coronalとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 宝冠、花冠、花輪
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coronalの学習レベル | レベル:14 |
研究社 新英和中辞典での「coronal」の意味 |
該当件数 : 27件
トルクセンサ用冠状部品の製造方法 - 特許庁
There's faint evidence of fracturing along the coronal suture.例文帳に追加
冠状縫合に粉砕骨折の 証拠がある - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Coronal scanning VS is executed to acquire coronal image data CI_1-CI_n of a part including the liver LV.例文帳に追加
コロナルスキャンVSを実行して、肝臓LVを含む部位のコロナル画像データCI_1〜CI_nを取得する。 - 特許庁
the craniometric point on the coronal suture above the acoustic meatus発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
耳道の上の冠状縫合の頭骨計測のポイント - 日本語WordNet
From among the coronal image data CI_1-CI_n, the coronal image data CI_h-CI_m crossing the liver are specified.例文帳に追加
次に、コロナル画像データCI_1〜CI_nの中から、肝臓を横切るコロナル画像データCI_h〜CI_mを特定する。 - 特許庁
I discovered subtle discoloration on the coronal suture interdigitations.例文帳に追加
微妙な変色を発見したわ 冠状縫合の手術ね - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
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Wiktionary英語版での「coronal」の意味 |
語源 1
From Middle English coronal, from Anglo-Norman coronal, from Latin corōnālis (“related to a crown”), from corōna (“crown”).
coronal (comparative more coronal, superlative most coronal)
- Relating to a crown or coronation.
- 1649, J[ohn] Milton, ΕΙΚΟΝΟΚΛΆΣΤΗΣ [EIKONOKLASTES] […], London: […] Matthew Simmons, […], OCLC 1044608640:
- The law and his coronal oath require his undeniable assent to what laws the Parliament agree upon.
- (astronomy) Relating to the corona of a star.
- 1878, William de Wiveleslie Abney, A Treatise on Photography
- 2013 July 28, Megan Gannon, “Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun”, in[1], retrieved 2013-07-29:
- Coronal holes are darker, cooler regions of the sun's atmosphere, or corona, containing little solar material. In these gaps, magnetic field lines whip out into the solar wind rather than looping back to the sun's surface. Coronal holes can affect space weather, as they send solar particles streaming off the sun about three times faster than the slower wind unleashed elsewhere from the sun's atmosphere, according to a description from NASA.
- (botany) Relating to the corona of a flower.
- (phonetics) Relating to a sound made with the tip or blade of the tongue.
- (anatomy) Relating to the coronal plane that divides a body into dorsal (back) and ventral (front).
- (phonetics): interdental, dental, alveolar, postalveolar, retroflex, palatoalveolar, alveopalatal, palatal
- (dentistry location adjectives) anterior, apical, apicocoronal, axial, buccal, buccoapical, buccocervical, buccogingival, buccolabial, buccolingual, bucco-occlusal, buccopalatal, cervical, coronal, coronoapical, distal, distoapical, distobuccal, distocervical, distocoronal, distofacial, distogingival, distoincisal, distolingual, disto-occlusal, distoclusal, distocclusal, distopalatal, facial, gingival, incisal, incisocervical, inferior, labial, lingual, linguobuccal, linguo-occlusal, mandibular, maxillary, mesial, mesioapical, mesiobuccal, mesiocervical, mesiocoronal, mesiodistal, mesiofacial, mesioincisal, mesiogingival, mesiolingual, mesio-occlusal, mesioclusal, mesiocclusal, mesiopalatal, occlusal, palatal, posterior, proximal, superior, vestibular (Category: en:Dentistry)
- (phonetics): labial, dorsal, radical, laryngeal
- apicocoronal
- bicoronal
- coronal hole
- coronally
- coronal mass ejection
- coronal plane
- coronal rain
- coronal suture
- distocoronal
- extracoronal
- geocoronal
- hemicoronal
- infracoronal
- intercoronal
- intracoronal
- midcoronal
- pericoronal
- precoronal
- unicoronal
coronal (複数形 coronals)
- A crown or coronet.
- A wreath or garland of flowers.
- 1862, Edward McDermott, The Popular Guide to the International Exhibition of 1862, Cambridge University Press:
- The frontal bone, over which the ancients wore their coronae or garlands.
- 1947, Hans Grüneberg, Animal Genetics and Medicine, page 190:
- Oxycephaly results from the fusion of both coronal sutures and of the sagittal suture; trigonocephaly from a fusion of both coronals; […]
- (phonetics) A consonant produced with the tip or blade of the tongue.
- 2011, Mirco Ghini, Asymmetries in the Phonology of Miogliola, page 34:
- This structurally accounts for a number of phenomena that treat coronals asymetrically with respect to other places of articulation.
Further reading
coronal (複数形 coronals)
- Alternative form of cronel (“lance-part”)
- 1864, Central Committee of the British Archaeological Association for the Encouragement and Prosecution of Researches into the Arts and Monuments of the Early and Middle Ages, The Archaeological Journal, page 177:
- 1908, Bertram Edward Sargeaunt, Weapons: A Brief Discourse on Hand-weapons Other Than Fire-arms, page 26:
- Locarno, caloron
Weblio例文辞書での「coronal」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 27件
the craniometric point at the junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the cranium発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
頭蓋の頂部にある矢状縫合と冠状縫合の合流点 - 日本語WordNet
The total coronal bloodstream quantity of the coronal circulation system is measured according to the total coronal bloodstream quantity = cardiac output × (S_1/S_2), by using the determined areas S_1 and S_2 and the cardiac output calculated by a cardiac output calculator 14 by a thermodilution method.例文帳に追加
求めた面積S_1 ,S_2 と熱希釈法にて心拍出量算出器14で算出した心拍出量とを用いて、総冠血流量=心拍出量×(S_1 /S_2 )に従い冠循環系の総冠血流量を測定する。 - 特許庁
And there haven't been any coronal mass ejections, so it shouldn't lose telemetry.例文帳に追加
そして、そこにはコロナ質量放出がないから、 遠隔測定法が必要になるわ。 - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
After specifying the coronal image data CI_h-CI_m, a segmentation method or the like is applied, and the candidate points PL_h-PL_m of the lower end of the liver are determined for each of the coronal image data CI_h-CI_m.例文帳に追加
コロナル画像データCI_h〜CI_mを特定したら、セグメンテーション法などを適用して、コロナル画像データCI_h〜CI_mごとに、肝臓の下端の候補点PL_h〜PL_mを決定する。 - 特許庁
Data of a coronal image IC is Fourier-transformed in the z axial direction, and a frequency spectrum FS is created.例文帳に追加
コロナル画像ICのデータを、z軸方向にフーリエ変換し、周波数スペクトルFSを作成する。 - 特許庁
This indicates a subdural hematoma caused by a direct blow to the coronal suture was cause of death. so, dropping the skull turned out to be a good thing.例文帳に追加
打撃によって引き起こされた 硬膜下血腫が死因みたい 頭蓋骨を落としたことで - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
An axial image 1, sagittal image 2 and coronal image 3 loaded from a magnetic disk are displayed on a CRT monitor 117.例文帳に追加
CRTモニタ117には、磁気ディスクからロードされたアキシャル画像1、サジタル画像2、及びコロナル画像3が表示される。 - 特許庁
The display protocol can be configured to display a three-dimensional image with axial, sagittal, coronal, or non-standard oblique views.例文帳に追加
この表示プロトコルは3次元画像をアキシャル像、サジタル像、コロナル像または非標準の斜位像と一緒に表示させるように構成することができる。 - 特許庁
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