





該当件数 : 64


3 第一項の契約には、保険契約の移転とともにする保険会社の財産の移転に関する事項を定めなければならない。この場合においては、保険契約の移転をしようとする保険会社(以下この節において「移転会社」という。)は、同項の契約により移転するものとされる保険契約に係る保険契約者(以下この節において「移転対象契約者」という。)以外の当該移転会社の債権者の利益を保護するために必要と認められる財産を留保しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) An Agreement under paragraph (1) shall provide for the matters related to the transfer of the Insurance Company's property which accompanies the transfer of insurance contracts. In this case, the Insurance Company which intends to transfer insurance contracts (hereinafter referred to as "Transferor Company" in this Section) shall retain the property deemed necessary to protect the interest of the Transferor Company's creditors other than the Policyholders to which pertains the insurance contracts to be transferred under the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Affected Policyholders" in this Section).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Sufficient financial transfers are needed in order to correct disparities, but it is pointed out that sufficient financial transfers through to the administrative units that are responsible for public services are not being carried out due to the ambiguity of the division of roles between governments. - 経済産業省


With the progress of urbanization, however, the existence of Yukaku was acknowledged as a problem and some red-light districts were forced to move to the suburbs, etc. (e.g. Nezu Yukaku near the University of Tokyo was transferred to Susaki Paradise, Fukagawa)発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In one embodiment, the non-wetting surface is pressed against a secondary transfer block 520 to coat the secondary transfer block with the non-wetting material, and the coated surface of the secondary transfer block 520 is pressed against the orifice plate 530, preferably under heating conditions. - 特許庁


Trends in regard to textiles, apparel, petroleum and coal products reflect the fact that while plants were originally transferred to local cities, as of the 1980s, companies also began to look beyond Japan to actively relocate their production overseas. - 経済産業省


Measures being taken include, firstly, financial transfers from the central government to local governments and regional development projects such as the large-scale development of the western regions. - 経済産業省


The surface of the transfer block comprising the non-wetting material is pressed against the orifice plate 530, preferably under heating conditions. - 特許庁


The surface of the transfer block 610 comprising non-wetting material can be pressed against the orifice plate 630, preferably under heating conditions. - 特許庁


Section 122-25 of Part 3-3 of Chapter 3 of the ITAA 1997, which does not permit the deferral of tax arising on the transfer of an asset, where the subsequent transfer of the asset by the transferee would be beyond the taxing jurisdiction of Australia under its laws;発音を聞く  - 財務省


The expenditure for financial transfers from the central government can be divided into mainly (ⅰ) financial strength transfer expenditure, () special item transfer expenditure, (ⅲ) tax reimbursement, and (iv) structural subsidies. Initially after the introduction of the system, the effect on correcting disparities was not significant because of the high ratio of tax reimbursement with a structure of a greater distribution in wealthy regions (Table 1-3-51). - 経済産業省


Now, it will be examined whether in fact there has been a significant change in the products Japanese companies manufacture domestically due to the shift to low-priced products overseas and the manufacture of high added-value products in Japan that has accompanied overseas expansion. - 経済産業省


Recognizing the need for systemic reform to take advantage of the rich stores of knowledge slumbering in universities, the government has been working toward organized academia-industry cooperation(Fig.4.3.10). - 経済産業省


However, because technology transfer has progressed rapidly due to direct investment from Japan and the NIEs, procurement of the intermediate goods needed for assembly production in China and ASEAN are increasingly dependant on production within the region, rather than on imports. - 経済産業省


However, since it rejected the order of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, its Jiryo (temple estate) was diminished to 300 goku (crop yields) and furthermore, the mountain was destroyed, some buildings were moved and Himuro-ike Pond was reclaimed in order to built a new road inside of its precincts for the erection of Fushimi-jo Castle.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

国内製造業の縮小には、産業構造そのものの変化、為替、海外の安い人件費や法人税などEPA 以外の要因による海外移転も影響していると考えられるが、EPA への対応の遅れも空洞化の1 つの要因となっていると考えられる例文帳に追加

The shrinkage of Japan‟s domestic manufacturing industry can be attributed to non-EPA factors such as a change in the industrial structure itself, exchange rates, the cheap labor cost overseas and corporate taxes, but the delay in making efforts for EPAs is also considered one of the causes of hollowing-out. - 経済産業省


The right conferred under this Article may only be assigned together with the business or company, or part thereof that is directly related to the exploitation of the object of the patent, by transfer or leasing.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

国内製造業の縮小には、産業構造そのものの変化、為替、海外の安い人件費や法人税など EPA 以外の要因による海外移転も影響していると考えられるが、EPA への対応の遅れも空洞化懸念の 1 つ要因となっていると考えられる例文帳に追加

Japans lagging in taking EPA initiatives is not the only reason for the decline of domestic manufacturing industry, as industry is also affected by overseas transfers due to such other reasons as change of industrial structures, foreign exchange, cheaper human costs and lower corporate taxes in foreign countries; however, the lag is considered as one of the factors that raise concerns over the hollowing-out of industry. - 経済産業省


