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該当件数 : 33



Czechoslovak nationalists  - 日本語WordNet


an extreme bellicose nationalist  - 日本語WordNet


the leader of a nationalist movement  - 日本語WordNet


Irish nationalist leader (1846-1891)  - 日本語WordNet



His speech gave the impression that he's an ultra-nationalist.  - Weblio英語基本例文集



a nationalist leader in the American Revolution and in the creation of the United States  - 日本語WordNet


Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)  - 日本語WordNet


He was pro-Europe and pro-America due to the influence that studying in France had on him, and he was called a 'globalist' and criticized by the military for being against nationalism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a terrorist organization founded in 1999 to oppose the link between nationalists and the Corsican mafia  - 日本語WordNet



a libertarian who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state  - 日本語WordNet



someone (usually in totalitarian countries) who is assigned to watch over foreign visitors  - 日本語WordNet


a Marxist-Leninist terrorist group of Kurds trying to establish an independent Kurdish state in eastern Turkey  - 日本語WordNet


Again, he aimed to set up a totalitarian party, modeled on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the National Socialist German Workers Party (the Nazi Party).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The news about her brave death was spread among people by some nationalists praising her as 'the chaste and strong-minded woman Yuko' and a grand memorial service for her was held.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He criticized free economy and advocated the gold and silver bimetallism and the protection of workers by the nation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, nationalists as typified by Tetsujido INOUE tried to identify Bushido as the national morality of Japanese.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They issued a series of statements such as, "Iraq will become a democratic nation," and "The people of Iraq will choose their leader."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Osamu KUNO recollects that the characteristic of this incident was 'Dangerous ideology was not only communism and Marxism, but started to include the content of thinking of academics who took a critical stance against the government' and emphasizes that this was a big step when the target of freedom of speech changed from communism to liberalism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

社会保障の機能強化の議論は、「国家」、 「共同体(家族・地域)」 「市場」の特徴・機能を踏まえる必要。 ※デンマーク出身の社会政策学(1947-)。緻密な歴史分析と計量分析を用いた「福祉レジーム」論を提示し、世界中に大きな影響を及ぼしている。 類 型 主な特徴 社会民主主義レジーム (北欧諸国) 国家の役割大 保守主義レジーム (大陸ヨーロッパ諸国) 家族・職域の 役割大 自由主義レジーム (アングロサクソン諸国) 市場の役割大 日本はどの類型にもはっきりとは収まらないが、以下の特徴がある。例文帳に追加

The debate of functional enhancement of social security should be included with special features and functions ofstate’, ‘community (family and local community) and ‘market’. S ※ A Danish sociologist (1947- ). He presented the ‘Welfare regime’ with meticulous historical analysis and quantitative analysis that has had a great impact all over the world. Molding Major characteristics Social democracy regime (Northern European nations) Big role of states Conservatism regime (Continental European nations) Big role of family and employment Liberalism regime (Anglo-Saxon nations) Bigger role of marketsThe Japanese system is not quite categorized into one model, but has the following characteristics: - 厚生労働省


a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland  - 日本語WordNet


1921: Assassination of the prime minister Takashi HARA at Tokyo Station, the Washington Conference (1922) (conclusion of the Four-Power Treaty by Japan, England, France and the United States), Adolf Hitler's becoming the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, the first congress of the Chinese Communist Party  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Along with the democracy, the Emperor Organ Theory supported practices in the parliamentary Cabinet system, and party government and Taisho Democracy, and also because Minobe's book became a bible of examinees for high civil officers, the theory became a constitutional doctrine approved by the state from the middle of Taisho period through early Showa period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In August 1905, he founded 'Kokka Shakaito,' or the National Socialist Party, with Teikichi SHIBA, Daihachiro NAKAMURA and others, and in the party's manifesto, they said that the members of the Imperial Family in ancient times had virtually practiced socialism, and that "We must stop wasting government expenses using appropriate assistance from the Imperial family."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even some Marxist scholars denied the concept of the Hoken system in Chinese history based on the fact that local land lords had no powers such as jurisdiction, and those powers were controlled by the state and there was no seniority that was an important aspect of the Hoken system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Nobuhiro SATO, an economist argued absolutism of nationalizing lands and finding ways into foreign countries, while Shoin YOSHIDA argued in his book titled yuin-roku (descriptions in prison) reclamation of Ezo and invasion for the control of such as the Kamchatkan Peninsula, Korea, Taiwan, and Manchuria.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The administrative, legislative, and judiciary powers are separated in Japan, and this case is now undergoing the procedures of the Corporate Reorganization Act. I believe that in a democratic country, it is common sense that government officials should not comment on such judicial procedures.  - 金融庁


