittee of the Business Accounting Council) as I revealed to you. 例文帳に追加

そういったことを踏まえて、ある意味で、他から見ますと、金融庁が国際会計基準についての政策転換を、まさに私の政治家としての政治主導でやらせていただいたやにも映ったわけでございますから、そこら辺はきちっと、この前の2回目の(企業会計)審議会(総会・企画調整部会合同会議)、皆様方にも公開させていただきましたが、大分落ち着いてきたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

Both the political and social conditions associated with the Muromachi shogunate government during Yoshinori's time were unsettled, as seen in events such as the Shocho peasant uprising and the rebellion by forces of the Latter Southern Court, and by reinforcing the shogunate's authority, Yoshinori was meeting the needs of the warrior class and the general public for the presence of a shogun with strong leadership. 例文帳に追加

義教の時代には正長の土一揆や後南朝勢力の反乱など、室町幕府を巡る政治・社会情勢が不穏であり、強力な指導力を持つ将軍の存在が望まれていた武家社会や民衆の要請に沿う形で、義教は幕府権力の強化に一定の成果をあげた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Let me ask you about the political situation. As you said earlier, the cabinet was reshuffled just after you held a meeting with Prime Minister Noda and the prime minister met with Mr. Ozawa for the second time. What do you think of the timing of the reshuffle? 例文帳に追加

政局のことになって恐縮なのですけれども、先ほどもおっしゃっていましたが、連日、野田総理と会談をされたりとか、野田総理が小沢さんと連日会談をして決裂をしたりと、こういったタイミングで今日の内閣改造になるのですけれども、どういう意味があるというふうに大臣はお考えですか。 - 金融庁

Quickly'' means ''quickly.'' I mean we must do it as soon as possible. That this was discussed at the G20 meeting is a new factor. As we have said that political leadership will eventually be exercised, we must do it. 例文帳に追加

「速やかに」は「速やかに」でございまして、できるだけ早く、「可及的速やかに」ということです。また、今、G20で議題になったということも新たな要素でございますし、そういったことを含めて、最終的にはきちんと政治主導でやるということでございますから、やらねばならないと思っております。 - 金融庁

Regarding this matter, about which I have been asked many times, we exercised our political initiative and decided at a cabinet meeting to establish a comprehensive exchange. I think that implementing our decisions is the first step toward regaining the credibility of politics. 例文帳に追加

私は、何度も過去、皆様方にご質問いただきましたけれども、これは政治主導で、閣議で総合取引所を作るということを一遍決定していますから、そういった意味で、決めたことはきちんとやらせていただくということが政治の信用の第一歩だと私は思っています。 - 金融庁

Around July 2, 1156, before Emperor Toba died, Goshirakawa prevented Sutoku and Toba from meeting by having Kebiishi, a political and judicial chief, patrol the palace; Emperor Toba's memorial day, seven days after his death, was organized by the Goshirakawa force before Sutoku had a chance to visit the palace, given that he was obviously wary of Sutoku. 例文帳に追加

保元元年(1156年)7月2日の鳥羽の死去ごろから後白河側は、崇徳と鳥羽との末期の対面を拒否し、検非違使を召集して京中を警備させ崇徳に対する警戒の念をあからさまにしてみせ、鳥羽の初七日を崇徳の臨幸もないうちに実施するなどして、崇徳への露骨な挑発と追い込みを行い始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having worked steadily on the preparations for the framework of the new political party, Konoe, who was about to face a long-awaited comeback, held the 'Ogikubo Meeting' at Tekigaiso, his private residence in Ogikubo, on July 19, just before presenting the list of cabinet ministers, and he agreed with new cabinet members Yosuke MATSUOKA (Foreign Minister), Zengo YOSHIDA (Minister of the Navy) and Hideki TOJO (Minister of the Army) to work toward the founding of a 'new order in East Asia.' 例文帳に追加

新党構想などの準備を着々と整え、満を持しての再登板に望むことになった近衛は、閣僚名簿奉呈直前の7月19日、荻窪の私邸・荻外荘でいわゆる「荻窪会談」を行い、入閣することになっていた松岡洋右(外相)、吉田善吾(海相)、東条英機(陸相)と「東亜新秩序」の建設邁進で合意している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I hear that he has attended all meetings of the review committee. While some people may say that the committee has a strong political bias, as the minister in charge, I met him only once, at the committee's first meeting, and left the matter entirely to him, so I believe that a high degree of fairness and impartiality has been maintained. 例文帳に追加

