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business prospectsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 39


The prospects for the business are still far from certain. 例文帳に追加

まだ商売のめどがつかない. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

Could you tell me about the prospects on your business? 例文帳に追加

今後の事業の見通しを教えていただけますか? - Weblio Email例文集

The business has no prospects. 例文帳に追加

その事業はもうかり[成功し]そうな見込みはない. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

The prospects for business have become more encouraging. 例文帳に追加

商売の前途はますます有望になってきた. - 研究社 新和英中辞典


capitalize beyond what the business or the profit-making prospects warrant 例文帳に追加

ビジネスまたは収益見込みが正当化するものを超えて、資本化する - 日本語WordNet


Table 2-3-5-13 Comparison of business scale forecasts of directly or indirectly disaster-hit Japanese enterprises and reasons for good prospects/issues involved in the locations for the business continuity例文帳に追加

第2-3-5-13 表 直接・間接に被災した日系企業の事業規模見通しと事業継続地 - 経済産業省

(iii) The prospects of revenues and expenditures pertaining to the Insurance Business to be carried on by the Underwriting Members in Japan are satisfactory 例文帳に追加

三 引受社員の行う日本における保険業に係る収支の見込みが良好であること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Next, we will analyze future prospects of international business networks by business corporations and factors which become important for them in choosing locations for such networks.例文帳に追加

次に国際事業ネットワークの将来展望とその背景となる企業の立地要因について分析していく。 - 経済産業省

To enhance the business prospects of power retail business and power generation business, by performing simultaneous equivalent control of power with high accuracy, and reducing the power generation cost in the power retail business.例文帳に追加

高い精度で電力の同時同量制御を行い、電力小売事業における発電コストを低減させることにより、電力小売事業および発電事業の事業性を向上させる。 - 特許庁


a business practice in which a company lures a person in with prospects of side work that actually turns out to try to make the person buy equipment or pay for short training course fees 例文帳に追加

内職商法という,内職の紹介をエサに機器代や講習会費用を払わせる商売方法 - EDR日英対訳辞書


(ii) the applicant for authorization and the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange which is to become its Subsidiary Company have good prospects for the income and expenditure of the business; 例文帳に追加

二 認可申請者及びその子会社となる株式会社金融商品取引所の収支の見込みが良好であること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Have the Upper House election results brought about any changes in the prospects for the passage of the bill for mutual aid enterprises (the bill for revising the Insurance Business Law)? 例文帳に追加

(参議院)選挙の結果を受けて、共済の法案(保険業法改正法案)というのは、見通しに変化はないでしょうか。 - 金融庁

Actions and policies should have the capacity to significantly improve the prospects for inclusive, sustainable and resilient growth above business as usual. 例文帳に追加

行動と政策は,包括的,持続可能かつ強固な平常以上の成長の見通しを大幅に改善する能力を有しなければならない。 - 財務省

Table 2-3-5-15 Comparison of the scale of measures taken by Japan (METI's reconstruction measures) against the damage caused by the flood in Thailand and reasons for good prospects/issues in the locations for business continuity例文帳に追加

第2-3-5-15 表 我が国のタイ洪水被害への対応策(経済産業の復興対策)規模見通しと事業継続地有望理由・課題の比較 - 経済産業省

To calculate a business parameter recommended value for improvement by visualizing actual conditions of KGI (key goal indicator) and business parameter for which future prospects are difficult to determine due to a complicated relation therebetween.例文帳に追加

関係が複雑で将来の見通しがつきにくいKGI(重要目標達成指標)と業務パラメータの実態を可視化し、改善に向けた業務パラメータ推奨値を算出する。 - 特許庁

(i) The person who has filed an application for license of Insurance Company business (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant" in this paragraph) shall have financial basis to conduct the business of an Insurance Company soundly and efficiently and shall have good prospects for income and expenditure pertaining to the business; and 例文帳に追加

一 当該申請をした者(以下この項において「申請者」という。)が保険会社の業務を健全かつ効率的に遂行するに足りる財産的基礎を有し、かつ、申請者の当該業務に係る収支の見込みが良好であること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) The person who has filed an application for license of Banking Business (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant" in this paragraph) shall have financial basis to conduct the business of a Bank soundly and efficiently and shall have good prospects for income and expenditure pertaining to the business; and 例文帳に追加

