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該当件数 : 51


数時間後に船長が死の決闘を するなんて信じられない例文帳に追加

Hard to believe the captain's going to be fighting a duel to the death in a few hours. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


a relationship between the glycemic index and recurrent colorectal cancer is being studied.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


foods with a high glycemic index release glucose quickly and cause a rapid rise in blood glucose.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


To provide a postprandial glucose estimation device for estimating a level concerning postprandial glucose even when a plurality of food products are ingested, and also to provide a postprandial glucose estimation method, and a computer program. - 特許庁



To provide a noninvasive blood sugar measuring method for acquiring a precise correlation table while reducing the number of times of invasive blood sugar measurement if the changes in the amount of biological characteristics to the blood sugar are not constant. - 特許庁



foods with a low glycemic index release glucose slowly into the blood.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


Also, the insulin inflow and blood sugar level are outputted as numerical information and visual information. - 特許庁


To provide a glucose level measuring apparatus which rapidly detects an optimal radio frequency. - 特許庁


Then, the blood sugar levels for the past prescribed number of days measured within a prescribed period including the alarm time are retrieved from the data storage part, and the trend of the retrieved blood sugar levels for the past prescribed number of days is calculated. - 特許庁



To provide a blood sugar level analysis system, program and method capable of providing information useful for preventing and diagnosing the diabetes based on a digitized sugar metabolism function by extracting a sugar metabolism function from blood sugar level data of a patient as patient specific information and digitizing it to make an index. - 特許庁



To provide a novel blood sugar meter and a blood sugar measurement value control system, capable of securely warning of a failure to dose a plurality of patients with insulin etc. and capable of securing a treatment based on the latest prescription data. - 特許庁


From measured temperature/blood flow/hemoglobin concentration and a constant about hemoglobin oxygen saturation, a prescribed parameter is calculated, and it is applied to a predetermined relation between a parameter and a blood sugar level to obtain the blood sugar level. - 特許庁


To provide a new blood sugar level measuring apparatus and a measured data management apparatus which can quickly correspond to emergency while quickly and surely performing blood sugar measurement of a plurality of patients. - 特許庁


Then, a display part is made to display a first display image indicating the calculated trend of the blood sugar levels for the past prescribed number of days. - 特許庁


To provide a method for combining food materials by which combination of a plurality of food materials has effect of inhibiting rise in blood sugar level, and to provide a method for combining foods by which combination of a plurality of foods has an effect of inhibiting rise in blood sugar level. - 特許庁


A plurality of electromagnets 12 are installed at the position opposite to the magnets 11 on a joining surface 3-2 of a rocket (space craft) 2. - 特許庁


A calibration curve is prepared from the plurality of resulting light transmissivities and the plurality of glucose concentrations and a measured blood sugar level obtained by a blood sugar level measuring machine is compared with the calibration curve to perform the correction of the blood sugar level measuring machine or the like. - 特許庁


To specify a substance having a higher effect among many reported chemical substances derived from natural materials which can suppress the increase in blood glucose level, and to provide a suppressor for the increase in blood glucose level which is free from the concern of deterioration in odor or flavor and is also free from the concern of adverse side-effects. - 特許庁


To obtain an inhibitor of elevation of glycemia and a healthy food having synergistic inhibitory actions on glycemia unobtainable with a simple material by mutually affecting ingredients contained in each food material by combining a plurality of food materials. - 特許庁


a measure of the increase in the level of blood glucose (a type of sugar) caused by eating a specific carbohydrate (food that contains sugar) compared with eating a standard amount of glucose.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


This standard is stored to replace a prescribed outer shape of IC in a socket reception part 1A capable of storing the IC, and calibrates an influence imparted to a measured result by a measuring route from a plurality of electrodes 11A, 11B up to a measuring instrument, in the socket reception part 1A contacting with an input terminal or an output terminal of an electric signal from the IC. - 特許庁


A feed roll 31 for conveying the container film 3 has the form of approximately polygonal prism that has a plurality of flat faces 41 on its periphery, each of which has pocket receiving recesses 43 for accommodating the pockets 2. - 特許庁


The film reception roll 18 is formed into a nearly-polygonal column shape having a plurality of flat surfaces 41 on its outer peripheral surface and includes, on the respective flat surfaces 41, pocket reception recessed parts 43 for housing the pockets 2. - 特許庁


To provide a novel blood sugar meter capable of rapidly warning the forgetting of the admistration procedure of insulin or the like to a plurality of patients to again rapidly execute the administration procedure. - 特許庁


To provide a blood sugar meter which satisfies both measurement accuracy and low power consumption, wherein a sampling clock frequency of necessary and sufficient accuracy is set and power is supplied, only during a required minimum length of time. - 特許庁


To provide an integrated circuit which can be used as a common integrated circuit for different kinds of medical devices including sphygmomanometers, blood glucose meters, syringe pumps, and infusion pumps. - 特許庁


Diabetes refers to a disease process derived from multiple causative factors and is characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) in the fasting condition in oral glucose tolerance test, diabetes mellitus, and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus). - 特許庁


To provide a measuring device and a method for reducing the number of steps required of a user by a conventional measuring device in specimen measurement of blood sugar concentration. - 特許庁


This diagnostic tape cassette especially for the examination of blood glucose is equipped with an examination tape having a large number of examination regions for investigating body fluids and a housing for housing the examination tape. - 特許庁




To provide a supplement food and a medicine, both being effective in anti-arteriosclerosis action and effective in action for lowering blood sugar, blood-serum free fatty acid, arteriosclerosis index, and blood serum TBARS. - 特許庁


