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one day amountの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 82


After the pretreatment, even when a water sprinkling amount is suppressed to the amount of 2 mm/day for instance, the quality of the leachate about the same as the one when it is 4 mm/day is maintained.例文帳に追加

前処理後は散水量を例えば2mm/日量に抑えても、4mm/日量と同程度の浸出水水質を維持することができる。 - 特許庁

(6) When a person sentenced to a fine or petty fine has made payment of part of the fine, the term of confinement shall be calculated by dividing the amount of the unpaid payment by the amount for one day (a remainder less than one day is deemed as one whole day) reduced by a period of days in proportion to the amount of payment made for the fine or petty fine imposed. 例文帳に追加

6 罰金又は科料の一部を納付した者についての留置の日数は、その残額を留置一日の割合に相当する金額で除して得た日数(その日数に一日未満の端数を生じるときは、これを一日とする。)とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

If one is to save up the chicken feed every day, it will amount to a very substantial sum in a year.例文帳に追加

毎日、小銭を貯めることになれば、一年すると相当の額になるだろう。 - Tatoeba例文

If one is to save up the chicken feed every day, it will amount to a very substantial sum in a year. 例文帳に追加

毎日、小銭を貯めることになれば、一年すると相当の額になるだろう。 - Tanaka Corpus


It is Masuda's word that "If you spend a day with Sensei (indicates Saigo, literally means 'teacher'), you will feel one-day amount of humanity, if you spend three days with Sensei, you will feel a tree-day amount of humanity"; this word is quoted by Ryotaro SHIBA in his book. 例文帳に追加

司馬遼太郎も著書で引用した「1日先生に接すれば1日の愛があり、3日接すれば3日の愛がある」とは増田の言葉である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By displaying an integrated amount of hot water of the present day, and an integrated amount of the day before in a display part 8 when a used amount display state per one day is set by an operation part 9, the used amount of hot water can be easily grasped, and wasteful usage of hot water can be prevented.例文帳に追加

操作部9で1日当たりの使用湯量表示状態が設定されると、表示部8は当日1日分の積算流量値と、前日1日分の積算流量値を表示することにより、湯の使用量を容易に把握することができ、無駄な湯の使用を防止することができる。 - 特許庁

As a shippable amount of a commodity of each seller in each day in each kind, a smaller amount of gross shippable amount of the kind of that day and a sales limit amount for prescribed one week of the seller is stored in a by-seller shippable amount information storage means 220.例文帳に追加

各販売者の商品の品種ごとの各日における出荷可能数量として、その日の当該品種の総出荷可能数量および当該販売者の当該所定の1週間の販売枠数量のうち少ない方を、販売者別出荷可能数量情報記憶手段220に記憶する。 - 特許庁

This hot water supply system comprises a periodical heat storage amount setting means for setting the heat storage amount of one day by every period obtained by dividing one year into a plurality of periods, and a period judging means for judging the period corresponding to the day when the stored heat is consumed, and controlling boiling-up based on a seasonal heat storage amount set value.例文帳に追加

1年を複数に分割した期間ごとに1日の蓄熱量を設定する期間別蓄熱量設定手段と、蓄熱された熱量を消費する日が該当する期間を判断する期間判断手段とを備え、季節に応じた蓄熱量設定値により沸上制御を行う。 - 特許庁

The dose of the medicine includes initial one time or several times, or continuous every day dose, with a treatment-effective one day dose amount of the ASA lower in dangerous zone concerning pain-killing effect of the ASA.例文帳に追加

該薬剤の投与は、ASAの鎮痛効果についての危険域よりも低い治療有効1日量でのASAの初期の1回、数回または連続して毎日の投与を包含する。 - 特許庁


2. Refund of a deposit and the equivalent amount to the beneficiary right of the security investment trust may be made in a unit of one yen on a day of the request. 例文帳に追加

(2) 預り金及び証券投資信託の受益権に相当する金額の払戻しが、その申出があつた日に、一円単位でできること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The standard amount of daily intake is set as 30 cc, and it may be taken by 30 cc for one time daily or may be taken by 10 cc each for 3 times a day.例文帳に追加

1日摂取量の標準は30ccとし、1日1回30cc服用してもよいが、3回にわけて10ccずつ服用してもよい。 - 特許庁

(2) Where the day on which grounds for payment of temporary absence from work compensation benefits, etc. arise is the day on which one year and six months have elapsed from the day of the commencement of medical treatment pertaining to said temporary absence from work compensation benefits, etc. or any subsequent day, if any of the cases listed in the following items apply, the amount specified in the respective items shall be the basic daily temporary absence from work benefit amount, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph: 例文帳に追加

