意味 | 例文 (63件) |
該当件数 : 63件
Whatever particular skills we could put together in our group - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
特殊技能を持つ 人員を送ってください シカゴの捜査官を 増強します例文帳に追加
That we transfer men with special qualifications to augment the staff here in chicago. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
五 芸術、体育等については、特殊な技能に秀でていると認められる者例文帳に追加
(v) a person who is recognized to have special skills in arts and sports, etc.; and - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation - 日本語WordNet
Shinabe were handicraftsmen with special skills as represented by Kamiko of Zushiryo and Komahe of Okurasho. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The requirements include the confirmation of presence of technicians who can perform the work requiring special skills such as welding. - 経済産業省
Among these, the visa for special skilled workers (H-1B) is for overseas human resources who will be temporarily engaged in a job requiring specialty skills in architecture, engineering, mathematics, physics, medicine and healthcare, education, business administration, accounting, law, etc. - 経済産業省
To provide an invert installing method capable of simply installing by general workers without requiring any special skill. - 特許庁
5 「業務レベル」とは、企業の特殊性の有無に係わらず、業務遂行に必要な知識や技能などのレベルを指す。例文帳に追加
5) "Working level" refers to the level of knowledge and skills needed to perform one's work, regardless of any special characteristics of the enterprise. - 経済産業省
To easily mount a waterproof protecting plate only by using a driving anchor for driving a fixed piece into a durable bed without the need for a special machine and a special skilled worker. - 特許庁
This brazing device has a compact handy-type torch unit and can provide highly reliable brazing operation not requiring special skills. - 特許庁
Since expensive equipment, special technology and skill or the like are not required, the backing material is easily workable on the using site, is inexpensive and is capable of recycling. - 特許庁
To offer a method of sealing a cable which enables a worker to perform work in a short time, without needing a special skill, and which takes a work environment into consideration. - 特許庁
To provide a cocktail recipe display implement with which a desired cocktail can be easily prepared without requiring special appliances and memory of recipes in a home or restaurant where there is no persons like bartenders having special skills. - 特許庁
To shorten a working time of teaching by easily performing the teaching of a spot welding robot even if an operator does not have specific skill. - 特許庁
He played the role of an intelligence officer as his career of previously serving the Takeda family was appreciated, while serving as commander of the gun squad by making use of his special skill. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Activities to engage in services, which require industrial techniques or skills belonging to special fields based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To allow anyone to easily and efficiently prepare a specific document such as a document for patent application or the like without requiring high level technique or skill level. - 特許庁
To provide an economical joint structure of a knot pile and a steel pipe pile excellent in workability at a site and allowing an expeditious construction without requiring special skill. - 特許庁
To enable even a user who does not have any special skill to produce a video image after correcting a depth with respect to a visual point using a subjective size function. - 特許庁
To eliminate a problem that in a conventional ball shooting game machine, the passing ratio of pachinko ball through a pass hole, which effects variations in an ordinary pattern, is controlled by adjusting nails. - 特許庁
We call human resources with a high "working level," such as those with knowledge and developed skills that can be applied at other companies, but who do not possess many "enterprise-specific abilities," "specialists." - 経済産業省
To allow a general operator who does not have special skills to perform an operation for mounting a pressure detection plug while ensuring safety and favorable ease of operation even while gas is flowing. - 特許庁
To provide a floor structure and a floor panel of a building which make it possible to shorten a term of work, to make a structural skeleton small in size and to facilitate work for fitting with no need of specific skill. - 特許庁
First, we call human resources who possess knowledge and know-how accumulated within the enterprise and other "enterprise-specific abilities" and who also have a high "working level," including knowledge and developed skills, "producers." - 経済産業省
To provide a scientific and uniform skill learning device which is capable of effectively providing discrete learners with the guidance and learning of special skills of calligraphy, plasterers, etc., for which there are heretofore no choices but to depend on the ability of directors which make judgment by viewing the action of the discrete learners and the result thereof. - 特許庁
To provide a simple manual flight operation system of an unmanned flying body which requires no specialized skillfulness in its maneuvering but allows a layperson to easily and safely fly the unmanned flying body. - 特許庁
To provide a brick structure, a notched structure and a fixing method of the furnace bottom part of converter, with which the working time at an operating site is shortened, and the load on worker needing a special technique can be lightened. - 特許庁
The most common non-immigrant work visa is the short-term work visa (H), which include the following four categories: (i) workers with “specialty occupations” (H-1B), (ii) temporary agricultural workers (H-2A), (iii) temporary non-agricultural workers (H-2B), and (iv) trainees (H-3). - 経済産業省
In the United States, working as a non-immigrant95 for a certain period of time requires a non-immigrant work visa, and advanced human resources are generally accepted using a specialtyoccupation visa (H-1B). - 経済産業省
To provide a straightening method of distortion, which needs neither traditional linear heating nor any special technique and does not cause a negative effect on a material quality, and a welded structure using it. - 特許庁
2 公共職業安定所及び職業紹介事業者は、特殊な業務に対する求職者の適否を決定するため必要があると認めるときは、試問及び技能の検査を行うことができる。例文帳に追加
(2) Public Employment Security Offices and employment placement business providers may carry out questioning and skill inspections when they find it to be necessary for determining the suitability of job seekers for special jobs. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The special skills of the calligraphy, plasterers, etc., may be scientifically and uniformly processed by the force (weighting) that the learner exerts on a flat planar object and the movements (bearing, velocity, etc.), on the flat planar object. - 特許庁
To provide a method for planting seedlings needing no specific skill or heavy labor for works of taking out seedlings from a growth frame, winding roots and fixing the seedlings by water, preventing damages to the roots, efficiently planting, and favorably growing the seedlings. - 特許庁
With the demand for cybersecurity professionals outstripping supply, high-tech companies and government agencies are using innovative programs to recruit and train workers with specialized skills in information security. - コンピューター用語辞典
To make feasible the illustration not requiring special technique and technology in making the same capable of relating the illustration to a novel so as not to interfere with a reader uniquely imaging a hero or a heroine, characters, and a scene of the novel by the illustration. - 特許庁
To provide a brick laying work to perform safe lifting of even a block brick having structure apt to collapse, shorten a working time in a furnace, and relieve the burden of a worker needing special skill. - 特許庁
一 料理の調理又は食品の製造に係る技能で外国において考案され我が国において特殊なものを要する業務に従事する者で、次のいずれかに該当するもの(第九号に掲げる者を除く。)例文帳に追加
(i) A person who is to engage in the service of preparing cuisine or producing food that requires skills which were devised overseas and are foreign to Japan, and who falls under any of the following categories (except for the aliens listed in item (ix)). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide an operating time measurement assisting device, its method to reduce man-hour in research of work time, etc., and to enable measurement without requiring a special skill and a recording medium in which an operating time measurement assistance program is recorded. - 特許庁
第十七条の八 消防設備士試験は、消防用設備等又は特殊消防用設備等(以下この章において「工事整備対象設備等」という。)の設置及び維持に関して必要な知識及び技能について行う。例文帳に追加
Article 17-8 (1) A fire defense equipment officer's qualification examination shall be conducted to assess the knowledge and skills necessary for ensuring the installation and maintenance of fire defense equipment, etc. or special fire defense equipment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "equipment, etc. subject to construction or improvement work" in this Chapter). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide a construction method of a retaining wall capable of eliminating work required for such as a special technical skill or experience to make welding or pressure welding of short reinforcing bars one after another to extend without requiring the assembling and dismantling of a scaffold in the back of a block. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (63件) |
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