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However, if this viewpoint were true, then the intention of Watarai clan asserting that Aramitama of Amaterasu Omikami, the deity enshrined in the Aramatsuri-no-miya Shrine of the Inner Shrine, is Seoritsu-hime, becomes completely unexplainable. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、この見解に従った場合、内宮荒祭宮の祭神、天照大神荒御魂を瀬織津姫である、と渡会氏が主張することの真意が何か、はまったく不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this area, it is gradually becoming clear that the shrines for worshipping Amaterasu Omikami and the relevant land, and the shrines for worshipping Seoritsu-hime are intentionally located in relation to one another. 例文帳に追加

そこでは、天照大神を祀る神社、および関連の地と、瀬織津姫を祀る神社の位置関係が、意図されたものになっていることも判明しつつある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In other words, it is highly possible that in this area, Amaterasu Omikami and Seoritsu-hime were regarded as a pair of gods, combined with the tradition of Mikoiwa Stone on which Amaterasu Omikami placed his headdress. 例文帳に追加

即ちこの地においては天照大神が冠を置かれた、御冠石(みこいわ)伝承とも相俟って天照大神と瀬織津姫がご一対の神々である、と認識されていた可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seventh volume: Kozuke no kuni Ichinomiya no koto (items related to Ichinomiya Shrine of Kozuke Province), Aritoshi Myojin no koto, Hashihime Myojin no koto, Tamatsushima Myojin no koto, Kozuke no kuni Seta district Chinju Akagi Daimyojin no koto (上野国勢多郡鎮守赤城大明神), Kozuke Daisan no miya Ikaho Daimyojin no koto (上野第三伊香保大明神), and Settsu no kuni Ashikari Myojin no koto. 例文帳に追加

7巻:上野国一宮事、蟻通明神事、橋姫明神事、玉津島明神事、上野国勢多郡鎮守赤城大明神事、上野第三宮伊香保大明神事、摂津芦刈明神事。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although it was once enshrined in the Imperial Palace as the shintai of Amaterasu Omikami, during the reign of Emperor Sujin (reported 148 B.C.-30 B.C.), the sword was enshrined outside of the Imperial Palace along with the Yata no Kagami (mirror) by order of Princess Toyosukiirihime no mikoto. 例文帳に追加

皇居内に天照大神の御神体として八咫鏡とともに祭られていたが、崇神天皇(伝紀元前148年-紀元前30年)の時代に皇女豊鋤入姫命により八咫鏡とともに皇居の外に祀るようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It took a total of sixty years before it was handed down to Yamatohime no mikoto, a princess of Emperor Suinin (reported 69B.C. to 70B.C.) and finally enshrined in the current Kotai-jingu Shrine (Naiku) of Ise Jingu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

途中で垂仁天皇(伝紀元前69年-70年)の皇女倭姫命に引き継がれ、あわせて約60年をかけて現在の伊勢神宮の皇大神宮(内宮)に落ち着いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a popular edition of Taketori Monogatari (Tale of the Bamboo Cutter), the godfather of Kaguyahime (the Shining Princess) is 'Mimuroto no Inbe no Akita' and the name of the old bamboo cutter is 'Sanuki no Miyatsuko.' 例文帳に追加

竹取物語流布本にかぐや姫の名付け親を「みむろとのいんべのあきた」(三室戸斎部秋田)とあり、また竹取の翁の名を「さぬきのみやつこ」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His forces, reaching Numa (east of Okayama-jo Castle), Himeji-ji Castle and Amagasaki (today's Amagasaki City) on June 6, 7 and 11, respectively, in what is acclaimed as Chugoku Ogaeshi (big U turn from Chugoku), and rushed to Kinai (the greater capital area). 例文帳に追加

6日に沼(岡山城東方)、7日に姫路城、11日に尼崎(尼崎市)と所謂「中国大返し」といわれる機敏さで畿内へ急行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Whereas the first son Imperial Prince Hirohira was born in the same year to Chunagon FUJIWARA no Motokata's daughter, FUJIWARA no Sukehime, Norihira's mother was Udaijin (minister of the right) FUJIWARA no Morosuke's daughter, FUJIWARA no Anshi. 例文帳に追加

