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the price at which buyers and sellers trade the item in an open marketplace  - 日本語WordNet


To prevent market prices of securities provided for a new public sale from fluctuating. - 特許庁


Accordingly, the market price of securities provided for a new public of sale can be stabilized. - 特許庁


To provide an open market system for objectively evaluating betting forecast data. - 特許庁



Since the founding of the TSE Mothers market in 1999, stock exchanges have established new markets with relaxed standards for listing, which has simplified fundraising from markets through public stock offerings. - 経済産業省



There are also cases in which anti-social forces such as “boryokudan” crime syndicates intervene in the financial instruments market through initial public offering in stock markets for emerging companies and through equity financing deals in markets for listed companies in an attempt to obtain funds.  - 金融庁


the term "publicly traded company" means any company whose principal class of shares is listed on a recognized stock exchange  - 財務省


An application data server 10 storing summaries of undisclosed application contents and whole application contents is connected to the market management computer 12. - 特許庁


Relating to this, suggestions have been made in connection with the emerging market companies, where share prices have plummeted subsequent to the IPO, thereby undermining the confidence of investors. Discussions to reform the emerging markets are being made by various participants.  - 金融庁



The employment and job change mediation market system (e.g. job change mediation market system 10) has a server 70 which can make information open to the information communication network 60. - 特許庁



The market management computer 12 provides an option market for determining contractual coverage and its price regarding patent rights of when a patent is acquired in the future between the market participating member and the applicant in regard to an undisclosed application registered in the application data server 10. - 特許庁


Ever since December 1994, when the Mexican crisis began, we have been keenly aware of the risks associated with the modern market economy, where instant, large-scale capital movement can take place. That is why the Fund has initiated its effort to improve transparency to help markets make rational judgments, and has strengthened surveillance with the aim of helping prevent crises.  - 財務省


In emerging equity exchanges, it is pointed out, such troubles arise due mainly to excessive competition among the exchanges, premature listing of companies before they acquire adequate business bases, or lack of a fully developed management awareness, and substandard examination and auditing systems at some securities underwriters and auditing firms.  - 経済産業省

米国連邦準備委員会(FRB)のバーナンキ議長は、4 月28 日、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)後の記者会見において、大幅な金融緩和政策を維持するとのスタンスを明確にした。これを受けて、市場では、金価格は史上最高値を記録、また原油価格も上昇した。例文帳に追加

When Bernanke, chairman of FRB clearly stated his stance to maintain the large scale monetary easing policy at the press conference after FOMC meeting on April 28, the gold price increased to all-time high and the crude oil price was also raised. - 経済産業省


Additionally, to secure market confidence about the government bonds in the euro zone, the European Commission publicized a proposal document for an open discussion for introducing a stability bond (Euro bond) in November 2011. Attention will be paid to the progress of the discussion in the future. - 経済産業省


We welcome the decision of EU leaders to publish the results of ongoing tests on European banks to reassure markets of the resilience and transparency of the European banking system.  - 財務省

「株式公開法人」とは、その主たる種類の株式が公認の有価証券市場に上場されている法人をいう。 ただし、その上場された株式が一般に購入され、又は販売される場合に限る。例文帳に追加

the termpublicly traded companymeans any company whose principal class of shares is listed on a recognized stock exchange provided its listed shares can be purchased or sold by the public  - 財務省

なお、2011 年4 月28 日には、米国連邦準備理事会(FRB)のバーナンキ議長は、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)後の記者会見において、現状の緩和的な金融政策を維持するとのスタンスを明示した。例文帳に追加

Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman of Federal Reserve Board (FRB) clearly expressed his stance to continue the current monetary easing policy at the press meeting on April 28, 2011 after the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. - 経済産業省


In November 2010, Federal Open Market Committee (hereinafter referred to FOMC) decided additional purchase of the long term national bonds totaling US$600 billion before the end of June 2011 (approximately US$7.5 billion per month) for the additional monetary easing. - 経済産業省


(h) the term "publicly traded company" means any company whose principal class of shares is listed on a recognized stock exchange provided its listed shares can be readily purchased or sold byte public. Shares can be readily purchased or sold "by the public" if the purchase or sale of shares is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a limited group of investors;  - 財務省


Judging from the above, it is considered that adverse effects due to forced sales by the power were less, and the market was more entertaining for the Emperor as a temporary open market in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The hard disc apparatus maker 1 opens the product information and the advertisement information of the software product to an electronic material procurement market together with its own product information and invite orders. - 特許庁

七 第一項に規定する公開買付け等の実施に関する事実を知つた者が当該公開買付け等の実施に関する事実を知つている者から買付け等を取引所金融商品市場若しくは店頭売買有価証券市場によらないでする場合又は同項に規定する公開買付け等の中止に関する事実を知つた者が当該公開買付け等の中止に関する事実を知つている者に売付け等を取引所金融商品市場若しくは店頭売買有価証券市場によらないでする場合(当該売付け等に係る者の双方において、当該売付け等に係る株券等について、更に同項又は第三項の規定に違反して売付け等が行われることとなることを知つている場合を除く。)例文帳に追加

