
「"各国の"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(10ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 1213



the IMF, in assisting countries to develop macroeconomic frameworks in times of crisis, to take into consideration the degree to which the adjustment programmes provide for adequate spending in the social sector;  - 財務省


We are proud about 1.5 million Japanese emigrants have crossed the sea to work as a bridge between Japan and this region, while contributing to the economic and social development in the region.  - 財務省


For objective assessment of development impacts, it is indispensable to set country-specific development goals that take into account the circumstance of each country and to establish appropriate monitoring indicators.  - 財務省

中南米地域の各国のニーズや IDBの強みを踏まえて優先分野を特定し、業務量の拡大を指向するのではなく、開発効果を最大化すべく業務の質の向上を追求していく方向性を期待します。例文帳に追加

I expect that the discussion will focus on specifying priority sectors based on the needs of the borrowing countries and IDB's core competencies. We should find ways to improve the quality of the projects and maximize their development impacts rather than pursuing mere increase in lending volume.  - 財務省



However, there are some concerns: the level of participation in NEPAD varies by country, and tangible results from NEPAD are yet to be seen.  - 財務省



This year TICAD will gather together everyone playing an important role in African development, such as representatives like President Kaberuka, from African countries, international organizations, and regional organizations to discuss the future of African development.  - 財務省


On the other hand, however, due to the current situation triggered by the Greece's case, the global market has become interested keenly in the soundness of fiscal conditions, or sovereign risk.  - 財務省


We expect it to enable us to perform an early warning exercise as well as timely analysis of a crisis when it actually occurs.  - 財務省

また、中長期的な対応として、域内の貯蓄を域内の通貨建てで活用するために、アジア各国の自国通貨建て債券市場を育成する「アジア債券市場育成イニシアティブ」(Asian Bond Market Initiative:ABMI)を進めています。例文帳に追加

As a medium- to long-term effort, we have been working on the Asian Bond Market Initiative, or ABMI, with the aim of developing local currency-denominated bond markets to mobilize savings within the Asian countries for use in local currencies.  - 財務省



We also appreciated China's continued effort to arrange the training course on Economic Reforms and Development in China for the ASEAN + 3 finance and central bank officials.  - 財務省



In fact, the IMF’s most recent World Economic Outlook (WEO) Update published in January 2012 revised downward the forecast of output growth in member countries from the previous forecast made in September 2011.  - 財務省

現在ユーロ圏には、各国の保証により債券を発行して資金を調達し、4400億ユーロ規模の融資能力を持つ欧州金融安定ファシリティ―(EFSF:European Financial Stability Facility)がある。例文帳に追加

At present, Europe has the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which has a lending capacity of 440 billion euro, financed through issuing bonds guaranteed by euro-zone countries.  - 財務省


I would like to conclude my remarks here by stressing the importance of sharing the experiences of each country, and of close dialogue and collaboration among countries, in addressing international challenges, just as is shown by today’s symposium.  - 財務省


Although many used to argue that destination of Asian products is overwhelmingly the U.S., it is becoming clear that there is endogenous growth in the region as domestic demand and intra-regional production networks took root in Asian countries.  - 財務省


In adopting an exchange rate regime, it is important to take into account the pros and cons of each regime as well as economic fundamentals which support such regime, for example, the level of foreign exchange reserves, trade structure, and the degree of capital account liberalization.  - 財務省


To implement a macroeconomic policy that is consistently compatible with the currency board system is very difficult to achieve, but this example shows that proper surveillance of macroeconomic policy is of particular importance.  - 財務省


Subsequent policy efforts in the crisis-hit countries and by the world community at large brought recovery in most countries by 1999, and the world economy as a whole began to regain its stability. This was the background against which the Cologne Summit took place in June last year.  - 財務省


Until just a few years ago, very few people could have imagined that IT would have such an enormous influence on the societies and economies of countries all over the world.  - 財務省


Although I will not go into detail today, IT has enormous implications for areas of finance and tax in which the Finance Ministers are involved.  - 財務省


Considering the increasingly important role that private capital markets have played in providing financing to countries, Japan basically shares the view that countries should be encouraged to make greater efforts to improve their access to private markets.  - 財務省


Japan stands ready to make the best use of such expertise and experience for the transition to a low-carbon economy, by fully cooperating with improvements in energy efficiency.  - 財務省


Japan has insisted, since its affiliation more than 50 years ago, that all members who are under-represented be allowed to eliminate their under-representation so that the voting shares of the IMF properly reflect membersrelative positions in the world economy.  - 財務省


Reforms are progressing to have each country’s voice match their economic weight, but there remains much room for improvement in their staff composition.  - 財務省


If the IMF is to make high-quality policy advice for the stabilization of the global economy,it must be trusted by member countries, and to this end, each country’s voice and quota sharemust match their economic weight.  - 財務省


I hope that many people will visit Japan and see the strength of the Japanese citizens working to bounce back from this adverse situation and also see this country making a new start after the disaster, as it did 48 years ago when the Annual Meetings were last held in Tokyo.  - 財務省


