
「えんいちちょう4ちょうめ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > えんいちちょう4ちょうめに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1104



For arithmetic processing such as the setup of illumination that does not need to output a light modulation control signal to an illumination load 4, faster arithmetic processing can comparatively be performed by reading all the operation signals stored in the first memory part 12 and operating the respective light modulation signals by the arithmetic processing part 14. - 特許庁


The closed structure A has an inclined part 3b to which the undersurface 10a of the peripheral edge part 10 of the lid 4 tightly attaches on the upper face of the tray 3 under a condition that the undersurface 10a of the peripheral edge part 10 of the lid 4 is inclined to the horizontal upper face of the tray 3 by the lid 4 bent by its own weight. - 特許庁


Then, a slanted axial line of the circular saw main body 4 in adjusting the angle is set to a crossing line P of an elongated face of the sliding face of the surface plate 1 and a face in the cut in direction of the saw edge 3. - 特許庁


In the cooker, a gas stove 2 is provided on a working surface of a counter 1 while a back guard 3 is erected at a rear rim part of the working surface of the counter 1, the mirror 5 is detachably mounted on a back guard cover 4 installed on the back guard 3. - 特許庁



Objects 3 and 4 to be inspected are illuminated by a set of line light sources 13L and 13R, extending nearly in parallel to the boundary of the objects 3 and 4 via an optical axis of an imaging means 12. - 特許庁



With the extension of the special rapid service to Tsuruga Station in October 2006, the platforms at Omi-Shiotsu and Shin-Hikida Stations were elevated and the middle track (Platform 4) at Tsuruga Station was shortened to an effective length equal to four cars, whereby the coupling and decoupling of cars has been carried out at Omi-Imazu Station (some trains are managed at Kyoto Station).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Characteristically, a weir member 2 for storing rainwater 4 on the roof 1 during the rainfall is provided at the peripheral edge of the top surface of the roof 1, and drainage mechanisms 3 and 5 for draining the rainwater 4 are provided in the weir member 2 or the roof 1. - 特許庁


The maximum void ratio becomes 1.1308, by respectively arranging the magnetic projections 4 to the respective apexes (A, B), and although it is possible to form the rotor 2 small, it has a large number of magnetic projections. - 特許庁


A bevel making an obtuse angle against the first insulator thin film 3 is formed in the second oxide superconductor thin film 4, and a bevel substantially continuous to the bevel of the second oxide superconductor thin film 4 is formed in the second insulator thin film 5. - 特許庁



An image processing apparatus includes: an image information input unit 2 for receiving input of source image information; and a sharpness adjusting unit 4 for dividing a screen based on the source image information into a plurality of regions, setting an adjustment value of sharpness adjustment for each of the divided regions and performing sharpness adjustment on each divided region based on the adjustment value, thereby improving sharpness in an edge portion of the image through simple processing. - 特許庁



Two mounting pieces 1, 1 for mounting to a back surface of the surfboard; a fin base part 2 extending from the two mounting pieces 1, 1; an obliquely downward fin part 3 extending from a rear end of the fin base part 2; and an obliquely upward fin part 4 extending from the rear end of the fin base part 2 are integrally constituted by carbon fiber. - 特許庁


An elliptical or rectangular aperture member 11 is disposed in the exit side of the integrator lens 4 to have a large viewing angle in the major axis diameter direction (vertical direction in the figure). - 特許庁


The support metal fitting 6 is subjected to angle adjustment to the bearing seat metal fitting 3 integrally with the base metal fitting 4, whereby the support position of the paired rigid electric tractions 31 can be adjusted around the cylindrical surface 3a of the bearing seat metal fitting 3. - 特許庁


In the case of assisting the design of the arrangement pattern, shape characteristics of a roof surface 22 on which the solar battery module 20 is arranged are extracted by a shape characteristic extraction means 4. - 特許庁


A cooking material placing surface 4 is so arranged on the spatula part 2 as to place the cooking materials B on the grid 10 as scooped from underneath on the grid 10 with the scraping rim 3. - 特許庁


A cylindrical clearance adjusting member 7 having an oil groove 11 on the outer periphery is fitted to an inner peripheral surface of a housing 2, and a rolling bearing 4 for supporting a shaft 3 is fitted to the inner periphery of the clearance adjusting member 7. - 特許庁


An extension side of the adjust belt 5 joined to a length adjust fitting mounted on the shoulder strap is taken as a side 1, and in order to make a lower angle 4 of the shoulder strap, the side 1 is bent and sewn up by a joint part 7 to be taken as a knapsack body joint side 2. - 特許庁


