
「基準の適用性」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 71



From the standpoint of revitalization of SMEs, starting in FY2007, exemption standards will be dramatically raised. - 経済産業省


Because the Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision provides that the audit standards are to be established by the GAO, the GAO is responsible for matters pertaining to the audit standards, including questions or concerns about the application of such standards. - 経済産業省

JPOは、項目「I 新規の判断」及び「II 化学の実務に適用する特別な留意点」については「新規」の基準に基づいて回答しているのに対して、「III 衝突する出願」については「同一」の基準に基づいて回答している。例文帳に追加

JPO has filled items “I Determining novelty” and “II Special consideration applicable to chemical practicebased onnoveltyguidelines, whileIII conflicting applications” was filled based onidenticalness” guidelines.  - 特許庁

IPPM(インターネットプロトコル能測定基準)作業部会は, インターネット・データ提供サービスの品質, 能および信頼適用できる一連の標準的測定基準を開発する.例文帳に追加

The IPPM (internet protocol performance metrics) WG will develop a set of standard metrics that can be applied to the quality, performance, and reliability of Internet data delivery services.  - コンピューター用語辞典



achieve clarity and consistency in the application of valuation standards internationally, working with supervisors;  - 財務省



Then, the method ranks applicable help resources according to relevance criteria set by a practitioner of the invention. - 特許庁


The next challenge in promoting PSI is to improve the methods and criteria for judging the sustainability of debt payments, which is one of the deciding factors for the application of concerted PSI.  - 財務省


After the analysis of the detected event and the application of decision criteria, whether aerodynamic stability is near at hand is determined. - 特許庁


The definition of the shape has also an additional selection criteria such as a restriction of characteristic value, and resultingly the application of the method can be restricted to the object satisfying the specified criteria. - 特許庁



In the case where different rating and pool allocation criteria or different rating and pool allocation procedures are applied according to the type of obligators and exposures, does the Credit Management Division conduct monitoring so as to detect any inconsistency and adjust rating criteria in a timely manner so as to improve consistency?  - 金融庁



(Note 2) For the decision on "locations and business units that do not have a material effect on financial reporting," for example, instead of a standard with a fixed percentage of sales applied to all consolidated subsidiaries, one could apply a different measurement basis corresponding to the content of each consolidated subsidiary's business.  - 金融庁

(a) 第7条(1)の適用上-発明が新規を有しているか否かを決定することに関連する先行技術基準の一部である情報,及び (b) 第7条(3)の適用上-発明が進歩を有しているか否かを決定することに関連する先行技術基準の一部である情報,及び (c) 第7条(5)の適用上-発明が革新を有しているか否かを決定することに関連する先行技術水準の一部である情報 「職業基準委員会」は,第227A条に基づいて設立された,特許弁護士及び商標弁護士に関する職業基準委員会を意味する。例文帳に追加

(a) for the purposes of subsection 7(1) - information that is part of the prior art base in relation to deciding whether an invention is or is not novel; and (b) for the purposes of subsection 7(3) - information that is part of the prior art base in relation to deciding whether an invention does or does not involve an inventive step; and (c) for the purposes of subsection 7(5) - information that is part of the prior art base in relation to deciding whether an invention does or does not involve an innovative step. Professional Standards Board means the Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys established by section 227A.  - 特許庁


Since it is impossible to fully list target substances, whether or not it is applicable is judged individually. - 厚生労働省


For greater comparability of financial statements of companies adopting IFRS voluntarily and others applying Japanese GAAP, it may be necessary to require those adopting IFRS-based reporting also to disclose information based to a certain degree on Japanese GAAP.  - 金融庁


To realize highly reliable decoding process by setting appropriate PR coding reference values for each area in a reproduction process by a PRML method for a recording medium where a plurality of data areas having different reproduction properties coexist, even though a PR encoding method having the many number of PR coding reference value levels is applied. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the need for Japanese GAAP will never go away even after IFRS are adopted.Stakeholders are expected to continue to study and take necessary action aimed at ensuring that Japanese GAAP continues to be of high quality and internationally consistent.  - 金融庁

(1) 本法の適用上,発明が,次の種類の情報(各情報は個別に考慮しなければならない)に照らして新規を有していない場合を除き,その発明は,先行技術基準に対して新規を有しているものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(1) For the purposes of this Act, an invention is to be taken to be novel when compared with the prior art base unless it is not novel in the light of any one of the following kinds of information, each of which must be considered separately:  - 特許庁


Furthermore, optional application will allow companies to choose between Japanese GAAP and IFRS, whichever is in their business interest, possibly impeding comparison of financial statement among various Japanese companies.  - 金融庁


Similarly, entities performing an independent private sector audit of the Conflict Minerals Report must comply with any independence standards established by the GAO, and any questions regarding applicability of GAGAS on this point should be directed to the GAO. - 経済産業省


The standard of novelty established by Sections 23 (Novelty) and 25 (Non-prejudicial disclosure) of the IP Code applies to industrial designs: provided that the period of twelve months specified in Section 25 shall be six months in the case of designs. - 特許庁


