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staff withの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 772


His father, , was a master of Shinto Muso-ryu Jo-jutsu (Shinto Muso school of martial art with a short staff) and had one thousand disciples, but was promoted to samurai class, since he through hard work and dedication to his duties. 例文帳に追加

父吉郎右衛門は千人もの門人を抱える神道夢想流杖術の遣い手で役務に精勤して士分取り立てられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, a disease he caught in a ship took him to bed on the day of his arrival in Paris after returning to the hotel from a walk to Palais Royal with his accompanying staff. 例文帳に追加

しかし船中で病を得、パリに到着当日はパレ・ロワイヤルを随員と共に遊歩したが宿舎に戻ったあとは病床に臥してしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1712, he was conferred a peerage, and after that, he was quickly promoted as th head of the Seiga family (the second highest family status for court nobles) and took the posts of Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), Sakonoe no Shosho, and Sakonoe no Chujo, and then he was promoted to Jusanmi (Junior Court Rank) in 1724 and was ranked with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

正徳(日本)2年(1712年)叙爵し、以降清華家当主として早いスピードで累進し、侍従・左近衛少将・左近衛中将を経て、享保9年(1724年)に従三位に達して公卿に列した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A peerage was conferred on him in 1598 and since then, he got promoted taking various positions such as Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), Konoefu shosho (Minor Captain of the Inner Palace Guards) and Konoefu chujo (Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards) and then, in 1613, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) to rank with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

慶長3年(1598年)に叙爵・以降累進して侍従・近衛府少将・近衛府中将を経て、慶長18年(1613年)に従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He got promoted rapidly as the family head of the Seiga family taking various positions such as Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), Konoefu shosho (Minor Captain of the Inner Palace Guards) and Konoefu chujo (Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards), and then, in 1659, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) to rank with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として早いスピードで昇進し、侍従・近衛府少将・近衛府中将を経て、万治2年(1659年)に従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since then, he got promoted quickly as the family head of the Seiga family taking various positions such as Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), Konoefu shosho (Minor Captain of the Inner Palace Guards) and Konoefu chujo (Middle Captain of the Inner Palace Guards) and then, in 1675, he rose to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) to rank with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として速いスピードで累進し、侍従・近衛府少将・近衛府中将を経て、延宝3年(1675年)には従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, he got promoted rapidly taking various positions such as Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), Sakonoe no gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Ukonoe no chujo (Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), and then, in 1766, he received the official rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) to rank with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

以降累進して侍従・左近衛権少将・右近衛中将を経て、明和3年(1766年)に従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, he got promoted quickly as the head of the Seiga family taking various positions such as Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), Sakonoe no shosho (Minor Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards), and Sakonoe no chujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards) and then, in 1735, he rose to the official rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) to rank with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として速いスピードで累進し、侍従・左近衛少将・左近衛中将を経て、享保20年(1735年)従三位に昇り公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, he got promoted quickly as the head of the Seiga family taking various positions such as Jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff) and Sakonoe no shosho (Minor Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards), and then, in 1792, he received the official rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) to rank with Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として早いスピードで出世し、侍従・左近衛少将を経て、寛政4年(1792年)に従三位となり公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After being conferred a peerage in 1836, he was quickly promoted as the family head of the Seiga family; he served as a member of the Palace staff as well as Sakone gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1849, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) Ukon no gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), the position ranked with kugyo (a court noble). 例文帳に追加

天保7年(1836年)に叙爵して以降、清華家当主として速いスピードで昇進し、侍従・左近衛権少将を経て、嘉永2年(1849年)には従三位・右近衛権中将となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was conferred a peerage in 1799 and was gradually promoted, taking various positions such as a member of the Palace staff, Ukone no shosho (Minor Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), Sakone gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) as well as Sangi (councillor), and in 1818, he received Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), the position ranked with a kogyo (court noble). 例文帳に追加

寛政11年(1799年)叙爵され、以降累進して侍従・右近衛少将・左近衛権中将・参議を経て、文政元年(1818年)には従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he was gradually promoted taking various positions such as a Palace staff, Sakone no shosho (Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Sakone no chujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1705, he was conferred Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and ranked with Kugyo (the top court officials). 例文帳に追加

以降累進して、侍従・左近衛少将・左近衛中将を経て、宝永2年(1705年)に従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He promoted very quickly as the family head of the Seiga family, and successively served as Palace staff, Sakone gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) as well as Sakone gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1800, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and ranked with Kugyo (a Court noble). 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として速いスピードで昇進し、侍従・左近衛権少将・左近衛権中将を経て、寛政12年(1800年)に従三位に達して公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was promoted very quickly as the family head of the Seiga family, and successively served as Palace staff, Ukone no Gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) as well as Sakone gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1776, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), position which ranked with Kugyo (a Court noble). 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として速いスピードで昇進し、侍従・右近衛権少将・左近衛権中将をへて、安永5年(1776年)に従三位に達して公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was promoted very quickly as the family head of the Seiga family, and successively served as Palace staff, Sakone gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) as well as Sakone gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1843, he became Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), position which ranked with Kugyo (a Court noble). 例文帳に追加