2 休業補償給付等を支給すべき事由が生じた日が当該休業補償給付等に係る療養を開始した日から起算して一年六箇月を経過した日以後の日である場合において、次の各号に掲げる場合に該当するときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、当該各号に定める額を休業給付基礎日額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) that there are provisions setting forth that the fixed due date for the redemption of principal is to be the day when a period of less than one year has elapsed from the day of the paying-in of the total amount of the Book-entry Transfer Foreign Bonds, and that there are no provisions setting forth that the redemption of principal is to be made in installments; and 例文帳に追加

三 元本の償還について、振替外債の総額の払込みのあった日から一年未満の日とする確定期限の定めがあり、かつ、分割払の定めがないこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Furthermore, occurrence of a nasty smell is delayed for about half a day to one day by mixing a small amount (≤0.3%) of oxygen with the inert gas to be enclosed.例文帳に追加

さらには、封入する不活性ガスに微量(0.3%以下)の酸素を混合することによって、異臭の発生を半日〜1日程度遅らせることができる。 - 特許庁

Any one of the residual amount of the beer in a beer barrel T, the spouting amount per day and the spouting amount of one week unit which are stored in the memory 71 is selectably displayed on the display part 61 by operating the display switch button 62b or the like of an operation part 62.例文帳に追加

操作部62の表示切替ボタン62b等を操作することで、表示部61には、メモリ71に記憶されているビア樽T内のビールの残量、1日単位の注出量及び一週間単位の注出量の何れかを選択的に表示させる。 - 特許庁

ii) An overpayment arising from the national tax (including any delinquent tax and tax interest on the national tax) for which the payable tax amount has decreased due to a reassessment (including a determination of the taxation agency, a decision of the National Tax Tribunal or a judgment of a court of justice in an appeal against the disposition made in response to such request): the day on which three months have elapsed from the day following the day on which the request for reassessment was made, or the day on which one month has elapsed from the day following the day on which said reassessment was made, whichever comes earlier (if such day precedes the statutory due date for payment of the national tax, said statutory due date for payment 例文帳に追加

二 更正の請求に基づく更正(当該請求に対する処分に係る不服申立てについての決定若しくは裁決又は判決を含む。)により納付すべき税額が減少した国税(当該国税に係る延滞税及び利子税を含む。)に係る過納金 その更正の請求があつた日の翌日から起算して三月を経過する日と当該更正があつた日の翌日から起算して一月を経過する日とのいずれか早い日(その日が当該国税の法定納期限前である場合には、当該法定納期限) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

To provide a method and an apparatus for measuring salt intake amount, wherein the salt intake amount in one day of a human can be measured simply and precisely.例文帳に追加

ヒトの一日の塩分摂取量を簡易かつ正確に測定することができる塩分摂取量測定方法及び塩分摂取量測定装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

Article 27 (1) When the government demands the payment of the labor insurance premiums pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, paragraph (1), it shall collect delinquency charges calculated based on the number of days from the day following the payment due date to the day preceding the day on which the payment is made in full or the properties are attached, inclusive, at a rate of 14.6% per annum on the amount of the labor insurance premiums; provided, however, that the delinquency charges shall not be collected if the amount of the labor insurance premiums is less than one thousand yen. 例文帳に追加

第二十七条 政府は、前条第一項の規定により労働保険料の納付を督促したときは、労働保険料の額につき年十四・六パーセントの割合で、納期限の翌日からその完納又は財産差押えの日の前日までの日数により計算した延滞金を徴収する。ただし、労働保険料の額が千円未満であるときは、延滞金を徴収しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(e) The imposition of administrative fines in such amount as deemed reasonable by the Director, which shall in no case be less than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P150,000.00). In addition, an additional fine of not more than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) shall be imposed for each day of continuing violation;例文帳に追加

(e) 局長が適切とみなす金額での行政上の罰金の賦課。如何なる場合も,5,000 ペソを下回らず,15 万ペソを上回らないものとする。これに加えて,違反が続く場合は,1 日ごとに1,000ペソ以下の追加の罰金を科す。 - 特許庁

Using the value of the calories consumed per step and the basal metabolism, the cumulative value of calories consumed during a unit period (e.g., one day, one week, etc.) is calculated on the basis of the amount of exercise.例文帳に追加