At the same time, in order to achieve the abovementioned improvement in the quality of financial reporting and in the international competitiveness of Japanese markets and companies, there are issues than must be solved regarding the practicability and application of IFRS.  - 金融庁


A second set of absolute calibration data of an interference optical system is obtained by disposing a Fizeau's surface 12a (reference surface) so that the reflection characteristics of the mirror 14 are applicable between the surface 12a and the surface 13a (process 2). - 特許庁


A correction coefficient is calculated based on a spin speed error, and it is applied to at least one data transfer parameter such as a channel reference frequency or read/write gate activation timing before it is applied to a subsequent data transfer process. - 特許庁


Production aptitude of a print 26 when each signal processing condition is applied is evaluated based on image forming information on the print 26 and a predetermined evaluation criteria. - 特許庁


A qualitative approach to data quality assessment uses rating descriptions for each of the data quality indicators on direct emissions data, activity data, and emission factors as applicable.  - 経済産業省

CCLについては、適用にあたっての適格基準を損なうことなくその実効を高めるよう見直されるべきである。具体的には、・ CCLに係るコミットメント・フィーは廃止されるべきである。例文帳に追加

The CCL should be reviewed with a view to enhancing its effectiveness without compromising the initial eligibility criteria. Specifically:- The commitment fee for the CCL should be abolished.  - 財務省


To provide a paint color evaluation method that uses a systematic and quantitative evaluation criterion applicable to different anisotropic paint colors of metallic coating or pearl coating. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus and method for data reproduction which can embody the reference level optimizing the characteristics of a channel and are applicable to reproduction of an optical disk. - 特許庁


The device and the method for data reproduction, using viterbi decoding applied to optical disk reproduction realized by a reference level optimizing channel characteristics are provided. - 特許庁


In the Tokyo Agreement, it was agreed that (1) major differences identified in EU's equivalence assessment (26 items) are to be eliminated by the end of 2008 as a general rule; (2) the remaining differences other than the aforementioned major differences are to be removed by 30 June 2011; and (3) accounting standards currently being developed at the IASB that are scheduled to become effective after June 30, 2011, are to be worked to ensure the acceptance of the international approach in Japan, when new standards become effective.  - 金融庁

第五十六条の二の二 水域施設、外郭施設、係留施設その他の政令で定める港湾の施設(以下この項及び次項において「技術基準対象施設」という。)は、他の法令の規定の適用がある場合においては当該法令の規定によるほか、技術基準対象施設に必要とされる能に関して国土交通省令で定める技術上の基準(以下「技術基準」という。)に適合するように、建設し、改良し、又は維持しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 56-2-2 (1) Waterways and basins, protective facilities, mooring facilities and other Port Facilities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Port Facilities Subject to the Technical Standards" in this and the next paragraph), in addition to the provisions of other regulations which are applied to Port and Harbor Facilities, shall be constructed, improved and maintained in compliance with the technical standards (hereinafter referred to as the "Technical Standards") provided by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism regarding the necessary performance required by Port Facilities Subject to the Technical Standards.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The interactive program schedule guide provides a display mode for allowing the viewer to apply a restrictive search selection criterion and a non-restrictive sort attribute to the program schedule information. - 特許庁


The interactive program guide provides a display mode for allowing a viewer to apply a restrictive search selection criterion and a non-restrictive sort attribute to the program schedule information. - 特許庁


Regarding a media report about the switching of the ownership category of financial products - specifically, switching from the category of ownership for trading purposes to another category, for example - I understand that the ASBJ started deliberations on this issue at today's meeting with a view to ensuring international consistency and developing and applying fair and appropriate accounting standards, following a revision of accounting standards by the International Accounting Standards Board on October 13.  - 金融庁


It should be promptly made clear that mandatory application of IFRS to the consolidated financial statements of listed companies should not take place for the time being. Also, as for accounting standards for non-consolidated financial statements, while ensuring transparency by means of footnotes etc., convergence should take place only for those standards deemed appropriate based on the industrial structure and actual business operations in Japan, and the resulting differences in accounting standards between those used for consolidated and non-consolidated financial statements should be accepted.  - 金融庁

本協定は、①産品の特又は関連の生産工程・生産方法(PPM:Processes and Production Methods)に関する遵守が法律等により国内的に義務づけられている基準(強制規格(Technical regulations))及び②産品又は関連の生産工程・生産方法に関する遵守が強制されていない基準(任意規格(Standards))並びに③適合評価手続(Conformity assessment procedures;認証手続(ある産品が基準に適合しているかどうかを判断する手続)及び認証機関の認定手続)が貿易上の不必要な障害とならないように、標準化機関が基準及び適合評価手続(以下「基準等」という。)を内国民待遇かつ最恵国待遇で外国産品に適用し、基準等を策定する際には国際規格をその基礎として用いることを規定している。例文帳に追加

