
「じんせいこうろ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 487



To provide a silver halide photographic sensitive material ensuring little stain of a non-image region and excellent in rapid processability and reciprocity law failure characteristics under high illuminance. - 特許庁


As part of a filler 5 for filling a space between piles 4 of artificial turf 3, a water retention chip 6 having a temperature rise suppression effect is used. - 特許庁


To evaluate whether the training of a master character in a roll playing game is in success or not in an actual condition. - 特許庁


This drug-carrier is obtained by adding a target-binding part to a lipocalin type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS). - 特許庁



A cationic polymer having an amidine structure is added to raw water and then treated with a long fiber filter. - 特許庁



To prevent a fraudulent act concerned by quickly and unerringly finding the insertion of a fraudulent tool into a token passage. - 特許庁


To provide a method for identifying a thermophilic acidophilic bacterium, by which the spore heat resistance of the thermophilic acidophilic bacterium, Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, can quickly and simply be identified. - 特許庁


To quickly and surely detect insertion of an illegal tool into a medal passage for preventing illicit operation. - 特許庁


To provide a method for identifying a thermophilic acidophilic bacterium, by which the spore heat resistance of a thermophilic acidophilic bacterium: Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, can quickly and simply be identified. - 特許庁



When a vehicle travels backward, the operating characteristics of the engine 50 are taken as the characteristics on the low-torque side instead of those at the time of traveling forward (characteristics of efficiency priority). - 特許庁



Needless to say, the strengthening of local response will not immediately produce direct effects such as reduction of costs and improvement of earnings performance. - 経済産業省


On another front, globalization has contributed to human prosperity, and at the same time, encouraged job creation, and created improvements in productivity and economic growth. - 厚生労働省

閉会挨拶(小出顕生 厚生労働省大臣官房国際課統括調整官) 挨拶文(日本語) (英語)例文帳に追加

Closing Address : Mr. Akio Koide, Deputy Assistant Minister for International Policy Planning, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, MHLW Report on the 10th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies (with photos) (PDF:1,483KB) Country Report on the follow-up of the 9th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies - 厚生労働省

そして 彼を殺し自殺したように 見せかけ 同時に 彼の研究を守れる人物を排除し 不正行為があったという非難を正当化する例文帳に追加

Then murder him, stage it as a suicide, simultaneously removing the one man who could defend his work and legitimizing the accusations of fraud. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


A steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, glycyrrhizic acids, glycyrrhetinic acids, an azulene derivative, allantoin, aloin, aloe-emodin, shikonins, ginsenosides, paeoniflorin, paeonol, an anti- inflammatory herbal medicine, or the like, are preferably used as the anti- inflammatory agent. - 特許庁


To provide a method of aging steel slag which relates to the forcible aging of steel slag such as hot metal pretreatment slag, secondary refining slag and converter slag, is capable of reducing the uneven aging and the immersion expansion ratio of the steel slag piled on a curing bed and decreasing the variation in the immersion expansion ratio within a lot and among the lots and producing a steel slag with stable quality. - 特許庁


A retrieval engine part 26 searches an authentication table 28 with the account and the user fingerprint information as keys, and acquires association data including a login permission terminal (in this case, a terminal 16-2 is assigned thereto) and authority in time of authentication success from an association data table 30 when succeeding in authentication. - 特許庁


When the radio authentication fails, the personal data stored in a personal data memory 30 of the portable terminal unit 26 are deleted, thus preventing the personal data from flowing out and leaking. - 特許庁


The polishing composition contains: abrasive particles such as colloidal silica; salt of vanadic acid such as sodium vanadate, potassium vanadate and ammonium vanadate; hydrogen peroxide; and water-soluble polymer. - 特許庁


This cosmetic for the eyelashes is obtained by formulating 0.0001-0.01 wt.% of photosensitizer 301, 0.001-0.5 wt.% of pantothenyl ethyl ether and 0.001-10.0 wt.% of an extract of ginseng to a viscous base ingredient obtained from a water-soluble polymer. - 特許庁


To provide a stable carvedilol-containing solid preparation which is a β-blocker even in long term preservation and preservation under severe conditions and has effects on patients suffering from chronic heart failure based on essential hypertension, renal parenchymal hypertension, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease or extension type cardiomyopathy. - 特許庁


To provide an inkjet image forming method, by which the high maximum density is obtained, in which pure black tinged with neither red nor blue can be reproduced, which is excellent in resistance to fingerprint adhesion, lustrous properties, gloss difference, resistance to bronzing and scratch resistance and during the high speed printing of which the deterioration of image quality is small. - 特許庁


This electrical insulating oil uses as its base oil a purified mineral oil which has a resin content of100 ppm and further preferably has a sulfide type sulfur content of 50 to 1,000 ppm and a total nitrogen content of ≤1 ppm. - 特許庁


The laser irradiation process is that on a joining surface 458 of the sensor housing 40 produced in the sensor housing producing process, the outer periphery plane 501 of the seal diaphragm 50 is abutted and irradiated with the laser. - 特許庁


There is provided a recovery method of a histidine-containing peptide, wherein the method comprises mixing an aqueous solution with a water-soluble polymer which aqueous solution contains a histidine-containing peptide together with a salt and which water-soluble polymer carries a first row transition metal ion, and being applied to ultrafiltration to isolate the histidine-containing peptide carried on the water-soluble polymer as a filtration residue. - 特許庁


To reconstruct and calibrate an imaging system 100 having a detector element array 160 arranged with respect to a reference position and having an energy source 110 moving in a pattern to irradiate the array, on the basis of a multi-pin phantom. - 特許庁