そして、一歩当たりの消費カロリ値と基礎代謝を用いて、運動量から、単位期間(例えば一日、一週間等)における消費カロリの累積値を算出する。 - 特許庁

Article 12 (1) In this Act, the amount of the average wage means the amount obtained by dividing the total amount of wages for a period of 3 months preceding the day on which the reason to be calculated the average wage arose by the number of all days during the period; provided, however, that the amount of the average wage shall not be less than the amount calculated by one of the following methods: 例文帳に追加

第十二条 この法律で平均賃金とは、これを算定すべき事由の発生した日以前三箇月間にその労働者に対し支払われた賃金の総額を、その期間の総日数で除した金額をいう。ただし、その金額は、次の各号の一によつて計算した金額を下つてはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall take the procedures for modifying the Level I daily insurance premium amount, the Level II daily insurance premium amount and the Level III daily insurance premium amount at the following Diet. In this case, if no resolution is made at the Diet in respect of such modification within one year from the day on which the modification pursuant to the provision of the same paragraph is made, the Level I daily insurance premium amount, the Level II daily insurance premium amount and the Level III daily insurance premium amount as modified pursuant to the provision of the same paragraph shall be deemed to be modified to the Level I daily insurance premium amount, the Level II daily insurance premium amount and the Level III daily insurance premium amount prior to modification by the same paragraph, effective as of the day on which one year has elapsed from the day such modification was made. 例文帳に追加

6 前項の場合には、厚生労働大臣は、次の国会において、第一級保険料日額、第二級保険料日額及び第三級保険料日額を変更する手続を執らなければならない。この場合において、同項の規定による変更のあつた日から一年以内に、その変更に関して、国会の議決がなかつたときは、同項の規定によつて変更された第一級保険料日額、第二級保険料日額及び第三級保険料日額は、その変更のあつた日から一年を経過した日から、同項の規定による変更前の第一級保険料日額、第二級保険料日額及び第三級保険料日額に変更されたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When the Prime Minister has demanded the payment under the provision of the preceding paragraph, he/she may collect a delinquent charge at a rate of 14.5% per annum accrued on the amount of the administrative monetary penalty under the same paragraph, calculated based upon the number of the days from the day immediately following the time limit for payment to the day when said administrative monetary penalty has been paid; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the amount of delinquent charge is less than one thousand yen. 例文帳に追加

2 内閣総理大臣は、前項の規定による督促をしたときは、同項の課徴金の額につき年十四・五パーセントの割合で、納付期限の翌日からその納付の日までの日数により計算した延滞金を徴収することができる。ただし、延滞金の額が千円未満であるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The due date for redemption of the principal is fixed on a day within one year from the payment date of the total amount of the bonds, and no judgment has been made authorizing installment payments; 例文帳に追加

二 元本の償還について、社債の総額の払込みのあった日から一年未満の日とする確定期限の定めがあり、かつ、分割払の定めがないこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(b) There are provisions on a fixed due date for redemption of the principal that is within one year from the day on which the total amount of the rights has been paid, and there is no provision on an installment plan; and 例文帳に追加

ロ 元本の償還について、権利の総額の払込みのあった日から一年未満の日とする確定期限の定めがあり、かつ、分割払の定めがないこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) With regard to the redemption of principal, a fixed due date that comes in less than one year from the day of payment of the total amount of Investment Corporation Bonds is provided and installment payments are not allowed; 例文帳に追加

二 元本の償還について、投資法人債の総額の払込みのあつた日から一年未満の日とする確定期限の定めがあり、かつ、分割払の定めがないこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(b) There are provisions on a fixed due date for redemption of the principal that is within one year from the day on which the total amount of the rights has been paid, and there is no provision on an installment plan; and 例文帳に追加

ロ 元本の償還について、権利の総額の払込みのあつた日から一年未満の日とする確定期限の定めがあり、かつ、分割払の定めがないこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

b. Open investment trust: Net asset value on the purchase date or one day prior to the purchase date (in the case of an open investment trust in which the value of assets retained in the trust is collected at the time of purchase, the amount obtained by adding the said value of assets retained in the trust to the net asset value) 例文帳に追加

b.追加型投資信託 買付日の前日の基準価額(買付時に信託財産留保額を徴収する追加型投資信託においては、当該信託財産留保額を基準価額に加えた額) - 金融庁

More preferably, the analgesic preparation contains one or more compounds selected from glucosamine, its derivative and their salts in an amount of 1-50 mg/kg body-weight/day.例文帳に追加

