
「定量的手段」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 定量的手段に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 120



This focal angle and distance display device of an iris recognizing system is provided with a distance measuring means for measuring a distance between an iris recognizing camera and the user and an instructing means for quantitatively instructing a backward and forward distance in which a user should move and directions in which the user should move right and left, back and forth according to the distance measured by the distance measuring means. - 特許庁


When the curl direction of the sheet is a predetermined direction and the cur amount is larger than a predetermined amount, the control means controls the sheets so that the handled sheets are selectively conveyed to a curl straightening means 8 disposed on a conveying path 6 for conveying the handled sheets to the sheet loading means 23 and 24 for straightening the curl in the predetermined direction of the sheets. - 特許庁


The device for assisting the low noise flight is provided with a means for presuming noise generated by the own machine; a means for calculating that the noise emitted by the own machine is transmitted to respective areas on ground at any level; and a means for quantitatively displaying the calculation result on a map by using flight data such as the flight speed of the own machine, an ascending/descending ratio and engine power. - 特許庁

液体サンプルを検定するための装置であって、その中の液体流のために適合された実質に均一の断面寸法の中空の光透過性導管手段;および 導管手段の一部の内側から放射する電磁線を定量するように、導管に対して適切に配置された定量性検出システムとを、組み合わせて含む上記装置。例文帳に追加

This assay system is a device for assaying a liquid sample, and includes a hollow light transmitting guide tube means of substantially uniform cross-sectional dimension fit to a liquid flow, and a quantitativeness detection system arranged exactly in the guide tube to determine quantitatively an electromagnetic wave emitted from an inside of one part in the guide tube means, while combining those. - 特許庁


液体サンプルを検定するための装置であって、 その中の液体流のために適合された実質に均一の断面寸法の中空の光透過性導管手段;および 導管手段の一部の内側から放射する電磁線を定量するように、導管に対して適切に配置された定量性検出システムとを、組み合わせて含む上記装置。例文帳に追加

An apparatus for testing a liquid sample is combined with a quantitative detection system, disposed properly in a conduit so as to determine the quantity of electromagnetic rays internally radiated from a hollow translucent conduit means suitable for a liquid flow in the apparatus and having a substantially uniform cross section dimension and a part of the conduit means. - 特許庁



As a result, the fixed volume of the hot water may be discharged. - 特許庁

液体サンプルを検定するための装置であって、 その中の液体流のために適合された実質に均一の断面寸法の中空の光透過性導管手段;および 導管手段の一部の内側から放射する電磁線を定量するように、導管に対して適切に配置された定量性検出システムとを、組み合わせて含む上記装置。例文帳に追加

An apparatus 20 for examining a liquid sample includes a hollow light transmitting conduit means, having essentially uniform sectional dimensions that are adapted for a liquid flow in it, and a quantitative detection system arranged appropriately to a conduit so that the electromagnetic radiation, radiated from the inside of one portion of the conduit means, can be determined in combination. - 特許庁


To provide a support means for a diagnosis by quantitatively measuring the presence of cardiac abnormality of a subject and its factor (the cause of a disease) from the measured data of magnetic field intensity in a plurality of measuring positions. - 特許庁


To provide an oxide recognition method and an oxide recognizing device in arc welding, with which oxide presence state caused in a molten pool or on a droplet during an arc welding can be quantitatively recognized using an image processing means. - 特許庁



A correlativity evaluation means 6 quantitatively evaluates an arrangement situation of the characteristic element according to the category in each the confidential information category that is the candidate, and decides the confidential information category into which the partial area is classified. - 特許庁



To provide a multi-joint manipulator of wire drive type capable of controlling quantitatively the axis rotational motion and folding turning motion of each coupling part of joints independently of each other using driving means corresponding to different coupling parts. - 特許庁


An information selection display means 37 displays the evaluation degree of the experience information provider on a display part 11 quantitatively as a graph together with the experience information of sentences from the experience information provider. - 特許庁


To provide a means adjusting quantitatively hazardous material detecting sensitivity (rate of respiratory inhibition) of the biosensor, by judging the activity of the biofilm of the biosensor during the operation of biosensor. - 特許庁


To provide a means for quantitatively outputting the influence of resources in use on services while considering not only service importance but also system status. - 特許庁


