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He was buried at Jorin-ji Temple, which is located in Ushigome (modern-day Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo) in Benten-cho (also Shinjuku Ward).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the Ministry, the three managers repacked imported beef and labeled it as domestic.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


And he said that the U.S. government would put more pressure on North Korea about the abduction problem.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The pasting apparatus 6 for pasting a label on the bottle filled with a liquid includes a bottle conveying mechanism 63 for conveying the bottle along a conveying passage while the bottle is rotated on its own axis and revolved around the center, and label pasting mechanisms 62 and 62' for pasting the label by pressing the label on the bottle conveyed by the bottle conveying mechanism 63. - 特許庁



In December 1599, he gave Honsei-ji Temple his autographic signature and also moved Myosho-ji Temple to the site of Hanbei TAKENAKA's house as his donation in 1600.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the Kazuyoshi MIURA case, he shared command with Masahiro TERAO (former head of crime squad 1 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department) in the U.S.-Japanese investigation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The characteristics as the campaign label lie in that the campaign label stickable to an adherend is formed by applying a magnetic ink layer to make the identification of the prizewinning, etc., possible and display printing of the prizewinning, etc., to a label base material. - 特許庁


To provide a label pasting apparatus which automatically peels a printed label off from a sheet-like label sheet and pastes the label on an object paste on, and can paste the labels efficiently on a small lot of the objects without accompanying wasted labels. - 特許庁


And the ultrasonic vibration element is arranged regularly and two-dimensionally so that the vector a1 is larger than the vector a2, a length of the vector a2 is larger than (λ/2) with λ representing a wavelength of supersonic wave and an angle formed by the vector a1 and the vector a2 is other than 90 degrees. - 特許庁



The electric equipment check support system 10 comprises a system server 11 managing check data on the check schedule and check result of electric equipment; a mobile terminal used by the staff and connectable with the system server 11 through the Internet 14; and a skilled staff terminal 13 used by a skilled staff and connectable with the system server 11 via a LAN 15. - 特許庁



In the extension register, information for specifying the kind of the extension function and a controllable driver and address information indicating a location of the extension register where the extension function is to be allocated are recorded in a first area, and the extension function is included in a second area different from the first area. - 特許庁


A label transfer mechanism 40 is provided with a plurality of belts consisting of a belt 42 of strong bonding force and a belt 41 of weak bonding force with a paste on the label set through the width direction of the label L and also a guide plate 31 stretched facing respective belts and separated from the belts before a sticking section 5. - 特許庁


A client extracts a plurality of feature points and information for identifying each feature point (identification information) from a fingerprint of an individual in registration, randomly creates a transformation parameter for each feature point, and converts the coordinates and direction thereof. - 特許庁


A frame connection inspection circuit 8 compares the image signals of each assigned label between two frames to inspect the connecting state, and performs a correction so that the same candidate image of each frame has the same label. - 特許庁


ECU 2 transmits a data frame DFi for initial setting wherein the ID number "n" to be assigned to the most upstream ultrasonic sensor 1 is stored toward the most upstream ultrasonic sensor 1. - 特許庁


Each high-level feature is assigned with a probability, and the probabilities of the high-level features for each pixel are normalized and aggregated to a single probability that the pixel is associated with a road. - 特許庁


A modulated symbol array by UEs outputted from each of encoding and modulation parts 420 and 430 is distributed by channels assigned by a demultiplexing part 440. - 特許庁


For example, a part of the oil money has been allotted to the purchase of U.S. mid- to long-term government bonds and the increase in the holding of mid- to long-term U.S. government bonds by oil-producing countries is trending up. - 経済産業省


His children included Nobukatsu OKABE (eldest son), Okitaka OKABE (second son), Nagamasa OKABE (third son), Yoshimi OKABE (岡部; fourth son), Sadanao OKABE (sixth son), and five daughters (Katsushige NABESHIMA's second wife, Nobunori ODA's principal wife, Yasuoki KATO's principal wife, Katataka TERAZAWA's principal wife, and Norikatsu OKUBO's principal wife).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The coupled structure comprises a plurality of conductive particles that are arranged, in such a manner as to be separated from one another, each of the particles being coupled with two or more other particles on the average, independently with an insulating resin. - 特許庁


Thereafter, he successively served as the chief abbot, director of temple affairs and the director of temple operations at To-ji Temple and ultimately he was conferred the title of Goon no Sojo (a title of high-ranking priest which is senior to Shoos) and appointed to Betto (chief priest) of To-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to temple legend, Saimyo-ji Temple was founded between 824 and 834 by Chisen Daitoku, a leading disciple of Kukai (Kobo Daishi), as a branch temple of Jingo-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Vietnam, a Sakuho-koku (a kind of vassal state) of Ching, the system of one era per Emperor was introduced when the Nguyễn Dynasty was established in 1802.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By this device, system, and method, processing of the write requests is differentiated based on an allocated pacing value for regulating the number of write requests in the cache. - 特許庁


A transmission side transmits abbreviated program titles edited in a way capable of being identified by a user within the assigned character length. - 特許庁


This button allows you to adjust the Zoom level if necessary to read labels or to make room to place more elements on the diagram.  - NetBeans


The old location (1-chome Abemokuzaidanchi, Sakurai City) is designated as a national historic site, called 'Abe-dera Ato (the site of Abe-dera Temple),' and kept as a historic park.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