同年に生まれた第1皇子広平親王が中納言藤原元方の娘藤原祐姫を母としていたのに対し、憲平は右大臣藤原師輔の娘藤原安子を母としていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naoie UKITA, who acquired the Bizen Province, seemed to have the capability to understand the characteristics of the age and he surrendered when Hideyoshi HASHIBA entered Himeji-jo Castle in Harima and made his heir, Hideie UKITA, a hostage for Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

備前国を手中にした宇喜多直家は時代を読む目があった人物のようで、羽柴秀吉が播磨姫路城に入ると降伏、自分の嫡子宇喜多秀家を秀吉に人質にするなどした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Gosechi no mai was a dance that took place during a Toyoakari no sechie (a ceremony at a seasonal holiday) which was held at Daijo-sai festivals (a festival to celebrate the succession of an emperor) and Niiname-sai festivals (a ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to deities); in the dance, there would be four to five women dancing to music sung by the chief of the Outadokoro (an organization that provided the education and management of ancient Japanese music). 例文帳に追加

五節舞、五節の舞(ごせちのまい)とは、大嘗祭や新嘗祭に行われる豊明節会で、大歌所の別当が歌う大歌に合わせて舞われる、4~5人の舞姫によって舞われる舞。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Selected dancers spent days practicing until the evening of the day of the Ox (one of the twelve animals of the oriental zodiac), two days before the Niiname-sai festival, where they went to the Imperial Court and made a demonstration called 'Chodai no kokoromi' in front of the Emperor at Joneiden palace. 例文帳に追加

選ばれた舞姫は練習に明け暮れ、新嘗祭の前々日である丑の日の夜に宮中へ参上、直に、「帳台試(ちょうだいのこころみ)」と称して常寧殿にて天皇に練習を披露した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The southwest corner of the east chodai was curtained off for a kouta (a person who sung contemporary songs) and the north nurigome was allocated as the daishi no tsubone (a room for daishi (a teacher of the dancers)). 例文帳に追加

東の帳台の西南角に幔を引いて小哥(当世の歌を歌う人)の座、北庇塗籠のうちを大師(舞姫に舞を教える人)の局とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At Shiiba-mura, Munehisa became acquainted with Tsurutomi-hime, who was believed to be the youngest grandchild of Taira no Kiyomori, fell in love with her and was blessed with two children while he was staying there for three years. 例文帳に追加

宗久は現地で平清盛の末孫という鶴冨姫という娘と知り合い、恋仲となり3年間の滞在の間に二人に子が授かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Peeping during the Jimoku (ceremony for appointing officials), opening the Gosechi chodai and looking at the Gosechi princesses at the Gosechi no mai Dance (dance performance as part of a harvest festival), being late or absent from various chogi (ceremony at Imperial Court), or making mistakes when officially relaying documents were all activities that led to Meshikome. 例文帳に追加

除目の儀をひそかに覗う、五節舞で五節の帳台の戸を開いて舞姫を見るなどの失態、諸朝議に遅参し、または不参し、あるいはまた文書の奏達に失錯を演じたものにたいしておこなわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the Zhou period to the Chunqiu period, the term indicated the Keishitaifu class (not the Kakyo [Imperial examination] elite in the Song period but the patriarch class in the ancient times) having a "surname," which was also a clan name of ancient times such as "Ji" and "Jiang." 例文帳に追加

周代から春秋時代には、特に古来の"姫"や"姜"といった族集団名でもある"姓"を持つ卿士大夫層(宋代の科挙試験エリートではなく、古代の族長層)を指す用語であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Heian period, scheduled and temporary court events such as Sechie and Sechiku (seasonal festivals) had Himeii (cooked rice) piled high in a bowl as the centerpiece with side dishes such as dishes for drinking and snacks. 例文帳に追加