Synthetic inspection of a manifestation quantity by quantification of each mRNA manifestation level by using MUC1 and keratin19 in the marrow of a breast cancer patient as risk markers is a leading means for predicting primary relapse of the breast cancer. - 特許庁


To provide a water pistol toy with a water supply means for reliably supplying a fixed amount of water from a storage chamber into a shooting chamber. - 特許庁


To provide a device for performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of chemical components or physical properties, at a proximity of a distance of several mm or shorter from the surface by using a relatively normal light source, a normal light-receiving element, and a simple condensing means. - 特許庁


To provide a method for separating arsenic compounds with respect to their chemical forms, capable of determining a fine concentration of the arsenic compound and adopting an elementally specific device such as an induction-coupled plasma analyzer, etc., as a detecting means. - 特許庁


To provide a coating method for stably and accurately supplying a constant amount of a liquid of which a very small amount is to be applied without causing differences among respective parts, regarding a coating method with high precision of an application position based on a stage precision. - 特許庁


To provide a powder supply device enabling a stirring means for powder stored in a storing tank to surely perform quantitative supply of powder to effectively fill a metering chamber of a rotary table with powder. - 特許庁


To provide a toy water gun surely supplying a certain amount of water to a shooting chamber by providing a water supply means supplying the water in a storage chamber to the shooting chamber. - 特許庁


To provide a water pistol with a water supply means for reliably supplying a fixed amount of water from a storage chamber into a shooting chamber. - 特許庁


The rubbing cloth, cut out into a state for the production, is mounted on a vibrating means, and the rubbing cloth is directly and quantitatively evaluated from the moving speed and the speed dispersion of a thin disk disposed on the vibrated rubbing cloth. - 特許庁


To provide a sealed bag so designed as to be sealedly fed with contents such as bean jam or custard cream in a sterile condition and directly squeeze out the contents each at a specified amount onto a confectionery dough or the like by a mechanical means as well. - 特許庁


The control means operates the door opening and closing mechanism in the direction of closing when the door in an opened condition is moved by predetermined amount by manual operation to close the door automatically. - 特許庁


A pinhole 27 is bored in a joining part of the supply board and a forced discharge part 6 by covering under surfaces of the supply board and the forced discharge part. - 特許庁


The liquid filling machine is equipped with a transfer conveyor 6 for transferring intermittently a number of closed-end cylindrical containers C, and a filling apparatus 4 having the primary filling means to n-th filling means 41 (n is an integer of two or more) for successively filling respectively a specified amount of the liquid to a required closed-end cylindrical containers C transferred by the transfer conveyor 6. - 特許庁


In the printer 1 for processing data externally inputted or data stored in the inside, an impact detecting means 14 for detecting physical impact applied to a device main body 3 is provided, and when the physical impact the quantity of which is equal to or above a regulated value is detected by the detection signal of the means during printing by a printing mechanism 4 the influence on the printing quality is corrected. - 特許庁


To provide a fuel gas producing/supplying device capable of making a chemical reaction rate constant while reducing the size and weight usable for a portable application when continuously and stably producing and supplying a certain quantity of fuel gas to a fuel supply means for a small fuel cell including a portable one by a chemical reaction means. - 特許庁


In a toilet device unitedly provided with a stool washing device washing a stool by an automatic valve discharging a specified volume of water and automatically shutting the valve, a manually operating means opening the manually automatic shutting valve is provided. - 特許庁


A masking amount estimate means 16 estimates a masking amount on the basis of an analysis result of a surrounding noise when listening again (at reproduction) by a 2nd voice analysis processing means 15 and of an analysis result of a voice signal read from the voice recording medium 12 to realize this adaptive signal processing by properly changing contents and a degree of the processing so as to compensate the masking estimate amount. - 特許庁


To provide a haptene compound for preparing an antibody having high sensitivity and selectivity for fipronyl, to provide an antibody for the fipronyl, to provide an immunological measuring means of the fipronyl, using the antibody, highly sensitive and excellent in quantitativity, to provide a measuring kit and to provide an immunological measuring method. - 特許庁


To provide a means to accurately detect and remove defective goods as well as to speed up an adjusting work of a rolling pressure by quantitatively measuring the rolling pressure and visualizing its fluctuations in a forming of rolling machine. - 特許庁


The nationwide combination means 1, using online data and record data, on the basis of the rainfall observed by each radar rain gauge and ground rainfall, calculates a rainfall value of which the quantitative accuracy is improved as nationwide continuous rainfall in units of 1 km meshes and creates and displays a rainfall distribution image. - 特許庁


