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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > as agreed upon inに関連した英語例文





as agreed upon inの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 72


The Industrial voluntary action plan, which can be understood as voluntary regulations by industries, was agreed upon by 22 business organizations in 8 sectors which produce or use fluorinated gases.例文帳に追加

"一つ目の、産業界の自主行動計画は、8分野22団体で策定しています。" - 経済産業省

Regarding FTA with ASEAN countries, the negotiation with ASEAN as a whole was suspended in March 2009 and the decision to re-open negotiations with individual ASEAN members was agreed upon in December 2009.例文帳に追加

ASEANとのFTAについては、ASEAN全体との交渉を2009 年3 月に休止した後、2009 年12 月にASEAN加盟国と個別に交渉を進める決断を下した。 - 経済産業省

(iv) When a qualified consumer organization receives property benefits as a penalty agreed upon to ensure performance of obligations of the opposite party involved in a demand for an injunction. 例文帳に追加

四 差止請求に係る相手方の債務の履行を確保するために約定された違約金の支払として財産上の利益を受けるとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

These amendments have been agreed upon as a result of active negotiations between the ruling and opposition parties in the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

これらにつきましては、(衆議)院内におきまして、与野党の間での精力的なご協議なども経て修正にいたったものでございます。 - 金融庁


Remaining time to the time agreed in the SLA as a determination rule 42 is set beforehand, and a caution alarm is output upon reaching the remaining time.例文帳に追加

判定ルール42としてSLAで合意した時間に対する残り時間を予め設定し、残り時間に達した時点で注意アラームを出力する。 - 特許庁


As for measures against the current debt uneasiness, the EFSF financeable amount was agreed to be raised up to 440 billion euro, but the details were to be agreed upon before the European Council meeting held in June 2011.例文帳に追加

一方、足元の欧州債務不安への対応については、EFSF の融資可能額を4,400億ユーロに引き上げることが合意されたものの、詳細については2011年6月の欧州理事会までに合意を目指すこととなった。 - 経済産業省

(c) transactions wherein the parties mutually promise that, using the amount the parties have agreed to as the principal, the first party will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change during the agreed-upon period in the Interest Rate, etc. for the Financial Instruments (limited to those listed in Article 2, paragraph (24) item (ii) of the Act or those listed in item (v) of that paragraph (limited to those pertaining to those listed in item (ii) of that paragraph)) or in the Financial Indicator agreed upon with the second party, and the second party will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change during the agreed-upon period in the Interest Rate, etc. for the Financial Instruments (limited to those listed in that item or those listed in item (v) of that paragraph (limited to those pertaining to those listed in item (ii) of that paragraph)) or in the Financial Indicator agreed upon with the first party (including a transaction wherein the parties promise that, in addition to the payment of such amounts, they will also pay and deliver and receive the amount of money or Financial Instruments equivalent to the amount agreed as the principal), or any other transaction equivalent thereto; 例文帳に追加

ハ 当事者が元本として定めた金額について当事者の一方が相手方と取り決めた金融商品(法第二条第二十四項第二号に掲げるもの又は同項第五号に掲げるもの(同項第二号に掲げるものに係るものに限る。)に限る。)の利率等若しくは金融指標の約定した期間における変化率に基づいて金銭を支払い、相手方が当事者の一方と取り決めた金融商品(同号に掲げるもの又は同項第五号に掲げるもの(同項第二号に掲げるものに係るものに限る。)に限る。)の利率等若しくは金融指標の約定した期間における変化率に基づいて金銭を支払うことを相互に約する取引(これらの金銭の支払とあわせて当該元本として定めた金額に相当する金銭又は金融商品を授受することを約するものを含む。)又はこれに類似する取引 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) transactions listed in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (ii) of the Act, and Exchange-Traded Derivatives Transactions in a Foreign Market similar to the transactions listed in that item: the party to pay and the party to receive the money when the Actual Figure (meaning the Actual Figure prescribed in that item; the same shall apply in item (viii)) exceeds the Agreed-Upon Figure (meaning the Agreed-Upon Figure as prescribed in item (ii) of that paragraph; the same shall apply in item (viii)), and the volumes or amounts, the agreed-upon figure, and the date of delivery for the Financial Indicator or the Financial Instruments; 例文帳に追加

