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We remain committed to reducing imbalances by strengthening deficit economiespublic finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in economies with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility. - 経済産業省

貿易収支(除くサービス、季節調整前)の2010 年1-2 月累計値を国・地域別に前年と比較すると、対NIEs(香港、韓国、シンガポール、台湾)の黒字幅が拡しているほか、対中国の赤字幅がほぼ横ばいになるなど、対アジアの貿易収支が改善傾向にある(第1-2-1-17 図)。例文帳に追加

A year-on-year comparison of the accumulated trade balance (excluding the service industry and before seasonal adjustment) by country and region for the period from January to February 2010 shows overall improvement of the trade balance with Asian countries, with an increasingly favorable balance with NIEs (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) and a stable trade deficit with China (see Figure 1-2-1-17). - 経済産業省

近年は、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得の受取が増加し、2011 年の所得収支が約 14.0 兆円と、約 1.6 兆円の赤字となった貿易収支をきく上回っており、7 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している。例文帳に追加

In recent years, the amount of returns accruing from such foreign investment has increased; the income balance in 2011 was about 14 trillion yen, significantly surpassing the trade balance which posted a deficit of about 1.6 trillion yen; the amount of income balance has exceeded the amount of trade balance for seven consecutive years. - 経済産業省


If oil money did not flow appropriately into a country that needed to finance a current account deficit, the world economy could become sluggish. As oil prices are expected to remain at a high level for the present, it has become important to discern the trend in expanding oil money. - 経済産業省



Transaction of assets is a concept whereby the elements of production, such as labor force and capital thrown into the production of assets, are traded. Thus, the expansion of income surplus is meaningful as a way to respond to the falling birthrate and aging population. - 経済産業省



It is necessary to pay close attention to future trends amidst concern that the expansion of thetwin deficits,” if that were to raise U.S. interest rates in the future, would have a negative impact on the global economy via increased interest payment burden, credit crunch due to worsening financial position, plunging dollar exchange rate, among other factors. - 経済産業省


In particular, while the surge of the so-called new economy in the latter half of the 1990s worsened the current account balance due to expanded domestic consumption, the strong U.S. economic growth induced an inflow of funds from overseas which financed the current account deficit. - 経済産業省


In order to cope with this issue, the Bush administration is also proposing to reform the social security system. However, introducing individual accounts as has been proposed is expected to generate substantial costs (system transition costs). Therefore, it is pointed out that a reform of the social security system will cause the budget deficit to expand in the short term. - 経済産業省


It is necessary to pay close attention to future trends amidst concern that the expansion of the twin deficits in the future, if that were to raise domestic interest rates, would have a negative impact on the global economy as well via greater interest payment burden, credit crunch due to worsening financial position, plunging dollar exchange rate, among other factors. - 経済産業省



Breaking services down, we see that the value of exports in the transportation balance, travel balance, and other services balance is increasing in each of these sectors. But it is the travel balance, royalties and license fees, and the other business services balance that put a stop to the deficit trend in the services balance - 経済産業省



Generally, under the floating rate system, if current account deficits expand, export competitiveness will be improved by a devaluation of the currency, leading to the recovery of the current account balance. - 経済産業省

また、欧州では、南欧諸国を中心に、債務問題を抱え財政緊縮の傾向が強まっている多くの国で同7% を超える水準となった他、我が国は長引く景気の低迷による税収の落ち込み、経済対策による財政支出の拡等により、財政赤字は同9.5%となった。例文帳に追加

In Europe, some of the countries having debt problems were increasingly inclined to adopting tight fiscal policy, and mainly in South Europe, budget deficits exceeded the 7% level in relation to GDP. The budget deficit in Japan was 9.5% in relation to GDP. This was due to decrease in tax revenues caused by prolonged economic downturn and increased government spending in economic measures. - 経済産業省


As we saw in (1), while the global economy is recovering, risks exist including a delayed recovery in employment and in restoring the financial system, expanding fiscal deficits, rising prices due to an inflow of funds to emerging countries and wild fluctuations in product, resource and food prices. - 経済産業省


In addition, the four large banks in Greece could not garner enough financing from the domestic short-term financial market and requested assistance from the government which impacted the markets and due to additional fears that the serious fiscal deficits in Greece would worsen even more, stock prices in Greece dropped even further. - 経済産業省

しかし、1989 年には対外純債務を抱えることとなり、さらに、2005 年以降は、主に金利上昇と財政赤字の悪化に伴う米国国債の利払い・償還費用の増によって、所得収支の黒字幅は減少を続けている。例文帳に追加

Nevertheless, in 1989, the United States had a net debt to foreign countries, and furthermore, from 2005 onward, the margin of its surplus for its balance on income has continued to decrease mainly due to the expansion of interest payments and redemption expenses for US Treasury bonds accompanying rising interest rates and worsening of the financial deficit. - 経済産業省


