
「支払渡し」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 66



a way of delivering goods with a documentary bill to ensure the consignee pays, called "documents against payment"  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a certificate for the recovery of goods  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Payment of recycling fee, delivering end-of-life vehicles to ELV-collecting businesses that are registered with local authorities  - 経済産業省


"Jisshitsu tsuki-gawari akinai" means that both the transfer of stock certificates and the payment of the purchase fee occur in the following month. - Weblio英語基本例文集



To smoothly perform payment of the price to a seller and delivery of a transaction object to a purchaser in an online electronic commercial transaction. - 特許庁



The server computer 7 carries out the mediation processing (card transfer, charge payment processing ) of card trading. - 特許庁


After information indicating that the price is payable is sent to the seller's terminal 4, information indicating that the commodity has been delivered to the purchaser is obtained from the seller's terminal 4. - 特許庁


The payment of the price is mediated by a first store 105, the delivery of the article is mediated by a second store 106, and the issued delivery document is used as it is in the delivery mediation of the article. - 特許庁


6. Where, by reason of a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial owner of the royalties, or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the royalties, having regard to what they are paid or credited for, exceeds the amount which might have been expected to have been agreed upon by the payer and the beneficial owner in the absence of such relationship, the provisions of this Article shall apply only to the last-mentioned amount.  - 財務省


第三十三条 仮処分命令に基づき、債権者が物の引渡し若しくは明渡し若しくは金銭の支払を受け、又は物の使用若しくは保管をしているときは、裁判所は、債務者の申立てにより、前条第一項の規定により仮処分命令を取り消す決定において、債権者に対し、債務者が引き渡し、若しくは明け渡した物の返還、債務者が支払った金銭の返還又は債権者が使用若しくは保管をしている物の返還を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 33 Where an obligee has, based on an order of provisional disposition, received the delivery or surrender of an object or received payment of money, or used or retained an object, a court may, upon the petition of the obligor, order the obligee to return the object delivered or surrendered by the obligor, return the money paid by the obligor or return the object used or retained by the obligee, in an order to revoke the order of provisional disposition under the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered  - 日本語WordNet

3 前項に規定する場合において、清算中の金融商品会員制法人が既に債権者に支払い、又は権利の帰属すべき者に引き渡したものがあるときは、破産管財人は、これを取り戻すことができる。例文帳に追加

(3) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if a Financial Instruments Membership Corporation in liquidation has already paid any money to the creditors, or has delivered any asset to the person with vested rights, the bankruptcy trustee may retrieve such money or asset.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 前項に規定する場合において、清算中の職業訓練法人が既に債権者に支払い、又は権利の帰属すべき者に引き渡したものがあるときは、破産管財人は、これを取り戻すことができる。例文帳に追加

(3) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if there are any assets that the vocational training corporation under the liquidation procedure has already paid to the creditors or has delivered to the persons with vested rights, the bankruptcy trustee may retrieve such assets.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 商品の購入については、その購入先、数量、金額、代金の支払の時期及び方法並びに当該商品の引渡しの時期及び方法例文帳に追加

(a) With regard to purchase of the Goods, the supplier, the quantity, and the purchase amount of the Goods, the time and method of payment of the amount, and the time and method of delivery of the Goods  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 商品(施設を利用し及び役務の提供を受ける権利を除く。)の購入については、その購入先、数量、金額、代金の支払の時期及び方法並びに当該商品の引渡しの時期及び方法例文帳に追加

(a) With regard to purchase of the Goods (excluding rights to use a facility or to receive offer of services), the supplier, the quantity, and the purchase amount of the Goods, the time and method of payment of the amount, and the time and method of delivery of the Goods - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