三 法第二条第二十一項第二号に掲げる取引及び外国市場デリバティブ取引であって同号に掲げる取引と類似の取引 現実数値(同号に規定する現実数値をいう。第八号において同じ。)が約定数値(同項第二号に規定する約定数値をいう。第八号において同じ。)を上回った場合に金銭を支払う立場の当事者となるか又は当該金銭を受領する立場の当事者となるかの別、金融指標又は金融商品の銘柄、数又は金額、約定数値及び受渡日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As stated above, since first being issued in 1992, this Report has been advocating the basic policies of examining each country's international trade policies by setting internationally agreed upon rules (such as WTO Agreements) as a basis for analysis.例文帳に追加

冒頭に述べたとおり、本報告書は、1992年の刊行以来、WTO協定等国際的に合意されたルールを分析基準として各国の貿易・通商政策を検討するという基本方針を貫いてきた。 - 経済産業省


Based on a memorandum between JOGMEC and the Uzbekistan Geological Mine National Resource Committee, cooperation was agreed upon in various sectors such as mutual cooperation in the four areas of joint exploration of Uzbeki mineral resources which are study of participation by Japanese companies in exploration and development, exchange of information on resources and exploration technology and training of personnel.例文帳に追加

さらに、2007年4月、甘利経済産業大臣がウズベキスタンを訪問し、ウランを始めとする鉱物資源分野及び石油・天然ガス分野における協力で一致をしている。 - 経済産業省


Since first being issued in 1992, this Report has been monitoring the status of compliance with internationally agreed upon rules, establishing such rules as a basis for analysis and identification of trade policies and/or measures of other countries which have problems in such respect.例文帳に追加

1992年の刊行開始以来、本報告書は、他国の問題のある貿易政策・措置を明らかにすべく、国際的に合意されたルールを分析基準としてその遵守=コンプライアンスの状況をチェックしてきた。 - 経済産業省

(c) a transaction wherein the parties thereto promise mutually that, using the amount the parties have agreed to as the principal, the first will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change during the agreed-upon period in the Interest Rate, etc. (meaning an Interest Rate, etc. as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (iv) of the Act; the same shall apply in sub-item (c) of this item and sub-item (c) of the following item) for the Financial Instruments (limited to those listed in item (ii) of paragraph (24) of that Article or those listed item (v) of that paragraph (limited to those pertaining to those listed in item (ii) of that paragraph)) or in the Financial Indicator (limited to the value of the currencies or figures calculated based thereon; the same shall apply in sub-item (c) of this item and sub-item (c) of the following item) agreed upon with the second party, and the second party will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change during the agreed-upon period in the Interest Rate, etc. for the Financial Instruments (limited to those listed in item (ii) of paragraph (24) of that Article or those listed in item (v) of that paragraph (limited to those pertaining to those listed in item (ii) of that paragraph)) or in the Financial Indicator agreed upon with the first party (including a transaction wherein the parties promise that, in addition to the payment of such amounts, they will also pay and deliver and receive the amount of money or Financial Instruments equivalent to the amount agreed as the principal); 例文帳に追加

ハ 当事者が元本として定めた金額について当事者の一方が相手方と取り決めた金融商品(法第二条第二十四項第二号に掲げるもの又は同項第五号に掲げるもの(同項第二号に掲げるものに係るものに限る。)に限る。)の利率等(同条第二十一項第四号に規定する利率等をいう。ハ及び次号ハにおいて同じ。)又は金融指標(通貨の価格又はこれに基づいて算出した数値に限る。ハ及び次号ハにおいて同じ。)の約定した期間における変化率に基づいて金銭を支払い、相手方が当事者の一方と取り決めた金融商品(同条第二十四項第二号に掲げるもの又は同項第五号に掲げるもの(同項第二号に掲げるものに係るものに限る。)に限る。)の利率等又は金融指標の約定した期間における変化率に基づいて金銭を支払うことを相互に約する取引(これらの金銭の支払とあわせて当該元本として定めた金額に相当する金銭又は金融商品を授受することを約するものを含む。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

in the case of Pakistan: (i) the State Bank of Pakistan; and (ii) any other institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of Pakistan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