以降清華家当主として速いスピードで累進し、侍従・左近衛権少将・左近衛権中将を経て、天保14年(1843年)に従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he was successively promoted and became Palace staff, Sakone gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) as well as Sakone gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1764, he was received Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), position which ranked with Kugyo (the top court officials). 例文帳に追加

以降累進して侍従・左近衛権少将・左近衛権中将を経て、明和元年(1764年)に従三位となり、公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is a station where large numbers of tourists disembark throughout the year, but when the summer sea bathing season gets underway, bathers gather in flocks; accordingly, additional station staff are assigned to cope with the congestion. 例文帳に追加

年間を通して観光利用の大変多い駅であるが、夏の海水浴シーズンになると、特に海水浴客で大賑わいとなり、この時は駅員を増配置して対応している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In other words, the GHQ allowed Takigawa to return to Kyoto University but other staff who resigned did not return (however, Tsuneto returned for a short period with a joint appointment in the post-war years). 例文帳に追加

すなわち戦後、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部の方針により滝川は京大に復帰したが、他の「辞職組」教官らは復帰しなかった(ただし恒藤は戦後に兼任教官として短期間在任)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the first court hearing of the two defendants held in September of that year, 11 lawyers participated as the defendants' lawyers (including the aforementioned Chihiro SAEKI) along with 3 other law faculty staff such as Shigejiro TAHATA as special lawyers. 例文帳に追加

同年9月に開かれた被告2名の初公判では、被告側の弁護人として11名の弁護士(この中には先述の佐伯千仭が含まれている)のほか、田畑茂二郎ら3名の法学部教官が特別弁護人として参加した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ukon was removed from his rank of Daimyo by the edict expelling Christian missionaries, afterward, Naoyori SHINJO entered Takatsuki with 30,000 koku, but he was forced to change his rank in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, and he was handed over to Hideyuki GAMO (palace staff). 例文帳に追加

右近は秀吉の宣教師追放令で大名の地位を追われ、その後、新庄直頼が3万石で高槻に入ったが、1600年の関ヶ原の戦いで改易され、その身柄は蒲生秀行(侍従)に預けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Escaped 2000 soldiers including Denshutai got together at Konodai in Shimousaichikawa on April 12, and formed troops with Keisuke OTORI as governor-general (commander) and Toshizo HIJIKATA as their staff officer. 例文帳に追加

脱走した伝習隊などの約2000人は、4月12日に下総市川の国府台に集結して、大鳥圭介を総督(隊長)、土方歳三を参謀として部隊を編成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, they introduced 'nenryo shomai' (rice made by pounding it in a mortar and paid in kind for the taxes) and 'nenryo betsuryo sokoku' (denso stored in shoso separately from fudokoku to supply in case of central government's financial difficulties) that could bring them extra eito, and 'nenryo soshomai' (tax payment in milled rice) that could cover tairomai (rice given to low-ranking staff under the Ritsuryo system) with eito of shozei, accordingly, a large amount of shozei brought in the central government. 例文帳に追加

そのため、臨時に穎稲を上供させる「年料舂米」・「年料別料租穀」や大粮米を正税の穎稲で補う「年料租舂米」などが導入されたために大量の正税が中央に運ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In October 1894, during The Sino-Japanese War, two American passengers called Wild and Cameron, along with Chinese legation staff of Washington, arrived at Yokohama on a vessel, Gehrig. 例文帳に追加

明治27年10月、日清戦争のさなか、ワイルド、カメロンとそれぞれ称するアメリカ人2名が、ワシントン駐箚の中国公使館員とともに、ゲーリック号の乗客として、横浜に寄港した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(7) In performing the audit, the auditor shall, in accordance with the quality control policies and procedures, define the lines of commands and assignment of tasks, and perform appropriate direction, coaching, and supervision to staff. 例文帳に追加

7 監査人は、監査を行うに当たって、品質管理の方針と手続に従い、指揮命令の系統及び職務の分担を明らかにし、また、当該監査に従事する補助者に対しては適切な指示、指導及び監督を行わなければならない。 - 金融庁

24. In confirming the independence of audit staff in relation to a new engagement by email, the firm mentioned only the name of the prospective client and failed to mention the names of those affiliated with the prospective client. 例文帳に追加