However, Gengobe takes the half of his short sword's wari-kogai (a metallic spatula set in the shell of a sword, originally used as a comb) carved with a lot of monkeys, and hands it to Hachiemon for the rent, and he leaves with Sangoro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that the Tsushima Domain did not use this name in the trade and used another name 'Tokuchugin' (the silver coin minted for special purposes) to avoid misunderstanding for Genrokugin by Korean side; that is, the Tsushima Domain did not want the Korean side to think that payments up to that point was intentionally made by using low quality silver coins.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With regard to stock lending transactions, no mechanism exists for Delivery-versus-Payment (DVP) settlement (where the delivery of securities and the payment of funds are performed simultaneously), and settlement risk is not being reduced.  - 金融庁


In such case, the excess part of the payments or credits shall remain taxable according to the law of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions of this Convention.  - 財務省


To provide for on-line electronic commerce an environment wherein a buyer can smoothly receives an object and pays to the seller and the seller can advantageously sells the object. - 特許庁


To provide a comprehensive support service system for purchasing a house built for sale that quantitatively manages a sequential process of tract house purchase from the purchase of land to the delivery of a building to the completion of the payment of a home loan. - 特許庁


The total amounts of the purchased merchandise are displayed on the aggregation picture, and 'cash' and a 'credit card' as selection for payment and 'take out' and 'delivery' as selection for handing-over are displayed. - 特許庁


To provide a commodity sales data processor which can be installed in a space-saving manner without making a counterpart, who hands paper money to an operator for payment and money exchanging, realize that the paper money is discriminated whether to be counterfeit or not. - 特許庁


If such contract is deemed to never have been formed, the buyer may claim for the return of the amount already paid and the seller may claim for the return of the products delivered.  - 経済産業省


(Example) At a store, a consumer purchased a program and took possession of it. However, since the store did not provide the consumer with any information about the operating system required to run the program, the consumer was unable to use it.  - 経済産業省


The employee may also claim a variation of remuneration where the invention has been transferred by the employer to a third party, if the proceeds obtained by the employer through such transfer are manifestly disproportionate to the remuneration paid by the employer or if the employer continues to participate in the exploitation of the invention and obtains a return manifestly disproportionate to the remuneration paid to the employee.  - 特許庁


Where, however, the person paying royalties, whether such person is a resident of a Contracting State or not, has in a Contracting State or a state other than the Contracting States a permanent establishment in connection with which the liability to pay or credit the royalties was incurred, and such royalties are borne by such permanent establishment, then: a) if the permanent establishment is situated in a Contracting State, such royalties shall be deemed to arise in that Contracting State;  - 財務省

2 回路配置利用権者又は専用利用権者は、善意者が模倣の事実を知つた後に業としてその半導体集積回路を譲渡し、貸し渡し、譲渡若しくは貸渡しのために展示し、又は輸入する場合には、その者に対し、その登録回路配置の利用に対し通常受けるべき金銭の額に相当する額の金銭の支払を請求することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) A holder of a layout-design exploitation right or a holder of an exclusive exploitation right may, when a person in good faith has performed any act of transferring, leasing, displaying for the purpose of transfer or leasing, or importing the semiconductor integrated circuits in the course of trade after having become aware of the fact of imitation, claim against such person for the payment of money in an amount equivalent to the amount he/she normally gains through the exploitation of the registered layout-design.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) 取引委託者の計算による商品市場における取引に係る商品取引所又は商品取引清算機関への取引差損金又は受渡し決済代金の支払いを行うために信託契約の解除又は一部の解除を行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

4. in the case where there is an intention to cancel the whole or a portion of the Trust Contract in order to pay for a transaction loss or a transaction settlement to a Commodity Exchange or a Commodity Clearing Organization pertaining to transactions on a Commodity Market on a Transaction Customer's account;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) 委託者の計算による商品市場における取引に係る商品取引所又は商品取引清算機関への取引差損金又は受渡し決済代金の支払いを行うために預託財産の払出しを行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

4. in the case where there is an intention to withdraw the Deposited Property in order to pay for a transaction loss or a transaction settlement to a Commodity Exchange or a Commodity Clearing Organization pertaining to transactions on a Commodity Market on a customer's account;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 商品又は権利の再販売については、購入する商品又は権利の価格、代金の支払の時期及び方法、商品又は権利の引渡し又は移転の時期及び方法その他商品又は権利の再販売について条件のあるときは、その内容例文帳に追加

