
「真っ直ぐに」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 484



To provide a wheel lock device which can lock the wheel smoothly, even if the wheel direction is not perfectly straight and has a little shift. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that an insertion hole molding pin is deflected or bent during molding a ferrule for an optical connector and a fiber insertion hole is not molded straightly. - 特許庁


Also, when returning the body pillow 1 back to the original straight shape, the body pillow 1 is shaken or something is performed, to apply vibration to the inner materials 5. - 特許庁


To realize a swing practice apparatus and a practice method allowing practice to make a hit ball easily and accurately fly straight with an extremely simple low-cost apparatus suitable for swinging to make the hit ball fly straight when swinging in a game and practice of golf. - 特許庁



The bottom of the nearly V-shaped groove 2 passes straightly through the center of the ball sinker 1 to pass the fishing line 4 through the center of the sinker in a manner held straightly in the V-shaped groove 2 in the case of inserting the fishing line 4 into the V-shaped groove 2. - 特許庁



Since the optical ferrule 5 and sleeve 4 are loaded straight, a highly accurate receptacle 21 is realized which is free of difficulty in assembly. - 特許庁


The enlargement of the paper looping is suppressed by the restricting part, permitting straight advancing to the paper carriage path and preventing the occurrence of paper jam. - 特許庁


Tekka hada is synonymous with 'Take wo watta yo' (straightforward), and was used as a word to express frank, manlike, and open-hearted female character.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The station building is long horizontally, and a broad street runs straight from the station square, where bus stops are located, toward Kintetsu Yokkaichi Station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The piston ring deformation is calculated in a three moments method by considering a piston ring as a straight beam. - 特許庁



To emit electrons in a straight line from a needle electrode generated by corona discharge, and distantly deliver generated ionic wind. - 特許庁


A through-hole is formed at a position of a dust cap 12 just before the light emitting diodes 33a, 33b and lenses 37a, 37b are mounted in the through-hole. - 特許庁


This tube device has an elongated tube body 1 which is mainly formed of a soft synthetic resin and is nearly straight and is elastically deformable. - 特許庁


The crescent base surface has a rear boundary (28) which exists near a rear edge and is straight as a whole and a front boundary (23) which is curved. - 特許庁


To provide an air blower using a propeller fan capable of forming straight airflow without constraint for arrangement. - 特許庁


The use of this process enables straight, bent and tilted ridge structures to be formed with high precision. - 特許庁


The valve body 76 can be smoothly rolled by making a rolling face 78 on which the valve body 76 is rolled, into a straightly extended stepless face. - 特許庁


A pinch part 5 capable of pinching a straight board body W in a shape as it is respectively formed at each support rest 1 disposed in an array. - 特許庁


To provide a coating method which enables coating of a straight stripe pattern or a meandering stripe pattern also on the surface of an object to be coated. - 特許庁


An arcuate wall 14 and two generally straight walls 15, 16 extend upwardly from the base surface 13 and terminate at the upper end of container 11. - 特許庁


To provide a cutter for a glass retention frame in which even an inexpert can easily and straight cut the holding part of a frame which holds glass. - 特許庁


To provide a cutter device cutting a front edge of a cutting body straight even if the cutter has a cutting characteristic. - 特許庁


To provide a method for regulating an apparatus for drawing a glass preform capable of rapidly and accurately producing a straight preform rod. - 特許庁


To provide a spotlight for obtaining clear, straight luminous intensity distribution even if light is illuminated from an oblique direction to an illumination surface. - 特許庁

エディーが通気孔バルブが なんだとか言ってた時... ...ブライスが立ち上がって私の方に 真っ直ぐ歩いてきたの例文帳に追加

Eddie was saying something about intake valves when out of nowhere, bryce stood up and marched straight towards me. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


To provide a catheter straitening device and a catheter assembly safely and easily straitening a shaped catheter and preventing an introduction port into the body, a tube wall, etc., from being damaged in inserting the straightened catheter into the body. - 特許庁


The following postal objects P including the second one of the double feeded postal objects P are transported straight to the auxiliary transport passage 6. - 特許庁


Each mortar fitting hole 6 in a mortar attaching part 2c of a rotary disk is formed of a straight through hole with a fixed size. - 特許庁


To increase strength against bending stress, to easily drive the hollow nail into a plate material or the like without bending for the plate material, and straightly and safely drive the nail into the plate material when a continuous nail driving machine using compressed air is employed. - 特許庁