さらに好ましくは、本発明の鎮痛製剤は、(B)グルコサミンもしくはその誘導体またはそれらの塩から選択される少なくとも一種を1〜50mg/kg体重/1日量含有する。 - 特許庁

More preferably, the analgesic preparation contains one or more compounds selected from glucosamine, its derivatives, or their salts in an amount of 1-50 mg/kg body-weight/day.例文帳に追加

さらに好ましくは、鎮痛製剤は、(B)グルコサミンもしくはその誘導体またはそれらの塩から選択される少なくとも一種を1〜50mg/kg体重/1日量含有する。 - 特許庁

To provide an ophthalmic lens, which is suited for extended-wear periods of at least one day on the eye without a clinically significant amount of corneal swelling and without substantial wearer discomfort.例文帳に追加

診断的に重大な量の角膜の膨脹及び装着者の実質的な不快感なしに、少なくとも1日間の長期装着の期間適合である眼のレンズを提供する。 - 特許庁

A plurality of levels of amounts of hot water are determined corresponding to the necessary hot water heat quantity for one day, and the heating source is operated to supply the hot water heat quantity corresponding to the selected level of the amount of hot water to the hot water storage tank 3.例文帳に追加

1日の必要湯熱量に応じて複数の階級の湯量レベルを定めておき、加熱源は、選択された湯量レベルに応じた湯熱量を貯湯タンク3へと供給すべく作動する。 - 特許庁

The slices of the dolphinfish are removed from the brine, and after the water is drained, the slices are placed into pickles paste amount of four times in mass, and then are pickled for one day in a dark place.例文帳に追加

シイラの切り身を上記食塩水から取り出し、水分を切った後、質量で4倍量の漬け床に入れ、冷暗所で1日間漬け込んだ。 - 特許庁

A gas meter 1 classifies and integrates the amount of gas used by a consumer in each specified time slot set previously within one day, and holds an integrated value in each time zone in a storing part 16.例文帳に追加

ガスメータ1は需要家におけるガスの使用量を1日内であらかじめ設定されている特定の時間帯ごとに区分して積算するとともに各時間帯毎の積算値を記憶部16に保持する。 - 特許庁

The upper limit of the amount of the virtual moneys usable during an available period (for example, one day) is set per player according to (1) the cumulative frequency of playing game at the game terminal 20, (2) the level of each of player's characters and (3) the total amount of the purchase of the items at the store terminal 30.例文帳に追加

また、プレーヤ毎に、対象期間(例えば、1日)での仮想マネーの使用上限額が、1)ゲーム端末20におけるゲームプレイの累積回数や、2)プレーヤキャラクタのレベル、3)店舗端末30におけるアイテムの購入総額に応じて設定される。 - 特許庁

Vaporization by only air blowing and vaporization by heater heating are combined so that vaporization treatment of the whole amount of drain can be carried out in one day on the basis of data of a daily standard drain generated amount and a relationship table of vaporization capacities per humidity and air temperature.例文帳に追加

1日間の標準ドレン発生量のデータと、湿度・気温毎の気化能力の関係テーブルとに基づいてドレン発生量の全量を1日間で気化処理できるように、送風のみの気化と、ヒータ加熱する気化とを組み合わせる。 - 特許庁

(2) In the case referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, when Public Announcement of the Fake Statement, etc. is made, with regard to a person who acquired the Securities within one year prior to the day when the Fake Statement, etc. is announced (hereinafter referred to as the "Day of Announcement" in this paragraph) and continues to hold the Securities at the Day of Announcement, the amount calculated by deducting the average market value (or, where no market value exists, their estimated disposal value; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) during one month after the Day of Announcement from the average market value during one month prior to the Day of Announcement may be presumed as the amount of damage. 例文帳に追加