The supplement food and the medicine, both being effective in action for lowering blood sugar, blood-serum free fatty acid, atherosclerosis index, and blood serum TBARS, consist of a pumpkin extract. - 特許庁


In the multi-cast communication system employing SR-ARQ system, a master terminal receives a re-transmitting request signal during a response packet reception term common to a plurality of slave terminals. - 特許庁


Different regression functions are used for a healthy person and a diabetic in stabilizing the measurement data by correcting the non-invasively measured blood sugar level based on the temperature measurement with the degree of saturation of oxygen in blood and the blood flow. - 特許庁


Back then, an idea stating that not only one blood line succeeded the throne of Wakoku, but the throne was succeeded in between plural powerful ruling families (theory of joint sovereignty) can also be seen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By accumulating the experience of fighting, he began to use a wooden sword; at about age of twenty-nine, he was using replicas of the wooden sword which he had used in the duel at Ganryu-jima Island; soon after the duel, he had lost the wooden sword and since then, he made those replicas, however, at the age of twenty-nine, he stopped fighting with swordsmen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A database 3 is generated according to pieces of pet information limited to pedigree pets acknowledged by official, specified, and specified groups, etc., to provide the environment wherein a pet as a mating partner is found by retrieving pet information in the database 34. - 特許庁


By changing the external sensor connected to the integrated circuit external unit 1 and the internal program adapted to the external sensor, it is possible to adapt to the differences in external sensors and to use the disclosed circuit as a common integrated circuit for different kinds of medical devices including sphygmomanometers, blood glucose meters, syringe pumps, and infusion pumps. - 特許庁


On a flat conveyor which circulates on four sprockets arranged in a T-shape, a plurality of lifts 30 are constructed to which a bracket 24 and an arm 28 are rotatably connected via a pin A(38), a pin B(40), and a pin C(41). - 特許庁


In the non-invasive optical sensor 1, only configuration (a spectroscopic detector 12, a controller 13, a data output module 14 and a power source module 15) necessary to perform a glucose concentration (blood sugar level) detection function and a data output function is implemented, for example, on a few square centimeter base 11. - 特許庁


The method for combining foods, in a nutritional value-computing apparatus 3 dealing with inhibition of rise in blood sugar, includes deciding the ratio of each of foods contained in combined foods based on the ratio of sugar content in high-GI food contained in the plurality of foods to the total of sugar content obtained by summing up the sugar contents of the foods constituting the plurality of foods. - 特許庁


The method for combining food materials, in a nutritional value-computing apparatus 1 dealing with inhibition of rise in blood sugar, includes deciding the ratio of each of food materials contained in combined food materials based on the ratio of sugar content in high-GI food material contained in the plurality of food materials to the total of sugar content obtained by summing up the sugar contents of the food materials constituting the plurality of food materials. - 特許庁

現在のバージョンでは、モジュール、クラス、関数、メソッド、スタック追跡、スタック構造、ファイル、ソケット、ウィンドウ、アレイ、その他これらに類似の型をコピーしません。 クラスでは、pickle 化を制御するためのインタフェースと同じインタフェースをコピーの制御に使うことができます。例文帳に追加

This version does not copy types like module, class, function, method,stack trace, stack frame, file, socket, window, array, or any similartypes.Classes can use the same interfaces to control copying that they use to control pickling. - Python


In recent years the mainstream is the theory which says that the 'dynasty,' in which a specific blood line inherits great king (emperor) exclusively, established after the dynasties of Emperor Keitai and Emperor Kinmei; until then, even if great kings of several generations shared the same blood line, they were not in a form to be called 'dynasty.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A portable terminal device 1 collects test data of one subject by plural kinds of measuring instruments such as a blood sugar measuring instrument 2a, a sphygmomanometer 2b and transmits these plural kinds of test data to the data processing device 3a, etc., of a medical institution or the like in an order predetermined for each receiver, improving processing efficiency on the part of the data processing device. - 特許庁


To suppress the influence on assays of a living body derived component, included in a specimen such as a body fluid to be used, in a simplified immunoassay method for detecting or determining various measuring items, such as infection to pathogens such as viruses or bacteria, the possibility of pregnancy, or a blood-sugar level, utilizing antigen-antibody reaction, in a short time from several minutes to several hours. - 特許庁


Then, when the performance mode is a second special performance mode (night stage) in third and fourth play sections where the remainder of the ST times is small, the performance mode decision means (230) decides the performance mode to prevent the performance mode in the next play from being raised to the first special performance mode (fighting mode). - 特許庁


This was considerably attributable to the fact that Zenjo and Tokimoto were killed as rebels, and another fact that the Hojo clan was extraordinarily wary of the Ano clan because the Ano clan was the lineage of MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo which was closer to MINAMOTO no Yoritomo than that of the Ashikaga clan, which branched from several generations before Yoshitomo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A diagnostic kit for measuring the blood sugar control in a subject includes a prescribed amount of enriched 13C glucose, and a respiration sampling container and further includes a plurality of respiration sampling containers in one embodiment, is used for diagnosing diabetes in another embodiment, and is used for diagnosing insulin resistance in yet another embodiment. - 特許庁



To obtain a heterocyclic derivative having blood triglyceride-lowering action and LDL-C (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) lowering action and also having hypoglycemic effect, blood insulin lowering effect, HDL-C (high density lipoprotein cholesterol) lowering effect or arteriosclerotic index lowering effect, and thereby useful for preventing and treating hyperlipemia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, adiposis, and the like. - 特許庁


PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
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