(vii) where a person who comes to know a Fact Concerning Launch of a Tender Offer, etc. prescribed in paragraph (1) makes Purchase, etc. from another person who knows the Fact Concerning Launch of the Tender Offer, etc. through neither a Financial Instruments Exchange Market nor a Over-the-Counter Securities Market, or where a person who comes to know a Fact Concerning Suspension of a Tender Offer, etc. prescribed in paragraph (1) makes Sales, etc. to another person who knows the Fact Concerning Suspension of the Tender Offer, etc. through neither a Financial Instruments Exchange Market nor a Over-the-Counter Securities Market (excluding the cases where both parties in the Sales, etc. recognize that Sales, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. pertaining to the Sales, etc. is to be made further in violation of the provision of paragraph (1) or (3)); or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


They noted the need for the disclosure of timely, comprehensive and accurate information to promote the smooth and stable operation of markets and to increase the accountability of decision makers.  - 財務省

加えて、米国連邦準備委員会(FRB)のバーナンキ議長が、4 月28 日、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)後の記者会見において、大幅な金融緩和政策を維持することを示したことを受けて、株価は続伸した。例文帳に追加

In addition, the share prices continued to rise responding to the statement by Bernanke, the Chairman of FRB at a press conference after the FOMC meeting on April 28 to maintain large-scale monetary easing policy. - 経済産業省


To be concrete, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the US started raising the policy interest rate in June 2004. It was raised gradually from 1.0% in June 2003 to 5.0% in May 2006. - 経済産業省


Nevertheless, as the requirements for listing on new markets have been considerably eased in recent years, use of direct finance is expected to grow in the future as SMEs make use of these markets. - 経済産業省


When I was in New York, I also met with Mr. Dudley, who is a member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a regional representative of the FRB and also the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  - 金融庁


The user 12 using the IP 31 opened to the public pays a value 41 corresponding to the frequency of using the IP 31 to the market 22 and the value is returned indirectly to the provider 11. - 特許庁

一方の金融政策については、FRB は、連邦公開市場委員会(以下「FOMC」という。)において当面緩和的な金融政策を継続する方針を維持している。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, in the case of monetary policies, FRB maintains a course of continuing an accommodative monetary policy for the time being at the Federal Open Market Committee (hereinafter referred to as FOMC). - 経済産業省


Looking at actual trends in the number of listings (IPOs) 8) on venture markets since 2000 and the number of registrations on unlisted stock markets (commonly calledGreen Sheet Market”) (Figs. 1-3-24, 1-3-25), too, it is evident that a considerable number of SMEs list on venture markets each year.  - 経済産業省

四 第三十三条第一項第三号に規定する手形、債券又は電子記録債権(電子記録債権法(平成十九年法律第百二号)第二条第一項に規定する電子記録債権をいう。以下この号及び第三十三条第一項において同じ。)の売買その他の方法による金融市場調節(金融市場を通じて行う通貨及び金融の調節(公開市場操作を含む。)をいう。)の方針並びに当該金融市場調節に係る手形、債券又は電子記録債権の種類及び条件その他の事項の決定又は変更例文帳に追加

(iv) Determining or altering the guidelines for financial market control (currency and monetary control conducted through financial markets [including open market operations]) through such measures as the buying and selling of negotiable instruments, bonds, or electronically recorded claims (electronically recorded claims prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Electronically Recorded Claims Act [Act No. 102 of 2007]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and Article 33, paragraph 1) prescribed in Article 33, paragraph 1, item (iii), as well as determining or altering the types, conditions, and other matters of negotiable instruments, bonds, or electronically recorded claims pertaining to the said financial market control;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Starting with the foundation of the TSE Mothers in 1999, Japan’s various stock exchanges all began to create their own emerging equity markets with relaxed stock listing criteria, causing the number of listed companies to grow. However, the increase in the number of companies delisting because of legal violations and the number of companies issuing profit warnings immediately after listing eroded investorsconfidence in these emerging equity markets, which, in addition to the effect of a global decline in stock prices, caused emerging equity markets to remain stagnant after peaking in the end of 2005. - 経済産業省

第百六十五条 第百五十七条から第百六十条までの規定は、株式会社が市場において行う取引又は金融商品取引法第二十七条の二第六項に規定する公開買付けの方法(以下この条において「市場取引等」という。)により当該株式会社の株式を取得する場合には、適用しない。例文帳に追加

Article 165 (1) The provisions of Article 157 to Article 160 inclusive shall not apply in cases where a Stock Company acquires shares in such Stock Company through transactions undertaken by that Stock Company in the market or through a takeover bid provided for in Article 27-2(6) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Market Transactions").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A market server 40 comprises: a means for user authentication of a terminal 10 for orderers, a terminal 20 for manufacturers, and a terminal 30 for testers; a means for allowing each of three parties of the terminal 10 for orderers, the terminal 20 for manufacturers, and the terminal 30 for testers to register the credit information of other two parties; and a means for opening the credit information to the public. - 特許庁