The tire vulcanizing apparatus is provided with adjustment plates 61, 64 used for maintaining the distance between the upper circular plate 8 and the lower circular plate 4 on an abutting surface of the upper circular plate 8 for fixing the upper sidewall mold 9, and the lower circular plate 4 for fixing the lower sidewall mold 5, with a segment 11. - 特許庁


Kikugoro wanted to perform "Kanzen choaku nozoki karakuri" (commonly known as "Choan Murai") that Kodanji ICHIKAWA IV had played for the first time, but understanding the intention of persons involved that it was not befitting to Kikugoro's character, Mokuami rewrote it into a new program based on the outline of the details detailed outline?? of 'Choan Murai.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(4) The person designated as the President and persons designated as the inspectors pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to have been appointed as the President and the inspectors at the time of establishment of the JLSC pursuant to the provisions of this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Every year on April 25, presidents, chairpersons and sodanyaku of direct affiliates of the Sumitomo Group gather to attend the "Shido-sai" held in "Ariyoshi-en," which was historically a Sumitomo-ke Bettei in Shishigadani in Kyoto Higashiyama, where "Gozan-no-okuribi" is performed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By inducing the discharge between the electrode 1 and electrode 2 along the partition 3 in a maze form, extension of the discharge circuit 5 and whole area contact with the luminous body 4 are made and excitation light is brought about. - 特許庁


A bearing formed integrally with the encoder for detecting the speed and position of a car is used as a bearing for pivotally supporting the sheave (governor sheave 4 or governor rope tensioning wheel 8) of the governor 7 operated by the vertical movement of the car 3. - 特許庁


This seasoned laver 1 is obtained by making a soy sauce-based seasoning 3 providing a scorch mark with heating and common salt 4 composed of a granular material partially embedded in the seasoning 3 and partially exposed to the surface adhere to one surface of the laver body 2. - 特許庁


A vegetation soil bedrock 1 forms an expansible water retention material 4 in the shape of a column to bury it in the soil 3 in the vertical direction, and the upper surface 5 of the expansible water retention material is coated with the soil. - 特許庁


A pawl piece 19 is formed on a projection shaped corresponding portion on an extension line of the general part 4 where it is difficult to set a fixing clip 17, on a mounting face 13 of the molded part 5 formed ranging to the end of the general part 4. - 特許庁


The heat conducting member 4 is closely contacted to the bonded surface 131 or a circular conical surface 133. - 特許庁


The arrangement of an engine 3 closely above a HST transmission 4 in the state of being overlapped with the HST transmission 4 in a plan view permits the body 1 to be compact in lateral width and total length. - 特許庁


The body 4 has an eaves part 16 which is disposed at a position covered by the cover 5, which is projected from above the apparatus arrangement part 3, and which is extended along the front surface of the body 4 so as to cover the apparatus arrangement part 3. - 特許庁


A notch 11 is formed at a position corresponding to the step part 10, formed in the peripheral part, etc., of a transparent insulating film 4 formed in a transparent substrate 2, as a base layer of a transparent electrically conductive film 7. - 特許庁


Since supporting arms 3, 4 of a cathode are fixed in an end part wall 18 of a radial extension part located toward a cathode end part of the radial extension part than other end parts, the cathode of the magnetron having the radial extension part for housing cathode terminals 6, 7 is supported on shorter cathode supporting arms 3, 4 than conventional ones. - 特許庁


The film 4 comprises conductive metal and supports an insulation layer 5, a measuring element and an electric circuit are arranged on the insulation layer, and the insulation layer 5 comprises a material of which the expansion coefficient is positioned between an expansion coefficient of the metal of the film 4 and expansion coefficients of materials for the measuring element and the electric circuit. - 特許庁


The semiconductor device (flip chip 1) has the upper and lower faces of a bare chip coated with an insulation resin 4 and exposes a projection electrode (Au bump electrode 3) from the insulation resin 4. - 特許庁


This diesel engine 1 using dimethyl ether as fuel is provided with a feed pump 5 to supply fuel in a fuel tank 4 to the engine 1, a pressure regulating device 9 to regulate feed pressure of the feed pump 5, and feed pressure control means 10, 11, 12 to control the pressure regulating device 9 in accordance with a map preformed based on a vapor pressure diagram of dimethyl ether. - 特許庁


