





該当件数 : 46



Jane has it in for Bob because he didn't help her. - Tatoeba例文


Jane has it in for Bob because he didn't help her.発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus


Tom talked Mary into helping him. - Tatoeba例文




Indeed he was obliged to call to her to help him up again.発音を聞く  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


The TV news program help us keep up with the world. - Tatoeba例文


The TV news program help us keep up with the world.発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus

このツールはあなたのグラフィックカードやマウスなどに合わせて XFree86(tm)の設定を行うのを助けくれます。例文帳に追加

It will assists you in configuring Xorg for your particular graphics card/mouse/etc.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


When I got a flat on my bicycle, I was immediately helped by a person who does touring.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


He assisted our study in developing an energy filter for the present 200 kV TEM.発音を聞く  - 科学技術論文動詞集


as if the Great Oz felt that she could help him if she would.発音を聞く  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


To provide a method for decompressing an autoclave which is used for helping a person confined therein out of the autoclave while eliminating the risk of decompression sickness and to provide the autoclave. - 特許庁


Avoiding the use of the tagparameter will assist in keeping your code portable between Unix and Windows. - Python

Howard Hotelsは、著名なカナダの非上場高級ホテルチェーンで、今のところ、世界展開を手助けしてくれる提携企業を見つけられずにいる。例文帳に追加

Howard Hotels, an established Canadian luxury hotel chain that is privately owned, has so far been unsuccessful in finding a partnership that would facilitate its global launch. - Weblio英語基本例文集


To enable a player to practice free kick of soccer even alone adaptively to actual games without receiving the assistance of the other player. - 特許庁


So they called the yellow Winkies and asked them if they would help to rescue their friends, and the Winkies said that they would be delighted to do all in their power for Dorothy, who had set them free from bondage.発音を聞く  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


The loopback can be compared to the Internet's ping utility, which lets you send a message out to a host computer on the Internet.発音を聞く  - コンピューター用語辞典


To provide an information exchanging system through agents for allowing an agent mounted on electronic equipment to automatically exchange information with an agent mounted on the other electronic equipment in order to assist (support) the action of a user. - 特許庁


McLoughlin said, "Will and I had to face death; we didn't have a choice. But these men risked their lives just to get two guys out. They displayed incredible courage."発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To provide a marker for practice to help an user's driver precisely go over the swing orbit starting from swinging back on plane. - 特許庁


This worried Dorothy a little, but she knew that only the Great Oz could help her get to Kansas again, so she bravely resolved not to turn back.発音を聞く  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


And the short and the long of the matter was, that while we could get several who were willing enough to ride to Dr. Livesey's, which lay in another direction, not one would help us to defend the inn.発音を聞く  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』


When used, the reference signs shall preferably be placed between parentheses. If inclusion of reference signs in claims does not particularly facilitate quicker understanding of a claim, it should not be made. - 特許庁


The report includes a traceback showing excerpts of the source code for each level,as well as the values of the arguments and local variables to currently running functions, to help you debug the problem. - Python


It was not until close upon six o'clock that I found myself free and was able to spring into a hansom and drive to Baker Street, half afraid that I might be too late to assist at the denouement of the little mystery.発音を聞く  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』


which it was announced in Antwerp would be open to every lad of talent, scholar or peasant, under eighteen, who would attempt to win it with some unaided work of chalk or pencil.発音を聞く  - Ouida『フランダースの犬』

いくつかのoverlayで開発を行ったり、Portageツリーを破壊する前にパッケージをテストしたり、または単に様々なソースのunofficialなebuildを使用したりしたいパワーユーザ向けに、app-portage/gentoolkit-devはgensyncを提供します。 これは、overlayリポジトリを最新状態に保つ手助けをしてくれるツールです。例文帳に追加

For the power users who develop on several overlays, test packages before they hit the Portage tree or just want to use unofficial ebuilds from various sources, the app-portage/gentoolkit-dev package brings you gensync, a tool to help you keep the overlay repositories up to date. - Gentoo Linux


The rights conferred by the patent shall be determined by the first of the approved claims, which shall define the invention and demarcate the scope of the said rights. The description and the drawings or plans, or where applicable the deposit of biological material, shall serve to interpret the claims.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


If the application contains drawings, the technical features mentioned in the claims shall preferably, if the intelligibility of the claim can thereby be increased, be followed by reference signs relating to these features and placed between parentheses; and these reference signs shall not be construed as limiting the claim.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


To provide a tsunami shelter apparatus capable of suppressing the rolling of a floating and moored tsunami evacuation facility while it is afloat or afloat-movable, enhancing safety, and helping many trapped sufferers. - 特許庁


When, at last, he walked into Dorothy's room and thanked her for rescuing him, he was so pleased that he wept tears of joy, and Dorothy had to wipe every tear carefully from his face with her apron, so his joints would not be rusted.発音を聞く  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