The US with highly brisk consumption by household is recording a huge amount of current account deficit (6.4% of GDP = provisional figure for 2005), while East Asian countries are enjoying high growths and Middle Eastern countries benefit from the sharp rise in oil price are expanding their current account surpluses. - 経済産業省


As long-term interest rates will decline due to increases in excessive liquid funds and convergence toward a low level due to increased international capital movement, the real interest rates of a country remain close to a low level even if domestic current account deficit increases (Figure 1.2.13). - 経済産業省


However, in 2001, declining exports and imports and a smaller trade surplus (or larger deficit) were not unique to Japan, but in fact occurred in many East Asian nations, including South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, Latin America promoted imports, to replace intermediate and capital goods. Due to consideration for domestic prices, the governments tended to set the exchange rate high; exports increased very little and, instead, imports increased. Accordingly, the current account deficit increased10. - 経済産業省

2011 年2 月、パリで開催された20 か国財務臣・中央銀行総裁会議では、不均衡是正に向けて、不均衡を評価するための「参考となるガイドライン」を作り、それに基づいて幅な経常黒字(もしくは経常赤字)が恒常化する等、規模な不均衡が継続している国を選定し、その不均衡の原因を分析・評価する、との2段階での対応に合意した。例文帳に追加

Two steps corresponding to dealing with the correction of imbalance were agreed upon at the Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held in Paris in February 2011, namely formulating a "referential guideline" to evaluate the imbalance, and selecting the countries where large imbalance such as continued large surplus (or current-account deficit) exist based on the guideline, then evaluate and analyze causes of the imbalance. - 経済産業省


Trade and services balances falling into the red do not mean a decline in Japan’s export capacity. An individual analysis of exports and imports shows that Japanese industries, which have enhanced their productivity, will remain active exporters (the ratio of export to GDP will expand from 14.3% in 2005 to 23.5% in 2030) while Japan will grow into becoming a “major importing nationdue to fewer children and the aging of society (the ratio of import to GDP will expand from 12.9% in 2005 to 25.1% in 2030). - 経済産業省


The G-7 meeting will be held at a time when Japan’s real economy has deteriorated considerably, with export industries leading the way down, and its trade deficit has expanded compared with the condition at the time of the previous G-7 meeting and the (G-20) financial summit, and I suppose that one factor behind this situation is the yen’s appreciation. Is it possible that foreign exchange will be discussed at the forthcoming G-7 meeting?  - 金融庁


The earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear accident brought about huge difficulties for the Japanese economy. Nevertheless, the Japanese government has compiled a reconstruction budget of about 4 percent of GDP within a short period of time, relying for its funding not on issuing special deficit-financing bonds but on temporary measures for individual and corporate income taxes, expenditure cuts and so on.  - 財務省


The assessment is that in the absence of a coordinated policy response: global output is likely to remain below its pre-crisis trend; unemployment remains above pre-crisis levels in most countries; fiscal deficits and debt in some advanced economies reach unacceptably high levels; and, global current account imbalances, which narrowed during the crisis, widen again.  - 財務省


Regarding the IMF’s financial situation, I am grateful that, under the strong leadership of the Managing Director, the Board recently agreed on both expenditure and income measures.Refocusing and streamlining the IMF’s operations will contribute to achieving expenditure cuts amounting to about 100 million USD in FY 2011.Increased revenue generated by the expansion of the IMF’s investment mandate, the investment of post-Second Amendment gold sale profits, and other measures will contribute toward closing the remaining gap in IMF finances of around 300 million USD.  - 財務省

継続して幅な対外赤字を計上するG20 参加国は、開かれた市場を維持し輸出セクターを強化しつつ、民間貯蓄を支援する政策を実施し、財政再建を行うことについて、また、継続して幅な対外黒字を計上するG20 参加国は、国内における成長の源を強化することについて誓約した。例文帳に追加

Participating members in the G20 that have continuous and significant external deficits have pledged to implement policies to support private savings while maintaining free markets, strengthening their export sectors and conducting financial restructuring. Participating members in the G20 with continuous and significant external surpluses have pledged to strengthen the sources of growth domestically. - 経済産業省


However, if financial deficit continues to expand, there are concerns that economic growth will be constricted by adverse effects on the Chinese economy, which include financial inflexibility caused by increased debt expenditures, pressures on demand for private funds generated by additional national bond issuance and inflation triggered by the increase in money supply. - 経済産業省

財政基盤の悪化も著しく、資源価格の下落による原油・天然ガス輸出税の幅減少や減税により歳入が減少する一方、景気浮揚策の実施により歳出が拡したため、2000 年以来黒字を維持してきた財政収支は2009 年には対GDP比-6.0%の赤字に転落した(第1-2-5-84 図)。例文帳に追加

