
「材料線の高さ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 材料線の高さに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 892



This Shoji paper having20 ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) is provided by selecting a substance increasing ultraviolet blocking function (ultraviolet blocking agent) and applying the substance to a paper material having 30-100 g/m^2 unit weight, 40-75% opacity and ≥70% whiteness. - 特許庁


To provide a separating method and device of cathode-ray tubes which are capable of improving salvaged quality and increasing recycled rates of glass materials obtained by separating cathode-ray tubes, as well as shortening working time and improving productivity, when a cathode-ray tube is separated into its panel portion and funneled portion. - 特許庁


An area other than the crystal grain of a measuring object is coated thinly with an amorphous liquid material, an amorphous powder of high X-ray absorptivity is further applied thereto to be fixed, and only the crystal information about a specified crystal is thereby acquired by X-ray diffraction. - 特許庁


A transmission line 1 is provided with low and high dielectric constant parts 11 and 12 as first and second dielectrics for forming a three- dimensional cyclic structure with a prescribed cutoff frequency band and, as main components a waveguide area 12 which does not have the prescribed cutoff frequency band. - 特許庁



To provide a structural composite material produced from a matrix material composed of a DMAc (dimethylacetamide) solution comprising cellulose dissolved therein and a reinforcing material composed of cellulose fibers and having high tensile strength, high storage modulus at high temperatures and a low coefficient of linear thermal expansion. - 特許庁



In the substrate for suspension having an interleaved wiring structure, a gap between interleaved differential wirings is filled with high-relative-permittivity dielectrics which includes polyimide resin or the like containing barium titanate as a ferroelectric material. - 特許庁


A X-ray sensitized substrate having a high sensitivity is manufactured by using a fluorescent material containing a silica ball containing a fluorescent coloring matter molecule (a), a water-soluble cationic polymer or a water-soluble hydroxyl group containing polymer (b) and an X-ray phosphor or a silica ball containing an X-ray phosphor (c). - 特許庁


To provide a titanium nitride-removing liquid and the like by which a titanium nitride coating film formed on a semiconductor multilayer laminate is removed without corroding a layer used for wiring and formed of copper or a layer of an insulating film formed of a high-dielectric-constant material and a low-dielectric-constant material with respect to the semiconductor multilayer laminate. - 特許庁


To break a material through the whole thickness while keeping high positional accuracy and a clean state free from generation of cullet in a brittle material such as glass having on the surface layer a scribing line due to thermal stress induced by heating by irradiation with laser beam and cooling by spraying a cooling liquid. - 特許庁



To provide an electrode-wiring material which does not cause a heat defect such as a hillock and a void even when heated to a high temperature of 350°C or higher, has low electric resistance, is inexpensive, has high reliability, and is suitable for densifying an electron device, and to provide a sputtering target. - 特許庁



The catheter 10 includes: a main body 11 which has a tubular form having a lumen 15 extending in an axial line direction has flexibility, and is formed of a polymeric material; and a substantially cylindrical reinforcing layer 12 which is extended in the axial line direction along the main body 11 and integrally joined with the main body. - 特許庁


In this case, the transmission attenuation intensities of fast neutrons and continuous-energy spectrum X-rays are constituted in such a way as to be different from each other, and an n-X curve not related to the thickness of the object to be tested but only related to equal effective atomic numbers Z of the object to be tested. - 特許庁


Linear portion core bodies 8a, 8b of the linear portion 5a which are separated by each of gaps 7, and bent portion core bodies 9a, 9b to be positioned on the bent portion 5b are each fixed via gap members 10 each arranged on each of the gaps 7 and consisting of a high-elastic material. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive lithographic printing plate material which is available for a CTP system and has high sensitivity, with which development is enabled using water, in which print resistance is excellent even when an ultraviolet curing ink is used, in particular, and in which printability is improved by preventing net entanglement even when an ink with low tackiness is used. - 特許庁


The laminate is produced by forming a photo-alignment layer of a liquid crystalline material having a photosensitive group on a homeotropic alignment layer of a liquid crystalline material having a photosensitive group and with unfixed alignment, and then irradiating the layers with unpolarized UV rays so as to fix the alignment in both layers and to enhance adhesiveness on an interface between the layers. - 特許庁


To provide a connection material excellent in productivity which is excellent in the connection reliability of an electrode of a minute area, in which insulation between fine wires is high and which is a low resistance and which makes high connection reliability over a long period of time, in an electric connection of a fine pattern. - 特許庁