There is an story that says that when Yoshitoshi was binding up his disciple as a model for his painting, an acquaintance of Yoshitoshi was startled at the sight and asked Yoshitoshi to forgive the disciple, and then, Yoshitoshi was humorous enough to answer the acquaintance with a joke 'I'm punishing my bad disciple by binding him up.'発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The registrability report concerning a registered utility model or industrial design shall contain citations of relevant prior art documents with appropriate indications as to their degree of relevance which may serve as an aid to the requesting party in the determination of the validity of the utility model claim(s) or the industrial design claim in respect to newness. - 特許庁


To provide a business model which provides a support for constantly monitoring and keeping economic situations of a contractor since the conventional life insurance economically helps the contractor when something occurs and normal economic situation management is performed by the individual contractor. - 特許庁

従来の生命保険は、何か起きたときに経済的に助けくれるシステムであり日常の健康管理は、契約者個人によるものであったが、この発明は契約後 契約者の健康状態を常に監視し保つためのサポートを提供するビジネスモデルである。例文帳に追加

To provide a business model which supports a covenantee to always monitor and keep his or her healthy state after making a contract although conventional life insurance is a system which gives an economical help just in case and the covenantee does daily health control by oneself. - 特許庁


The report shall contain citations of relevant prior art documents with appropriate indications as to their degree of relevance which will serve as an aid to the applicant or to third parties including judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, in the determination of the validity of the utility model claim(s) in respect to newness. - 特許庁


After the high intense consumption motion of 80% maximum oxygen intake, the compound is immediately supplied to promote the metabolisms of body creatine kinase phosphate and blood ammonia, thereby achieving effects for helping the recovery of the concentration and for relaxing the physiological fatigues. - 特許庁


To provide a robot, which is helpful and useful for daily life, or a life knowledge nano-clone system cellular phone robot having intelligence superior to human being, capable of doing difficult jobs, arranged to have useful functions, acting as a partner for the human being or a creature of god, the robot being a creature of the human being. - 特許庁


This pair of gloves helps dining by including in gloves (2) made of a stretchable material and making the fingers (1) protrude, a palm section of a size big enough to take in and out a spoon, a fork and chopsticks, a bag (3) and a section between the thumb and the index finger, a bag (4) and a section between the thumb and the index finger, and a bag (5). - 特許庁


So, I would like to say to them, “We will support financial institutions, so don't lose hope.” Supporting financial institutions is not the same as bailing them out. Financial institutions may proactively take a wide variety of measures, including providing loans to SMEs and forgiving debts. In the case of housing loans provided by non-private financial institutions, interest payment may be waived indefinitely.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To provide a method, different from a conventional processing method, which can continuously extrude a polymer containing a PAN homopolymer and a high nitrile (acrylonitrile content of 96-100 wt.%) at a temperature considerably lower than 320°C, which is the thermodynamical melting point of the polymer, without using a solvent or a plasticizer into a molding. - 特許庁


There was an episode when his child was kidnapped, he hesitated and could not do anything, so he asked MINAMOTO no Yorinobu for help in tears, but was told 'if you care about your wife, child, and yourself, you will fall behind in everything, so you must leave such regrets behind and dispatch your troops.'発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The abstract referred to in Article 27 of the Law shall have a maximum length of 150 words; shall indicate the title of the invention; and shall contain a concise summary of the content of the description, of the claims and of any drawings, or the most characteristic drawings, which should be presented separately from the text of the abstract; additionally, it may contain the chemical formula which, of any appearing in the patent application, best characterizes the invention. The abstract shall allow ready understanding of the technical problem posed, the solution set forth and the principal use or uses of the invention. - 特許庁


審査官による拒絶は,決して文字通りに解釈してはならない。出願人は,審査官がその発明を実際に拒絶しようとしているのではないかもしれないことを忘れてはならない。実際のところ審査官は,先行技術を参照して発明を承認する用意を概ねしている可能性がある。審査官は,出願人のクレーム,すなわち,出願人による発明の表現方法を拒絶しているのみかもしれない。 審査官は,出願人の助けになるように,先行技術を参照して包括的に拒絶することがよくある。これは,出願人にとって特許付与後に訴訟になれば,釈明することが手遅れになることがあるので,それを待たせるよりはむしろ,引例を回避するために釈明し,かつ,拒絶を回避するためにクレームを変更する機会を与えようとしているのである。例文帳に追加

A rejection by the Examiner is never to be taken literally. An applicant should remember that the Examiner may not be actually rejecting his invention. The Examiner may in fact be quite prepared to admit the invention over the references to the prior art. He may be merely rejecting the applicant’s claims, that is, the way in which the applicant has expressed his invention. An Examiner will frequently make a blanket rejection on some reference to the prior art just to be helpful to the applicant - just to give the applicant a chance to explain away some reference and make a change in his claims to avoid it, rather than to wait until the patent is granted and is involved in a litigation, when it may be too late to make the explanation. - 特許庁









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