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該当件数 : 2046



During call on an outside line between a first terminal 31 and a second terminal 32, in response to a hold operation P1 of the first terminal 31, a hold request is sent from the first terminal 31 to a hold management unit 91 (step S21), thereby entering a hold state. - 特許庁


This system for providing an icebreak topic is used for providing information for icebreak in performing counseling via a communication network to a counselee staying in a remote location, and includes: a keyword extraction means 1 to extract a keyword from history information representing history of counseling provided for the counselee in the past, and a collection means 2 to collect information for icebreak by accessing a server on the communication network based on the keyword extracted by the keyword extraction means 1. - 特許庁


At the time of detecting that the communication quality from a closed area radio communication part 13 is changed and the communication quality is degraded, a control part 12 compares the information of the quality degradation with information read from a storage device 14 and decides to notify the alarm when the generated quality degradation is determined as an alarm object and the generated quality degradation is the quality degradation below a set value. - 特許庁


In a mobile communication terminal device communicating with a base station in either a video telephone mode or an audio communication mode, the mobile communication terminal device includes a detection means for detecting an input of a predetermined number, and a setting means for shifting the set from the audio communication mode to the video telephone mode when the mobile communication terminal device detects the predetermined number and recognizes the current audio communication mode. - 特許庁



I would like to ask you about the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, regarding which the ruling parties will unveil the outline of a bill for revision tomorrow. Am I correct in understanding that rather than revive the act - which expired in March - in its original form, the FSA intends to review it with an open mind and make some revisions before submitting a bill?  - 金融庁



In the state in which the driver takes refuge without locking the doors with the key inserted after operation in emergency refuge mode is started automatically or manually on detecting the large disaster occurring in the vicinity by receiving disaster information, the current position and movement track of the vehicle are transmitted to a previously registered mobile phone on detecting the engine being started thereafter. - 特許庁


This information processor 10 is provided with an operation means used for an input operation; a use state detection means for detecting the use state of the operation means; and a message output control means for controlling the output of an interactive message corresponding to the operation means use state detected by the use state detection means. - 特許庁


The electronic apparatus includes: first and second infrared ray communication sections for receiving a signal transmitted from the mobile phone (mobile terminal) and arranged at prescribed intervals with each other; a reception communication section discrimination section 1l for detecting an infrared ray communication section for receiving the signal; and a main control section for associating results of the detection by a reception section detection means with one of multiple processing. - 特許庁


A mobile telephone set 11 communicates with a personal computer 1 having a communication device 6 by using a communication device 12 and a position information system 13 periodically monitors the position of the personal computer 1; when position information is an unexpected one or excessive vibration or a fall is detected, a data transfer command is sent to a controller 5. - 特許庁



When there is a microphone selected as a sound source position, the sound source position detection section 2 detects a new speaker by using values obtained by subtracting creeping quantities from output levels of the respective microphones by referring to a creeping quantity table 3 in which creeping quantities of signals collected by the microphone and reinforced by the plurality of speakers 6 into other microphones are recorded. - 特許庁



When a PHS slave unit 5 operates the number of a customer owned and maintained base station 1 with a telephone terminal 7, an exchange network 100 receives a call out. - 特許庁


It was issued yesterday or the day before yesterday, and I received a report on it. Although the SEC has said it will set forth a direction by the end of this year, it is not so easy. Of the world's 500 major companies, around 180 have adopted IFRS, and naturally, U.S. companies are not included among them. However, the SEC has conducted analysis and issued various reports.  - 金融庁


In this system 1, if an applicant B having seen a present application sheet 2 sends application mail for a present from a cell phone 7, an information management server 3 acquires the mail address of the applicant B from the received mail, prompts registration of necessary personal information via the Web, draws lots after the registration, and transmits notice mail about the prize winning result to the applicant B. - 特許庁


A portable telephone system 12 is used for the radio communicating means. - 特許庁


A telephone directory application control section 22 extracts communication system information IDs satisfying call available conditions on the basis of communication system utilizing information including access information and utilizing information stored in a communication system utilizing information storage section 23 and the call available conditions in a communication system information database 24, and reads call available voice circuit type IDs corresponding to the communication system information ID. - 特許庁


This machine guard system is provided with a transmitter 3 provided with a function for transmitting the alarm to a remote monitoring device by using a telephone line when detection signals for detecting the abnormality are inputted from a sensor 1 and a connector 4 for converting a communication procedure corresponding to input signals from the transmitter and transmitting the alarm to the monitoring device through an ISDN network. - 特許庁


When the control part 24 receives and reproduces the CM contents, the viewing information is acquired from every advertiser at the counting timing of the viewing information in the CM table so as to be stored in the nvram 25, a modem 27 is controlled at a prescribed timing, and the viewing information is sent to a network data processor via a telephone line 6. - 特許庁


To provide a new storage which has a shelf board protruding forward and excellent convenience, safety, and appearance design, as the storage for housing home electric appliances or the like such as a telephone device, facsimile machine, and rice cooker which require a larger depth, as well as small articles such as books and convenience goods. - 特許庁


