
「不備」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 901



To provide a translation device that can generate a translation with high reliability even under model deficiency or data sparseness. - 特許庁


To provide a data input system for enabling an input person to surely input characters whose character recognition is imperfect. - 特許庁


In China in particular, the manner of implementation as well as the underdeveloped state of the legal system create noticeable problems for enterprises.  - 経済産業省

HIME(R)にはその仕様書に不備・曖昧さがあり、2002 年 9 月時点で信頼に足るHIME(R)の仕様書が公に手に入る状況になっていないと判断された。例文帳に追加

It was judged that reliable HIME(R) specifications were not officially obtained as of September 2002 due to defects and vagueness in the specifications.  - 経済産業省



Pointed out that “the systems for pharmaceutical administration in those days were inadequate, including organization and performance of personnel.” - 厚生労働省



Reflecting the inferior drinking water safety condition as seen in Pathein City, the child mortality rate in Ayeyarwadi Region is higher than the national average of the Union of Myanmar. - 厚生労働省


For example, the balance of accounts receivable is affected by credit sales in the sales process and by collections in the cash receipt process, so when there are control deficiencies in both processes, the aggregate impact of such deficiencies on the balance of accounts receivable must be considered.  - 金融庁

内部統制の不備による影響金額の算定方法については、「Ⅲ 財務報告に係る内部統制の監査」4.(2)④ 業務プロセスに係る内部統制の不備の検討 に詳細を記載しており、これは評価に当たっても参考になると考えられる。例文帳に追加

For the detailed method for calculating the quantitative impact of control deficiencies, you may refer toEvaluation of deficiencies in process-level controlsin Section 4(2)[4] of Chapter IIIAudit on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting”. This should also serve as a useful reference in the assessment process as well.  - 金融庁


When there are deficiencies in IT application controls that use both manual work and an IT function, the management should determine whether the deficiencies result from the manual work or the IT function.  - 金融庁



When external auditors identify deficiencies other than material weaknesses over financial reporting in the process of the audit, even though they are not required to do so proactively, they should also report such deficiencies to appropriate managers on a timely basis.  - 金融庁



Regarding this "material weakness" term (Juyo-na-kekkan in Japanese), in this system, it is already established as a term under the standard, but it is pointed out that this invites the misunderstanding that there is a "defect" in the company itself. Therefore, this was changed to "material weakness" (Kaiji-subeki-juyo-na-fubi in Japanese). However, with this history of the Japanese term's replacement, one must keep in mind that there are no changes in the term's definition, nor in the decision criteria of "material weakness," and that this differs from "significant deficiency" as used in a financial statement audit. C.f. The English expression "material weakness" has not been revised.  - 金融庁


If the assessment of internal control over financial reporting effectiveness reveals that deficiencies relating to key controls, etc. are very likely to have a material impact on financial reporting, the management should conclude that there are material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting.  - 金融庁


External auditors must update the audit planning on a timely basis, by performing procedures including the assessment of the improvement of internal controls, when there have been changes in the events or circumstances based upon which the plan was developed or when control deficiencies (including material weaknesses) have been identified in the audit process.  - 金融庁


Deficiencies in operating effectiveness arise when a properly designed control does not operate as designed, when there are many errors in operation or when the person performing the control does not properly understand the nature and objectives of the control. A single control deficiency or combination of different kinds of control deficiencies adversely affect the company's ability to record, process, or report transactions in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and regulations for financial reporting. As a result, they may constitute a material weakness.  - 金融庁


When developing a plan for the assessment and reporting of internal controls, it is advisable to leave some additional time before the final assessment date (fiscal year end date), so that control deficiencies (including material weaknesses) identified in the assessment can be remediated in time.  - 金融庁

監査人は、上記イ.ロ.で求めた金額と発生可能性を勘案し、当該不備が財務報告に及ぼす潜在的な影響額を検討し、「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」1.② 開示すべき重要な不備の判断指針 に照らして、その質的・金額的重要性を判断する。例文帳に追加

External auditors should evaluate the potential quantitative impact of control deficiencies on financial reporting, based on the amounts and likelihood evaluated according to A. and B. above, and then judge their qualitative and quantitative significance in accordance with 1 [2] “Guidelines for determining material weaknessesof Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.”  - 金融庁


Even if the management or external auditors identify material weaknesses in the course of an audit, internal controls can be judged effective, if such material weaknesses, including those identified in the previous year or earlier, have been remediated by the assessment date (the fiscal year end date) specified in the Internal Control Report.  - 金融庁