2 前項本文の場合において、当該書類の虚偽記載等の事実の公表がされたときは、当該虚偽記載等の事実の公表がされた日(以下この項において「公表日」という。)前一年以内に当該有価証券を取得し、当該公表日において引き続き当該有価証券を所有する者は、当該公表日前一月間の当該有価証券の市場価額(市場価額がないときは、処分推定価額。以下この項において同じ。)の平均額から当該公表日後一月間の当該有価証券の市場価額の平均額を控除した額を、当該書類の虚偽記載等により生じた損害の額とすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 42 (1) When the Agency demands the payment of the Paragraph 2 general contribution pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the Agency shall collect penal interest at a rate of 14.6% per annum on the amount of the Paragraph 2 general contribution pertaining to the demand for the days commencing the day following the time limit of payment and ending the day before the day of full payment or property attachment, provided that the same shall not apply if the amount of the Paragraph 2 general contribution pertaining to the demand is less than one thousand yen. 例文帳に追加

第四十二条 前条第一項の規定により第二項一般拠出金の納付を督促したときは、機構は、その督促に係る第二項一般拠出金の額につき年十四・六パーセントの割合で、納付期限の翌日からその完納又は財産差押えの日の前日までの日数により計算した延滞金を徴収する。ただし、督促に係る第二項一般拠出金の額が千円未満であるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 14 (1) The temporary absence from work compensation benefits shall be paid from the fourth day on which a worker fails to receive wages because of an inability to work due to medical treatment for an injury or disease resulting from an employment-related cause, and the benefit amount for one day shall be an amount equivalent to 60 percent of the basic daily benefit amount; provided, however, that the amount of the temporary absence from work compensation benefits for days on which a worker works for only a portion of the prescribed working hours due to medical treatment for an injury or disease resulting from an employment-related cause shall be an amount equivalent to 60 percent of the amount obtained by deducting the amount of the wages to be paid for said work from the basic daily benefit amount (in cases where the amount prescribed in Article 8-2, paragraph (2), item (ii) (hereinafter referred to as "the maximum amount" in this paragraph) is regarded as the basic daily benefit amount, the basic daily benefit amount to be paid on the assumption that the provision of said item does not apply) (in cases where the amount obtained by said deduction exceeds the maximum amount, the amount equivalent to the maximum amount). 例文帳に追加

第十四条 休業補償給付は、労働者が業務上の負傷又は疾病による療養のため労働することができないために賃金を受けない日の第四日目から支給するものとし、その額は、一日につき給付基礎日額の百分の六十に相当する額とする。ただし、労働者が業務上の負傷又は疾病による療養のため所定労働時間のうちその一部分についてのみ労働する日に係る休業補償給付の額は、給付基礎日額(第八条の二第二項第二号に定める額(以下この項において「最高限度額」という。)を給付基礎日額とすることとされている場合にあつては、同号の規定の適用がないものとした場合における給付基礎日額)から当該労働に対して支払われる賃金の額を控除して得た額(当該控除して得た額が最高限度額を超える場合にあつては、最高限度額に相当する額)の百分の六十に相当する額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) Except for the cases falling under the preceding item, if the ratio between the amount of the insurance benefits concerning employment injury provided for in the Industrial Accident Insurance Act (excluding the lump sum compensation for surviving family paid in case of Article 16-6, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act and the insurance benefits pertaining to persons afflicted with a specific disease) paid prior to the day on which 9 months have elapsed from the day the business is terminated, plus the amount of the benefits specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set forth in Article 12, paragraph (3) on one hand, and the amount of final insurance premiums pertaining to the general insurance premiums after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the off-the-job injury rate, plus the amount of final insurance premiums concerning the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the special enrollment off-the-job injury rate, multiplied by the Class II adjustment rate (meaning the rate specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by taking into consideration of the costs required for the insurance benefits paid as pension concerning employment injury, the costs required for the insurance benefits pertaining to persons afflicted with a specific disease, the costs required for the insurance benefits concerning employment injury pertaining to businesses with a definite term paid on and after the day nine months have elapsed from the day the business is terminated, and other circumstances) on the other hand, exceeds eighty-five one-hundredth (85/100), or is seventy-five one-hundredth (75/100) or less. 例文帳に追加

二 前号に該当する場合を除き、事業が終了した日から九箇月を経過した日前における労災保険法の規定による業務災害に関する保険給付(労災保険法第十六条の六第一項第二号の場合に支給される遺族補償一時金及び特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付を除く。)の額に第十二条第三項の厚生労働省令で定める給付金の額を加えた額と一般保険料に係る確定保険料の額から非業務災害率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額に第一種特別加入保険料に係る確定保険料の額から特別加入非業務災害率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額を加えた額に第二種調整率(業務災害に関する年金たる保険給付に要する費用、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付に要する費用、有期事業に係る業務災害に関する保険給付で当該事業が終了した日から九箇月を経過した日以後におけるものに要する費用その他の事情を考慮して厚生労働省令で定める率をいう。)を乗じて得た額との割合が百分の八十五を超え、又は百分の七十五以下であるとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