パキスタンについては、(i)パキスタン国立銀行(ii)パキスタン政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

in the case of the United Kingdom: (i) the Bank of England; (ii) the Commonwealth Development Corporation; and (iii) such other similar institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of the United Kingdom as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

英国については(i)イングランド銀行(ii)英連邦開発公社(iii)英国政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

It was also agreed upon at such meeting to consider methods for promoting regional economic integration (including an FTAAP) as a long term objective, and to report its conclusion at the Economic Leaders Meeting in 2007.例文帳に追加

長期的展望としてのFTAAPを含め、地域経済統合を促進する方法について2007年の首脳会議に報告するべく検討することとなった。 - 経済産業省

(vii) any other benefits similar to those specified in (i) to (vi), to be introduced after the entry into force of this Agreement, and as may be agreed upon between the two Parties.例文帳に追加

(vii)(i)から(vi)までに掲げる給付と同様のその他の給付であって、この協定の効力発生後に導入され、かつ、両締約国によって合意されるもの - 厚生労働省

While they stated in its public agreement that they would respect treaties between Japan and the Russian Empire as well as those between the both countries and Qing, together with the realization of the independence of Qing, open-door policy, equal opportunity, and the like, they agreed upon respective range of Japanese interests in the south Manchuria and Russian interests in the north Manchuria in its confidential agreement. 例文帳に追加

公開協定では日露間及び両国と清国の間に結ばれた条約を尊重することと、清国の独立、門戸開放、機会均等の実現を掲げる一方で、秘密協定では日本の南満州、ロシアの北満州での利益範囲を協定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(3) The Registrar may call for such written explanation of the reasons for the request or evidence in support of it as he may require in order to satisfy himself that there is an error and, upon being so satisfied, shall make such correction as may be agreed between the proprietor of the patent or applicant and the Registrar.例文帳に追加

(3) 登録官は,誤記が存在する事実を自己が納得するために必要な当該請求の理由に関する説明書又はそれを裏付ける証拠の提出を要求することができ,当該事実を納得したときは,特許所有者又は出願人と登録官との間で合意した訂正を行う。 - 特許庁

Unlike mudaraba, it is borne by both parties in accordance with the investment ratio or a ratio agreed upon in advance even when a loss is incurred in business, and the provider of funds holds the management floor largely in accordance with the investment ratio, as a business partner (Column Figure 2-4).例文帳に追加

ムダーラバと異なり、事業において損失が発生した場合においても出資比率又は事前に合意された比率に応じてそれぞれが負担し、また、資本出資者は共同経営者としておおむね出資比率に応じた経営発言権を持つことになる(コラム第 2-4 図)。 - 経済産業省

Third, an effective means of avoiding needless misunderstandings and emotionalism over trade concerns, as well as of preventing trade friction from becoming a political issue, is to judge objectively whether criticism and complaints about a country's trade policies and practices in fact have any basis under internationally agreed-upon rules. The WTO dispute settlement system was designed for this very purpose.例文帳に追加

第三に、通商摩擦をめぐる議論の混乱と感情的な対立を避け、政治問題化させないためには、他国の貿易政策・措置に対する批判や非難が、国際的に合意されたルールに照らしてどのような根拠をもつものであるかを、冷静に判別することが有効である。 - 経済産業省

In addition, based on this understanding, whether the representative director has made clear, both throughout the company and to the outside, a basic policy decided by the board of directors with due consideration of theGuideline for Prevention of Damages from Anti-Social Forces in Industry” (agreed upon at a meeting on June 19, 2007 of cabinet ministers responsible for anti-crime measures; referred to as the “Government Guidelinehereinafter in III-1). 例文帳に追加

「企業が反社会的勢力による被害を防止するための指針について」(平成19年6月19日犯罪対策閣僚会議幹事会申合せ。以下、Ⅲ-1において「政府指針」という。)の内容を踏まえて取締役会で決定された基本方針を社内外に宣言しているか。 - 金融庁

In considering modalities, what matters most is an overall balance in the outcome of the negotiations. Further, the negotiations should aim at a comprehensive package without a priori exclusion of products, as agreed upon in the Doha Declaration. Needless to say negotiations should proceed giving due consideration to the situation surrounding individual products. 例文帳に追加