(a) With regard to resale of the Goods or the rights, the price of the Goods or the rights to be purchased, the time and method of payment of the charge, the time and method of delivery of the Goods or transfer of the rights, and where there are any other conditions of resale of the Goods or the rights, the details of such conditions  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 善意者が回路配置利用権者又は専用利用権者に対し前項に規定する支払をしたときは、その半導体集積回路は、当該回路配置利用権者又は専用利用権者が譲渡したものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(3) When the payment has been made by a person in good faith to the holder of a layout-design exploitation right or the holder of an exclusive exploitation right as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the semiconductor integrated circuits shall be deemed to have been transferred by said holder of a layout-design exploitation right or holder of an exclusive exploitation right.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Each may, in particular, separately from the others, be enforced, licensed, be the subject of a right in rem, a levy of execution or insolvency proceedings, be surrendered, renewed or assigned, be the subject of deferred publication or be declared invalid.  - 特許庁


A trademark owner 1 who wants to lease a trademark assigns the trademark to a trademark lease trader 2 via a lease broker 3 (arrows a, b), and the trader 2 pays assignment charge to the trademark owner 1 via the broker 3 (arrows c, d). - 特許庁


To prevent robbery of an encashment place and a customer, a mistake in handing over cash of an employee of the encashment place and cash disbursement to a fraudulent special prize by carrying out encashment not requiring cash in the encashment place. - 特許庁


To provide a lost medium handling system and a reward payment method enabling recovery of a lost medium without the assistance of a person and a safe payment of a reward; and an automatic transaction processor for realizing the same. - 特許庁


When the delivery agent 7 delivers the product to the buyer 3 and receives a charge, settlement is requested to the mail-order seller 6 with using the portable phone of the buyer 3 and a portable phone of the delivery agent 7 to have a settlement center 8 settle the account appropriately. - 特許庁


To provide a method for simultaneously settling housing contract construction results for previously preventing any problem to be generated when a contractor bankrupts before transfer in making a housing contract construction agreement by executing the transition of proprietary at the time of paying money by results. - 特許庁


The information management system 10 makes reference to the stock commodity information of selected commodities and the location information of the affiliated shops, calculates the commodity transportation costs from the affiliated shops having the commodities to a selected affiliated shop, and generates and presents the delivery information including the payment estimated amounts for purchasing the commodity. - 特許庁


A money collection substitute person (delivery person) visits the buyer after confirming the destination by a portable terminal unit 5, prints a receipt for consideration, delivers the receipt to the buyer in response to payment of consideration by the buyer, and sends an amount of money obtained by deducting a fee from an amount of collected money to the seller 1. - 特許庁

②売買契約を取り消せる場合前述のように、売買契約が成立し、売主がその商品の引渡し義務を負い、買 主が代金支払い義務を負うのは、売ります-買います、という意思表示が合致している(重要な点に食い違いがない)場合である。例文帳に追加

(ii) Cases in which a sales contract may be rescind As described above, a sales contract under which a seller is responsible to deliver the subject product and a buyer is responsible to pay the charged amount is formed when the intentions of the parties "to sell" or to "buy" match each other (and no discrepancy is found in material aspects).  - 経済産業省


If the contract is terminated, each party is responsible to return the other party to its pre-contract state; the party who received goods must return them and the who received payment for the goods must repay the paid amount.  - 経済産業省


It is possible that a user may purchase packaged software from a store but cannot actually use it because he was not been provided with information about the required operating environment.  - 経済産業省

(4) 取引委託者の計算による商品市場における取引に係る商品取引所又は商品 取引清算機関への取引差損金又は受渡し決済代金の支払いを行うために信託契 約の解除又は一部の解除を行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