Where the request is complied with the application shall be given the same date of application, date of priority or date of seniority as the Community trade mark application or registration.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The right conferred by the registration, use or notoriety of a trade mark may be transferred or assigned to another person in respect of some or all of the goods or services for which the trade mark is protected.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Ensure that the terms and conditions of transfer of technology, production processes, and other proprietary information are left to the agreement between individual enterprises, consistent with WTO rules;発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

しかしながら、そもそも無体物である情報財は返還(占有移転)を観念すること159 ができないとも考えられるため、同法第703条の不当利得返還義務の具体的内容が問題となる。例文帳に追加

However, since it is impossible to return (to transfer possession of) information property, by nature an intangible object, a question arises about what the duty to return unjust enrichment as prescribed in Article 703 of the Civil Code actually means.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In addition, the aforementioned OECD report (2008)pointed out that direct investments and the import of licenses have recently become complimentary. Its thought that both have expanded synergistically and that technology transfer, as a result, has been promoted. - 経済産業省

中小企業の取引先である大企業の海外移転も進んでおり、これらを踏まえると、中小企業においても、海外需要を積極的に取り込んでいく必要があると考えられる(第2-2-4 図)。例文帳に追加

The large enterprises with which SMEs do business are also increasingly offshoring their operations, necessitating that SMEs too take active steps to tap into overseas demand (Fig. 2-2-4).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

技術移転契約の登録を義務づけられる当事者は,契約書の写しを提出するか又は(5)にし たがって特別様式を作成するかを選択することができる。契約当事者間の紛争及び技術移転契約に関する裁判所への請願又は申立は,両当事者が本項の条件を遵守している旨記載したO.B.I.による確認書がない限り,これを裁判所で議論することはできない。例文帳に追加

The party responsible for registering the contract on technology transfer may either submit a copy of the contract or complete the special form in accordance with paragraph 5. Suit or petition to the Court which concerns any difference between the contracting parties and which relates to a contract on technology transfer cannot be discussed before the court without a written confirmation of O.B.I. indicating that the parties have complied with the requirements of this paragraph.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


If the patent has been seized or a dispute is pending on the transfer of the patent, the Patent Authority must postpone the handling of the request under 53a (1) and the notice under Section 54 until the seizure has lapsed or a final decision has been taken on the dispute concerning the transfer of the patent.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

なお、2007 年度税制改正においては、二重課税に伴う企業の負担を軽減するための納税猶予制度の創設12とともに、企業の予測可能性の向上等のための事前確認手続の円滑化、執行体制の整備及び移転価格課税上の運用の明確化が図られることとされている。例文帳に追加

There were efforts in the fiscal 2007 tax system reform to improve the execution system and to clarify application of transfer pricing taxes. - 経済産業省

「ライセンス」とは,既に登録された標章の所有者から他の者に対して与えられる許可であって,特定の期間及び特定の要件に対して登録された商品及び/又はサービスの全部又は一部について当該標章を使用する権利の付与 (移転ではない)に基づくものである。例文帳に追加

License shall mean a permission granted by the owner of a registered mark to another party by means of an agreement based on the grant of right (not the transfer of right), to use the relevant mark, either for all or some of the kinds of goods and/or services that are registered for a certain period of time and certain requirements.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


While a pause can be seen in the overseas production ratio in Europe and North America, the overseas production ratio in the machinery-related manufacturing industry, in particular, has increased steadily, due to the advancement of transfer of production functions to Asia, which is showing sustained high economic growth. - 経済産業省


If the right conferred by the registration of a trade mark has been assigned or transferred to a third party, the successor in title shall, in proceedings before the Patent Office, appeal proceedings before the Patent Court or proceedings of appeal on a point of law before the Federal Court of Justice, be able to assert the claim for protection of this trade mark and invoke the right conferred by the registration only from the date of the receipt of the request for registration of the transfer at the Patent Office.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(a) 当該特許の主題となる培養又はその派生物としての如何なる培養をも,当該特許出願が拒絶されたり又は取り下げられたり若しくはは取り下げられる方向となったり,又はその特許の有効期間が満了となる前に,如何なる第三者にも移転しないこと例文帳に追加

(a) Not to transmit the culture constituting the subject matter of the patent or any derivative culture thereof to any third party before the patent application has been refused or withdrawn or is deemed to be withdrawn or the patent has expired. - 特許庁


However, the residence of Yoshizane NIJO was in fact Nijo Tomikojidono residence, which later served as the dairi (Imperial Palace), as is written in the June 4, 1244 entry of "Heikoki" (Diary of TAIRA no Tsunetaka) ('Tonight the lord (Yoshizane NIJO) moved to Nijo Tomikoji residence').発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This Shibocho described citizens in the area (around Akita County) controlled by Akita-jo Castle for one year from 'July of the previous year' to 'June of this year,' and was considered to be a transcript submitted to the provincial office of Dewa Province at that time (transferred in early ninth century).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the performance of the nuclear installment is not found to comply with the technical standards, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may order suspension of operation, modification, repair or transfer of the nuclear installation, specification of operating method or other actions required to ensure safety. - 経済産業省