モダリティは全体のバランスが重要であり、ドーハ閣僚宣言を踏まえ、交渉対象品目はあらかじめ例外を設けず、包括的な交渉とすることが必要不可欠である。但し、各個別品目を取り巻く状況にも配慮しながら交渉を進めることは当然である。 - 経済産業省

The third set of rules used in this report is found in the rules and mechanisms currently agreed upon as our yardstick. Where no established international discipline exists, we take the position that a discipline needs to be established before fairness or unfairness can be discussed.例文帳に追加

第三に、本報告書は、現在の時点で合意が成立しているルールを基準として採用した上で、現在までに確立された国際ルールが存在しない場合には、まずルールの確立を図るべきであり、それなしに公正・不公正を論ずるべきではない、との立場を採用している。 - 経済産業省

in the case of Japan: (i) the Bank of Japan; (ii) the Japan Finance Corporation; (iii) the Japan International Cooperation Agency; (iv) the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance; and (v) such other financial institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of two Contracting States. 例文帳に追加

日本国については、(i)日本銀行 (ii)株式会社日本政策金融公庫 (iii)独立行政法人国際協力機構 (iv)独立行政法人日本貿易保険 (v)日本国政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の金融機関で両締約国の政府が随時合意するもの - 財務省

(b) in the case of Brunei Darussalam: (i) the Brunei Currency and Monetary Board; (ii) the Brunei Investment Agency; (iii) the Employees Trust Fund; and (iv) such other similar institution which is wholly owned by the Government of Brunei Darussalam as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

(b)ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国については、 (i)ブルネイ通貨資金理事会(ii)ブルネイ投資庁(iii)被用者信託基金(iv)ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国政府が全面的に所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

in the case of the United States: (i) the Federal Reserve Banks; (ii) the U.S. Export-Import Bank; (iii) the Overseas Private Investment Corporation; and (iv) such other similar institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the United States as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

合衆国については、(i)連邦準備銀行(ii)合衆国輸出入銀行(iii)海外民間投資公社(iv)合衆国が資本の全部を所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

We strongly hope that the ADB keep playing a leading role in addressing such challenges as I have touched upon today, under its long-term Strategy 2020, making full use of its accumulated expertise, abundant skilled human resources, and financial resources substantially increased by the 5th general capital increase agreed last spring. 例文帳に追加

ADBがこれまでに蓄積してきた経験や豊富な人材、さらには昨年春に合意された増資による資金リソースを十分に活用し、長期戦略であるStrategy2020に基づき、これらの課題に取組むうえで、中心的な役割を果たしていくことを強く期待します。 - 財務省

The “necessary and appropriate supervisionincludes that an entrustment contract contains the measures which are mutually agreed upon by both parties of entruster and trustee as necessary and appropriate measures regarding the handling of personal data, and that it is confirmed periodically in the predetermined time interval whether such measures are properly executed. 例文帳に追加

「必要かつ適切な監督」には、委託先を適切に選定すること、委託先に法第20条に基づく安全管理措置を遵守させるために必要な契約を締結すること、委託先における委託された個人データの取扱状況を把握することが含まれる。 - 経済産業省

As of June 2011, the negotiations have not yet resumed. But the EPA is supposed to symbolize a “new erain Japan-South Korea relations which was agreed upon at the summit meeting of February 2008, and it is also significant from multifaceted perspectives like the expansion of bilateral trade/investment and the two countriesinternational competitiveness. Therefore, an early resumption of negotiations is hoped for.例文帳に追加

2011年6 月時点で未だ交渉は再開していないが、日韓EPAは、2008 年2 月の首脳会談で合意された「日韓新時代」を象徴するものであるほか、両国間の貿易・投資の拡大、両国の国際競争力の強化など多面的な意義があることから、早期の交渉再開が望まれる。 - 経済産業省

(5) The negotiation shall be conducted between the persons designated by the employee organization from among its officers and the persons designated by the proper authorities, within the number of such representatives as agreed upon in advance between the two parties concerned. In conducting the negotiation, the employee organization and the proper authorities shall agree, in advance, upon the agenda, time and place of the meeting and other necessary matters concerning the negotiation. 例文帳に追加