平安時代においては、節会や節供などの恒例・臨時の宮中行事の際に、椀(埦)に高く盛った姫飯を中心に酒肴や菓子などの副食物を添えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1575, after the Battle of Nagashino, Yoshimasa KISO (who was married to Marihime, Shingen TAKEDA's daughter), a maternal relative of the Takeda clan, was ordered by Katsuyori TAKEDA to support Nobumoto AKIYAMA in defending Iwamura-jo Castle in Mino Province. 例文帳に追加

天正3年(1575年)、長篠の戦いの後、武田氏の外戚である木曾義昌(武田信玄の娘・真理姫の夫)は武田勝頼より秋山信友が守る美濃国岩村城の支援を命じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The relocation and reuse of structures and stones was for cost reduction and shortening work period, and Nagoya-jo Castle, Okayama-jo Castle, Himeji-jo Castle and Fukuoka-jo Castle and other castles have had similar transfers. 例文帳に追加

建物や石材の移築転用はコスト削減と工期短縮のために行われたもので、名古屋城や岡山城や姫路城、福岡城など多くの城に同様の伝承が伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA recognized the Sanada clan highly through this battle, and as a result, he had Tadakatsu HONDA's daughter Komatsuhime marry into Nobuyuki SANADA for conciliation. 例文帳に追加

また、この合戦によって徳川家康の真田氏に対する評価は高まり、結果として本多忠勝の娘である小松姫を真田信之へ嫁がせて懐柔するきっかけともなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, because Masayuki's eldest son Nobuyuki SANADA married Komatsuhime, who was an adopted daughter of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, he joined the Hidetada TOKUGAWA's army as the Eastern Camp to attack Ueda. 例文帳に追加

逆に、昌幸の長男真田信之は徳川家康の養女である小松姫を妻にしていたため、東軍として上田攻めの徳川秀忠隊に加わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The greatest damage was brought on the regions of Kinki, Tokai and Hokuriku by the earthquake, such as the case of the Ogaki-jo Castle of Mino Province which was completely destroyed and burned, as well as the case of the Nagahama-jo Castle of Omi Province which was also completely destroyed and Yonehime, who was the daughter of the castellan Katsutoyo YAMAUCHI, died. 例文帳に追加

その他、美濃国では大垣城が全壊焼失、近江国では長浜城(近江国)が全壊し城主山内一豊の息女与祢姫が死亡するなど、近畿、東海、北陸にかけての各地で甚大な被害が出た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideyoshi originally had few relatives, and as Hidenaga TOYOTOMI, Tsurumatsu TOYOTOMI, Omandokoro, Asahihime (Hideyoshi's younger sister and Ieyasu's lawful wife) and others passed away one after another, it caused heavy damage to the Toyotomi government. 例文帳に追加

ただでさえ少なかった秀吉の縁者である豊臣秀長・豊臣鶴松・大政所・朝日姫らが、天正末期に次々と死去したことは、豊臣政権に大打撃を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshiaki MOGAMI had a deep hatred for Hideyoshi and the Uesugi clan, becauase he was infuriated by the decisions made by Hideyoshi and because he was grievously shocked by the death of his daughter Komahime, who was a concubine of Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI and, as instructed by Hideyoshi, executed in the Hidetsugu Incident. 例文帳に追加

この裁定と秀次事件における駒姫の死とが重なって、最上義光は秀吉や上杉氏に対して深い憎悪の念を抱いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takehiko FURUTA, who advocated the Kyushu Dynasty theory, claimed that there was a strong possibility that the ancestor of Tsukushi no Kimi, "Mikayori Hime," (Princess Mikayori) whose name was written in "Chikugo no Kuni Fudoki Itsubun" (a surviving fragment of the topography of Chikugo Province), was "Himika." 例文帳に追加

九州王朝説を唱えた古田武彦は、『筑後風土記逸文』に記されている筑紫君の祖「甕依姫」(みかよりひめ)が「卑弥呼(ひみか)」のことである可能性が高いと主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Taking Himeji-jo Castle as an example, only two structures, the four-roof donjon and the connected four-roof watari-yagura (the roofed-passage turret), have been designated national treasures; the other turrets, gates, walls and so forth of the castle complex have been designated important cultural properties. 例文帳に追加

