



英和・和英辞典で「To support this family」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「To support this family」の部分一致の例文検索結果

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It's thanks to the support of my family that I was able to leave that company and open up this new restaurant.例文帳に追加

会社を辞めて新しくレストランを開店することができたのも、家族の後押しがあったおかげだ。 - Tatoeba例文

The word "buke" refers to the collection of various powers which support the authority of a bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and this word sometimes also refers to a Shogun family or general samurai.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

武家(ぶけ)とは、幕府権力の総称、将軍家、または武士一般を指す語。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This series of battles is called the Battle of Rokukado, and Noritsune fought on successive fronts to support the declining Taira family.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これら一連の戦いを六箇度合戦といい、教経は退勢の平家を支えるべく転戦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this setback, he managed to obtain the help and support of the Dewa-Kiyohara clan, the most powerful family in Dewa Province, and destroyed the Abe clan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その後、出羽の豪族の出羽清原氏の協力を得て安倍氏を討つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On this occasion, Takeaki ENOMOTO went to the offing of Esashi in order to support HIJIKATA's family from the sea, but his ship was stranded because of a storm.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この時、榎本武揚は土方軍を海から援護するため、開陽丸で江差沖へ向かったが、暴風雨に遭い座礁。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was when a shogun of Omi army HATA no Kimi Yakuni and his son HATA no Ushi, followed by other members of Hata family, changed sides to support Oama no Miko.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

このとき、近江の将軍羽田公矢国とその子羽田大人らは己の族を率いて大海人皇子側に寝返った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the new Tokugawa family in the Sunpu Domain could not support a large body of former vassals since their territory had been dramatically reduced; this was from 8,000,000 koku (approximately 1,440,000,000 liters of crop yield) to 700,000 koku (approximately 126,000,000 liters of crop yield).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、800万石から70万石への減封によって膨大な家臣団を養うことはできなくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 1 This Act shall provide the necessary matters concerning the law applicable to the obligation of support arising from the relationship between a husband and wife, parents and their child(ren), and other family relationships (hereinafter referred to as "obligation of support").発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第一条 この法律は、夫婦、親子その他の親族関係から生ずる扶養の義務(以下「扶養義務」という。)の準拠法に関し必要な事項を定めるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Since the residence of the family head was located in the Tsuchimikado area for generations beginning in the days of ABE no Ariyo, the Abe clan began to refer to themselves as the Tsuchimikado family (named after the geographical name and this was different than the MINAMOTO no Michichika line of the Tsuchimikado family descended from Murakami-Genji (Minamoto clan)) monopolizing support of the Imperial Court and the Shogun and, up to this point, it seemed that the Abe clan enjoyed infallible power in relation to the arts of Onmyo.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

さらに安倍有世以来代々の当主の屋敷が土御門にあったことから土御門家(あくまで地名から取ったもので、村上源氏の流れをくむ源通親系土御門家とは異なる)を通名とするようになり、朝廷・将軍からの支持を一手に集め、ここまではその陰陽諸道上の勢力を万全なものとしたかのように見えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This shopping support system is provided with a family information database 11, a menu information management means 15, a purchase food material information management means 16, and a transmitting means 19 transmitting purchase food material information in timing allowing display of it to a terminal device used in shopping when family member authentication is obtained.例文帳に追加

家族情報データベース11と、献立情報管理手段15と、購入食材情報管理手段16と、家族員であるとの認証が得られた場合に、購入食材情報を、買い物時に使用等する端末装置に表示可能なタイミングで、送信する送信手段19を備えている。 - 特許庁

It is said that when the death of Emperor Tenmu made it impossible to practice this form of succession, the existence of Fukai-no-Joten/ Fukaijoten, which had been kept a secret, was revealed to the public, in order to block the movements of the imperial family members that ware not able to count on the support of the Fujiwara clan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