To improve aid effectiveness and realize sustainable poverty reduction, it is essential that with strong ownership each developing country uses its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) to localize the MDGs according to each country’s circumstances.  - 財務省


Through the discussions for the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) or the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS), energy efficiency and clean energy development should be integrated into the development strategies of each country as one of the serious challenges.  - 財務省


They would need to seek out appropriate policies for domestic demand expansion, as well as new economic growth models tailored to their specific circumstances in a medium- to long-term perspective.  - 財務省


Developed countries are facing even more severe economic and fiscal situations, which makes it all the more important that the WBG approach development in a more effective and efficient manner.  - 財務省

生物多様性のこれ以上の喪失を食い止めるために、今後行うべき行動を定める「ポスト2010 年目標」の名古屋での合意に向けた各国の協力を期待します。例文帳に追加

To prevent further loss of biodiversity, we expect that participating countries will cooperate fully in order to reach an agreement in Nagoya on the post-2010 biodiversity targets.  - 財務省


While the World Bank Group advanced the reforms to match each country’s voice and quota in line with respective economic weight, there remains much room for improvement in staff composition.  - 財務省


We urge the WBG to integrate further equality between women and men into its operations and reporting, working within its mandate and respecting national values and norms.  - 財務省

第二に、より成果を重視した(result-oriented)効果的な支援(effective aid)とわかりやすい説明を行うことを通じて、各加盟国政府ひいては各国の納税者に対する説明責任(accountability)を果たすことを求めます。例文帳に追加

Second, the World Bank should fulfill its accountability to governments and taxpayers of World Bank member countries by implementing result-oriented effective aid and easy-to-understand explanations.  - 財務省


Advanced economies will ensure that the pace of fiscal consolidation is appropriate to support the recovery, taking country-specific circumstances into account and, in line with the Toronto commitments, address concerns about medium term fiscal sustainability.  - 財務省


Those advanced and emerging economies which have fiscal space will let the automatic fiscal stabilizers to operate taking into account national circumstances and current demand conditions.  - 財務省


We also note that chronic malnutrition is an enormous drain on a countrys human resources, and we therefore support the Scaling Up Nutrition movement and encourage wider involvement of G20 members.  - 財務省


We commit to enforcing anti-corruption legislation, and we will pursue those who receive and solicit bribes as well as those who pay them in line with our countries’ legislation.  - 財務省


Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Indonesia, Korea, the UK and the US are allowing automatic fiscal stabilisers to operate, taking into account national circumstances and current demand conditions.  - 財務省


I believe that the MDGs should be customized orlocalizedfurther in the PRS process according to specific circumstances of individual countries, and that the IMF should play a major role in providing adequate advice in areas of its core expertise such as countriesmediumterm expenditure framework (MTEF).  - 財務省


As globalization evolves and deepens the economic relationship among countries through trade and financial integrations, the impact of each country’s economic situation on the regional and global economy tends to increase.Individual countries should take full advantage of the current favorable opportunity to strengthen their reform efforts to dispense with vulnerabilities and to implement sound economic policies.  - 財務省


Globalization has provided both opportunities and challenges to every country in the world, and supporting membersefforts to respond to its challenges has become one of the major roles of the IMF.  - 財務省


I welcome the proposals made in the medium-term strategy to enhance the effectiveness of IMF surveillance through greater selectivity in the coverage of bilateral surveillance tailored to each country’s circumstances, and by strengthening policy dialogue with country authorities.  - 財務省


As warranted by national circumstances, including medium term consolidation plans, monetary policy will respond to changes in economic and financial market conditions subject to their likely impact on the medium-term outlook for price developments.  - 財務省


We welcome the assessment of the countries' current situation regarding the deployment of these technologies as well as the on-going exercise of sharing best practices, as a basis for better policy making.  - 財務省


Advanced economies will formulate and implement clear, credible,ambitious and growth-friendly medium-term fiscal consolidation plans in line with the Toronto commitment, differentiated according to national circumstances.  - 財務省


Strengthened global financial safety nets can help countries to cope with financial volatility, reducing the economic disruption from sudden swings in capital flows and the perceived need for excessive reserve accumulation.  - 財務省


Identify and make recommendations with respect to specific institutional, regulatory and policy changes needed for national policies and regional architecture to respond to the physical and economic needs of regional projects (November 2011);  - 財務省


in advanced countries, formulate and implement clear, credible, ambitious and growth-friendly medium-term fiscal consolidation plans in line with the Toronto Summit commitments, differentiated according to national circumstances.  - 財務省


Phase-in arrangements will reflect different national starting points and circumstances, with initial variance around the new standards narrowing over time as countries converge to the new global standard.  - 財務省



They will be based on prudent assumptions with respect to economic growth and our respective fiscal positions, and they will identify specific measures to achieve a target path that ensures fiscal sustainability.  - 財務省


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