一 銀行業の免許を申請した者(以下この項において「申請者」という。)が銀行の業務を健全かつ効率的に遂行するに足りる財産的基礎を有し、かつ、申請者の当該業務に係る収支の見込みが良好であること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

With respect to recent financial trends, there are concerns about the impact of the terrorist attacks against the U.S. on the world economy. There are debates on how Japanese financial institutions might be affected through stock prices and business prospects. 例文帳に追加

次に、最近の金融情勢をみますと、米国における同時多発テロ事件の世界経済への影響が懸念されており、株価や景気動向を通じた我が国金融機関への影響が議論されている状況にあります。 - 金融庁

The conditions are: having an economic and financial basis sufficient to conduct banking business, having good prospects for the balance of revenues and expenditures, and having social credibility. 例文帳に追加

経済的、財産的にきちっとしていること、それから収支が(良好と)きちっと認められること、銀行業をする人は社会的信頼といいますか、社会的信用があること。 - 金融庁

We are most encouraged by the fact that the Bank Group has continued to promote its financial and business reforms throughout this period to bring positive results, such as the strengthened financial base and brighter medium-term prospects. 例文帳に追加

この間引続き財務・業務改革が進行し、AfDBの財務状況が大きく改善したことにより中期的な見通しが強化されていることは大変心強いことであります。 - 財務省

To provide a business support system capable of performing estimation reply obtained by taking into consideration a plurality of factors, such as situations of a customer side and an order receiving side and future prospects.例文帳に追加

顧客側・受注側の事情、将来の見通し等の複数のファクターを勘案した見積回答を行うことのできる営業支援システムの提供。 - 特許庁

When restructuring is undertaken with little forethought, however, support from financial institutions is hard to come by, and the prospects of successful business rehabilitation are slim and the impact on the regional economy may be greater than anticipated.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、安易な再建策では金融機関の支援も得られにくい上、事業再生の成功の望みも乏しく、地域経済へ与える影響も予想以上に大きくなる可能性がある。 - 経済産業省

As discussed in Section 3 of this chapter, when an SME wants to borrow money from a financial institution, it seeks stable availability of funds, a low interest rate, and that the institution has an accurate understanding of the company's business and prospects. 例文帳に追加

本章の第3節で述べたとおり、中小企業は金融機関から融資を受ける際に「安定した資金提供」、「低金利」、「将来性・企業事業への理解度」を求めている。 - 経済産業省

Chapter 2 Challenges and Prospects Facing Japan’s Monodzukuri Industries - Restructuring the business strategy in Monodzukuri industries in Japan in order to respond to international structural changes -例文帳に追加

第2章 我が国ものづくり産業が直面する課題と展望ー国際的な構造変化に対応した我が国ものづくり産業の事業戦略の再構築ー - 経済産業省

(i) The company which files an application for the authorization or which is to be established under the authorization (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant, etc." in this Article) and its Subsidiary Companies (including companies scheduled to become its Subsidiary Companies; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following item.) must have good prospects for income and expenditure of the business; 例文帳に追加

一 当該認可の申請をした会社又は当該認可を受けて設立される会社(以下この条において「申請者等」という。)及びその子会社(子会社となる会社を含む。第三号において同じ。)の収支の見込みが良好であること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The term "Technology Management Capability" as used in this Act shall mean the capability to utilize the results of technology-related research and development effectively in management together with other management resources and to systematically further research and development by surveying the prospects of future business content. 例文帳に追加

2 この法律において「技術経営力」とは、技術に関する研究及び開発の成果を経営において他の経営資源と組み合わせて有効に活用するとともに、将来の事業内容を展望して研究及び開発を計画的に展開する能力をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Even facing a declining population and aging society, by sharing an image for the future of the community and area, entrepreneurs, real estate owners, and even employees can be encouraged to make positive investment, to start up a business, and to re-challenge with prospects for the future.例文帳に追加

人口減少・高齢化に直面する中でも、地域・地区の将来像を共有化することで、事業者や不動産所有者、あるいは就業者にとっても、将来の見通しが立ち、前向きな事業投資や起業・再チャレンジを促すことも可能となる。 - 経済産業省

These two proprietors from the Naraha Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Division were introduced by the Chamber to the Maintenance Project of Temporary Plants and Stores of SMRJ in June 2011, but initially declined because they had no business prospects. 例文帳に追加