文武天皇の死によってこの方式での継承が困難になったとき、それまで他言されなかった不改常典を明かし、藤原氏の補佐がない皇族を牽制したとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If Noriyori happens to be obliged to return back, the warriors in Shikoku will support the Taira family, and this will provoke a more serious situation,' and he started to the battle field leaving the nobles behind, even though the nobles tried hard to restrain them.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「範頼がもし引き返す事になれば、四国の武士達は平家に付き、ますます重大な事になります」と引き止める貴族達を振り切って出陣する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 43 (1) The provisions of this Chapter, except for the main clause of Article 39, shall not apply to the obligations to support arising from the relationship between a husband and wife, parents and their child, and other family relationships.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第四十三条 この章の規定は、夫婦、親子その他の親族関係から生ずる扶養の義務については、適用しない。ただし、第三十九条本文の規定の適用については、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As the result of a conference, the government recovered 8,000 yen which he had contributed to the Kagoshima prefectural government when he was alive and raised another 8,000 yen, deciding to support his bereaved family with this 16,000 yen.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

政府は協議の結果、大久保が生前に鹿児島県庁に学校費として寄付した8,000円を回収し、さらに8,000円の募金を集めてこの1万6,000円で遺族を養うことにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The purpose of this jifuku system was to financially support koshin (Emperor's family members) holding no official post nor court rank (particularly, imperial princesses and other female royalties)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

本来、皇親と言えども官職についていない者及び品位が授けられていない者(とりわけ内親王などの女性皇族)を経済的に保護する目的があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ironically, at the time of the Incident at Honno-ji Temple, it was said that after the KONOE family fled from this mansion the Akechi army occupied it and attacked Nijo Shin-gosho from there; before long there was a rumor that Sakihisa had given his support to Mitsuhide.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

皮肉にも本能寺の変の際、近衛家家人が逃げ出したこの屋敷を占拠した明智軍がここから二条新御所を攻撃したという話があり、やがてそれに尾ひれが付いて前久が光秀に加担したとの風説が流された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is why the group in a direct line from Zeami was finished after Motomasa died; however, it is believed that as this Juro dayu grew up, he carried out activities based on Yamato which was a place remembered in connection with his father, with the support of Motomasa's younger brother, Motoyoshi KANZE (scribe of "Sarugaku dangi" (An Account of Zeami's Reflections on Art)), and Motoyoshi's son, Saburo, and the Juni family (branch of the Honami family) who was close to the Kanze group and was an influential Sarugaku performer.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そのため元雅の死後、世阿弥直系の座は一度破滅を見ていたが、この十郎大夫の成長に従い、元雅の弟観世元能(『申楽談義』の筆記者)とその息子・三郎、また観世座に近い有力な猿楽師であった十二家などの後援を受け、父祖ゆかりの大和の地を根拠に活動したと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In light of this, the “Emergency Fund for Human Resource Development and Employment Support” was created in July 2009 as a safety net for people who are not eligible to receive employment insurance benefits. In addition, the government is working on emergency human resources development support project to provide free vocational training sessions and to grant the training/livelihood support benefits of 100,000 a month (or 120,000 if the recipient has a dependent family member) during the training period, if the recipient satisfies certain requirements.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

このため、雇用保険を受給できない方などに対する新たなセーフティネットとして、2009年7月に「緊急人材育成・就職支援基金」を創設し、無料の職業訓練と、一定の要件を満たす場合は、訓練期間中に月10万円(被扶養家族を有する方にあっては月12万円)の訓練・生活支援給付を支給する緊急人材育成支援事業を実施してきた。 - 経済産業省

However, in the Mikotonori, the commentaries by Ko Ankoku that were used as a literary reference, such as in Chinese poetry, were permitted to be continually used in education other than that of Emperors and the Imperial Family, which supports the fact that this adoption was only to seek political advantage and did not even gain support of the whole Daigakuryo (Bureau of Education under the Ritsuryo system).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