(a) confirm receipt of a request in writing to the competent authority of the Requesting Party and shall notify the competent authority of the Requesting Party of deficiencies in the request, if any, within sixty days of the receipt of the request; and - 財務省


(a) confirm receipt of a request in writing to the competent authority of the Applicant Party and shall notify the competent authority of the Applicant Party of deficiencies in the request, if any, within sixty days of the receipt of the request; and  - 財務省

要請者の権限のある当局に対し、要請の受領を書面によって確認すること及び当該要請に不備がある 場合には、要請者の権限のある当局に対し、当該要請の受領の日から六十日以内に当該不備を通知すること。例文帳に追加

confirm receipt of a request in writing to the competent authority of the Requesting Party and shall notify the competent authority of the Requesting Party of deficiencies in the request, if any, within sixty days of the receipt of the request; and  - 財務省

出願人が行った出願に不備がある場合は,特許庁は,そのことについて書面により出願人に通知し,かつ,法第31条 (5)及び(6)に規定する手続に基づいて不備を除去し又は釈明を行うための期間を設定するものとする。例文帳に追加

If the registration application filed by an applicant contains deficiencies, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof in writing and set a term for the elimination of deficiencies or provision of explanations pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsections 31 (5) and (6) of the Act.  - 特許庁


If some of the information or documents necessary for the making of an entry are missing, the applicant shall be notified thereof not later than on the fifteenth working day as of the receipt of a defective request in the Patent Office and a term of two months shall be set for the elimination of deficiencies.  - 特許庁


If in fact the requirements as referred to in Article 30 have been fulfilled, however the application does not fulfill the provisions of Article 24, the Directorate General may request that such deficiencies be fulfilled within the period of 3 (three) months as from the date of transmittal of the notification of deficiencies by the Directorate General.  - 特許庁

国家特許庁は,第16条 4.に規定する全ての書類が提出されてはいないこと又は書類が本法及び規則の要件を遵守していないことを確認したときは,その旨を書面で出願人又はその代理人に通知し,不備を指摘して何れの不備を是正しなければならないかを指摘する。例文帳に追加

Having ascertained that not all the documents specified in paragraph 4 of Article 16 of this Law have been filed or that the documents do not comply with the requirements of this Law and the Regulations, the State Patent Bureau shall notify the applicant or his representative thereof in writing, pointing out the deficiencies and which deficiencies must be remedied. - 特許庁

限定的減縮の補正がなされた発明に関し、明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面に依然として記載不備がある場合、又は補正により新たな記載不備が生じた場合は、第36条の規定の違反を理由に、第17条の2 第6項及び第53条を適用し、補正を却下する例文帳に追加

Regarding the invention amended for the purpose of restriction of claims, where there is still a deficiency in the description, claims or drawings, or where a new deficiency was generated by the amendment, the examiner should dismissed the amendment for the reason of the contravention of the provision of Article 36, with applying Patent Act Article 17bis (6) and 53 applied.  - 特許庁

(5) 取消請求が本法に定める要件を満たさない場合は,当該不備を更正するよう取消請求人に求める。請求料を納付しなかった場合は,本法が定める期限内に納付するよう取消請求人に求める。不備を更正しない場合は,取消請求は,取下とみなされる。例文帳に追加

(5) If the request for revocation does not comply with the requirements laid down in this Act, the person requesting revocation shall be invited to rectify the irregularities; if the fee for the request has not been paid, the person requesting revocation shall be invited to make payment within the time limit fixed by this Act. Failing to rectify the irregularities shall result in the request for revocation being considered withdrawn. - 特許庁


If the faults concern the requirements mentioned in Section 35(1), which the applicant has removed within the stipulated period, the day, when this correction was submitted shall be considered as the filing date. Otherwise, the application shall be considered as non-filed.  - 特許庁

(4) その不備が出願手数料を納付しない懈怠からなるものであって,当該手数料がその不備を訂正するための期間の末日までに全額納付されなかった場合は,全額納付された類についての手続が,出願に示された順序で継続されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) If the irregularity consists of a failure to pay the application fee and the period for correcting the irregularity has elapsed without said fee being paid in full, the procedure with regard to those classes for which full payment has been made shall continue, in the order indicated in the application. - 特許庁

(3) 特許出願が所定の要件を満たしていないか又は部分的にのみ満たしている場合は,特許庁は,このことを出願人に通知して要件の不遵守について説明し,かつ,不備を除去し,不備についての考えを表明するための3月の期間を決定する。例文帳に追加