4. in the case where there is an intention to cancel the whole or a portion of the Trust Contract in order to pay for a transaction loss or a transaction settlement to a Commodity Exchange or a Commodity Clearing Organization pertaining to transactions on a Commodity Market on a Transaction Customer’s account;  - 経済産業省

(4) 委託者の計算による商品市場における取引に係る商品取引所又は商品取引 清算機関への取引差損金又は受渡し決済代金の支払いを行うために預託財産の 払出しを行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

4. in the case where there is an intention to withdraw the Deposited Property in order to pay for a transaction loss or a transaction settlement to a Commodity Exchange or a Commodity Clearing Organization pertaining to transactions on a Commodity Market on a customer’s account;  - 経済産業省

第三百七十五条 裁判所は、請求を認容する判決をする場合において、被告の資力その他の事情を考慮して特に必要があると認めるときは、判決の言渡しの日から三年を超えない範囲内において、認容する請求に係る金銭の支払について、その時期の定め若しくは分割払の定めをし、又はこれと併せて、その時期の定めに従い支払をしたとき、若しくはその分割払の定めによる期限の利益を次項の規定による定めにより失うことなく支払をしたときは訴え提起後の遅延損害金の支払義務を免除する旨の定めをすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 375 (1) Where the court makes a judgment to uphold a claim, when it finds it particularly necessary while taking into consideration the defendant's financial resources and any other circumstances concerned, it may stipulate in the judgment a provision concerning the period for payment of money pertaining to the claim that it upholds or provision authorizing installment payment with regard to such payment of money, both of which shall be within three years from the date of rendition of the judgment, or simultaneously stipulate a provision to the effect that if the defendant has made a payment pursuant to the provision concerning the period or has made a payment without losing, pursuant to the provision of the following paragraph, the benefit of time under the provision authorizing installment payment, he/she shall be exempted from the obligation to pay any delay damages accrued after the filing of the action.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Where a license fee is payable annually, the new licensor may receive license fees for the next year on if either (i) an assignment agreement is concluded between the three parties; (2) the former licensor notifies the user (licensee) that the right to receive license fees has been assigned to the new licensor; or (iii) the user (licensee) notifies the former licensor or the new licensor that he consents to the assignment of the right to receive license fees (Paragraph 1, Article 467 of the Civil Code).  - 経済産業省

第六十三条 売主が売買の目的である物品を買主に発送した場合において、買主がまだ代金の全額を弁済せず、かつ、到達地でその物品を受け取らない間に買主について破産手続開始の決定があったときは、売主は、その物品を取り戻すことができる。ただし、破産管財人が代金の全額を支払ってその物品の引渡しを請求することを妨げない。例文帳に追加

Article 63 (1) Where the seller has dispatched the goods that are the subject matter of sale to the buyer, if an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings is made against the buyer while the buyer has not yet paid the price in full and not yet received the goods at the destination, the seller may segregate the goods; provided, however, that this shall not preclude a bankruptcy trustee from requesting the delivery thereto of the goods by paying the price in full.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 著作権を目的とする質権は、当該著作権の譲渡又は当該著作権に係る著作物の利用につき著作権者が受けるべき金銭その他の物(出版権の設定の対価を含む。)に対しても、行なうことができる。ただし、これらの支払又は引渡し前に、これらを受ける権利を差し押えることを必要とする。例文帳に追加

(2) A pledge on a copyright may also be exercised on the money or any other thing to be received by the copyright holder in connection with the transfer of said copyright or the exploitation of the work which is the subject of the copyright (including any consideration for establishment of a right of publication); provided, however, that before payment or delivery [of the money or other thing], the right to receive the same has been attached.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Mediation attempts were made through discussions among the university, Kyoto Prefecture and the local people concerned, and they were reconciled in April 1923 according to the following conditions that modified some portions of the original contract details: The land-owning-person-side right of acquiring profit from cutting woods there should be transferred to the university side, and the person with the right to use the land should pay the land-owning person 220,000 yen that amounted to the accumulation of interests for land rent over 39 years, to compensate for the transfer of the right.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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