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該当件数 : 45



unskilled labor  - 日本語WordNet


heavy-duty clothes for manual or physical work  - 日本語WordNet


an employee who performs manual or industrial labor  - 日本語WordNet


of those who work for wages especially manual or industrial laborers  - 日本語WordNet



workers in unskilled occupations are finding fewer and fewer job opportunities  - 日本語WordNet



an employee who mainly uses physical rather than mental abilities  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Those are manual-labor jobs that can't be outsourced. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


The urban poor are mostly unskilled workers. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

第3-2-28図 外国人労働者の「いわゆる単純労働」の受入れについての国民意識例文帳に追加

Figure 3.2.28 Public perception of accepting foreign workers for "so-called unskilled labor" - 経済産業省


機械的に物を運搬するような 単純労働から解放され例文帳に追加

From doing that mundane work of just mechanically pushing stuff around - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


単純労働の様な -- ここに立ってこのレバーを一日中ひいているような --例文帳に追加

Which unlike simple labor stand here turning this lever all day long - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Looking at the attributes of workers that travel to other countries for jobs, it has been pointed out that the ratio of so-called unskilled workers is high. - 経済産業省


For "so-called unskilled labor," foreign workers should be broadly and actively accepted regardless of whether they possess certain skills and qualifications if there is a labor shortage - 経済産業省


He tried to make ends meet in a wage-earning position.  - Weblio英語基本例文集


Under this system opportunities were created for the acceptance of so-called unskilled workers. - 経済産業省


In Taiwan the absconding of unskilled foreign workers has become a serious problem. - 経済産業省


For "so-called unskilled labor," only foreign workers with certain skills and qualifications should be accepted and on a limited basis - 経済産業省


The “Employment Permit Systemallows unskilled workers to be accepted based on the memoranda signed with eight countries132 that will send workers; the principles of this system are as follows (1) to complement the domestic labor market, (2) to guarantee the rights of workers, and (3) to prevent the long-term stay of foreign workers133. - 経済産業省


A comparison of workers with special and/or technical skills and unskilled workers reveals that workers with special and/or technical skills, who have high incomes, pay more taxes and are more economic in terms of social costs for human resources development. Therefore, taken in net terms, payments of their social costs are lower than for unskilled workers. - 経済産業省


The Malaysian government understands the reliance on these foreign workers to be a temporary phenomenon of the economic growth period and has established a goal of overcoming the dependency on foreign unskilled workers in the long-term and, as a result, announced stronger regulations concerning the acceptance of so-called unskilled workers in 2004. - 経済産業省


The second objective is to accept a wide range of workers including inexperienced workers, and the acceptance of unskilled labor should be pursued with caution because serious effects are expected including issues with the domestic labor market. - 経済産業省


Taiwan is primarily accepting so-called unskilled workers in the construction and manufacturing industries,household workers, fishing industry employees, personal care-givers, and so forth based on labor market tests which presume assurance of the employment of Taiwanese citizens (the residency period is, in principle, two years which can be extended by one year only one time). - 経済産業省


While vitalization of the receiving country’s economy can be expected through transfer of technology and expertise offered by workers with special and/or technical skills, the acceptance of unskilled workers hinders efforts to improve employment management and upgrade labor productivity. Thus, there is also concern that this may bring about a lag in transformation of industrial structure. - 経済産業省


To provide a cap removal apparatus which releases workers from simple and severe labor environment and of which the processing ability is high. - 特許庁


Malaysia is accepting so-called unskilled workers based on employment contracts, but it places restrictions on the sending country. - 経済産業省


They are employed mainly as unskilled workers, such as maids, drivers or in the farming sector. - 経済産業省


Therefore, basic workers were introduced from foreign countries, based on a bilateral contract mainly for South East Asia. - 経済産業省


As stated above, in East Asia there are large international movements of so-called unskilled workers and illegal migrant workers. Each country and region in East Asia is beginning to implement fair management of this international movement of workers. - 経済産業省


Up until this point, we have discussed the intra-regional movement of labor in East Asia using the worker classifications of skilled human resources, human resources in developing countries, and so-called unskilled workers. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, acceptance of unskilled workers brings about a bilayer structure in the domestic labor market, and at the same time makes it easier for unemployment problems to arise in accordance with fluctuations in the business cycle. - 経済産業省


The attempt to cover the decline in the labor population simply by accepting more non-Japanese nationals would not be appropriate, considering the consequences on the domestic labor market. - 経済産業省


So far, the focus of the export production bases of Asia was the simple processing trade which imports materials and parts, conducts simple assembly processes utilizing cheap local labors and exports final products. - 経済産業省


As described above, the governments of East Asian countries and regions are trying to reduce the acceptance and sending of so-called unskilled workers as much as possible and are strengthening their control of these movements in order to accomplish this. - 経済産業省