(3) If the patent application does not conform or conforms partly with the specified requirements, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof, explaining the non-conformity, and shall determine a time period of three months for the elimination of the deficiencies and for the expression of their considerations. - 特許庁

(3) 補充的保護申請に不備がある場合は,特許庁は,不備を除去し又は説明を提出するための2月から4月までの又は例外的に6月までの期間を設ける。補充的保護申請の処理の停止及び再開については第27条の規定を適用する。例文帳に追加

(3) If there are deficiencies in a supplementary protection application, the Patent Office shall set a term of two to four months, or in exceptional cases up to six months, for elimination of deficiencies or provision of explanations. The provisions of § 27 of this Act apply to suspension and resumption of the processing of supplementary protection applications.  - 特許庁


To suggest the presence of hierarchical defective between pictures by extracting the relation between the pictures and to confirm in designing that corrections are so made as to eliminate the defect after the individual pictures are corrected according to the suggestion. - 特許庁


When any defect is generated in the poster, the posting status management server extracts the poster whose defect has been generated and the information of the reading device by using the information transmitted by the reading device and the poster status database, and notifies a status monitor terminal of the result. - 特許庁


Customer information about a customer as an addressee of a direct mail is extracted from a database storing the customer information (S1) and checked whether the extracted information is complete or not (S2), and the customer information determined to be complete is outputted as a delivery list (S3). - 特許庁


When management, in the Internal Control Report, includes details of a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting and reasons why it has not been remediated, and the external auditor concludes that these statements are fairly stated and therefore expresses an unqualified opinion, then the external auditor must include additional explanatory information in the Internal Control Audit Report on the material weakness and its impact on the Financial Statement Audit.  - 金融庁


Where there was a very minor deficiency in the description (e.g., the deficiency in the description deemed to fall under the correction of error or clarification of an ambiguous description under 17bis (5) (iii) and (iv)) along with the reasons for refusal not meeting the requirements of patentability in terms of novelty, inventive step, etc. but only the reasons for refusal related to novelty or inventive step of the claims were notified and reasons for refusal related to the requirements for the description were not notified, if there still exists a very minor deficiency in the description, the reasons for refusal on the deficiency in the description should be notified as “the final notice of reasons for refusal.”  - 特許庁


However, deficiencies in IT general controls are not necessarily directly related to the risk of misstatements in significant components of the financial reporting. Accordingly, it should be noted that if application controls have been verified to be functioning effectively, deficiencies in general controls should not immediately be judged as material weaknesses.  - 金融庁


For example, the balance of accounts receivable is affected by credit sales in the sales process and by collections in the cash receipt process, so when there are deficiencies in internal controls over both processes, the aggregate impact of such deficiencies on the balance of accounts receivable must be considered.  - 金融庁


If, by verification specified in subsection (1) of this section, it is ascertained that a document is missing from the registration application or deficiencies relating to the form or content of the documents exist, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof in writing and set a term of two to four months for the elimination of deficiencies or provision of explanations.  - 特許庁


Section 19, third paragraph shall read as follows: If the applicant does not respond or rectify the irregularity before expiry of the time limit, the application shall be disallowed. Consideration of the application shall be resumed if the applicant responds or rectifies the irregularity within two months after expiry of the time limit. A stipulated fee shall be paid. Resumption may be granted only once during consideration of the application. - 特許庁

(3) 請求が(1)にいう要件を満たさない場合は,加速手続の請求当事者に対し,不備を更正するよう又は意見を提出するよう求める。加速手続の請求は,不備の更正又は意見の提出の後も本法に定める要件を満たさない場合は拒絶される。前記の求めに従わない場合は,加速手続の請求は,取下とみなされる。例文帳に追加

(3) If the request does not meet the requirements referred to in paragraph (1), the party requesting accelerated procedure shall be invited to rectify the irregularities or to submit comments. The request for accelerated procedure shall be rejected if it does not meet the requirements laid down in this Act even after the rectification of irregularities or the submitting of comments. Failing to comply with the said invitation, the request for accelerated procedure shall be considered as withdrawn. - 特許庁

(4) 不侵害の決定の請求が本法に定める要件を満たしていない場合は,当該不備を更正するよう請求当事者に求める。請求手数料が納付されない場合は,本法が定める期限内に納付するよう当該当事者に求める。不備の更正がされない場合は,不侵害の決定の請求は,取下とみなされる。例文帳に追加

(4) If the request for a decision on lack of infringement does not comply with the requirements laid down in this Act, the requesting party shall be invited to rectify the irregularities; if the fee for the request has not been paid, that party shall be invited to make payment within the time limit fixed by this Act. Failing to rectify the irregularities shall result in the request for a decision on lack of infringement being considered withdrawn. - 特許庁