The deterioration of financial base was also severe. While the revenue declined due to the drastic drop of crude oil and natural gas export tax associated with the decline of resource prices and the reduction of revenue through tax-cuts, government expenditure enlarged due to the implementation of economic stimulus measures. Therefore, current balance which had been maintaining surplus since 2000 took a negative turn registering deficit of minus 6.0% of GDP in 2009 (see Figure 1-2-5-84). - 経済産業省

さらに、最終財の組立加工・輸出拠点となっている中国に関しては、域内からの中間財の輸入額がきく伸びている一方で輸出額も増加しており、中間財の貿易収支は引き続き赤字であるものの、東アジア域内における中間財輸出総額に占める中国の割合は拡傾向にある(第2-2-8 図、第2-2-9 図)。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, China, which has become a base for the assembly and export of finished goods, is importing a substantially larger amount of intermediate goods from within the region, while its export volume, too, is increasing, which means that although China continues to show a deficit in the balance of trade in intermediate goods, the proportion of total exports of intermediate goods within the East Asia region accounted for by China is heading upward (Figure 2-2-8 and Figure 2-2-9). - 経済産業省


The commission made the report in a bid to improve the industrial competitiveness of the United States, proposing expanded tax breaks for research and development, the elimination of Antitrust Act barriers against joint research deals, the enhancement of intellectual property rights protection, the elimination of budget deficits, and effective talks among government, industry and labor sectors, etc. The report has greatly influenced later U.S. science, technology and innovation policies. - 経済産業省


It is currently uncertain whether Japan will be able to continue making up for its trade deficits by an increase in income balance, but to maintain its current account surplus, an option should be to maintain and increase income balance surpluses and also turn the trade balance into a surplus again as with the example of Switzerland. - 経済産業省


The world economy involves structural factors such as disinflationary (a situation where the rate of price increase falls) / deflationary (a situation where prices continuously fall) trend and increases in financial deficit in the advanced economies and economic overheating in some of emerging economies, which act to raise the prices of resources, further widening the global imbalance, and implying that the economic recovery is still unstable. - 経済産業省

政府投資収益収支の赤字幅拡は、海外からの米国国債や米国政府機関債への投資が年々拡していること、2004 年以降短期金利が、2005 年以降は短期金利に加えて長期金利も上昇基調となったことによる利払い額の増加などが影響していると考えられる(第1-2-6図、第1-2-7図)。例文帳に追加

It seems that factors behind the expansion of the deficit margin of balance of returns on government investment include an increase in the amount of interest payments due to the 2 facts: that investment in US Treasury bonds and US government agency bonds from overseas has been expanding year to year, and that from 2004 onward, short-term interest rates—and from 2005 onward, not only short-term interest rates, but also long-term interest ratessaw an underlying upward trend (Figure 1-2-6 and Figure 1-2-7). - 経済産業省

第二次世界戦後世界最の資本供給国となり、1970 年代から1980 年代にかけて、「成熟した債権国」として経済発展を遂げてきた米国は、1983 年以降経常収支が赤字となったが、米国への資本流入と活発な対外投資を通じて、投資収益収支のプラスを維持してきた。例文帳に追加

The United States had became the world’s largest capital supplier after World War II, and it achieved economic development as amature creditor nation” from the 1970s through the 1980s. Its current account has got into the red from 1983 onward,, but the United States has maintained a positive returns on investment balance through the inflow of capital into the United States and active foreign investment. - 経済産業省


According to the estimate, a decrease in the fiscal deficit of the US will have smaller impacts on commodity prices(a 1.5% rise for 6 years) than those by the dollar depreciation, but will lower the GDP growth rate significantly (-4.5%) as well as the short-term interest rate (-5.4%) through the reduction of government expenditures. The estimate also shows that a lower GDP growth rate of the US will result in a lower GDP growth rate of Japan (-2.0%). - 経済産業省


Further to this, (1) the US is an attractive investment destination, (2) the continuous depreciation of the dollar in reduced pace offset the increase in external debts of the US and (3) while the current account deficit of the US has continued to increase, the income account has remained in the black. These factors in combination contributed to continued capital inflows into the US and the expansion of current account imbalance (Figure 1.2.14). - 経済産業省