This apparatus is provided with a target which holds a fixed quantity of gas internally at the start of a game and is deformed under a pressure to discharge the gas at an exhaust port according to the degree of the deformation and a detection means for measuring the quantity of the gas flowing out of the exhaust port of the target. - 特許庁


The method of adding a defoaming agent to a liquid L capable of generating foam formation includes a process of quantitatively detecting the level of the foam formation on the liquid level of the liquid L by using a non-contact type detection means 40 located away from the liquid level, and adjusting the addition amount of the defoaming agent based on the level of the foam formation quantitatively detected. - 特許庁


A sealing sponge having an ink cartridge 47 is used for the marking means 46, and a specific quantity of ink is supplied to the sealing sponge from the ink cartridge 47, and marking work can be continuously performed on a plurality of bolt head parts 9. - 特許庁


An optical device capable of quantitatively detecting a tilt angle of a screen surface to a projection optical axis of a projector has a tilt angle display means, and presents the tilt angle to a user when necessary in the case that keystone distortion is corrected, or the like. - 特許庁


To provide a means for quantitatively grasping the positioning accuracy when the test place of a recording medium is moved from a head to a probe in the recording medium test equipment provided with the head for reading the recorded information of the recording medium and the probe for reading the recorded pattern. - 特許庁


A cross section of a thin film layer of which the dimensions are previously known is processed into a mirror finished surface, image data of a scanning electron microscope image is obtained, and thereafter the performance evaluation of the scanning electron microscope is stably and quantitatively executed by using a means such as a frequency analysis or the like. - 特許庁


The teat cup 1 for milking the animal such as the milk cow has the foremilk reservoir 2 for storing the certain quality of the foremilk substantially obtained at the initial time of the milking step, and the foremilk reservoir 2 has the inlet 3 of the foremilk and the outlet 4 having the closing means 5. - 特許庁


The printer includes a damper that is provided near a paper roll storage unit 9, bridges a long paper 22 and elastically biased to form a deflection on the long paper, and a holding unit 9a that holds the paper roll at a predetermined position when the long paper is fed from the paper roll 8 and becomes a predetermined weight or lighter. - 特許庁


To provide an image forming device capable of reducing the downtime of a device by finding out the trouble of a detection means detecting the existence of the developer of specified amount or more in a developer storage part or developer clogging at a connection part between the developer storage part and a developer replenishing container in an early stage. - 特許庁


To prevent the generation of nonconforming articles by applying the specified amount of resin based on information from a monitor by providing a semiconductor package having a means which can monitor the amount of the resin applied in a cavity. - 特許庁


To provide a multi-probe capable of being used in a three-dimensional imaging means for physical phenomenon and chemical phenomenon, and to provide a multi-sensor for quantifying physical phenomenon or chemical phenomenon and having high measuring accuracy and superior response. - 特許庁


To provide a paper sheet measuring device and an image forming device capable of making measurement over a wide range applicable even to measurements involving large dispersion when the measurements relating to the carrying characteristic of an object to be measured on a carry path are evaluated quantitatively using an optical means. - 特許庁


To provide a structure optimization support system capable of quantitatively evaluating the stochastic characteristics of a structure response affected by the dispersion of a structure parameter with a sensitivity coefficient by finding the sensitivity coefficient while using finite element sensitivity analysis, and displaying the sensitivity coefficient on an effective means, with which a designer can easily judge a design guideline. - 特許庁


The pressure of a blower used for the pneumatic transportation is time-integrated to control the amount of powder and grains transported based on the integrated value. - 特許庁


The organic matter fuel device for grinding the coal 212 and the biomass 11 comprises a coal supplying device 100 comprising a grinding mill 214 for grinding the coal 212, a coal supply pipe 144 for supplying the coal 212 to the grinding mill 214 and a coal banker 100a; and a biomass quantitative supplying means 12 for quantitatively supplying the biomass to the supply pipe 144 for supplying the coal 212. - 特許庁



To obtain a hapten compound which is used for preparing an antibody against nitenpyram in high sensitivity and in high selectivity and an antibody against nitenpyram and to provide an immunological assay means of nitenpyram that uses the antibody and has high sensitivity and excellent quantitativeness, an assay kit and an immunological assay method. - 特許庁


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