③ 上記①・②の清算集中義務の対象業者は、破綻時に保有ポジションを他の金融機関に移転するコストが甚大になるおそれのある、取引規模の大きい金融商品取引業者等とすることがまずは適当と考えられる例文帳に追加

(iii) To start with, it seems appropriate to make financial instruments business operators, etc. with large-scale transactions subject to the mandatory CCP clearing described in (i) and (ii) above as the cost of transferring the position held at times of bankruptcy to other financial institutions could be tremendous.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

実施権者がライセンス許諾契約に規定する規定に基づいて意匠を使用する排他権を取得する場合は, ライセンスは, 排他的ライセンスと認められるが, 実施許諾者は, 当該意匠を使用する権利を維持する。ただし, この権利が実施権者に移転されていない場合に限る。例文帳に追加

A licence shall be recognised as an exclusive licence if the licensee acquires exclusive rights to use a design in accordance with the provisions provided forinthelicensingagreement but thelicensorretainstheright to use the design insofar as this right has not been transferred to the licensee. - 特許庁


Where an order is made under section 55 that a patent shall be transferred from any person or persons (the old proprietor or proprietors) to one or more persons (whether or not including an old proprietor), then, except in a case falling within subsection (2), any licences or other rights granted or created by the old proprietor or proprietors shall, subject to section 50 and to the provisions of the order, continue in force and be treated as granted by the person or persons to whom the patent is ordered to be transferred (the new proprietor or proprietors).発音を聞く  - 特許庁


In fact, as pointed out in Section 1 of this Chapter, profitability of foreign-owned companies operating in Japan exceeds that of Japanese-owned companies. Acceptance of inward direct investment would not only allow procurement of investment funds from overseas, but would also contribute to an enhancement of productivity of Japanese-owned companies as a foreign-owned company incorporated through inward direct investment would expand employment opportunities and promote licensing of technologies and management know-how. - 経済産業省


In the midst of the recent trends of modularization and digitalization, emphasis is placed on product planning, R&D, and high value-added production such as high-mix low-volume production; although some companies are moving their R&D facilities to outside of Japan, it is considered that domestic plants in Japan will play the role as base plants (mother plants) having the functions to develop and accumulate the technologies and skills for overseas markets . - 厚生労働省


In the game system with game devices 16a to 16h interconnected to be capable of communicating with other game devices and the game media 20 used in a game can be exchanged between players 22, the parameter values of the game media are changed when the game media are transferred from the original player to the new player and the game media are returned from the new player back to the original player. - 特許庁

(1) 中央商標局に商標登録簿が備えられるものとし,これには次に掲げる事項が記載される。 (a) すべての登録商標,それらの所有者の名称,宛先その他の記述,譲渡及び移転の届出,すべての登録使用者の名称,宛先その他の記述,権利の部分放棄,条件,制限,及び (b) 大臣が随時定める商標に関するその他の事項例文帳に追加

(1) There shall be kept and maintained at the Central Trade Marks Office a Register of Trade Marks which shall contain - (a) all registered trade marks with the names, addresses and descriptions of their proprietors, notifications of assignments and transmissions, the names, addresses and descriptions of all registered users, disclaimers, conditions, limitations; and (b) such other matters relating to the trade marks as the Minister may from time to time prescribe. - 特許庁


In order to realize these goals, China must overcome a multitude of issues including raising incomes of farmers, eliminating surplus labor forces in rural areas and easing restrictions on moving from rural to urban areas. However, if China’s population of approximately 1.3 billion, which is approximately ten times that of Japan, there is huge potential for the Chinese market to further expand. - 経済産業省

(独)中小企業基盤整備機構が実施した「平成20年度中小企業海外事業活動実態調査25」によると、撤退・移転の理由26として、前掲第2-2-32 図の商取引面の課題・リスクで挙げられた、現地の販路開拓や品質確保の問題のほか、「生産コストの上昇」や「日本本社の事業戦略変更」、「現地パートナーとのトラブル」等が、上位に挙げられる27(コラム2-2-7図②)。例文帳に追加

According to the 2008 Survey of Overseas Business Activity by SMEs25) conducted by SMRJ, as reasons for business withdrawal or relocation26), in addition to the problems with developing local sales routes and securing quality mentioned in the business-related challenges and risks in Fig. 2-2-32, the top items includedincreases in production costs,” “changes in the business strategy of the Japanese parent company” and “trouble with local partners27) (Column Fig.2-2-7(2)).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In this cycle, agglomerations initially formed in the three major metropolitan areas where industrialization was most advanced, while the subsequent jump in land prices and wages in these cities led steel and petrochemicals—both land-intensive industries using imported raw materials—and the assembly industry, which is characterized by the intensive use of unskilled labor, out into peripheral areas. - 経済産業省



Examples of these restrictions include local content requirements (which require that locally-produced goods be purchased or used), manufacturing requirements (which require that certain components be domestically manufactured), trade balancing requirements, domestic sales requirements, technology transfer requirements, export performance requirements (which require that a specified percentage of production volume be exported), local equity restrictions, foreign exchange restrictions, remittance restrictions, licensing requirements, and employment restrictions. - 経済産業省







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