To provide an alkaline earth aluminate phosphor exhibiting a high light emission luminance under the irradiation with long-wavelength ultraviolet rays with wavelengths of 330-390 nm; and a light emitter with a high luminance and using the phosphor as a wavelength conversion material in a light-emitting part. - 特許庁


To ensure connection of coplanar line by eliminating the effect of a positional shift in wiring due to shrinkage at the time of firing a ceramic material or of positional shaft at the time of mounting a high frequency package on a circuit board even when reflow solder joint is employed. - 特許庁


To provide a heat developable image recording material having low fog, high sensitivity and high Dmax, excellent in contrast and development humidity dependence (that is, low humidity dependence of the line width of letters in development) and optimum for a photomechanical process as a heat developable image recording material for a photomechanical process and particularly for a scanner and an image setter. - 特許庁


When a plurality of element wires 22 respectively covered with insulators 24 are covered with an insulator 26 as a whole, each insulator 24 is formed with a material which permits extension in comparison with the insulator 26, and the insulator 26 is formed with a material with high heat resistance in comparison with the insulator 24. - 特許庁


A multicore superconducting wire rod has: a metal pipe; a plurality of superconducting filaments embedded in the metal pipe; and a high magnetic permeability material layer formed on the outer peripheral surface and/or inner peripheral surface of the metal pipe and having a relative magnetic permeability of 100 H/m or larger. - 特許庁


Thus, an amount of a conductive material such as solder of the second conductor connection part 22 is secured while reducing the transmission loss of the high frequency signals, and the decline of the connection reliability of the high frequency module 10 and a printed wiring board 30 is suppressed. - 特許庁


An electrode film 3a or 3b is electrically connected with metal foil 7, and the metal foil 7 is connected with a lead line 4a or 4b, so that the selectivity of the material constituting an oxygen pump element is made wide, and the connection positions of the lead lines 4a and 4b can be optionally decided. - 特許庁


To provide a composition for pattern formation having good sensitivity and tenting strength, excellent in adhesion to a substrate such as a substrate for printed wiring formation, also having good strippability from a support and good resolution, and enabling a high-definition pattern to be formed, and to provide a pattern forming material obtained by using the composition and a pattern forming method using the pattern forming material. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a printed wiring board in which a high accuracy transmission line suitable for a high speed signal and a high frequency circuit can be formed, by making uniform the distribution of resin and fibers of an insulation basic material in order to make uniform the dielectric constant of a dielectric layer, i.e., the compositional material of the printed wiring board, thereby stabilizing the characteristic impedance. - 特許庁


Since the surface coating layer remaining on the substrate has high lyophobic property and a portion where the coating is removed has relatively high lyophilic property, a composition containing a conductive material is selectively deposited in a portion where the coating is removed, and thereby a desired wiring pattern can be obtained. - 特許庁


To enhance a lower detection limit, to stabilize a reaction product, to dispense with a special facility for pretreatment, to allow quick reaction progress, and to enhance selectivity of reaction, in quantitative determination of an acidic functional group of a polymer material using an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. - 特許庁


By arbitrarily selecting shapes of the magnetic thin lines 12, 14, the film thickness, width, material, layer structure, shape and size of lattice, various magnetic characteristics can be obtained, so that a magnetic recording medium of high density and a magnetoresistive effect element of high sensitivity can be realized. - 特許庁


The pattern forming material is irradiated with radiant rays imagewise to form a hydrophilic/hydrophobic pattern, and then a conductive material layer is formed on the hydrophilic region of the hydrophilic pattern to obtain the conductive pattern material. - 特許庁


To provide a translucent electromagnetic wave shielding film that forms a thin line pattern of an electromagnetic wave shielding material exhibiting high EMI shieldability and high transparency simultaneously, and can be employed in inexpensive mass production of translucent electromagnetic wave shielding film. - 特許庁


To provide a method and an apparatus for improving linearity of a calibration curve in a high concentration range and improving quantitative analysis accuracy by suppressing influence of self-absorption under a stable discharge condition in quantitative analysis of a metal material by a spark discharge emission spectral analysis method. - 特許庁


To provide a resist material, of a chemically amplified type in particular, for use in lithography with a high-energy light source in particular, having a practically sufficient level of etching resistance, excellent in adhesion to a substrate and in affinity with the developing solution, much higher than conventional materials in sensitivity and in resolution performance, and swelling less during the developing process. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive element excellent in adhesion and resolution and useful to increase the density of a printed wiring board loaded with semiconductor chips such as BGA and CSP as a resist material used for etching, plating, etc., in the field of production of a printed wiring board. - 特許庁