In this faction, there were many members with right wing who had strong nationalism including the 'four Shogun group' such as TANI, SOGA and TORIO (but Goro MIURA belonged to the Sanyo-kai) who had been removed as army right wing and they felt hostile toward the Hanbatsu Government, especially Hirobumi ITO as a person who led to national disruption, and also there were some members who were dissatisfied with the Kenkyu-kai policy that was shifted into that of the faction with Aritomo YAMAGATA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition to the four copies of the representations of the design filed or left with every reciprocity application for the registration of a design, a copy of the design filed or deposited by the applicant or his predecessor in title as the case may be, in respect of the first application in United Kingdom or convention country or group of countries or inter-governmental organization, duly certified by the Official Chief or Head of the organization in which it was filed, or deposited or otherwise verified to the satisfaction of the Controller, shall be filed or left at the Office at the same time as the reciprocity application or within such further time not exceeding three months as the Controller may allow on an application made in form 18 with fee specified in the first schedule.  - 特許庁


There have been various criticisms, and political leaders in democratic countries must face up to criticisms squarely. However, regarding other matters, at least matters in the field of finance, for which I am responsible, I, together with the Bank of Japan’s Governor, requested 2,700 financial institutions and life and non-life insurance companies to facilitate financing on March 11, the day when the disasters occurred. I also obtained the Diet’s understanding and enacted the amended Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions. Although I presume that there are various criticisms and assessments, I worked hard in the field of finance as the Minister for Financial Services. I am not being complacent.  - 金融庁

(d) 出願された商標の出願日又は優先日の前に経済取引において出願人以外のを特定する法人の商号,名称又は事業名称であって,出願商標がこれら標識と同一又は類似し,かつ適用範囲も同一又は類似するために,公衆の間に混同の危険がある場合のもの。この目的で,当該標識の所有は,国家領域を通じた当該標識の使用又は周知性を証明するものとする。これらの要件を充足した場合は,第3条に従いパリ条約第8条又は相互主義の原則を援用することのできる外国人は,同等の保護を享受するものとするが,ただし,当該外国人が自己の未登録商号のスペインにおける使用又は周知性を証明することを条件とする。例文帳に追加

(d) the trade name, name or business name of a legal person who, prior to the filing or priority date of the trademark applied for, identifies in economic transactions a person other than the applicant if, since it is identical or similar to such signs and its sphere of application is identical or similar, there is a risk of confusion among the public. For these purposes, the owner of those signs shall prove the use or knowledge of said signs throughout the national territory. Should they satisfy these requirements, the foreigners who, in accordance with Article 3 of this Law may invoke Article 8 of the Paris Convention or the principle of reciprocity, shall enjoy equal protection, provided that they supply proof of the use or knowledge in Spain of their unregistered trade name. - 特許庁


Another point that I would like to make is closer to home. In my opinion, it is critical for a politician to have a bird's eye and an insect's eyeboth of these. Having been a politician for 25 years, I feel that it is imperative that politics in a democratic nation have an insect's eye to really look at things up close. I might get a disapproving look if I use the expression "an insect's eye" in this context but, right after the Amended Money Lending Business Act came into full force, we established the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team, which was in all likelihood an unprecedented move since the Meiji era. While 15 million people use services of the money lending industry, we enacted, with unanimous support, a law designed to prevent multiple debtors from being generated. As the level of per-household income dropped by one million yen amid deflation notably in the past ten years, we hear, and really hear, suffering voices and sighs of people in various forms of livelihood hardships attributable to those difficult times.  - 金融庁


In addition, I have obtained approval at today’s cabinet meeting to go on a business trip to China and Hong Kong starting today. During this trip, in Beijing, I will take part in the third high-level economic talks between Japan and China as one of the economic ministers.  - 金融庁



In that sense, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the strengthening of the margin regulation will help to protect investors and enhance the soundness of FX trading in Japan. As I already mentioned, FX trading using high leverages may cause customers to incur unexpected losses as a result of even minor movements in exchange rates.Regarding the margin regulation, the protection of investors has emerged as a greater challenge globally because of the Lehman shock of three years ago. As I stated in the Diet, this regulation is a democratic control of speculative money in a democratic country.While the economy contributes to the well-being of human beings, it tends to go out of their control, so it is necessary to protect investors and, depending on circumstances, even protect a country’s economy.I think that this regulation is necessary as part of the broad economic and fiscal policy that is emerging after the Lehman shock.  - 金融庁


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