なお、同詔では漢詩などの文学材料としても用いられていた孔安国の注釈に関しては、天皇及び皇族の教育以外の場では引き続き使用が認められており、この導入が大学寮全体の支持すら得られていなかった政治的なものであったことを裏付けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of this reconciliation Toshimasa (Dosan) gained support of the ODA family and defeated the rebels who were against him, including the head of Aiba-jo Castle, Kageoki NAGAYA, and the head of Ibi-jo Castle, Mitsuchika IBI; furthermore, he expelled Yorinari TOKI, who had remained in the Ibi Kitakata-jo Castle, once again to Owari Province, and he completely restored order in Mino Province.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この和睦により、織田家の後援を受けて利政に反逆していた相羽城主長屋景興や揖斐城主揖斐光親らを滅ぼし、さらに揖斐北方城にとどまっていた土岐頼芸を天文21年(1552年)に再び尾張へ追放し、美濃を完全に平定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 1 The purposes of this Act are to promote the welfare of workers, etc. who take care of children or other family members and to contribute to the development of the economy and society. These purposes will be accomplished by helping balance such persons' work life and family life by means of continuing employment and promoting re-employment of said workers, etc. through such steps as establishing a system for Child Care Leave, Family Care Leave, and Sick/Injured Child Care Leave; prescribing measures to be taken by employers concerning working hours, etc. with the view to facilitating the care of children and other family members; and taking measures to support said workers, etc.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第一条 この法律は、育児休業及び介護休業に関する制度並びに子の看護休暇に関する制度を設けるとともに、子の養育及び家族の介護を容易にするため勤務時間等に関し事業主が講ずべき措置を定めるほか、子の養育又は家族の介護を行う労働者等に対する支援措置を講ずること等により、子の養育又は家族の介護を行う労働者等の雇用の継続及び再就職の促進を図り、もってこれらの者の職業生活と家庭生活との両立に寄与することを通じて、これらの者の福祉の増進を図り、あわせて経済及び社会の発展に資することを目的とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In 1436, Masayasu OGASAWARA, a provincial constable of Shinano Province under control of Bakufu and the local ruling family, Yorikiyo MURAKAMI, disputed over territories, and Mochiuji attempted to dispatch troops to save the Murakami clan who asked Kamakura Bakufu for support, however, Norizane protested against him, saying that Shinano was beyond Kanto Kanrei's jurisdiction and prevented the dispatch of troops, and the Ogasawara clan won in this battle.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1436年、幕府の分国である信濃国の守護小笠原政康と豪族の村上頼清が領地を巡って争い、持氏は鎌倉に支援を求めた村上氏を助けて出兵しようとするが、憲実は信濃は関東公方の管轄外であるとして諌め出兵を阻止し、合戦は小笠原氏が勝利する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Issues related to social security rank high in the list of issues that the government should emphasize in the future. This suggests the growing importance of every member of society fully contributing his or her abilities to family, work, and the local community. In other words, consolidating the base of Japanese society, which consists of people's independence and mutual support, is essential.例文帳に追加

今後政府が力を入れるべき事項として、社会保障にかかわる事項が上位にあがっている中、国民一 人一人が生涯にわたり、家庭・職場・地域等において持てる力を十分に発揮、すなわち「自立」し、 ともに「支え合う」、という我が国社会の基本をしっかりとしたものにしていくことが、ますます重 要となっている。 - 厚生労働省