Then, a control device 2 recognizes the inputted sound signal as a voice command and retrieves map data acquired through a map data input device 4 based on the address information in the inputted sound signal, thereby extracting an area code attached to a phone number of a government office existing in the area designated by the address information. - 特許庁


The facsimile equipment 10 that transmits/receives facsimile data via a public telephone line is provided with a reception means 11 that receives image data from an external device, an image processing means 17 that converts the image data into facsimile data, and a character recognition means 15 that analyzes the image data to extract a line number included in an image based on the image data. - 特許庁


A content management server apparatus 400 transmits content information encrypted by an encryption processing part of the contents encryption apparatus 300 to the user terminal 100 via a communication network 600, whereas a streaming server apparatus 500 transmits streamed cryptographic key information via a portable telephone communication network 650 and a charge processing part calculates the fees on the basis of the transmission situations. - 特許庁


Thus, an incoming call can be automatically transferred to the destination of transfer arbitrarily set by the user according to the classification of a call on the incoming signal. - 特許庁


In the point service system 1, an ECR 20 calculates the number of obtained points corresponding to this time purchase sum when a customer purchases merchandise, and obtains customer identification information from a portable telephone set 50 of the customer by a non-contact IC reader/writer 40, and transmits the obtained customer identification information and this time number of obtained points of the customer to a server device 10. - 特許庁


A portable phone 1 comprises: a contact detection unit 12 having a contact area for detecting contact; and a control unit 17 which executes first processing when the contact detection unit 12 detects contact at a first position in the contact area, and executes second processing when the contact detection unit 12 detects contact at a second position in the contact area. - 特許庁


This facsimile hybrid machine can set a line kind by generating select signals of a plurality of different signal systems and detecting a dial tone on the telephone line; when the machine is installed and powered ON, the line kind is not automatically set, but when an initial calling operation is performed, the line kind is automatically set. - 特許庁


This cellular phone (information terminal) 10 is provided with a two-dimensional CCD 6 for detecting an image by ultraviolet radiation reflected by a human body 21, by receiving the ultraviolet radiation reflected by the skin of the human body 21, and a liquid crystal display device 2 for displaying the image by the ultraviolet radiation by the two-dimensional CCD 6. - 特許庁


When communicating with the other equipment by a first radio communication control means 123 of a telephone communication processing part 120, when it is necessary to read or to write a prescribed information data, a control means 122 requests the read or write control of information data through an internal communication control means 121 to the card part 110. - 特許庁


When the user ID read from the portable telephone 100 is matched with the user ID read from the IC tag 500 attached to the purchase merchandise, a purchase confirmation device 600 installed in the neighborhood of the exit of a store opens a gate for conveying the merchandise from the store, and otherwise, outputs injustice. - 特許庁


The communication device according to the present invention can communicate by transmitting data associated with conversation video and a conversation speech in real time in a period other than a synchronization period that period information designates, and display live video and lyrics video timed to the live performance in the synchronization period by delaying received data and reading lyrics data out through synchronization processing between the received speech data and reference musical sound data. - 特許庁


The method for distributing contents information based on the conversation information is provided with a management procedure for managing keywords with high frequency based on the conversation information, keyword extraction procedure for extracting keywords generated by the users with equivalent frequency from the keywords by the management procedure, and a distribution procedure for distributing the contents information based on the extracted keyword by the extraction procedure. - 特許庁


When a microphone of a speaking person speaking to an opposite party is selected, a first DSP 25 for selecting a microphone extracts a microphone which faces the selected microphone or a microphone adjacent to the selected microphone as a correction microphone and calculates a correction signal by multiplying the detection signal of the correction microphone by a weight coefficient. - 特許庁


Then, by comparing a present navigation position with the navigation plan of the ship 10 registered before leaving port in an operation plan information DB 22, when the present position is deviated from the plan or when the navigation position is within an operation sea area of bad weather according to obtained weather and sea condition information, warning is sent to the portable telephone set 11. - 特許庁


This system has an NC lathe 2 for machining works, various detection sensors 54 to 60 for detecting abnormality, a control means 62 which generates and transmits abnormality information according to abnormality detection signals from the detection sensors 54 to 60, a telephone set 84A which receives the abnormality information from the control means 62, etc. - 特許庁


This lighting color control system of a portable telephone set capable of setting the color of light illuminating the display part is provided with a light receiving part 8 detecting the intensity of light around the portable radio equipment and a lighting color controlling part 3A illuminating the display part by light with a longer wavelength as the intensity of detection light detected by the light receiving part becomes large. - 特許庁


The service center 13 can predict that the power supply voltage of the battery 17 of the on-board emergency call system 1 drops to interrupt information transmission from the system 1 and obtain information from the driver about the minimum requirements necessary for a rescue by instructing the driver to speak the minimum requirements necessary for rescue preferentially. - 特許庁


The portable telephone terminal 1 comprises: a position/attitude detection section 36 which detects a position; an index information generation section which generates, when the position detected by the position/attitude detection section 36 changes, index information based on the changed position; and a control section 22 which transmits the generated index information as the positional information to the server device. - 特許庁