A display data creating means creates display data for displaying medical related data on one or a plurality of patients by a prescribed format, and creates hospital leaving object data on one inpatient, which is set based on data showing a billed amount equivalent to comprehension payment, data showing a billed amount equivalent to piecework payment and hospitalization day data.例文帳に追加

その表示データ生成手段は、一又は複数の患者に係る医療関連データを、所定フォーマットで表示するための表示データを生成し、更に、一の入院患者についての、包括払い分に当たる請求額を示すデータと出来高払い分に当たる請求額を示すデータと入院日データとに基づいて設定された、退院目標データを生成する。 - 特許庁

A display data creating means creates display data for displaying medical related data on one or a plurality of patients by a prescribed format and creates hospital leaving object data which is set based on data showing a billed amount equivalent to comprehension payment, data showing a billed amount equivalent to piecework payment and hospitalization day data for one inpatient.例文帳に追加

その表示データ生成手段は、一又は複数の患者に係る医療関連データを、所定フォーマットで表示するための表示データを生成し、更に、一の入院患者についての、包括払い分に当たる請求額を示すデータと出来高払い分に当たる請求額を示すデータと入院日データとに基づいて設定された、退院目標データを生成する。 - 特許庁

(2) The provisions of paragraphs (2) to (4) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the basic daily pension benefit amount. In this case, the term "the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1) of the following Article"; in paragraph (2), item (i), the term "temporary absence from work compensation benefits, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "insurance benefits in pension form", the term "the day on which the grounds for payment arose", shall be deemed to be replaced with "the month for which payment is to be made," the term "the first day of the quarter containing the day... arose (hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the following item)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "August 1 of the fiscal year containing the day... arose (in cases where said month falls on the months from April to July, August 1 of the fiscal year one year before such fiscal year; hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the this paragraph)," and the term "age of a worker... (hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the following item)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "age of a worker... (hereinafter referred to as the "standard day" in the following item; in cases where a compensation pension for surviving family or a pension for surviving family is to be paid, the age of a worker who is to receive such payment as of the standard day obtained by making the calculation on the assumption that the death of the worker pertaining to the grounds for making said payment has not occurred; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following item)"; and the term "temporary absence from work compensation benefits, etc." in paragraph (2), item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "insurance benefits in pension form". 例文帳に追加

2 前条第二項から第四項までの規定は、年金給付基礎日額について準用する。この場合において、同条第二項中「前項」とあるのは「次条第一項」と、同項第一号中「休業補償給付等」とあるのは「年金たる保険給付」と、「支給すべき事由が生じた日」とあるのは「支給すべき月」と、「四半期の初日(次号」とあるのは「年度の八月一日(当該月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、当該年度の前年度の八月一日。以下この項」と、「年齢の」とあるのは「年齢(遺族補償年金又は遺族年金を支給すべき場合にあつては、当該支給をすべき事由に係る労働者の死亡がなかつたものとして計算した場合に得られる当該労働者の基準日における年齢。次号において同じ。)の」と、同項第二号中「休業補償給付等」とあるのは「年金たる保険給付」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 155 (1) An obligee who has seized a monetary claim may collect the claim when one week has elapsed from the day on which an order of seizure was served upon the obligor; provided, however, that he/she may not receive payment beyond the amount of the claim and execution costs of the obligee effecting a seizure. 例文帳に追加

第百五十五条 金銭債権を差し押さえた債権者は、債務者に対して差押命令が送達された日から一週間を経過したときは、その債権を取り立てることができる。ただし、差押債権者の債権及び執行費用の額を超えて支払を受けることができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Lithium manganate is used as a positive electrode active substance, and lithium manganate is immersed into aqueous solution of 0.1 mole/ liter ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid for one day while agitating, and a very small amount of residual metal existing among the positive electrode active substance is removed.例文帳に追加

正極活物質にマンガン酸リチウムを使用し、マンガン酸リチウムをエチレンジアミン四酢酸0.1モル/リットル水溶液の中に1日間攪拌しながら浸漬して、正極活物質間に存在する微量の残留金属を除去する。 - 特許庁

Then, the analysis part 64 extracts time zones in which the average amount of activity is less than a predetermined threshold as inactive time zones from the amounts of activity in respective time zones of the day for which the advice should be given, and the extracted inactive time zones are ranked in order from the longer one.例文帳に追加