If Japan were to attempt to maintain the current size of its working-age population in 2030 under this plan, by a simple calculation reveals that it would need to accept an additional 18 million or so foreign workers by 2030 (Figure 3.2.26). - 経済産業省


Foreign workers should not be accepted for "so called unskilled labor" because they will have a negative impact on the employment of Japanese people and on the safety of Japan, and this policy should continue to be promoted in the future - 経済産業省

また、第1章第4 節でも述べたように中国の賃金は上昇しており安い単純労働に頼った戦略は難しくなってきている。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, as described in Section 4 of Chapter 1, wages are increasing in China and it has become difficult to depend on cheap and simple labor. Potential reason and problems are also examined in the abovementioned questionnaire survey by Japan Bank for International Cooperation. - 経済産業省


Ownership is not a simple and instinctive notion that is naively included under the notion of productive effort on the one hand, nor under that of habitual use on the other.  - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』


On the other hand, Singapore is designating the industry types and sending countries for so-called unskilled workers and imposing quantitative restrictions on their acceptance through the employment tax system (a system which collects fixed taxes and commissions from employers who employ foreign workers) and the employment rate system (a system that establishes a maximum proportion of foreign workers to the entire employment ratio). - 経済産業省


China has a population of about 1.3 billion people and farming village unemployment estimated at 200to 300 million. While it is unclear what kind of domestic population movements will develop depending on future Chinese economic policies, in terms of workers with special and/or technical skills, China has the greatest potential for sending out labor force. - 経済産業省


The percentage of part-time workers who expressed the willingness to "be engaged in important work, rather than simple, supplementary work" or "receive education and training, to be engaged in the type of work which would utilize their technical ability, skills and qualifications" was higher among those who were receiving systematic OJT or Off-JT - 厚生労働省


Taking these conditions into account, for the time being there should be a discussion concerning the ideal form of appropriate control of the international movements within the region of the so-called unskilled workers who are not expected to have any particular skills or attributes. Liberalization of their movements is an issue that needs to be discussed step-by-step in the future, fully taking into account the long-term economic and social development of all of East Asia. - 経済産業省

GATS 第4モードにおいては、高度な技術者から単純労働者まで自由に自由化約束の対象となり得るが、我が国を含む多くの加盟国は、分野横断的約束(horizontal commitment)のみを行い、個別サービス分野における市場アクセスについては、「各分野に共通の約束における記載を除くほか、約束しない。」としている。例文帳に追加

Mode Four of GATS covers a wide range of persons, from high-level engineers to unskilled workers, in its commitment to liberalization. However, many member countries, including Japan, have only madehorizontal commitmentsto date, and their Schedules of Commitments generally indicates, with regard to market access regarding specific service sectors, “Unbound except for measures concerning the categories of natural persons referred to in the market access column.” - 経済産業省


In this cycle, agglomerations initially formed in the three major metropolitan areas where industrialization was most advanced, while the subsequent jump in land prices and wages in these cities led steel and petrochemicals—both land-intensive industries using imported raw materials—and the assembly industry, which is characterized by the intensive use of unskilled labor, out into peripheral areas. - 経済産業省


Also, I do not believe that the promotion of a shift "from savings to investment" is an issue that can be discussed separately from economic policy. As the shift "from savings to investment" proceeds, corporate behavior will change, which will change overall economic trends. If it leads to an increase in corporate profits, workers will also gain benefits, which will expand personal consumption. This reminds me that taxation is very closely related to economic activity.  - 金融庁


第二十二条 この法律は、国家公務員及び地方公務員については、適用しない。ただし、特定独立行政法人等の労働関係に関する法律第二条第四号の職員、地方公営企業法(昭和二十七年法律第二百九十二号)第十五条第一項の企業職員、地方独立行政法人法(平成十五年法律第百十八号)第四十七条の職員及び地方公務員法(昭和二十五年法律第二百六十一号)第五十七条に規定する単純な労務に雇用される一般職に属する地方公務員であって地方公営企業等の労働関係に関する法律(昭和二十七年法律第二百八十九号)第三条第四号の職員以外のものの勤務条件に関する事項についての紛争については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 22 This Act shall not apply with respect to national public officers or local public officers; provided, however, that this shall apply with respect to disputes concerning the working conditions of employees prescribed in Article 2, item 4 of the Act on the Labor Relationships of Specified Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc.; enterprise employees prescribed in Article 15, paragraph 1 of the Local Public Enterprise Act (Act No. 292 of 1952); employees prescribed in Article 47 of Local Incorporated Administrative Agency Act (Act No.118 of 2003) and local public officers who belong to the regular service hired to perform simple tasks as prescribed in Article 57 of the Local Public Officers Act (Act No. 261 of 1950) and who are not employees prescribed in Article 3, paragraph 2 of the Local Public Enterprise Labor Relationships Act (Act No. 289 of 1952).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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