その先生は、確かお聞きするところによると、全部、委員会に出ていただけたということでございまして、そういうことを言う人はおられるかと思いますけれども、私は担当大臣として、お会いしたのは最初だけでございまして、あとは全部お任せしたわけでございますから、私はそういった意味で非常に公平・公正なものだと思っております。 - 金融庁

Under theElements for Political Guidancein the chairman’s statement for the Periodical Ministerial Meeting in December 2011, while it was recognized that single undertaking would not be expected in the near future, the necessity to find out a new approach was commonly recognized and it was agreed that discussions would be advanced in the areas for which progress could be expected, including reaching preliminary agreements.例文帳に追加

2011 年 12 月の定期閣僚会議では、議長総括における「政治ガイダンスの要素」として、ドーハ・ラウンドについて、近い将来の一括受諾の見通しがないことを認めつつも、「新たなアプローチ」を見出す必要性を共有し、進展が可能な分野で、先行合意を含め議論を進めることが合意された。 - 経済産業省

Especially before and after the political change on August 18, the samurai of the Choshu Domain, people loyal to the Emperor who remained in Kyoto such as Chuzaburo TERAJIMA and Genzui KUSAKA, had contacted various Taifu of Arisugawanomiya or aides many times, such as Yoshikaze AWAZU and Shigeyuki MAEKAWA through the former Bishamon do aides, Shutaro FURUTAKA (KOTAKA), who pretended to be a business man and named 'Kiemon MASUYA,' they had contact by organizing to have a place for secret meeting, or they both exchanged secret messengers in hiding to each others, Prince Taruhito ordered Awazu and Maekawa to send a letter of consolation to the Chief retainer of a feudal lord of Choshu Domain, Kanenobu MASUDA. 例文帳に追加

特に八月十八日の政変の前後からは、商人を装い「枡屋喜右衛門」を名乗っていた元毘沙門堂家臣・古高俊太郎を仲介者として、寺島忠三郎や久坂玄瑞ら京に残った勤王派の長州藩士達が、粟津義風・前川茂行といった有栖川宮の諸大夫や家臣達と複数回にわたり接触し、両者の間で密会の場を設けたり密使を潜伏させあうなどの交際を行っているほか、熾仁親王は粟津や前川に命じ、長州藩家老の益田兼施宛に慰問の書状を出させたりしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The greatest difference between the situation of 1929 and the Lehman shock of three years ago is that after 1929, the world divided into economic blocs and this led eventually to World War II, as I said previously. Now, the economic globalization has proceeded. Amid the economic globalization, countries are implementing coordinated policies based on the lessons of 1929, despite their differences in the historical backgrounds, economic circumstances and political situations. The G-7 meeting starting today will discuss economic, currency and financial issues. 例文帳に追加

1929年と3年前のリーマン・ショックの一番の違いは、まさに1929年の後は、国際的な経済はそれぞれブロック化し、これが第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つになったということを申し上げたと思っていますが、今、大変、経済がグローバル化した中で、また1929年の反省を踏まえて各国が協調政策、それぞれの国家は異なる歴史的背景、経済的事情、国内政治と色々な問題を抱えて、伝統と歴史も違いますけれども、やっぱりその中で経済あるいは通貨、金融について、今日からG7の会議が開催されます。 - 金融庁


In addition, through the Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation of the Third Informal Summit in 1999, the first-ever joint statement issued by an ASEAN+3 summit, and the EAVG Report in the 5th ASEAN+3 Summit in 2001, the Final Report of the East Asia Study Group (EASG)89 in the 6th ASEAN+3 Summit in 2002, and the Discussion Paper presented by Japan in the June 2004 ASEAN+3 Senior Officials Meeting, the long-term vision and political momentum for creating an East Asian Community began to take form.例文帳に追加

併せて、1999年第3回ASEAN+3首脳会議における初の共同声明「東アジアにおける協力に関する共同声明」、2001年第5回ASEAN+3首脳会議におけるEAVGの報告、2002年第6回ASEAN+3首脳会議における「東アジア・スタディ・グループ」(EastAsia Study Group:EASG)89の報告、2004年6月のASEAN+3高級事務レベル会合における我が国からの「論点ペーパー」発出等を経て、東アジア共同体に向けた長期的なビジョンと政治的モメンタムが形成されていった。 - 経済産業省


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