・ 監査契約の新規締結後に監査実施者として新たに加わった者についての独立性の確認に係る方針及び手続が定められておらず、独立性の確認が実施されていない。 - 金融庁

In order to implement systemic audits at large scale audit firms with over 3,000 staff members, it is essential to make improvements by strengthening headquartersorganization and improving the managing structure of regional offices. 例文帳に追加

所属員が3千人を超すような大規模監査法人にあって組織的監査を実施するためには、本部組織の強化や地方事務所の適切な管理体制などの整備が不可欠である。 - 金融庁

C. The staff must include two or more permanent officers or employees with more than three years of experience regarding the relevant Type I Financial Instruments Business. 例文帳に追加

ハ.常勤役職員の中に、その行おうとする第一種金融商品取引業の業務を3年以上経験した者が複数確保されていること。 - 金融庁

(ii) Whether the securities finance company’s staff includes officers and employees with three or more years of experience regarding securities-related business as well as those adept in the debt-credit transaction system. 例文帳に追加

② 役職員の中に有価証券関連業務を3年以上経験した者が確保されており、かつ、貸借取引業務の制度に精通した者が確保されているか。 - 金融庁

We are revising the financial inspection manual, and I expect that the revision will probably be completed by the end of this week. Although FSA staff are apparently working on the revision in line with my instructions, I have not yet looked at the draft revised manual. 例文帳に追加

今、金融(検査)マニュアルを変えますから、大体、今週中ぐらいにはまとめられるのではないかと思うけれども、今、事務レベルで、私が指示した方向でやっているようですけれども、私はまだ見ていないから。 - 金融庁

A small opportunity may offer huge potential, so I will take a close look to make appropriate distinctions together with the FSA staff. I would like to tackle important issues. 例文帳に追加

小さなところから大きな、色々な可能性が出てくると、この正しい見極めを役所の皆さん方と注視して見ていきたいと、そう思っています。ぜひ大事なところをやりたい、そう思っています。よろしくお願いします。 - 金融庁

From this viewpoint, the FSA seeks to train and secure staff with expertise and broad perspectives by improving personnel training, envisaging the establishment of an institute for financial studies, and developing a strong organizational structure. 例文帳に追加

このような観点から、金融大学校の設立も視野に入れて職員の研修の充実等を図り、専門知識と幅広い視野を有する人材の育成・確保に努めるとともに、金融行政に係る体制の整備に努める。 - 金融庁

I have talked with Chairman Hirose, who expressed his intention to take Keidanren staff members particularly to the United States, Europe, China and India as an initiative conducted from a broad perspective. 例文帳に追加

廣瀬委員長とも私は話をさせていただきましたけれども、非常に視野の広い立場に立って、特にアメリカ、それからヨーロッパ、中国、インド、この辺に経団連としても職員を連れて行きたいということも言っておりました。 - 金融庁

Also, in my capacity as Minister for Postal Reform, I visited a post office in Kitakyushu City where I exchanged opinions with on-site staff and inspected the site and the circumstances. 例文帳に追加

また、私は郵政改革担当大臣でもございますので、北九州市の郵便局を訪問して、現場の声、状況等を視察し、意見を交換させていただきました。 - 金融庁

Minister Nakagawa and FSA staff are communicating with each other about a variety of matters, and I believe that I should not publicly comment on the specifics of such communications 例文帳に追加

大臣と我々金融庁の中での具体的なやりとりというものは、日々、多様な分野について行われているわけでございまして、一つひとつについて対外的にコメントすべきものではないと思っております - 金融庁

As it is necessary to take the economic condition into consideration when implementing various measures, including currency control, I hope that the BOJ, with its excellent staff, will carefully examine the economic condition 例文帳に追加

やはり経済の実態を踏まえて、そうした通貨管理を含めていろいろなことをやらなければいけないわけで、そこらは日銀も経済の実勢、実態をじっくり見ていただきたいと思います、あれだけ優秀な人材を集めているのだから - 金融庁

Moreover, the FSA Commissioner has been constantly reporting to me with regard to the direction and the state of the work conducted by FSA staff. For my part, I have often expressed my own opinions, so at the working group, such opinions will be 例文帳に追加

また長官からも、事務レベルで検討している状況も私には報告が常時上がっており、その中で私なりの意見も今まで言ってきておりますから、そういうものをまたこのワーキングチームの中で…。 - 金融庁

(i) Are staff members with expertise in using the market risk measurement technique and the pricing model secured according to the needs of the operations of the relevant divisions (the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions, the Market Risk Management Division, the Back-Office Division, the Internal Audit Division, etc.)? 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)各部門(市場部門、市場リスク管理部門、事務管理部門、内部監査部門等)の業務に応じて、市場リスク計測手法及びプライシング・モデルの使用に習熟した人員が確保されているか。 - 金融庁