The TBT Agreement sets forth certain requirements for technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment procedures. These terms are defined as follows: ? Technical regulations ? A document that lays down product characteristics or their related processes and production methods, with which compliance is mandatory; ? Standards ? A document for products or related processes and production methods, with which compliance is not mandatory; ? Conformity assessment procedures ? Any procedure used to determine whether relevant requirements in technical regulations or standards are fulfilled and to accredit conformity assessment bodies. To ensure that such technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures do not act as unnecessary barriers to trade, the TBT Agreement directs Members to ensure that products imported from the territory of any other Member must be accorded both most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment, and that international standards must be used as a basis for new technical regulations in principle. - 経済産業省


With due observance to the specific interpretation and patent application process as referred to in this Government Regulation, the application of the provisions concerning restriction or basis of evaluation to determine the novelty of an invention must be adjusted in processing the patent application as referred to in Article 67.  - 特許庁

(a) 局長が知る限りにおいて,クレームされている範囲での発明が第18条(1)(a)に記載された基準を満たしているか否か,及び (b) 局長が知る限りにおいて,発明がクレームにおいてクレームされている範囲で,かつ,そのクレームの優先日前に存在していた先行技術基準に対して, (i) 新規,及び (ii) 進歩, を有しているか否か,及び (c) 他に所定の事項があるときは,その事項 (1A) (1)(b)の適用上,先行技術基準には,行為の実行(特許地域の内外を問わない)のみを通じて公衆が利用可能となった情報は含めないものとする。例文帳に追加

(1A) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the prior art base is to be taken not to include information made publicly available only through the doing of an act (whether in or out of the patent area).  - 特許庁


A creating means is configured to create modification data to modify the density correction characteristics for a second image forming speed, on the basis of a difference between the density value of the image pattern formed on the image carrier at the second image forming speed by applying the density correction characteristics, and the reference density value stored in the storage means. - 特許庁


Basically, agricultural chemicals (in this document, “agricultural chemicalsrefers to agricultural chemicals, feed additives, and veterinary drugs) which are used in and outside Japan are evaluated from various aspects, including toxicity, prior to the authorization of their use.Based on these evaluations, restrictions are set on use amounts and target crops on which they are permitted for use.Also, ways of use and residue standards for foods are established.The uniform limit is applied to agricultural chemicals for which residue standards are not established. - 厚生労働省


Since accounting standards are expected to fulfill their function only when they are able to provide highly reliable financial reports to investors, as mentioned earlier, such reports based on IFRS must be of higher quality than they were before IFRS application.  - 金融庁


At the appropriate time and following the necessary studies and consultations, the Government shall submit to the Congress of Deputies a draft law on the names included in the top-level country network domain “.es”. The proposed enactment shall be based, inter alia, on the criteria applied to distinctive signs protected by industrial property legislation. - 特許庁


A selecting method for a motion vector is switched by detecting the initial displacement vector, processing a video signal with the initial displacement vector as the reference, applying it to a motion vector detecting method for detecting the motion vector, and detecting the frequency characteristics of the video signal and motion of the video signal. - 特許庁


Concerning the developments regarding Japanese GAAP both in Japan and overseas as mentioned above, the prospects for the eventual application of IFRS on Japanese companies has been defined as above at the present time.However, there are many issues to be resolved before the application of IFRS, such as the importance of examining the details of IFRS, ensuring Japan’s active participation in the standards-setting process, the issue of preparations by businesses, auditors, investors and regulators as well as the uncertainties over the future developments in the US.To deal with such issues, cooperative action among all stakeholders must continue, with appropriate steps taken as needed.  - 金融庁


Since the imaging apparatus has a constitution to perform subject distance calculation processing applying the reference value of the size of the face corresponding to the subject based on subject information such as race, gender, age and physique, the more accurate focus control adapted to the subject is achieved. - 特許庁


Since the imaging apparatus has constitution to perform subject distance calculation processing applying the reference value of the size of the face corresponding to a subject based on subject information such as race, gender, age and physique, the more accurate focus control adapted to the subject is achieved. - 特許庁


To provide a sample and hold circuit by which the same output voltage and characteristic can be obtained in the sample mode and the holding mode and a reference voltage generation circuit connectable with a load with a high frequency by applying, this sample and hold circuit. - 特許庁


In the US, on the other hand, a scheme has been proposed in view of the high-quality level of its accounting standards compared with other countries.Under the scheme, early optional application is accepted with confirmation that investors are assured of financial statement comparability for certain business enterprises and at the same time with explicit designation of the date for mandatory application, as well as the date of the final decision to be made on enforcement, as mentioned earlier.  - 金融庁


The CPU 411 uses the characteristic values of the principal object image data and the acquired correction reference value, to calculate a correction amount so as to reduce or cancel the difference between both and applies the calculated correction amount to perform image quality adjustment on the principal object image data. - 特許庁



The CPU 411 uses the characteristic value of the principal object image data and the acquired correction reference value to calculate a correction amount so as to reduce or cancel a differential between both and applies the calculated correction amount to perform image quality adjustment on the principal object image data. - 特許庁


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