The marking 50 having an optical reflecting characteristic different from other surfaces is formed on a part of a surface of the cylindrical base body 4 by relatively moving a working blade 5 against the surface of the cylindrical base body 4 while pressing the working blade 5 having supersonic vibration applied thereto on the surface of the cylindrical base body 4. - 特許庁


The base 11, which is to be mounted on a glass tube 4 of a discharge lamp 10, is provided with the base body 12 of a cylindrical shape with the inside diameter, capable of having the glass tube 4 inserted; a lead-connecting part 13; a coupling part 14; and an extended part 15 of the base body 12. - 特許庁


A wall through-hole 12a with the optical axis as a center is prepared on an extended line of the optical axis in a sidewall surface of a housing 11 which rises at the position crossed with the extended line of the optical axis passing through the collimator lens 4 in laser beams of a semiconductor laser. - 特許庁


Thereafter, either one or both of the sticking tray 1 and the lens 5 is or are rotated around its or their central shafts in the opposite direction of each other while maintaining this pressurized state, and the sticking agent 4 is diffused all over the sticking surface 1a by their pressure and centrifugal force. - 特許庁


The cylinder tip of a cylindrical body 10 inserted in an investigation hole 4 is provided with an imaging part 11 having a built-in linear image sensor along the longitudinal direction of the cylinder, and having an image obtaining surface 15 of the linear image sensor 16. - 特許庁


The tail-piece truck 1 is provided with a base 5 for placing a tail piece 4, and a carrying device 11 to take extending frame members 10 to a predetermined position. - 特許庁


A positioning means 14 for relatively positioning the housing member 9 and the cover member 10 is arranged on an extension line of a line segment for connecting the rotational center O1 of the internal tooth gear 4 and the rotational center O2 of the external tooth gear 5. - 特許庁


The guiding groove 11 extends almost horizontally in a longitudinal direction and has locking groove sections 11a and 11b at both front and rear ends which extend obliquely upward or obliquely downward and the movable shelf 2 can be respectively supported at an elevation position or a lowering position by positioning the supporting pin 8 of each of the stays 4 and 5 respectively at one of the locking groove sections 11a and 11b. - 特許庁

(4) 出願の当該調査及び検討の後,拒絶理由が存在する場合は,当該拒絶理由の陳述を書面で出願人に送付するものとし,かつ,陳述の日から3月以内に,出願人が主張を書面で提出するか又は聴聞若しくは期間延長を申請するかしない限り,当該出願は放棄されたものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(4) If after such search and consideration of the application any objections exist, a statement of those objections shall be sent to the applicant, in writing, and unless within three months of the date of the statement the applicant submits arguments, in writing, or applies for a hearing or an extension of time, the application shall be deemed to have been abandoned. - 特許庁


The cable bushing 1 has a recessed part 4 for inserting the edge portion of a through hole provided at the wall of a distribution box and a tongue portion 6 is provided at the recessed part 4. - 特許庁


To provide sure fastening of a bolt (4) according to thinning of a wood building material (5) of a wooden frame, even when the wood building material (5) is thinned by drying, by a high resiliency extension washer (1) which is deformed in an elliptic shape by being fastened by the bolt (4). - 特許庁


Preferably the lower end of the gentle slope 12 is extended horizontally to form a placing surface 2 for placing the support leg 4 of the flat perforated plate B, and the lower end of the gentle slope and the support leg 4 are abutted on each other. - 特許庁


The coil layers 4 of the second stage is formed on the flat top end face 6 of the insulating layer 5 and therefore the formation accuracy of the coil layer 4 is assured and the yoke length can be shortened until about 15.0 μm is attained. - 特許庁


A capacitor core 21 is arranged at a front side of the fan 31 positioned at a position out of the projection plane of the radiator core 11 and a shroud 4 is extended to a capacitor core 21 side than the radiator core 11. - 特許庁


On this occasion, a total of 13 houses in surrounding villages (eight houses in Unebi, four houses in Kume and one house in Shijo) were relocated (summary report of completion of Kashihara-Jingu Shrine's scale widening project); moreover, in 1917, 1,054 people of 208 houses in Ho buraku (hamlet) were moved (Imperial Household Agency, "Chronology of Unebi").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Article 4 : When the war ends in stalemate and bakufu returns to the Kanto region, the Satsuma Domain shall definitely appeal to the Imperial Court to clear up the false charge of being the enemy of the emperor, which was imposed on Choshu on the occasion of Coup on August 18.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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