そして、分析部64は、指導すべき日の各時間帯の活動量から、平均活動量が予め設定された閾値未満である時間帯を無活動状態の時間帯として抽出し、抽出した無活動状態の時間帯を時間の長い方から順位付けする。 - 特許庁

(2) When the total amount of a compensation pension for surviving family prescribed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph is calculated, with regard to the amount of the compensation pension for surviving family paid for a period until July of the fiscal year containing the day of the extinction of the right prescribed in said item (in cases where the month containing the day of the extinction of said right falls on any of the months from April to July, the previous fiscal year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the amount shall be calculated according to the amount obtained by multiplying the amount actually paid by the rate specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare based on the rate obtained by dividing the average salary for the fiscal year before the fiscal year containing the day of the extinction of said right by the average salary for the fiscal year one year before the fiscal year containing the months for which said compensation pension for surviving family was paid (in cases where said months fall on the months from April to July, the fiscal year two years before). 例文帳に追加

2 前項第二号に規定する遺族補償年金の額の合計額を計算する場合には、同号に規定する権利が消滅した日の属する年度(当該権利が消滅した日の属する月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、その前年度。以下この項において同じ。)の七月以前の分として支給された遺族補償年金の額については、その現に支給された額に当該権利が消滅した日の属する年度の前年度の平均給与額を当該遺族補償年金の支給の対象とされた月の属する年度の前年度(当該月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、前々年度)の平均給与額で除して得た率を基準として厚生労働大臣が定める率を乗じて得た額により算定するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ix) in cases where the representative, an agent, an employee, or other worker (hereinafter referred to as the "Representative, etc.") of the Futures Commission Merchant has inflicted a loss on the customer by any of the acts listed in the items of Article 112, the amount of property benefit for which an offer or promise is made or is provided to the customer with regard to a loss incurred by the customer in a single day's transactions does not exceed the amount equivalent to one hundred thousand yen; 例文帳に追加

九 商品取引員の代表者、代理人、使用人その他の従業員(以下「代表者等」という。)が第百十二条各号に掲げる行為により顧客に損失を及ぼした場合で、一日の取引において顧客に生じた損失について顧客に対して申し込み、約束し、又は提供する財産上の利益が十万円に相当する額を上回らないとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

One day target amount and the number of proper stock which are set in advance are displayed in real number in right above section of each button, and the sales data (total amount and the number of sold commodities) stored by corresponding to type of sales is displayed in a graph region 16A in a part of the button as a ratio for the displayed real number.例文帳に追加

そして、各釦の右上に、予め設定されている1日の目標金額や適正在庫数等を実数表示し、当該売上種別に対応して記憶された売上データ(累計金額や売上個数)を、上記表示した実数に対する割合として、上記釦の一部にグラフ領域16Aに表示する。 - 特許庁


(ii) With regard to insurance benefits in pension form to be paid in respect of the period from August of the fiscal year two years after the fiscal year containing the day of the occurrence of the grounds for calculation, the amount obtained by multiplying the amount calculated as the basic daily benefit amount pursuant to the provision of Article 8 by a rate specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare based on the rate obtained by dividing the average salary (meaning the average amount of salary per worker calculated pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare based on the amount of salary paid regularly every month according to the Monthly Labor Survey prepared by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and Article 16-6, paragraph (2)) for the fiscal year one year before the fiscal year containing the month for which insurance benefits in pension form are to be paid (where said month falls on the months from April to July, the fiscal year two years before), by the average salary for the fiscal year containing the day of the occurrence of the grounds of calculation, shall be the basic daily pension benefit amount. 例文帳に追加

二 算定事由発生日の属する年度の翌々年度の八月以後の分として支給する年金たる保険給付については、第八条の規定により給付基礎日額として算定した額に当該年金たる保険給付を支給すべき月の属する年度の前年度(当該月が四月から七月までの月に該当する場合にあつては、前々年度)の平均給与額(厚生労働省において作成する毎月勤労統計における毎月きまつて支給する給与の額を基礎として厚生労働省令で定めるところにより算定した労働者一人当たりの給与の平均額をいう。以下この号及び第十六条の六第二項において同じ。)を算定事由発生日の属する年度の平均給与額で除して得た率を基準として厚生労働大臣が定める率を乗じて得た額を年金給付基礎日額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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