As a result, the organization could reduce the level of risks in separate evaluation and consequently perform a separate evaluation less frequently with a smaller number of staff members. 例文帳に追加

その結果、独立的評価に当たってリスクを低く見積もることができるため、独立的評価の頻度を低くしたり、投入する人員を少なくすることも可能となる。 - 金融庁

His lovable personality charms the airport staff, with the exception of Frank Dixon (Stanley Tucci), an official who thinks Viktor is a nuisance. 例文帳に追加

彼の愛すべき性格は,ビクターを厄(やっ)介(かい)者(もの)と考えている空港の役員,フランク・ディクソン(スタンリー・トゥッチ)以外の空港職員を魅了する。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

A senior staff member at the Ministry of the Environment said, "Cool Biz is not just good for the environment. It also helps with communication. Men look fashionable in their Cool Biz clothes and that gives people something to talk about."例文帳に追加

環境省のある上級職員は「クールビズは環境に良いだけではない。コミュニーケーションにも役立つ。クールビズの服を着た男性はおしゃれに見えるので,それを話題にできる。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Second, human resources. Currently at the Bank Group, over 100 posts are vacant. We are particularly concerned with the shortage of staff in such priority areas as the private sector development and governance. 例文帳に追加

第二に、100以上ものポストが現在空席状態となっており、特に優先分野とされている民間セクターやガバナンスにかかる人材が不足しているのは懸念材料です。 - 財務省

It is also important that the EBRD actively promotes the diversity of its staff members. In connection with this, Japan will step up its efforts to contribute to the EBRD even further through more staffing. 例文帳に追加

EBRDが人材面での多様化を積極的に進めていくことも重要であり、我が国としても、人材を通じた EBRDへの貢献に更に力を入れていく考えです。 - 財務省

I hope that the EBRD will do its part, too, to work actively to improve its staff diversity, cooperate with Japan's private sector, and enhance its public relations activities. 例文帳に追加

EBRDにおかれても、スタッフの多様性の改善、我が国の民間セクターとの協働、広報活動の拡充などに積極的に取り組んでいくことを期待します。 - 財務省

While the World Bank Group advanced the reforms to match each country’s voice and quota in line with respective economic weight, there remains much room for improvement in staff composition. 例文帳に追加

世銀グループは、これまで各国の発言力・出資シェアを経済力に見合ったものとするための改革は進めてきていますが、スタッフの構成については大きな改善の余地があります。 - 財務省

Japan, on its part,will not spare efforts in building a more disaster resilient world in cooperation with the World Bank, by leveraging its expertise, technology, and talented staff. 例文帳に追加

我が国は、今後も、世銀と協力して、より災害に強い世界を構築するため、我が国の防災に関する知見、技術や人材を使って貢献していきたいと考えています。 - 財務省

In this context, they welcomed the proposed Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, to be prepared by national authorities in close collaboration with Bank and Fund staff. 例文帳に追加

この文脈において、彼らは、世銀及びIMFスタッフとの緊密な協力の下で各国当局によって用意される、貧困削減戦略ペーパーの提案を歓迎した。 - 財務省

Concerning personnel expenses for central government public employees, we will achieve a net reduction of 4,122 in the total workforce of administrative organs, thus roughly doubling the number of staff reduced compared with FY 2007. Also, we will appropriately reflect the Reform of the Remuneration Structure in the budget.例文帳に追加

国家公務員の人件費については、行政機関で平成十九年度のおおむね二倍となる四千百二十二人の定員純減を行うこととするほか、給与構造改革等を的確に予算へ反映させております。 - 財務省

(a) Within three days from receipt of the complaint, the Staff Clerk shall prepare, and the Process Server shall serve, the Summons or Notice to Answer together with a copy of the complaint to the Respondent by mail or by personal service.例文帳に追加

(a) 訴状を受領した後3日以内に,事務官は,召喚状又は答弁書催告状を作成し,送達執行人は,これを訴状の写しとともに郵便により又は手交により被告に送達する。 - 特許庁

To enable a power company to dispatch staff, only in case of failure caused by a facility of the power company, to examine the cause of the failure or cope with the failure.例文帳に追加

電力会社が自社の設備が原因で故障が発生した場合のみに出動してその故障原因の調査や対応を行うようにできるようにする。 - 特許庁


The staff on the ceremonial site 105 photographs a ceremony wedding ceremony or wedding party), to be relay-broadcasted, with a video camera 109 and fetches the video and audio thereof.例文帳に追加

式場105にいるスタッフは、中継放送の対象とする式(結婚式、或いは披露宴)をビデオカメラ109で撮影し、その映像と音声を取り込む。 - 特許庁


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