1425 (some say in 1426): Chikanaga KANROJI was born as a child of Fusanaga KANROJI, then To no ben (a chief of officials of the dajokan (Grand Council of State)), also referred as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) Sadaiben (major controller of the left).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further, the assisting brush 72 pushes the label onto the surface of the object with relatively strong power and presses the label against the surface in a strong degree of bonding. - 特許庁

これはユニットです ベテラン諜報将校のための そして特殊部隊、 ていない男の子のための 一度の特別な車を所有していた人。例文帳に追加

This is a unit for veteran intelligence officers and special forces, not for boys who once owned special cars. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The data transmission system is characterized in that a modulation ID generator 5 of the transmitter 2 provides an identification code with error immunity to a modulation ID assigned to a modulation system in use for the communication and a modulation ID estimate circuit 11 of a receiver 3 is configured to decode the identification code with error immunity given to the modulation ID. - 特許庁


When all dots of the vertical line of the investigation object consist each of the same data, the control unit 2 recognizes the vertical line of the investigation object as an abnormal vertical line. - 特許庁


A discriminator creation part 16 of a device 10 for determining types and discrimination conditions of feature quantities creates discriminators corresponding to a plurality of feature quantities usable in discrimination processing, according to a sample data group with importance assigned. - 特許庁


The all transmitters of the base station and all receivers of the satellite stations are tuned to the same downlink channel, all the transmitters of the satellite stations and all the receivers of the base station are tuned to a common uplink channel and at least one auxiliary uplink channel. - 特許庁


A label part 13 gives the same label to the connected pixels adopted as the foreground in the binarizing part 11, an image feature amount is calculate by a label feature amount calculating part 14 at every label area to which the same label is given and the attribute of the label area is determined by a first attribute determining part 16 from the label feature amount at every label area. - 特許庁


While for the grayscales with the lowest luminance among each of the grayscales with higher luminance than the predetermined luminance level, the luminance difference is made smaller between the luminance level when emitting light by the display cell belonging to the display line allocated with the largest luminance weight in comparison with the other luminance and the luminance level when emitting light by the display cell belonging to the display line allocated with the minimum luminance weight. - 特許庁


Excess air, introduced between the laminating surface 21 and the label 13, flows out from the grooves 22 protruding to the outside of the label 13 through the grooves 22. - 特許庁


The label receiving plate 329 is moved down depending on the number of the separated labels 2b or when the labels 2b are detected by a position sensor which detects the height of the labels 2b pasted to the label receiving plate 329. - 特許庁


The label sheet Y is pressed from the label attaching face D1 side and bent acutely by the label separator 10 thus stripping the rear end L1 of a label L from a ground paper D. - 特許庁


The labeled merchandise specification is formed by pasting a label form to the release layer of this label attaching section through a tacky adhesive layer of the area smaller than the area of the label form so as not to stick the tacky adhesive to the peripheral edge of the label form. - 特許庁


The data labeling circuit includes a label ID register section for temporarily holding a label ID in the labeling processing of labeling a feature part from an image arrangement pattern; a label ID arithmetic section for calculating the label ID from vicinity information obtained from the label ID register part; and a label ID memory for storing the label ID. - 特許庁


His sons were Harunaga KANROJI, Narunaga KANJORI, and Sukesue OGURA; one of his daughters married Korekazu TAKENOUCHI and another daughter, Kiyoko KANROJI, was Naishi no suke (a court lady of the first rank) of Emperor Ninko; he also had an adopted daughter, a daughter of Harutaka NIJO who was later adopted by Naomasa NABESHIMA and married Naotomo NABESHIMA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The device for adjusting the amount of heat exchange for an air-cooled type heat exchanger exchanges heat by applying air flow created by a blowing means to the outer surface of a passage where fluid to be cooled flows, and has a means for adjusting air flow rate for adjusting the flow rate of the air flow that is applied to the outer surface of the passage. - 特許庁


A label pressing part 152 presses the linerless label LL delivered from the label delivery port 114, to a stuck object in response to the operation of pressing the label delivery surface 102b to the stuck object, and a label cutting part 153 forms a butting cut line in the linerless label LL in response to pressing by the label pressing part 152. - 特許庁


The label 14 is correctly attached by placing the label on the attaching surface of the recording disk 7 with the hole 5 in the attaching tool 6 fitted in the locking tool 6, and pressing the binder layer against the recording disk 7. - 特許庁


It used to be spelled as '' or '長刀' in the early days; however, '薙刀' meaning slashing people and horses became more common in order to distinguish with '長刀' meaning a long sword.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The WDM transmission apparatus transmits wavelength information in which identification information of the interface device and a wavelength of a WDM signal allocated to this interface device are made corresponding to each other, from the interface device to the SONET/SDH transmission apparatus. - 特許庁


The extension part 29 is extended and formed by inclining from the lip main body 26 in advance and is elastically deformed to initial attitude along the lip main body 26 by pressing the sash cover 19 against the pressing part 30 when assembling the sash cover 19. - 特許庁


Identification information of an input signal sequence or an output signal sequence newly assigned to the integrated sequence is provided to a display means provided on an adjustment means for adjusting parameters by each integrated sequence displays. - 特許庁



The terahertz wave is propagated to the inside of the waveguide 13, and light containing the wavelength corresponding to the band gap of the semiconductor is applied to the outside surface of the waveguide 13 by the modulating light source 14. - 特許庁


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