Given the fact that Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau has been chronically mired in red ink and Keihan Electric Railway has been in a business depression with regard to the Otsu Line, some people are still advocating an improvement in which Keihan Electric Railway would obtain qualification as a Type II Railway Business Operator and take over the subway facilities in a business-trust agreement in order to operate the Tozai Line integrally with the Keishin Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in view of the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau's chronic red ink and the sluggish business of Keihan Electric Railway's Otsu Line after the opening of the Tozai Line, there is persistent opinion that it would be better for Keihan Railway to obtain the Type II Railway Business Operator's license, take over the operation of the Tozai Line on a contract basis and operate two lines in an integrated manner.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Meanwhile, some major U.S. and European financial institutions posted huge losses in the most recent fiscal term due to the global financial market turmoil, and the U.S. and European authorities have implemented a series of extraordinary measures, such as recapitalization using public funds and temporary nationalization of banks.  - 金融庁


The financial crisis broke out against the background of such macroeconomic factors as "great moderation" of the economic and price volatility around the world, global current-account imbalances, and a rise in U.S. housing prices due to aggressive U.S. measures to promote home ownership.  - 金融庁


According to financial results for the fiscal term ended in December 2008 that were announced by regional banks by last weekend, many banks, including both regional banks and second-tier regional banks, posted sharp profit declines or suffered losses because of such factors as increases in the cost of disposing of non-performing loans and write-offs of losses on securities holdings.  - 金融庁


I will ask the question from a different angle. Apparently, there are several banks, including regional banks and major banks, that have received public funds and that are unable to implement their management rehabilitation plans as scheduled or do not have a clear prospect of repaying the public funds because they have unexpectedly slipped into the red as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis.  - 金融庁


On Wednesday, September 10, Lehman Brothers announced the financial results for the third quarter of 2008 - its financial year starts in December. As the company booked huge valuation losses in its real estate-related positions, its losses expanded from the previous quarter to 3.9 billion dollars, equivalent to 430 billion yen, as I understand it.  - 金融庁


Twenty-four major securities companies, which are listed companies, announced financial results for the fiscal first half that ended in September. I am aware that 11 of the 24 companies reported losses as a result of a decline in the value of stock transactions due to the weak market condition and a steep drop in fund-raising deals even though investment trust sales stayed mostly firm despite signs of a slowdown.  - 金融庁


Our priorities are to address remaining financial sector fragilities; ensure strong growth in private sector demand and job creation; secure sound public finances and debt sustainability; work toward a more balanced pattern of global growth, recognizing the responsibilities of surplus and deficit countries; and address the challenges of large and volatile capital movements, which can be disruptive. - 財務省


The U.S. current account deficit, together with other factors, is now contributing to protectionist pressures which, if not resisted, could lead to mutually destructive retaliation with serious damage to the world economy: world trade would shrink, real growth rates could even turn negative, unemployment would rise still higher, and debt-burdened developing countries would be unable to secure the export earnings they vitally need.  - 財務省


We emphasized the necessity to pursue well coordinated economic policies that are consistent with sound public finances; price stability; stable, efficient and resilient financial systems; employment creation; and poverty reduction. Countries who have the capacity should expand domestic sources of growth. This would help cushion a decline in demand from countries that should boost savings and reduce fiscal deficits.  - 財務省


The debate onhollowing-outsubsequently calmed, only to become topical again with the sudden burgeoning of the trade deficit in the early 1980s, which was accompanied by a surge in imports from Asia, Mexico and other parts of the developing world, as well as growing foreign direct investment by US companies in search of cheap labor (Figs 4.1.4, 4.1.5). - 経済産業省

米国の部門別貯蓄・投資バランスの推移を確認すると、住宅バブル崩壊による金融危機の発生により、過剰債務の調整に直面した家計部門は、消費を抑制し、貯蓄を増やすことによって、貯蓄超過部門に転じた一方、景気対策による財政収支の悪化によって、政府部門の投資超過幅が拡し、それが経常収支赤字の要因となっている(第1-1-2-5 図)。例文帳に追加

When savings and investment by sector in the United States is examined, the financial crisis caused by the collapse of the housing bubble caused a restraint in consumption and increase in savings by the household sector which directly faced adjustments in excessive debt which changed the sector from excessive debt to an excessive savings sector. However, the worsening fiscal budget due to economic policies increased the size of excessive investment by the government sector and this was a factor in the current account deficit (Figure 1-1-2-5). - 経済産業省


ただし、失業率が2009 年の6.8%から5.9%に好転した結果等から消費者マインドが改善し、旅行支払が増加していることや、また、内需の盛り上がりで好業績を持続する外資系企業の本国への海外送金が増加していることに伴い、所得・サービス収支の赤字幅がここ数年拡傾向になっている。例文帳に追加

However, travel expenditure has been increased by the rise of consumer confidence due to improved unemployment rate from 6.8% in 2009 to 5.9%. Remittance from foreign companies to their home countries had increased due to solid results supported by increased domestic demand. Under these conditions, the size of income deficit / service balance increased over the past several years. - 経済産業省


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