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該当件数 : 374



As shown in Figure 1.1.3, while the corporate sector became cautious with regard to new borrowings and have acquired excess savings after the burst of the IT bubble in 2001, the household sector, in contrast, which continues robust consumption, is incurring a shortage of funds, together with the government sector, which has an expanding budget deficit. - 経済産業省


While at this moment we cannot immediately envisage a situation in which the U.S. current account deficit cannot be promptly financed, it is true that its size is raising concerns about its sustainability. - 経済産業省


The figure shows that as the U.S. current account deficit expands, so does the current account surpluses of ten East Asian countries and regions, including Japan, NIEs, ASEAN4 and China. - 経済産業省


Consequently, as illustrated in this figure, this new form of imbalance of the current account balances caused by the enormous U.S. current account deficit and the surpluses of entire East Asia is expanding into one of unprecedented size. - 経済産業省



If we look at the other side and examine the large U.S. current account deficit and East Asia’s current account surpluses from the perspective of international capital flows, we see that the imbalance is nothing more than a mechanism of capital being exported from East Asia to the U.S. - 経済産業省



Although the current account balances of the entire aforementioned region were in deficits in 1995 and 1996 prior to the Asian currency and financial crisis (hereinafter referred to asAsian crisisin this section), the crisis was a turning point for establishing a surplus trend, which has been on an upturn since 2000. - 経済産業省


As stated earlier, while at this moment we cannot immediately envisage a situation in which the U.S. current account deficit cannot be promptly financed, it is true that its size is raising concerns about its sustainability. - 経済産業省


France and Italy, though not as sharply as Spain, increased their fiscal deficits considerably, mainly due to the decrease of tax revenue reflecting the economic recession after the world economic crisis and the implementation of public spending to boost the economy. - 経済産業省


However, the government debt balances of all the four countries had steeply increased since 2009, and Germany's government debt balance to GDP marked 81.2%, which far exceeds "60% to GDP," a criteria for joining the euro, and was at the same level as that of France (85.8%). - 経済産業省


既に見たように、米国では経常収支赤字の対 GDP比は、2008年のマイナス4.7% から2009年のマイナス2.7% へと、危機後にいったん縮小したものの、2010年は同マイナス3.2% へと再拡した。例文帳に追加

As discussed above, following the economic crisis, the ratios for GDP of the current balance deficit in United States of America temporarily decreased from -4.7% of 2008 to -2.7% of 2009, but increased again to -3.2% in 2010. - 経済産業省



President Obama proposed an austere fiscal policy in the Budget Message of 2012 submitted on February 14, 2011 for restraint and reduction of the budget deficit. - 経済産業省


However, remarkable improvement of the trade balance is not found at present, and this becomes the main reason of the current-account deficit increase after the third quarter of 2009. - 経済産業省


Watching the transition of the current balance of the United States, after the current-account deficit increased temporarily at the mid-1980s, it turned to decrease and moved into the surplus in 1991. - 経済産業省


It appears that the flow of capital between major regions6 after 2000 has seen an expansion in capital exports from emerging countries and resource-rich countries with current account surpluses to the United States, the United Kingdom and other developed countries with current account deficits. - 経済産業省


However, in an environment where it is difficult to forecast a high rate of growth in the future, if the economy takes another step in the wrong direction there is the fear that it could lead to even larger fiscal deficits. - 経済産業省

輸出も引き続き増加し、1 兆 4,457 億ドルに達したものの、それを上回る輸入の伸びによって2006 年の財・サービス収支の赤字は7,585 億ドルと過去最を記録した(第1-2-3表)。例文帳に追加

Exports also continued to increase, amounting to US$1.4457 trillion, but due to the greater increase in imports, the deficit of the goods and services trade in 2006 reached a record US$758.5 billion (Table 1-2-3). - 経済産業省


In addition to a worldwide decrease in demand, if you see the current state of our country, stagnation of domestic demand due to restriction of public expenditure caused by increasing fiscal deficit and the ageing population is a concern. - 経済産業省


Looking at the balance of trade, in 2007, the trade deficit decreased for the first time in the 16 years since 1991. This was due to an increase in exports attributable in part to the effects of a weaker US dollar, and a decrease in the growth of imports attributable in part to the effects of weaker household consumption. - 経済産業省


The expansion of international current account imbalance characterized by the huge deficit of the US reflects increasing foreign investment in the US, and the more the investment increases, the higher the “risk premiumsrise up. - 経済産業省


By last weekend, all non-life insurance companies reported their financial results. Of the three major non-insurance groups, two reported a large amount of losses, following the poor performance of the previous year due to the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake. How do you view the condition of the non-life insurance industry?  - 金融庁