To provide a wiring board having a highly precise and fine wiring pattern without deteriorating peeling strength by maintaining satisfactory inter-layer electric connection reliability by forming a plurality of types of different conductive materials like a layer in a through-hole. - 特許庁


The resist material applied on a substrate 10 so as to carry out microfabrication with light, electron beams or X-rays contains a liquid- crystalline polymer 11 which aligns in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the substrate 10 as the longitudinal direction in a resist film 12 in film formation on the substrate 10. - 特許庁


The glass fiber of the nonwoven fabric has nearly rectangular section and is arranged densely to form a very thin and high density nonwoven fabric, wherein the obtained nonwoven fabric has high glass fiber filling rate and improved surface smoothness and is preferably usable as a reinforcement of the printed circuit board. - 特許庁


To provide a wiring substrate attachment structure capable of stably obtaining electrically conduction from a pattern of a wiring substrate to a case body made of a high-polymer material in which a conductive member is exposed or adhered to an inner surface, and of suppressing manufacturing cost by a simple structure and being configured at low cost. - 特許庁


To provide a cellulose fiber composite material satisfactorily securing high strength, a high elastic modulus and a low linear expansion property by multiplexing the cellulose fiber and having low phase difference, a low haze value and high light transmittance and excellent optical characteristics such as optical isotropy and transparency. - 特許庁


To provide at low price, a high-temperature lead-free solder material which contains no lead, gold or the like, prevents deterioration with time resulting from oxidation or corrosion corresponding to high-temperature soldering needing a liquidus temperature of about 250 to 400°C, and has high reliability. - 特許庁


Further, the case portion 23 is formed with a material having high heat radiation efficiency, or cooling fin 25 is set up around the outer periphery wall for increasing heat radiation property, so as to protect the deterioration of the electronic circuit, and to increase the electric power supply capacity to the stator coil wiring. - 特許庁


A high magnetic-permeability layer 14 is formed with a passive component forming layer 4 of a sheet 1 for manufacturing the printed wiring board, which is formed by laminating and molding a support layer 2, a metal layer 3, and the passive component forming layer 4 formed with a high magnetic-permeability material 4b in this order. - 特許庁


Thus, signals of low frequency components such as usual electric signals inputted/outputted through solder bumps 10 flow to the pattern 7a while the coating layer 7b efficiently attenuates high frequency components of noise, etc., flowing due to the skin effect owing to its high frequency metal material. - 特許庁


To improve durability by enhancing strength against twist and bend between respective external terminals 4 and 5 and wire cords 2, in a attachment plug 1 having a structure where a pair of the external terminals 4 and 5 are tiltably mounted to a plug body 3 formed of an electric insulating material supporting the wire cords 2. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive composition having high sensitivity to light in a long wavelength band such as visible light and near IR in both positive and negative systems and usable for an image forming material such as a photopolymerizable planographic printing plate. - 特許庁


The intermediate part of a solid wire or a strand type fuse- element is wound on a tubular support body formed with an insulating material containing 60 w% or more SiO2 and 26 w% or more Al2O3, NaO, K2O, and CaO to destruct the support body when the fuse interrupts a large current so as to increase an interrupt capacity. - 特許庁


In the method of extracting and cleaning the metal wire film, a metal wire film formed on a semiconductor wafer by a plating method or a vapor-phase deposition method is processed by being exposed for a certain period in carbon dioxide or an inert gas or fluid at high pressure relative to ordinary pressure. - 特許庁


To provide a fabric material easy to manufacture, having an excellent heat retaining property such as far infrared radiating property and a health promoting function (capable of soundly sleeping in the night, obtaining relief from pain or the like), without using an expensive inorganic material and ceramics and without including in fibers. - 特許庁


To provide an optical fiber made of a tellurite glass with high nonlinearity capable of avoiding influences of material dispersion, having a large effect on optical signal processing utilizing the nonlinearity, and attaining wideband zero dispersion in a communication wavelength band. - 特許庁


A high electric resistance region 40 of polysilicon and ceramics material is incoporated in the semiconductor element, between a control electrode 33 and a control wiring electrode film 32 connected to a gate control wiring film 22 as a gate resistor having an effect equivalent to an external chip resistor. - 特許庁



To provide a photo mask and a production method for semiconductor device, with which accuracy in the alignment of a via hole in a dual damassin structure and an upper wiring layer is improved and a recess or step is prevented from being generated by wiring materials in a hole for alignment. - 特許庁


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