(7) OSIMは,異議申立書類が(2)に規定の若干の要件を満たさないことを確認する場合は,異議申立人に,見出されたすべての不備を2月以内に補正し,異議申立を裏付けるすべての詳細及び証拠書類を提出するよう促し,不備が付与期間内に補正されない場合は,提出済の既存書類に基づき決定をなすものとする。例文帳に追加

(7) If O.S.I.M. ascertains that the opposition document does not fulfill certain requirements provided for in para (2), invites the person who formulated the opposition to remedy all the irregularities found out, within two months, and to present all details and justifying documents for sustaining the opposition. If the irregularities are not remedied within the given time, O.S.I.M. shall make a decision on the basis of the documents existing in the file. - 特許庁

(7) (5)に記載した検証によって,特許出願に書類が欠落していること又は書類の様式若しくは内容に関して不備が存在しており,それが審査の開始を妨げるものであること,又は審査を妨げる他の事由が存在していることを確認したときは,特許庁は,出願人にその旨を書面で通知し,不備を除去する又は説明を提出するための期限を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

(7) If, by verification specified in subsection (5) of this section, it is ascertained that a document is missing from the patent application or deficiencies relating to the form or content of the documents exist which hinder the commencement of examination or other circumstances which hinder the examination exist, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof in writing and set a due date for the elimination of deficiencies or provision of explanations.  - 特許庁

(1) 出願が第 34条,第36条,第 37条及び第 38条の要件を明らかに遵守していない場合は,審査課は,出願人に対し,特定期間内にその不備を除去するよう要求する。出願が,出願に関する様式その他の要件に関する規定(第 34条(6))を遵守していない場合は,審査課はこれらの不備について指摘することを,審査手続の開始(第 44条)まで差し控えることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Should an application obviously not comply with the requirements of Sections 34, 36, 37 and 38, the Examining Section shall request the applicant to remedy the defects within a specified period. If an application does not comply with the provisions on form or other requirements for applications (Section 34(6)), the Examining Section may refrain from objecting to the defects until the start of the examination procedure (Section 44).  - 特許庁

(1) 出願が第34条,第37条及び第38条の要件を満たしていない場合,又は第36条の要件が満たされていないことが明白な場合は,審査課は,出願人に対し,その不備を特定期限内に除去するよう要求する。第 1文は,要約が既に公表されているときは,その要約に関する不備については適用されない。例文帳に追加

(1) Should an application not satisfy the requirements of Sections 34, 37 and 38 or if the requirements of Section 36 are obviously not fulfilled, the Examining Section shall request the applicant to remedy the defects within a specified time limit. The first sentence shall not apply to defects concerning the abstract if the abstract has already been published.  - 特許庁

(2) 申請がこれらの要件を満たしているときは,特許部は,存続期間の継続に関する補充的保護証明書を付与する。それと異なる場合は,特許部は,出願人に対し,特許部が定める 2月を下回らない期間内に不備を更正するよう求める。不備が除去されないときは,特許部は,その申請を,決定をもって拒絶する。例文帳に追加

(2) If the application satisfies those requirements, the Patent Division shall grant a supplementary protection certificate for the duration of its term. In the contrary case, the Patent Division will invite the applicant to rectify any defect within a time limit to be set by the Patent Division, which shall be of at least two months. If the defects are not remedied, the Patent Division shall reject the application by a decision.  - 特許庁


An installation defect detection unit 242 of the observation device 200 is configured to compare a reinstallation focus position, which shows a focal axis position obtained when being focused on the object to be observed after reinstalling the container on the XY stage, with the appropriate focus position stored in the memory 243, and thereby detect the installation defect of the container in the optical axis direction. - 特許庁


When the user input items are displayed for a user (step s1) and the data are inputted by the user according to the respective user input items (step s2), the presence/absence of an input error in the respective user input items is checked (step s3) and when there is no input error, the next step is started (step s4). - 特許庁


To provide an identification method and its program which is robust against the incomplete boundary information, and therefore able to perform identification even when there is any incomplete boundary information, whose processing speed is short and high-speed, which can be easily installed in a computer, which does not raise any fear that different spaces are classified into one space, and which can be applied to a multi-space. - 特許庁



To provide an inside/outside determining method and its program which is robust against incomplete boundary information and can determine inside/outside even if boundary information is incomplete, whose processing time is short and high-speed, which can be installed easily in a computer, does not raise fears that different spaces are classified into a single space and can be applied to a multi-space. - 特許庁


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