An authentication server 120 includes a personal identification means 421 for transferring a request to a registration/disclosure server 100 only when authentication is successful in response to a request from a client 430. - 特許庁


In the structure of adjusting the damping force of the hydraulic shock absorber 10, an outer periphery of a flat spring 71 of a partitioning body 70 demarcating and forming a back-pressure chamber 63 is supported on a spring supporting surface 68A of a valve housing 61 by a supporting spring 72. - 特許庁


To provide PtTi and PtTiIr high temperature shape memory alloys exhibiting shape memory effect and pseudoelastic effect at high temperature and applicable to high temperature apparatuses such as a chemical plant and an engine in the temperature range of 1,000 to 1,200°C. - 特許庁


The individual authentication and alcohol detection are simultaneously carried out to the fingers 101 of the driver operating the start switch 5, and the engine of the vehicle is started only when the individual authentication is succeeded and alcohol is not detected. - 特許庁


To provide a front body structure of a vehicle capable of improving supporting rigidity of a sub-frame to a car body while successfully combining layouts of a front frame and an engine room and enhancing rigidity of the sub-frame in front-rear and left-right directions. - 特許庁


Because of this constitution, it is difficult for the wrong third person to succeed in being identified though he acquires one peculiar biometrics information of the registered user and succeeds in copying it, and high security management in personal identification processing is possible. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing an optically active 4-hydroxy-3- methoxypyrrolidine which is a synthetic intermediate of a quinuclidine derivative useful as a squalene synthetase inhibitor. - 特許庁


This medicine composition contains a hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthetase (H-PGDS) inhibitor or a prostaglandin D receptor antagonist as an active ingredient. - 特許庁


These compounds are 6-phenyl-pyridin-2-ylamine derivatives that exhibit activity as nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors, including for example 6-[2-(N-phenethylamino)-5-(phenyl-cyclohexyl)methyl-phenyl]pyridin-2-ylamine. - 特許庁


The immortalized renal macula densa cell is isolated by introducing a vector including an nNOS (neural-type NO synthetase) promoter and a reporter gene to a renal cell obtained from a transgenic animal to which an SV40LT antigen gene is induced. - 特許庁


The thermosetting resin composition consists of (a) a compound having a dihydrobenzoxazine ring, (b) a compound which exhibits reactivity with a phenolic hydroxyl group formed through the ring opening of the dihydrobenzoxazine ring, and (c) a latent curing agent. - 特許庁


When the recording medium 3 is brought in, the user is authenticated and when the authentication is successful, the image data A' and management number A' are obtained from the recording medium 3. - 特許庁


A mirror housing 3 is provided with a highly rigid structure 302 and an electric storing unit 5 or/and a power unit 6 directly fitted thereto. - 特許庁


Possibly the checks they had devised for the increase of population had succeeded too well, and their numbers had rather diminished than kept stationary.  - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』


To provide a web contents disclosing system, a system and a method for registering web contents, with which preparation efficiency is satisfactory and the registration rank of a robot type retrieval engine can be surely improved. - 特許庁


By setting start initial time expected compensation term QIPAS at initial time of start of the internal combustion engine (S610 to S640), expected compensation corresponding to friction existent at initial time of start of the engine for amount of fuel injection is performed. - 特許庁


An information processing apparatus 100 provides one or more services to an information terminal 200 in response to providing one or more specific items among a plurality of attribute items, corresponding to personal information of a user of the services. - 特許庁


By setting an initial start prospective correction term QIPAS at the initial start of the internal combustion engine (S610-S640), prospective correction corresponding to friction existing in the initial start of the engine is executed for a fuel injection amount. - 特許庁


The sensor housing producing process is that the sensor housing 40 has a seating part 401 for joining an outer periphery plane 501 of the seal diaphragm 50, and on the seating part 401 a metal layer 402 of different material from the seating part 401 is provided for forming a joining surface 458. - 特許庁


The artificial dura mater having a multilayer structure comprising the biodegradable and absorbable synthetic polymer is provided with an outermost layer which comprises a lactide/ε-caprolactone copolymer and whose fusion enthalpy originating in crystal is 1 to 10 J/g, and is also provided with a reinforcing layer comprising a fibrous structure composed of the biodegradable and absorbable high polymer. - 特許庁


In a user utilization terminal 20, when the personal identification based on input of the biological information using a personal identification device 21 is not successful, a personal identification support device 10 replies an appropriate advice on the basis of input biological information when having failed in the personal identification. - 特許庁

一 姿勢方位基準装置(ジンバル方式のものを除く。)、慣性航法装置その他の慣性装置を使用するためのプログラム(ソースコードのものに限る。)又はそのプログラムの設計に必要な技術(プログラムを除く。)例文帳に追加

(i) Programs for using an attitude direction reference system (excluding those using the gimbal method), inertial navigation systems, and other inertial systems (limited to those with source code) or technology (excluding programs) necessary for the design of those programs  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


According to "Hekizan Mokuroku," although, Masatsuna YAMANOUCHI fought against the allied forces, he eventually set the castle alight and withdrew, and the 23 military commanders, who once belonged to the side of Takayori ROKKAKU, switched allegiance to the allied forces of the Rokkaku and the Kyogoku clans.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Russia also succeeded in leasing Lushun area and Dalian City, both southern parts of Liaodong Peninsula in 1898 by signing the Russia-Qing secret agreement in 1896 by giving a bribe of 500 thousands rubles to then-Chinese prime minister, Li Hongzhang, and 250 thousands rubles to then-deputy prime minister, Zhang Yinhuan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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