To provide a guide device which can move immediately up to the desired position, without the sense of incongruity, when needed, while making a coordinate position detector movable rectilinearly in two directions that intersect with each other in moving the coordinate position detector on a board surface of a guide board. - 特許庁


The bias members 22 are normally flat so as to be closed in a straight parallel state but are openable under inwardly-directed finger pressure applied to their opposite ends to cause them to bow outwardly away from each other. - 特許庁


In the attachment member 18 to a guide rail 22 as an attachment, a communication groove 25b extended straight along a communication surface 20b to get in contact with the a connection surface 20a, and an engagement groove 25a continuous with it are formed. - 特許庁


To provide a wheelchair capable of stably advancing straight by preventing it from turning to the direction of a driveway at the time of traveling straight along a slope or the slope of a sidewalk inclined toward the driveway or the like. - 特許庁


Thereby, it becomes possible to fit the front end of the lead terminals 3a, 3d in the insertion holes 7a, 7d while the component is made to be in parallel to a substrate 5, and to insert the component straightly to the substrate 5 from right above. - 特許庁


The heat transfer fins are provided with the plurality of cut and raised portions 21a-21f formed by cutting and raising work, and aligned from an upstream side toward a downstream side in the flowing direction of airflow at both sides in the vertical direction of the heat transfer tubes. - 特許庁


By this structure, the hook part 256 is not extended by load that a mounting part 112 of an airbag door 110 is pulled to a vehicle front side and the hook part 256 is capable of surely receive the load (bending is not extended straightly). - 特許庁


An end of a guide stick is formed into a tapered surface (round shape) so that a tool may enter straight into a hole without causing damage on the complete roundness of the hole inner circumferential surface and can consequently cut the hole completely round. - 特許庁


The spectral prisms 24, 26, 28 split the light which is made incident from an object through a lens 30 into the light traveled straight in the forward direction and the refracted light, and they are respectively made incident onto each solid-state imaging device. - 特許庁


The wakyu is not straight when viewed with the tsuru nearby and yugara (wooden or bamboo part between Motohazu (the lower top of the bow) and Urahazu (the top of the bow)) further away, and the tsuru is placed slightly left in order to make it located at the right edge of yugara where the arrow is placed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a knee extension treatment apparatus for applying a downward force to an upper surface of a user's leg while the leg is supported by the knee extension treatment apparatus, for facilitating the straightening of the leg when bent at the knee. - 特許庁


Once the hub 12 is rigidly or sufficiently seated, the sheath 40 may be easily detached from the hub 12 when the sheath 40 is straightly pulled by slight force to prevent the inside of the sheath 40 from being into contact with the tip end of the needle 14. - 特許庁


At a coil end part 22 projected from an end face of the stator core 11 after the coil 20 is inserted, an extension part 22a extending straight along an extension line of the slot 14 is formed. - 特許庁


The ceiling member 5 is elastically bent, and the central part may hold the curved shape projecting upward against elastic restoration force which attempts to return to a straight condition by fixing both end parts to left and right eaves sides. - 特許庁


To provide a mounting structure of a hollow formed member capable of preventing the dent deformation therein, at the same time, being screwed on a building skeleton by straightly inserting a screw, and preventing the intrusion of rainwater or the like into a hollow section. - 特許庁


The needle cannula 13 is cold-worked or heat annealed to produce a preformed bend 16 that can be straightened within passageway of a coaxial outer cannula for introduction into the body of a patient. - 特許庁


To provide a patch panel having a plurality of modular jacks capable of being mounted straight into the rear of a faceplate to minimize the required distance between two rows of the modular jacks. - 特許庁


A tape affixing device 10 employs guides 18 and 20 to guide a negative bar 16 inserted to a base 12, straight along the lengthwise direction of the negative bar 16. - 特許庁


To direct clean air in a clean room downward straight from above, and to eliminate the surge voltage or leak current caused by switching frequency generated from an inverter unit. - 特許庁


As a result, the optical fiber 11 can be connected measurement unit 30 nearly straightly from a through hole being provided on the top surface of a closed container, thus improving a working efficiency without occupying the space in the closed container uselessly. - 特許庁



In the center in the lateral direction on the outer surface of the outer clipping piece 5, there is formed a mark 8 for the purpose of clipping the neckbands 1a, 2a of the undershirt 1 and the kimono 2 vertically in alignment with the back center 3 of the kimono 2. - 特許庁


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