姫路城の場合を例にとれば、国宝指定物件は4棟の天守とそれらをつなぐ4棟の渡櫓(わたりやぐら)のみであって、これら以外の櫓、門、塀などは重要文化財となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same year, Emishi and his son Iruka mobilized citizens including members of Prince Shotoku's family to construct their mausoleum, which made a daughter of Prince Shotoku, Princess Iratsume, very angry. 例文帳に追加

同年、蝦夷とその子の入鹿は自分たちの陵墓の築造のために、天下の民を動員、聖徳太子の一族の領民も動員されたため太子の娘の大娘姫王はこれを嘆き抗議した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On August 13, Tokyo City, Fukushima City, Toyohashi City, Gifu City, Otsu City, Toyama City, Takaoka City, Kanazawa City, Fukui City, Wakayama City, Sakai City, Amagasaki City, Himeji City, Okayama City, Onomichi City, Kure City, Hiroshima City, Tottori City, Takamatsu City, Marugame City and Kochi City 例文帳に追加

8月13日東京市、福島市、豊橋市、岐阜市、大津市、富山市、高岡市、金沢市、福井市、和歌山市、堺市、尼崎市、姫路市、岡山市、尾道市、呉市、広島市、鳥取市、高松市、丸亀市、高知市 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

All jochu who received a salary from the government were called "O-oku jochu" and it is said that O-oku jochu were also in families into which the shogun's daughters married, and to whom the shogun's sons were adopted. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに幕府から給金を支給されていた女中たちすべてを「大奥女中」と言い、実際には将軍家の姫君の輿入れ先や息子の養子先の大名家にも存在していたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is also an anecdote about Shogen OKUNO being a leader of the second troop; however, there is also a story which describes that he had to leave the group because Oishi ordered him to raise Naganori ASANO's illegitimate daughter without letting the bakufu know. 例文帳に追加

奥野将監にも同様に第二陣の大将とする逸話があるが、彼にはさらに浅野長矩の隠し子の姫を幕府に知られぬようこっそり育てる役目を大石から命じられていたためやむなく脱盟したという逸話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The area that the Ikuno daikansho ruled after the Meiji Restoration was, in the order of, Fuchu Court, then Kumihama Prefecture and finally as Ikuno Prefecture, and they were either partitioned or incorporated into Toyooka Prefecture, Himeji Prefecture, and Hokujo Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

明治維新後の生野代官所支配地は、府中裁判所、久美浜県、生野県となった後、豊岡県、姫路県、北条県に分割・編入された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were also monopolizations of Japanese lacquer and wax of the domains in the Tohoku region, Japanese wax trees (dye, timber, and sumac wax) of the southwest domains, cotton of the Himeji Domain, indigo plants of the Tokushima Domain, and sugar of the Satsuma Domain. 例文帳に追加

東北地方の諸藩の漆・蝋、西南諸藩のハゼノキ(染料・用材)・ハゼノキ(櫨の実を原料にした蝋)、姫路藩の木綿、徳島藩のアイ(植物)、薩摩藩の砂糖などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Anji Domain of Harima Province issued zenimonmesatsu (a kind of zenisatsu) with permission of the shogunate in 1822 under the influence of Himeji Domain, the large domain nearby, which resumed issuing bills in 1820. 例文帳に追加

播磨国安志藩は、近隣の大藩である姫路藩が文政3年(1820年)に札使いを再開したことに影響を受け、文政5年(1822年)に幕許を受けて銭札(銭匁札)を発行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Himeji Domain of Harima Province owned a typical ryokoku (daimyos' own territory)-style land in the core area of the Province, having a major influence even on the economy of the surrounding area which was a labyrinthian mixture of the territories of the shogunate, small domains and hatamoto. 例文帳に追加