As a background of the special description on this incident in the Azuma Kagami compiled by the Hojo clan of Kamakura bakufu in later years, there seemed an intention to expose Yoriie's high-handed manner and justify the connection between the Hojo clan and the Adachi clan since the period of Yoritomo and Masako and also justify the Adachi clan's separation from the Yoriie's power with the support from the Hiki clan, the family home of Kagemori's mother.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府北条氏による後年の編纂書『吾妻鏡』にこの事件が特筆されている背景には、頼家の横暴を浮き立たせると共に、頼朝・政子以来の北条氏と安達氏の結びつき、景盛の母の実家比企氏を後ろ盾とした頼家の勢力からの安達氏の離反を合理化する意図があるものと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(18) The term "Preventive Long-Term Care Support" as used in this Act means that a person as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare among the personnel of a community general support center as prescribed in Article 115-39, paragraph (1) of this Act, with regard to a Person Requiring In-Home Support, considers said a Person's mental and physical condition, the present environment of said Person, the preferences, etc., of said Person Requiring In-Home Support and those of his or her family according to the request of said Person Requiring In-Home Support, and establishes a plan that stipulates the type and content of a Designated Provider of a Preventive Service to Long-Term Care Service, etc., that said Person will use, the personnel in charge of said services, and other items as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (herein referred to as "Preventive Long-Term Care Service Plan" in this paragraph and the appended table) in order for the Person Requiring In-Home Support to be able to use appropriately those services as prescribed in Article 53, paragraph (1) of this Act that are of a Designated Preventive Long-Term Care Service, Preventive Long-Term Care Service pertaining to Exceptional Allowance for Preventive Service of Long-Term Care or services equivalent to said service, those services as prescribed in Article 54-2, paragraph (1) that are Designated Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, Community-Based Service for Preventive Long-Term Care pertaining to Exceptional Allowance for Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, or equivalent services to said service, or other health and medical services or public aid services contributing to prevention of long-term care (herein referred to as "Designated Preventive Long-Term Care Service, etc.") and that said personnel provide liaison and coordination among those who are a Designated Provider of a Preventive Service to Long-Term Care prescribed in Article 53, paragraph (1) of this Act, those who are a Designated Person Providing Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care as prescribed in Article 54-2, paragraph (1), and other personnel, and other convenience in order to ensure the provision of the Designated Preventive Long-Term Care Service, etc., based on said Preventive Long-Term Care Service Plan. The term "Preventive Long-Term Care Support Business" as used in this Act means a business that provides a Preventive Long-Term Care Support.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

18 この法律において「介護予防支援」とは、居宅要支援者が第五十三条第一項に規定する指定介護予防サービス又は特例介護予防サービス費に係る介護予防サービス若しくはこれに相当するサービス、第五十四条の二第一項に規定する指定地域密着型介護予防サービス又は特例地域密着型介護予防サービス費に係る地域密着型介護予防サービス若しくはこれに相当するサービス及びその他の介護予防に資する保健医療サービス又は福祉サービス(以下この項において「指定介護予防サービス等」という。)の適切な利用等をすることができるよう、第百十五条の三十九第一項に規定する地域包括支援センターの職員のうち厚生労働省令で定める者が、当該居宅要支援者の依頼を受けて、その心身の状況、その置かれている環境、当該居宅要支援者及びその家族の希望等を勘案し、利用する指定介護予防サービス等の種類及び内容、これを担当する者その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を定めた計画(以下この項及び別表において「介護予防サービス計画」という。)を作成するとともに、当該介護予防サービス計画に基づく指定介護予防サービス等の提供が確保されるよう、第五十三条第一項に規定する指定介護予防サービス事業者、第五十四条の二第一項に規定する指定地域密着型介護予防サービス事業者その他の者との連絡調整その他の便宜の提供を行うことをいい、「介護予防支援事業」とは、介護予防支援を行う事業をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Rather than having to move from one temporary job to another that does not match the skills of individuals, the new policy will give hope to people that they will be able to brush up their skills with enthusiasm, find jobs which offer incomes that are commensurate with their abilities, raise a family and nurture the next generation. To accomplish this, public employment security officeHello Workinformation and services will be boldly opened up to private employment and recruitment agencies. By making use of the private sector’s know-how, the Government will support for skills enhancement training and suitable job matching, among other services.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

自分の能力に見合わない一時的な職を転々とするのではなく、希望を持って、意欲的に自分の能力を磨きつつ、能力に見合った報酬が得られる職に就き、家庭を築き、次の世代をしっかり育てていけるようにする。このため、ハローワークの情報や業務を思い切って民間人材ビジネスに開放し、民間が有するノウハウを活用する形で、スキルアップ研修、ふさわしい職とのマッチングなどを支援する。 - 経済産業省

The Japanese social security system is based on mainly full-time employment. This indicates the point of weakness of the government support system, once a citizen becomes unemployed. The debate on concepts of the Japanese society and how functional enhancement of social security should be conducted based on the special features and the functions ofstate’, ‘community (family and local community) and the ‘market’. ※ The welfare regime is only an indicator of modeling that may not apply to an individualized system (example: Medical insurance)例文帳に追加