5 交渉は、職員団体と当局があらかじめ取り決めた員数の範囲内で、職員団体がその役員の中から指名する者と当局の指名する者との間において行なわなければならない。交渉に当たつては、職員団体と当局との間において、議題、時間、場所その他必要な事項をあらかじめ取り決めて行なうものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Despite the continuous effort to seek a theme representing the whole world of "The Tale of Genji" in one word, it is hard to say they came to a conclusion that could be widely accepted, although some achievements which were agreed upon to some extent emerged, such as the anti-theory of a long continued descent presented by Kuniaki MITANI and a theory of fiction in "The Tale of Genji" as advocated by Hideo SUZUKI. 例文帳に追加

源氏物語全体を一言で表すような主題を求める努力は続けられており、三谷邦明による反万世一系論や、鈴木日出男による源氏物語虚構論などのような一定の評価を受けた業績も現れてはいるものの、広く合意された結論が出たとは言えない状況である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Registrar may call for such written explanation of the reasons for the request or evidence in support of it as he may require in order to satisfy himself that there is an error and, upon being so satisfied, shall make such correction as may be agreed between the proprietor of the patent or applicant and the Registrar. 例文帳に追加

登録官は,誤記があることに自らが納得することができるよう,自らが必要とする請求理由の書面による説明又は請求を裏付ける証拠を要求することができ,かつ,誤記があることに納得する場合は,特許所有者又は請求人と登録官との間で同意することができる訂正を行うものとする。 - 特許庁

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), where a design right is jointly owned by the State and any other persons, and the portions of their respective shares of the said design right have been agreed upon, the registration fees payable under paragraph (1) shall be determined as the sum calculated by multiplying the applicable registration fees as provided in paragraph (1) by the ratio of the share of persons other than the State, and the persons other than the State shall pay such amounts. 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の登録料は、意匠権が国と国以外の者との共有に係る場合であつて持分の定めがあるときは、第一項の規定にかかわらず、同項に規定する登録料の金額に国以外の者の持分の割合を乗じて得た額とし、国以外の者がその額を納付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

I cannot say anything definite about what will be reported by the FSB at the G-20 summit in September. However, I expect that the FSB will play the central role in overseeing the progress in the implementation of measures that have been agreed upon at summit meetings and on other occasions as measures that should be taken by international organizations and individual countries. 例文帳に追加

来たる9月のG20首脳会合において、FSBからどのような報告がなされるかについては、確たることは申し上げられませんが、金融規制・監督の再構築について、これまでの首脳会合等で各国際機関や各国において取り組むべきとされた事項の進捗状況について、FSBが中心となって今後取りまとめられるものと予想しております。 - 金融庁

Since he assumed the presidency in February 2005, Mr. Kuroda, while undertaking thorough reforms on various aspects of operations and management of the ADB, has placed poverty reduction as the ADB's overarching mission and formulated the Bank's long-term strategy (The Strategy 2020) to accomplish the mission. With a view to enabling the ADB to proceed further toward the goal, Mr. Kuroda led the Bank successfully to gain support of the member countries for the 200 percent General Capital Increase, a capital increase for the first time in 15 years, which was agreed upon in April 2009. 例文帳に追加

黒田総裁は、2005年2月の就任以来、ADB全般にわたる徹底した改革を実施するとともに、ADBの最重要目標として貧困削減を掲げ、長期戦略(Strategy 2020)を策定し、その使命を達成するためにADBの資本を3倍とする15年ぶりの一般増資を2009年4月に成功裡に取りまとめられた。 - 財務省

the interest is derived by: (i) in the case of Japan, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, or the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance; (ii) in the case of Australia, the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation, or a public authority that manages the investments of the Future Fund; and (iii) any similar institution as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

(c)当該利子が、次のいずれかに該当する者によって取得される場合 (i)日本国については、国際協力銀行又は独立行政法人日本貿易保険 (ii)オーストラリアについては、輸出金融保険公社又はフューチャーファンドの投資を管理する公的機関(iii)その他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

With reference to Article 11 of the Convention, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of that Article, interest arising in Portugal and beneficially owned by any institution with the objective to promote exports or development, the capital of which is wholly owned by Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the competent authorities of the Contracting States shall be taxable only in Japan. 例文帳に追加