播磨国姫路藩は同国の中核を担う典型的な領国型の領地を有しており、幕府領、小藩領、旗本領などが入り組んでいる周辺の地域経済にまで大きな影響力を有していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On a 2-axle Sanyo Railway train that left Himeji Station on December 8, a geisha on the 3rd grade car (16 years old) found herself alone with a man who was around 30 years old. 例文帳に追加

12月8日には同じ山陽鉄道で、姫路駅を出発した三等客車に乗車していた芸妓(当時16歳)が、二軸客車で30歳ぐらいの男と二人きりになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Richu married Kurohime, the grandchild of Sotsuhiko, as his wife to have ICHIBE no Oshiwa no Miko who married Haehime, the great-grandchild of Sotsuhiko, as his wife to have the later two emperors, Kenzo and Ninken. 例文帳に追加

また、履中は襲津彦の孫黒姫を后とし市辺押盤皇子を産み、その皇子は襲津彦の曾孫に当たる?媛(はえひめ)を后としてのちの顕宗、仁賢の2天皇を産んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 7 of that year, the lower house was established in the residence of Himeji domain in Tokyo gathering 227 lower house members from each domain and the foreign policy was picked up as an urgent matter. 例文帳に追加

この年の3月7日に東京の姫路藩邸に各藩の公議人227名を集めて公議所が設置されると、外交政策が急遽課題として取り上げられたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Princess Terute, who discovered the fact and secretly ran away from Yokoyama's residence, was charged with immorality and almost drowned in Sagami-gawa River, but was narrowly saved by a fisherman in Kanazawa Mutsuura. 例文帳に追加

この事実を知った照手姫も密かに横山の屋敷を抜け出したものの不義の罪により相模川に沈められかけるが、危ういところを金沢六浦の漁師によって助けられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the fisherman's wife was jealous of the stunning beauty of the Princess Terute and sold her to a human trafficker on Mutsuura beach after repeating various kinds of maltreatment against her; the Princess Terute was sold to different places one after another but remained faithful to Oguri to the end. 例文帳に追加

が、漁師の女房があまりに照手姫が美しいことを妬み、さまざまな虐待を繰り返し最後には、六浦浜で人買いの手に売り飛ばされ、各地に売られていくが、最後まで小栗への貞節を守り通す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this place, Oguri heard from a peddler about the Princess Terute who was a beautiful young woman staying with Yokoyama, the administrator of a town in Musashi Province and Sagami Province, and asked the peddler to deliver his letter to her. 例文帳に追加

この場所にて小栗は武蔵国・相模国の郡代横山のもとにいる美貌の娘である照手姫のことを行商人から聞かされ、文を商人に頼み渡す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Princess Terute was banished along Sagami-gawa River and then saved by Murakimi Dayu (performer Murakimi), but she was maltreated by the old woman of the house, and although she escaped the hardship under the protection of Senju Kannon (thousand-armed Buddhist deity of mercy), she was sold off to a human trafficker and then accepted in a general store in Aobaka, Mino Province, where she ended up being abused. 例文帳に追加

照手姫は相模川に流され、村君太夫に救われるが、姥の虐待を受けるが千手観音の加護で難を逃れたものの人買いに売り飛ばされ、美濃国青墓の万屋にもらわれ、こき使われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Oguri destroyed Yokoyama shortly, and after his death, Oguri was enshrined in Shohachiman in Sunomata, Mino Province (Hachiman-jinja Shrine in Sunomata-cho, Ogaki City) as a hero who revived after death, and the Princess Terute was also enshrined as a deity of romantic ties. 例文帳に追加

やがて小栗は横山を滅ぼし、死後は一度死んで蘇生する英雄として美濃墨俣の正八幡(八幡神社(大垣市墨俣町))に祀られ、照手姫も結びの神として祀られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Toshitaka IKEDA, a legitimate son of Terumasa IKEDA; Tadatsugu IKEDA, a legitimate son of Tokuhime (Princess Toku; keishitsu [second wife] of Terumasa and a daughter of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA); and Tadao IKEDA, an adopted younger brother of Tadatsugu were all shihon daimyos with their own domains. 例文帳に追加