社会保障制度が主に正規雇用を前提としており、非正規雇用の労働者が 労働市場から離れた場合の制度的支援が弱い。日本の社会のあり方や社会保障をどのように機能強化するかを議論するに当たっては、「国家」、「共同体(家族・地域)」、「市場」それぞれの特徴・機能を踏まえて考える必要がある。 ※ 福祉レジーム論は、あくまで類型化の目安であり、個別の制度レベルで見た場合、適合しない場合もある(例:医療保障)。 - 厚生労働省


(21) The term "In-Home Long-Term Care Support" as used in this Act means to establish a plan (herein referred to as an "In-Home Service Plan" in this paragraph, Article 115-38, paragraph (1), item (v), and the appended table to this Act) that provides the types and contents of Designated In-Home Service, etc. (herein referred to as "Designated In-Home Service, etc." in this paragraph), the personnel in charge of said services to be used by an In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care, and other items as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, at the request of said Person Requiring Long-Term Care and in consideration of his or her mental and physical condition, surroundings, and the person's and his or her family's preferences, etc., in order for an In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care to be able to use appropriately the Designated In-Home Service as prescribed in Article 41, paragraph (1) of this Act, In-Home Service related to Exceptional Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service or equivalent services, Designated Community-Based Service as prescribed in Article 42-2, paragraph (1) of this Act, Community-Based Service related to Exceptional Allowance for Community-Based Long-Term Care Service or equivalent services, and other necessary health and medical services or public aid services for performing daily activities at home (hereinafter referred to as "Designated In-Home Service, etc." in this paragraph); the term also means to provide communication and coordination among Designated Providers of In-Home Long-Term Care as prescribed in Article 41, paragraph (1) of this Act, Designated Community-Based Service Provider as prescribed in Article 42-2, paragraph (1) of this Act and other person and to provide other conveniences in order to ensure provision of the Designated In-Home Service, etc., based on said In-Home Service Plan, and in a case when said In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care requires admission to a Community-Based Facility for the Elderly Covered by Public Aid Requiring Long-Term Care or a Facility Providing Insured Long-Term Care, the term means to introduce a Community-Based Facility for the Elderly Covered by Public Aid Requiring Long-Term Care or Facility Providing Insured Long-Term Care and to provide other conveniences. The term "Designated In-Home Long-Term Care Support Business" as used in this Act means a business to provide In-Home Long-Term Care Support.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

21 この法律において「居宅介護支援」とは、居宅要介護者が第四十一条第一項に規定する指定居宅サービス又は特例居宅介護サービス費に係る居宅サービス若しくはこれに相当するサービス、第四十二条の二第一項に規定する指定地域密着型サービス又は特例地域密着型介護サービス費に係る地域密着型サービス若しくはこれに相当するサービス及びその他の居宅において日常生活を営むために必要な保健医療サービス又は福祉サービス(以下この項において「指定居宅サービス等」という。)の適切な利用等をすることができるよう、当該居宅要介護者の依頼を受けて、その心身の状況、その置かれている環境、当該居宅要介護者及びその家族の希望等を勘案し、利用する指定居宅サービス等の種類及び内容、これを担当する者その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を定めた計画(以下この項、第百十五条の三十八第一項第五号及び別表において「居宅サービス計画」という。)を作成するとともに、当該居宅サービス計画に基づく指定居宅サービス等の提供が確保されるよう、第四十一条第一項に規定する指定居宅サービス事業者、第四十二条の二第一項に規定する指定地域密着型サービス事業者その他の者との連絡調整その他の便宜の提供を行い、並びに当該居宅要介護者が地域密着型介護老人福祉施設又は介護保険施設への入所を要する場合にあっては、地域密着型介護老人福祉施設又は介護保険施設への紹介その他の便宜の提供を行うことをいい、「居宅介護支援事業」とは、居宅介護支援を行う事業をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



「To support this family」に近いキーワードやフレーズ


「To support this family」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






To /toː/
support /səpˈɔɚt/
this /ðís/
family /fˈæm(ə)li/
家族, 一家
thi /θi/
mil /míl/


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