A personal computer 30 of the bus operation management center 3 receives the current location information and bus ID information of the bus 1 transmitted from the portable communication terminal 2, and calculates the arrival scheduled time of the bus 1 from the current position of the bus 1 to the bus stops BS1 to BSn, and transmits the calculated arrival scheduled time of the bus 1 to the portable telephone set 4 carried by a user P. - 特許庁


The collapsible portable telephone comprises a position detecting means for detecting coupling state of a first case 2 and a second case 4, and a communication function controlling means which, based on the detection result of the position detecting means, controls setting or releasing of the setting for stopping only the function required for communication. - 特許庁


This system is provided with a portable telephone set with a GPS function held by a traveler 1 for searching the current location of the traveler and a call center 2 for providing various local information to the traveler based on the current location information transmitted from the traveler 1 in response to an inquiry from the traveler, and for requesting the dispatch of a disaster prevention personnel in emergency to the traveler. - 特許庁


A voice communication device 1 has a test means 35 of making a house apparatus A switch a contact of a branch relay in a brancher B with a control signal sent through a control line Lc to transmit a voice signal to a desired house apparatus A and also sending out a predetermined test signal to the house apparatus A through a signal line Ld. - 特許庁


When a tag detector 21 of a communication terminal 2 detects a radio tag 5 anew, a communication controller 22 requests a registration server 1 to register account information including an IP telephone identifier corresponding to the radio tag 5, and a registration changer 13 of the registration server 1 registers the account information paired with the terminal identifier of the communication terminal 2 in a memory 11. - 特許庁


The digital electronic camera having functions of a cellular phone or a PHS(Personal Handyphone System) comprises a direction sensor for detecting the direction of a photographing camera 21 with a variable photographing direction, one function mode is selected in accordance with the output of the direction sensor, and the communication system corresponding to the selected function mode is selected and instructed to a communication system instruction circuit 12. - 特許庁


When an incoming call is detected in the cellular phone 10, an artificial muscle cell 20 is contracted to expand a movable part 24 to the outer side, the artificial muscle cell 20 is stretched after prescribed time to return the movable part 24 to an original position, the movement (expansionreturn) is repeated while the incoming call continues and the incoming call is notified by the pressure to a human body. - 特許庁

CD11に記憶されているデ−タを読み出す読出手段と、読み出したデ−タを再生する再生手段とを備えた再生装置10において、読出手段によりCD11に記憶されているDTMF(Dual Tone Multi Frequency )信号が読み出された場合、DTMF信号を携帯電19に出力する第1のDTMF信号出力手段を装備する。例文帳に追加

This reproducing device 10 provided with a reading means for reading data stored in a CD 11 and a reproducing means for reproducing the read data is equipped with a first DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) signal outputting means for outputting a DTMF signal to a portable telephone 19 when the reading means reads the DTMF signal stored in the CD 11. - 特許庁


The telephone 1 comprises a circuit 13 for separating image data read out from a memory 12 as digital data into two groups, and a transfer data signal generation circuit 14 for transforming data belonging to each group into signals corresponding to two frequencies in the voice band, respectively, and delivers the signal of each frequency from the output terminal 15. - 特許庁


This language understanding device is provided with a storage part for storing a tree structure of concepts in a domain, data showing concept names to specify concepts and conceptual representation, data showing semantic frames corresponding to the concept names and the slots and data showing the concept names corresponding to the slots, and configured to detect the conceptual representation included in utterance content by referring to the storage part, and to read the corresponding concept names. - 特許庁


The emergency warning broadcasting system comprises a program information generation and transmitting apparatus which transmits digital broadcast waves including emergency warning broadcasting, a CBS signal transmitter which distributes CBS signals that notify beginning of emergency warning broadcasting through base stations when receiving the digital broadcast waves including the emergency warning broadcasting, and the cellular phone terminal which starts receiving of digital broadcast waves when detecting that received CBS signals are ones which notify beginning of emergency warning broadcasting. - 特許庁


Following the story of how the end of the political battle was realized because of the order that was given to stop the political battle between the Liberal Party (Britain) and the Conservative Party (Britain) using the coronation of George, the 5th (King of Britain) as a reason, the government advised, in the form of an ordinance of the Emperor, Kinmochi SAIONJI to stop the political battle since Emperor Taisho had just been enthroned as the Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A mobile phone 1 includes: a motor 47 which generates the vibration for notification; an acceleration sensor 45 which detects acceleration data; and a CPU 49 which stops generation of the vibration due to the motor 47 when it is determined that the variation of the acceleration data detected by the acceleration sensor 45 exceeds a predetermined threshold when the vibration is generated by the motor 47. - 特許庁



Further, when a beacon signal generating section 2 is out of order, since the terminal 1 provided with a beacon signal generating section 17 transmits beacon signals B1, B2 to the signal line Ls in place of the beacon signal generator 2, a speech (transmission of the audio signals) between the terminals 1, 1 can be attained. - 特許庁


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