元楢葉町商工会青年部の両経営者は、2011年6月に、楢葉町商工会から、独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構の仮設工場・仮設店舗等整備事業の紹介を受けるが、最初は事業の見込みが立たず、断った。 - 経済産業省

A recent sharp increase in quick loans is playing a certain complementary role in fund-raising. But loan assessments are still being done based on statistically calculated bankruptcy probabilities, etc. Future prospects positive changes as a result of new business or organizational revitalization ? are not adequately taken into account. 例文帳に追加

近年、急激な伸びを見せているクイックローンは、資金調達において一定の補完的役割を果たしているが、統計的に算出された倒産確率等を用いて融資審査を行うために、新規事業展開や企業再生による将来的な企業業績の変化を捉えられないという限界がある。 - 経済産業省

Amidst shortages of assets for security, declining trust by proprietors, and other conditions that presently inhibit people from receiving loans, such means as the evaluation of a proprietor's temperament and business prospects will be used in the establishment of a system to enable loans through government-affiliated financial institutions and guarantees by credit guarantee corporations, etc., for those who had business failures in the past and wish to renew their efforts.例文帳に追加

一度経営に失敗した者が再チャレンジする場合、担保用資産の不足、経営者の信用低下等により融資を受けにくい現状の中で、経営者の資質や事業の見込み等を評価するなどして、政府系金融機関の融資や信用保証協会による保証を可能とする枠組みを創設する。 - 経済産業省

Local strategy councils to support new partnerships will be established at nine nationwide sites. In consultation with new partnerships among SMEs making endeavors toward "cross-field-partnership new business development plans" under the SME New Business Activities Promotion Law, councils will provide hands-on support up to the point of commercialization through various specialists, giving advice on evaluation of commercialization prospects and market development, matching, etc.例文帳に追加

全国9ヶ所に「新連携支援地域戦略会議」を設置し、「中小企業新事業活動促進法」に基づく「異分野連携新事業分野開拓計画」に取り組もうとする中小企業の相談に応じるとともに、各種専門家による事業性評価や販路開拓等に係るアドバイス、マッチングなど事業化までのハンズオン支援を行う。 - 経済産業省

For about six months from last October, exports continued to post a year-on-year drop of about 50%, depriving Japan of an economic boost from external demand and fueling nationwide concerns, both within the government and within the business community, over the prospects for the Japanese economy. However, we came up with a variety of measures and the Diet enacted the necessary bills, while countries around the world cooperated with each other to support the global economy. 例文帳に追加

昨年10月以降半年間ぐらいは輸出が約半減したということで、外需の部分がはげ落ちるということがありまして、日本経済の全体の行方がどうなるかと、政府も財界の方も国家がみんな心配したわけですが、一応色々な施策をやって国会でご承認をいただき、また世界経済も国際協調路線の中で各国が非常に協力し合った。 - 金融庁

From the representatives of local financial institutions, I heard about the current status of their borrower companies; that they see a turn for the better in business prospects for 30% of the companies, a turn for the worse for 30% and no change for 40%. I also heard about the financial institutions' serious efforts to provide funds while making use of government-affiliated financial institutions' finance programs as necessary in light of the difficult circumstances of the disaster areas. 例文帳に追加

それから、地元金融機関の代表者の方々からは、「展望を開けている企業は3割、将来の見通しが厳しい企業は3割、現状維持の企業が4割」といった融資先の現状、特に困難な被災地の実情の下、必要に応じて政府系金融機関の資金制度を活用しながら、真摯に資金供給に取組む金融機関の姿勢等を伺って参りました。 - 金融庁

As for the attractiveness/prospects of Thailand as a destination of investment/business expansion after the floods, about 70% of companies (including those yet to invest in Thailand) surveyed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (2011) and about 83% of companies in the aforementioned survey of JBIC answered that there would be no change from the time before the floods, which confirms that the attractiveness of Thailand for Japanese companies to invest is still intact (Figure 2-3-5-7).例文帳に追加

なお、洪水後のタイの投資先・事業展開先としての魅力・有望度に関しては、経済産業省(2011)では約7 割の企業(タイに投資していない企業も含む)が、先述の国際協力銀行のアンケート調査では約83%の企業が洪水前と変化がないと回答しており、日系企業にとって洪水によりタイの投資先としての魅力が大きく失われていないことが確認できる(第2-3-5-7 図参照)。 - 経済産業省