Looking to other countries, the Netherlands and Switzerland have also sustained large current account and trade surpluses, while the United States, formerly the world’s largest creditor nation, began to experience a current account deficit as of the 1980s and is now the world’s largest debtor nation. - 経済産業省


Examining this with respect to IS balance, we can see that the reduction of household savings which strengthened the dependence on capital gains (expansion in consumption) and expansion of corporate investment centered on the IT sector worsened the macroeconomic balance in terms of savings and investment, and thereby, expanded the current account deficit. - 経済産業省


The imbalance in the current account balances in the 21st century is expanding to record levels, as is evident from the over-concentration of the current account deficit in the U.S. and the expansion of the current account surpluses in East Asia as well as in the rest of the world with the exception of the U.S. - 経済産業省


Particularly, the financial crisis came early for various causes, such as depletion of gold and silver mines under direct control of the Edo bakufu, outflow of gold and silver from Nagasaki that resulted from a deficit in trade with foreign countries, and expense for reconstruction projects after disasters, including the Great Fire of Meireki, some big earthquakes, and eruption of Mt. Fuji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the global economy is showing some signs of recovery, there still seem to be risks that could disrupt the world economy and financial markets, such as high unemployment rates and increasing fiscal deficits in developed countries, as well as a surge of capital inflows to emerging market countries.Thus, we should remain cautious about future prospects.  - 財務省


More specifically, it designates places such as the United States, United Kingdom, Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and Central and Eastern Europe as having large current account deficits and places such as China, Japan, other East Asia countries, Germany and oil exporting countries as expanding their large current account surpluses. - 経済産業省

先に見たとおり、グローバル・インバランスの拡は、米国の経常収支赤字の拡を、1990 年代は日本、ドイツ、ユーロ圏が、2000 年代は中国をはじめとする新興国や中東等の産油国がファイナンスすることで可能となった(前掲第1-1-2-1 図)。例文帳に追加

As we have seen, the increasing global imbalance and current account deficit of the United States was made possible by financing from Japan, Germany and the euro zone in the 1990?s and emerging countries such as China and oil-rich countries in the Middle East in the 2000?s (Figure 1-1-2-1). - 経済産業省


Because the IT bubble burst during the 2000?s, the corporate sector restrained investment which moved over into excessive savings. Meanwhile the worsening fiscal balance due to the bush tax cuts and countermeasures against terrorism and the excessive investment in the household sector due to the housing bubble (increased debt) was a factor in the increasing current account deficit. - 経済産業省


Factors which are thought to affect the sustainability of the future rebalancing is the business climate in the United States (shrinking of the trade deficit by the resumption of consumption, policies to increase exports and energy-related policies to reduce the import of resources) and the business climate in China (increasing consumption and trends in the Chinese Yuan). - 経済産業省


The second factor is the shift in the fiscal balance, which had been running a surplus from the late 1990s due to policies restricting annual expenditures, to a post- IT-bubble-burst the fiscal deficit in 2002 that expanded to roughly 3.5 percent of GDP in 2003, due to fiscal expansionism and increased expenses for the war in Iraq.16 - 経済産業省

一方で、ロシア政 府の作成した2012-2014 年度の連邦予算では国防予算 の幅増 などから歳出が2012 年の11.8 兆ルーブ ルから2014 年には14.1 兆ルーブルに拡される計画 となっており、2012 年には再び財政赤字に転じる見 通しである208。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, in the federal budget for 2012 to 2014 prepared by the government of the Russian Federation, expenditure is scheduled to increase to 14.1 trillion rubles in 2014 from 11.8 trillion rubles in 2012 due to a large increase in the defence budget, and it is expected that the fiscal balance will fall into negative territory again in 2012. - 経済産業省


First of all, in FY19922, the budget deficit reached a record high due to large-scale tax cuts and expanded military spending in the 1980s (US$290.3 billion, 4.7% of GDP). From then on, the budget deficit began to decrease and continued to improve. In FY1998, a budget surplus was recorded, and in FY2000, there was a budget surplus of US$236.2 billion (2.4% of GDP). - 経済産業省

主な先進国と新興国・地域の経常収支の対 GDP 比率をみると、1990年から2006年もしくは2010年に向けて、いずれの場合も、NIEs、中東諸国をはじめ経常収支黒字幅を拡させた国・地域、あるいはユーロ圏の南欧諸国をはじめ赤字幅を拡させた国が多い。例文帳に追加

Examining the ratio of current balance in relation to GDP of major advanced and emerging countries / regions it was found that during the time span from 1990 through 2006 or 2010, there were large imbalances in trade with such countries/ regions as NIEs and Middle East country which let the scale of current-account surplus increase. The same thing happened in case of South European countries in the euro zone, which also allowed the current-account deficit to widen. - 経済産業省