条約第十一条の規定に関し、同条2及び3の規定にかかわらず、ポルトガル内において生ずる利子であって、輸出及び開発を促進することを目的とし、かつ、日本国により資本の全部を所有される機関(両締約国の権限のある当局が随時合意するものに限る。)が受益者であるものに対しては、日本国においてのみ租税を課することができる。 - 財務省

(3) If the proprietor of a design has suffered loss or damage by reason of that design having been kept secret in pursuance of an order under subsection (1), the Minister shall pay to him such reasonable compensations may be agreed upon or as may, in default of agreement, be determined by arbitration or, if the parties so agree, by the court.例文帳に追加

(3) (1)に基づく命令に基づき意匠が秘密にされたために当該意匠の所有者が損失又は損害を被った場合は,大臣は,合意される相応の補償額,又は合意がなされないときは仲裁により若しくは当事者が合意するときは裁判所により決定される相応の補償額を当該所有者に支払わなければならない。 - 特許庁

Two steps corresponding to dealing with the correction of imbalance were agreed upon at the Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held in Paris in February 2011, namely formulating a "referential guideline" to evaluate the imbalance, and selecting the countries where large imbalance such as continued large surplus (or current-account deficit) exist based on the guideline, then evaluate and analyze causes of the imbalance.例文帳に追加

2011 年2 月、パリで開催された20 か国財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議では、不均衡是正に向けて、不均衡を評価するための「参考となるガイドライン」を作り、それに基づいて大幅な経常黒字(もしくは経常赤字)が恒常化する等、大規模な不均衡が継続している国を選定し、その不均衡の原因を分析・評価する、との2段階での対応に合意した。 - 経済産業省

1. In accordance with measures to be agreed upon by virtue of subparagraph (a) of Article 7, the competent authorities or competent institutions of one Party shall, in accordance with its national statutes and regulations, send to the competent authorities or competent institutions of the other Party information about an individual collected under its laws insofar as that information is necessary for the implementation of this Agreement.例文帳に追加

1 一方の締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関は、第七条(a)の規定により合意する措置に従い、当該一方の締約国の法令の下で収集された個人に関する情報(この協定の実施のために必要なものに限る。)を当該一方の締約国の法律及び規則に従って他方の締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関に伝達する。 - 厚生労働省

In any case, while the first of the three conditions was satisfied regarding the European debt problem as I mentioned now, I believe that it is important to ensure that the measures agreed upon are implemented one by one, and Japan needs to carefully monitor future developments. 例文帳に追加

いずれにいたしましても、欧州債務問題については、今言いましたように三つのうちの最初が(の条件が)きちっと可決されたわけですけれども、合意された枠組みが一つひとつ確実に、実施されていくことが重要であるというふうに考えておりまして、こうした動向を注意深く我が国としても見守っていく必要があると思っています。 - 金融庁

I understand that this is a proposal intended to enhance international cooperation to prevent a recurrence of the financial crisis. At the G20 summit that was held in November last year, the enhancement of international cooperation was agreed upon as one of the five principles on the reform of the financial markets, and action plans based on the five principles were set forth. 例文帳に追加

こうしたご提案は、金融危機の再発防止に向けた国際的な連携を強化するという取組みのための一つの提案、アイディアではないかと受け止めておりますが、この国際的な連携強化については昨年11月のG20サミット首脳会合において、金融市場改革のための5原則の一つとして合意され、また5原則に基づく行動計画も示されているところであります。 - 金融庁

For the purposes of paragraph 3, the terms “the Central Bank” and “financial institution wholly owned by the Governmentmean: (a) in the case of Luxembourg: (i) the Central Bank of Luxembourg; (ii) the National Credit and Investment Corporation (la Societe Nationale de Credit et d’Investissement); and (iii) such other financial institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of Luxembourg as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of two Contracting States 例文帳に追加

3の規定の適用上、「中央銀行」及び「政府の所有する金融機関」とは、次のものをいう。(a)ルクセンブルクについては、(i)ルクセンブルク中央銀行(ii)国立信用投資公社 (iii)ルクセンブルク政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の金融機関で両締約国の政府が随時合意するもの - 財務省

For the purposes of paragraph 3, the terms “the central bank” and “institution wholly owned by that Governmentmean: (a) in the case of Japan: (i) the Bank of Japan; (ii) the Japan Finance Corporation; (iii) the Japan International Cooperation Agency; (iv) the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance; and (v) such other similar institution which is wholly owned by the Government of Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes; 例文帳に追加