This section will look into the current situation about international business networks being formed by Japanese companies in Asia, the background, relations between such networks and productivity, and future prospects of the networks.例文帳に追加

ここでは、我が国製造業の国際事業ネットワークの現状について分析する。その際、製造工程に焦点を当て、我が国と海外現地法人の国際事業展開が、垂直展開から水平展開へ変化してきていることについて、企業レベルの戦略(ミクロ的な視点)、産業連関構造や貿易構造(マクロ的な視点)といった点から分析を深めていく。 - 経済産業省

The consumer confidence index, which shows consumer sentiment, worsened considerably due to the pessimistic view taken toward the present and future prospects for business and employment, based on rising energy prices and the turmoil of the financial and capital markets. The expectations index, which shows consumer sentiment for six months into the future, is at its lowest level since 1973 (see Figure 1-2-4).例文帳に追加

また、消費者の消費マインドを示す消費者信頼感指数は、エネルギー価格の上昇、金融・資本市場の混乱による景気・雇用の現状・先行きに対する悲観的な見方を背景に大きく悪化しており、6か月先の将来に対する消費マインドを示す期待指数は1973年以来の低い水準となっている(第1-2-4図)。 - 経済産業省

Previously, we asked you about the financial results of major banks. While regional bank's financial results for the April-June quarter show that their business performance is improving, some of them reported losses. Could you tell us about your view on the prospects of an improvement in the business performance of regional banks? Also, I would like you to tell us about your outlook for the use of public funds based on the Act for Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, which has not become widespread. 例文帳に追加

銀行決算について、この前、大手行についてはお尋ねしましたが、4-6月の四半期の銀行決算で、地方銀行について、業績は回復傾向にはあるのですが、赤字の地方銀行も残っています。地方銀行の経営改善状況の見通し、それに加えて、改正金融機能強化法を活用した公的資金の活用がまだ余り広がっていないという見方もできるかと思いますが、今後の見通しも含めて教えてください。 - 金融庁

Accordingly, prospects for mandatory IFRS application should be defined with close attention to the progress made in the IASCF's governance reform and international developments in Western and other countries, with the view in mind that IFRS application for Japanese business enterprises must be implemented with the aim of achieving financial reporting of high quality and based on past accounting experiences.At the same time, optional application of IFRS should be accepted alongside the steady progress to be made in addressing issues that must be resolved for application. 例文帳に追加

したがって、これまでの実務の蓄積の上に立ち、さらに高品質な財務報告を目指して我が国企業に対しIFRSの適用を図っていく観点から、具体的なIASCFのガバナンス改革の状況や欧米等の国際的な動向を見極めた上で、IFRSの将来的な強制適用の展望を示し、IFRS適用の前提となる課題に着実に取り組みつつ、任意でIFRSの適用を認めることが考えられる。 - 金融庁


The Financial Services Agency (FSA) is, in consideration of collected comments, intent on continuing to work to deliver smoother financing opportunities for SMEs and other companies. Being Minister for Postal Reform as well, I also visited post offices in the area to inspect, among other things, the status of their operation in the field and to exchange specific ideas. When I talked with reporters in an impromptu interview there, one of the questions was about the prospects for the SME Financing Facilitation bill. I replied that the FSA seems to be independently making various arrangements, including gathering specific data, and that I would like to form a judgment as I put in perspective the extension of the Act and also take into account the business condition of SMEsI said this in both Osaka and Nagoya, where I visited last week. 例文帳に追加

金融庁といたしましては、これらの意見を踏まえつつ、今後も中小企業等の金融の円滑化に取り組んでいく所存でございますし、また、郵政改革担当大臣でございますので、現地の郵便局を訪問し、現場の状況等を視察するとともに、具体的な意見の交換をさせていただきました。向こうでも記者の方のぶら下がりがございましたが、中小企業円滑化法案をどうするのかという質問も出ましたから、金融庁でも独自にいろいろ具体的なデータをとる等の準備をしておるようでございますから、延長を視野に入れつつ、しっかりこの大阪、それから先週は名古屋に行かせていただきましたから、また中小企業の業況を踏まえて判断したいと申し上げてまいりました。 - 金融庁


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