池田輝政の嫡男池田利隆と輝政継室督姫(徳川家康娘)の嫡男池田忠継及びその弟で養子の池田忠雄がともに四品国主大名であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the clan became a retainer of his uncle Terumasa IKEDA, the lord of the Himeji clan, due to internal problems in inheriting the steward post, and was permitted to use the surname of Ikeda, and then established the Harima-Shingu clan. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、執事職相続の際の内紛が原因で舅であった姫路藩主池田輝政の家臣となり、更に池田姓を名乗ることを許され、播磨新宮藩を創設した家である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Records show that Haishakukin was lent to Kaga Domain for thirty thousand ryo, to Sendai Domain for fifteen thousand ryo, and to domains in Saigoku (western part of Japan) such as Himeji Domain, Wakayama Domain, and Saga Domain for two hundred kanme (unit of weight) of silver respectively. 例文帳に追加

加賀藩には3万両、仙台藩には1万5千両、西国の姫路藩・和歌山藩・佐賀藩には銀200貫目が貸与されたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though 'Otarashihime no byo jinja' (one of the head shrines of Usa-jingu Shrine) is included in Jimmyocho (List of Deities) in Engishiki (Codes and Procedures on National Rites and Prayers); however, 'Kashii-byo' (now Kashii-gu Shrine) is not included in Jimmyocho but included under the category of Shikiburyo in Engishiki, which indicates that there were cases where mausoleums were distinguished from shrines. 例文帳に追加

延喜式神名帳に「大帯姫廟神社」(現宇佐神宮本社の一つ)とあるが、一方では神名帳にないが延喜式の式部寮の項に「橿日廟」(現香椎宮)とあり、神社と区別されている例もあったらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After escaping from the home of Dayu, Anjuhime died from fatigue and hunger on her way to Kyoto on the steep road connecting Nakayama (Kasa-cho in Maizuru City) and Shimohigashi, and is said to have been buried by the nearby village people in respect. 例文帳に追加

太夫の家を逃れた安寿姫は、京都へ上がろうとする途中、中山(現在の舞鶴市加佐町)から下東へ出る坂で、疲労と空腹に堪え切れず最後を遂げたもので、地元の人々に手厚く葬られたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

April 21, 1986/Naiku and Geku: April 21, 2006; Aramatsurinomiya and Takanomiya: April 22; Tsukiyominomiya: April 23; Takiharanomiya and Izawanomiya: April 25; Kazahinominomiya and Yamatohimenomiya: April 27; Tsuchinomiya, Tsukiyominomiya and Kazenomiya: April 28 例文帳に追加

1986年4月21日/<内宮・外宮>2006年4月21日、<荒祭宮・多賀宮>4月22日、<月讀宮>4月23日、<瀧原宮・伊雑宮>4月25日、<風日祈宮・倭姫宮>4月27日、<土宮・月夜見宮・風宮>4月28日 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The residents of Iso-cho, which used to be a domain of Keikoin who was credited with re-establishing the Sengu, perform the Okabiki of the wood for the Tobiragi (wood for doors) of the Naiku from the Miya-gawa River via the Geku and Yamatohimenomiya to Naiku Uji workshop. 例文帳に追加

遷宮復活に功績のあった慶光院(けいこういん)に与えられた領地であった磯町の住民が、内宮扉木を宮川河畔から外宮、倭姫宮を経由して内宮宇治工作場まで陸曳で奉曳する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The residents of Ominato-cho, which used to be a terminal for wood transportation by ship, perform the Okabiki of the wood for the munamochi-bashira (pillars which rise from the ground to directly support the ends of the roof) of the Naiku from Yamatohimenomiya to Naiku Uji workshop. 例文帳に追加

伊勢湾岸にあり、海運当時の用材集積地であった大湊町の住民が、内宮棟持柱を倭姫宮から内宮宇治工作場まで陸曳で奉曳する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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