However, an examination of the year of founding of enterprises listed and floated on emerging markets in recent years and the ages of their founders at the time22) shows that whereas the average age of founders founding enterprises in or before 1995 was 39.0, the average age of founders founding enterprises in or after 1996 was 34.1.23) - 経済産業省

中央銀行と銀行セクターの関係については、中央銀行が公開市場や直接貸付による銀行との取引で貨幣供給を調節し、また、危機時には最後の貸し手(lender of last resort)の機能を果たすべきことは言うまでもない。例文帳に追加

Regarding the relationship between the central bank and the banking sector, it goes without saying that the central bank adjusts money supply by transactions with banks through open market operations and direct lending to banks and that at a time of crisis the central bank should serve as the “lender of last resort”.  - 財務省


To structure an information gathering and retrieval system for a used-car market which can gather vehicle history information including the repair history and/or travel distance history of a vehicle through a communication network such as the Internet and open it to the public. - 特許庁


This system realizes commodity development according to consumer's needs, permitting a reader to easily get a work which he desires to purchase by himself as a book. - 特許庁


Some examples are an increase in the listed companiesfailure to comply with laws and regulations (information forgery, fraudulent financial statements, etc. ), loss of trust of investors resulting from such non-compliance, and a decrease in the number of shares listed due to weakness across the new stock markets caused by such non-compliance and loss of trust. - 経済産業省


The provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall not be applicable where the means referred to are goods available on the open market, except where the third party induces the person to whom the means are supplied to commit acts prohibited under the said paragraph. - 特許庁


Presumably one way to achieve this would be to develop the M&A market so that venture capital firms could more easily get returns on their investment through the purchasing (M&A) by other companies of SMEs they have invested in that have been successful in their research and development activities, instead of relying only on stock listing as a method to get returns on their investments. - 経済産業省


To provide a system for managing commercial design commercialization supporting business by which application for commercial design including the design of miscellaneous goods for living is received, and by which a design product selected in an examination and screening by general purchasers, distributor enterprises and expert designers is commercialized to be opened to the market. - 特許庁


How do you view the current condition of the stock market? Also, could you tell us how you will continue the emergency measures? Will you extend the period of the restrictions on short selling for three months, for example? If you discontinue these measures, how will you do so? Regarding short-selling, there is an argument that the information disclosure obligations should be made a permanent measure. What do you think of this argument?  - 金融庁

6 この条において「公開買付け」とは、不特定かつ多数の者に対し、公告により株券等の買付け等の申込み又は売付け等(売付けその他の有償の譲渡をいう。以下この章において同じ。)の申込みの勧誘を行い、取引所金融商品市場外で株券等の買付け等を行うことをいう。例文帳に追加

(6) The term "Tender Offer" as used in this Article means an act of soliciting offers for Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. (meaning sales or other type of transfer for value; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) of Share Certificates, etc. from many and unspecified persons through public notice, and making Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. outside of Financial Instruments Exchange Markets.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十七条の二十二の二 上場株券等の当該上場株券等の発行者による取引所金融商品市場外における買付け等(買付けその他の有償の譲受けをいう。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)のうち、次に掲げるものに該当するものについては、公開買付けによらなければならない。ただし、取引所金融商品市場における有価証券の売買等に準ずるものとして政令で定める取引による買付け等については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 27-22-2 (1) Purchase, etc. (meaning purchase or other type of acceptance of transfer for value; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article) of Listed Share Certificates, etc. conducted outside of Financial Instruments Exchange Markets by the Issuer thereof shall be made by means of a Tender Offer, if it falls under any of the categories listed in the following items; provided, however, that this shall not apply to Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. conducted through transactions specified by a Cabinet Order as being equivalent to sales and purchase or the like of Securities conducted in Financial Instruments Exchange Markets:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


According to the Venture Capital Firms Supply Conditions Survey carried out by Tokyo Shoko Research, Ltd., the reasons why investment recovery is biased towards initial public offerings are that venture capital firms say that they “cannot make an adequate profit from any investment recovery methods other than initial public offerings,” “M&A markets are not well enough established,” they have “a lack of experience in recovering venture capital,” among other reasons (Fig. 2-5-10). - 経済産業省


As you said, Japan cannot ignore this problem as something unrelated to itself, so it is keeping a close watch on it with heightened vigilance. I believe that market players would like to know the amount of GSE bonds held by the public sector. What do you think about the government's information disclosure in this respect?  - 金融庁


(g) the term "publicly traded company" means any company whose principal class of shares is listed on a recognised stock exchange provided its listed shares can be readily purchased or sold by the public. Shares can be readily purchased or sold "by the public" if the purchase or sale of shares is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a limited group of investors; - 財務省



In Japan, as described above, venture capitals depend largely on public offerings asexitsof investments they have in Start-ups. Seeing from the side of Start-ups, some say that this compels them, without careful consideration placed on what phase of development they are at, to go public on an emerging equity exchange before the maturity date of the venture capital fund, and that as a result they may fail to achieve full growths.  - 経済産業省


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