貿易動向を相手国・地域別にみると、EU と米国に対しては幅な貿易黒字、日本、韓国、台湾に対しては幅な貿易赤字となっており、東アジアから部品・中間財を調達し、完成品を先進国へ輸出する加工貿易基地としての役割は続いているとみられる。例文帳に追加

Watching the trend of trade according to the countries/ regions, China had large surplus in trade with EU and United States, and large deficits in trade with Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It seemed that China continued to be a processing trade base, procuring parts and intermediate goods from East Asia, exporting finished products to advanced economies. - 経済産業省


In this situation, after the introduction of euro, while current-account surplus increased in such countries having higher export competitiveness as Germany in the euro zone, current-account deficit tended to increase continuously in the Southern European countries having lower export competitiveness (Figure 1-2-2-8). - 経済産業省


The US holds a large amount of overseas direct investments with high returns. As a result, its income balance remains in the black, which means a negative repayment of net external debts, although its capital and financial account is in the red to a significant degree (Figure 1.2.20). - 経済産業省


The 10-year JGB interest rate currently remains low, at just below 1 percent, but once it starts to hike due to concerns about the fiscal health, the rise in itself will be a factor expanding fiscal deficits. This could further undermine credibility in Japan’s public finance, which could force the interest rate into an upward spiral.  - 財務省


Trade deficits last year reflected temporary factors such as a decrease in exports which resulted from the interruption in the supply chain due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and the flooding in Thailand, and a sharp increase both in the import volume and price of natural gas, which was in demand for electricity generation in place of nuclear power generation.  - 財務省


We gathered at a time of high uncertainty and significant downside risks for the global economy.Financial markets continue to be fragile, while some advanced economies globally face challenges associated with high public deficits and debts.  - 財務省


We remain committed to reducing imbalances by strengthening deficit economiespublic finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in economies with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility.  - 財務省


We remain committed to reduce imbalances by strengthening deficit countriespublic finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in countries with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility.  - 財務省


Specific and concrete fiscal consolidation plans are essential to put public finances on a credible and sustainable track, and are key to reducing current account deficits (raising national savings), which will further promote global rebalancing in a number of large countries.  - 財務省


In order to appropriate a large budget for post-earthquake reconstruction, we secured the necessary funds by temporarily raising individual and corporate income tax rates, reducing expenditures, and increasing non-tax revenues, without relying on the issuance of deficitcovering government bonds, based on the principle of not leaving a financial burden to future generations.  - 財務省


Latin American countries have been showing promising signs of recovery since the second half of 1999.However, large current account deficits, combined with reduced private capital inflows, are anticipated. To restore the confidence of domestic and foreign investors, appropriate macroeconomic policies and further implementation of structural reforms are called for.  - 財務省


For example, you say that “the large pool of domestic savings is taken into account indirectly through the real interest rate”. This should mean that the ample private savings more than offsets the fiscal deficit in Japan, resulting in the relatively low real interest rate. - 財務省


Economies with current account deficits will need to take steps to boost domestic saving, including through medium-term fiscal consolidation, while ensuring that consolidation is carefully sequenced, with attention to local economic conditions, so as not to derail nascent recoveries.  - 財務省


To solve a problem of conventional single-track railroads which are used on a large scale mainly as local lines although many of them are chronically in the red because passengers shift from the single-track railroads to other means of transportation including private vehicles as usability of the single-track railroads per unit of time is low. - 特許庁


Although the public finance balance was positive in 2000, it again fell steeply into the red in 2001.In 2002, the public finance deficit exceeded the 3 percent criterion established by the Maastricht Treaty, resulting in a situation whereby on the fiscal front, it is difficult to take aggressive measures to stimulate the economy (Fig.1.1.10). - 経済産業省

IMF*5 も、ブラジルを含めたラテン・アメリカ経済は、インフレ、与信の拡(クレジットの増加)、外資への依存、経常収支赤字が経済を困難な状況にしていると指摘している(ただし、金融システムは健全であるとも指摘。)。例文帳に追加

IMF*5 has pointed out that matters such as inflation, expansion of credit (increase in credit), dependency on foreign capital and current account deficit have led economies of Latin American countries including Brazil into a difficult position. (However, it has also been pointed out that the monetary system has been healthy). - 経済産業省



Taking these factors into consideration, we can see the reasons why the Japanese net current account surplus is big. This is because exports have risen while the recent import ratio has also risen to the same level of U.S. imports and that is the main factor of the deficit in the global imbalance, and payment in "Currents without Trade" is small.4 - 経済産業省


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