3の規定の適用上、「中央銀行」及び「政府が全面的に所有する機関」とは、次のものをいう。(a)日本国については、(i)日本銀行(ii)日本政策金融公庫(iii) 独立行政法人国際協力機構(iv)独立行政法人日本貿易保険(v)日本国政府が全面的に所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

in the case of Japan: (i) the Bank of Japan; (ii) the Japan Finance Corporation; (iii) the Japan International Cooperation Agency; (iv) the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance; and (v) such other similar institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

日本国については、(i)日本銀行(ii)日本政策金融公庫 (iii)独立行政法人国際協力機構 (iv)独立行政法人日本貿易保険 (v)日本国政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換に より随時合意するもの - 財務省

For the purposes of paragraph 3, the terms “the central bank” and “institution wholly owned by the Governmentmean: (a) in the case of Japan: (i) the Bank of Japan; (ii) the Japan Bank for International Cooperation; (iii) the Japan International Cooperation Agency; (iv) the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance;and (v) any other institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

3の規定の適用上、「中央銀行」及び「政府が全面的に所有する機関」とは、次のものをいう。(a)日本国については、 (i)日本銀行(ii)国際協力銀行(iii)独立行政法人国際協力機構(iv)独立行政法人日本貿易保険(v)日本国政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随 時合意するもの - 財務省

For the purposes of paragraph 3 of this Article, the terms “the central bank” and “institution wholly owned by that Governmentmean: (a) in the case of Japan: (i) the Bank of Japan; (ii) the Japan Bank for International Cooperation; (iii) the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance; and (iv) such other similar institution the capital of which is wholly owned by the Government of Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

3の規定の適用上、「中央銀行」及び「政府が全面的に所有する機関」とは、次のものをいう。(a)日本国については、(i)日本銀行(ii)国際協力銀行(iii)独立行政法人日本貿易保険(iv)日本国政府が資本の全部を所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

For the purposes of paragraph 3, the terms “the central bank” and “institution wholly owned by a Contracting Statemean: (a) in the case of Japan: (i) the Bank of Japan; (ii) the Japan Bank for International Cooperation; (iii) the Nippon Export and Investment Insurance; and (iv) such other similar institution the capital of which is wholly owned by Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the Governments of the Contracting States through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 例文帳に追加

3の規定の適用上、「中央銀行」及び「締約国が全面的に所有する機関」とは、次のものをいう。(a)日本国については、(i)日本銀行(ii)国際協力銀行(iii)独立行政法人日本貿易保険(iv)日本国が資本の全部を所有するその他の類似の機関で両締約国の政府が外交上の公文の交換により随時合意するもの - 財務省

As a result, concerns over U.S. dollar liquidity among Korean banks were rising toward the end of September, with the Korean won depreciating, stock prices falling and foreign reserves decreasing. Under such circumstances, upon request from Korea, Japan and Korea started deliberation and agreed last October to increase the maximum amount of the bilateral swap arrangements from 13 billion USD to 70 billion USD in total. 例文帳に追加

この結果、韓国では9月末にかけて銀行のドル資金不足への懸念が高まり、ウォンの為替レートや株価は低下し、外貨準備も減少した。このような状況下、昨年10月には、韓国政府からの働きかけもあって、日韓両国間で二国間の通貨スワップの総額を従来の130億ドルから700億ドルへの拡充することが合意された。 - 財務省


For the purposes of subsection (3), where, in the opinion of that Minister of the Government, the disclosure to the applicant or, as the case may be, the registered proprietor of the document recording the design or the model embodying the design would be detrimental to the public interest, such disclosure may be made confidentially to counsel on behalf of the applicant or registered proprietor or to any independent expert mutually agreed upon.例文帳に追加

(3)の適用上,意匠を記録した書類又はこれを具体化したひな形の,登録出願人又は場合により登録所有者への開示が公共の利益を害すると当該大臣によって判断される場合は,当該開示は出願人若しくは登録所有者の代理人たる弁護士又はその他合意される独立の専門家に対してのみ内密に行うことができる。 - 特許庁


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